
Audience Appeal Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Early on, the success was predicated on a simple formula: find an existing story, make it as cute and wholesome as possible to maximize your potential audience."
"Horror movies are big business but...if they look at it that way then they start making them overly palatable to a wide audience...this types of horror movies though..."
"The reason people like The Office is because there is no laugh track, it's like it is dry, it's got that awkward silence."
"Happiness is a mindset. There are always, always, always gonna be bad things that happen in life. Anybody that tells you that you're always gonna be riding high, they're full of it."
"So you want to do a movie about women... make them sly and manipulative, people are going to be all down for it."
"The movie was a hit, and proved not only that audiences loved Deadpool but that an R-rated superhero movie could go over well with audiences."
"I know why people like this show, it's packed full of cliches but with the twists of being 183."
"Soul food! Gotta give the people what they want. That's a good time right there."
"Horror movies were primarily for a younger male audience... we became the first horror date movie." - Robert Englund
"Big head, loads of features, expressive face which you can do subtle stuff with and then a great body that's tiny underneath it - people love that, they just love it."
"J is killing this, like that could be 16 Jay Jay fits in a pocket he never seems corny never seems like he's doing too much."
"Guardians is a movie that needs to have the humor. That was one of the endearing things about it, it needs to have that comedy."
"What is already proven to work for mass audiences is the most attractive thing a business can implement into its presentation."
"That's why they're going after me now because they're like our audience will like an urban liberal New Yorker in the Bronx will watch Tim cast."
"Could the Saturday show even do Wednesday's numbers? It'll be a challenge, but if it's a better program with stars people want to see, it's possible."
"Give her all the money, man. That's what made people want to go in the first place." - Kevin Smith
"But overall, it's got a great plotline, great ships, great music, lots of nostalgia, and I just think it's a really good movie for young girls and older girls too because it's just so good."
"The best way to get anybody over is to deliver in the ring."
"Remember, we're not making stuff just because we like it. We want to make stuff that other people will like."
"Just because critics don't like it doesn't mean the audiences won't like it."
"People would like the content I would produce."
"Come for the T&A, stay for the experimental philosophy."
"This is a weird lack of clarity for a title that otherwise seems to be trying to appeal to a newer casual demographic."
"Please give it a season two let this [__] breathe because you got gold here."
"A multiplayer that appeals to casuals and competitors."
"Audrey Hepburn's beauty captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with her delicate features, expressive eyes, and radiant smile."
"If they keep being stupid and it's still entertaining, why would you not make the video?"
"Moore's suave charm, debonair demeanor, and sense of humor endeared him to audiences worldwide."
"With these forces combined, it's no wonder audiences continue to accept this mission."
"Diablo 4 seems torn between appealing to traditional hardcore ARPG fans and a broader, more casual audience."
"Marvel has that down with a lot of times making their lead characters, making them relatable and likable."
"This card does appeal to a certain audience though and that in itself is cool it appeals to those players out there and magic they were termed Johnny's spikes and Timmy's Timmy's are the guys who really like the big cards."
"The whole point of being a musician is us standing up on stage crying like please love me."
"Spider-Man far from home, by a pretty large margin, is the first Spider-Man movie since Raimi's films to sell 20 million tickets through six days."
"Aquaman grossed 105.7 million over the five-day holiday, winning females over in a big way."
"If you're watching this channel you're probably not subscribed because about 50 percent of you guys are not subscribed. Please subscribe to the channel. Thanks."
"Sci-fi for sci-fi sake isn't enough to bring in the masses... what Outlaw Star did was mix together the ideas of magic and technology, of the future and the past."
"I liked most about it. It appealed to a lot of leftists because of a long-standing distrust of the U.S. security state which we were exposing."
"It's the type of surreal comedy that audiences seem to really respond to today."
"I know my content is kind of varied, people might like it for that reason."
"Audience always is attracted to authenticity."
"People wanna see you get the [expletive] kicked out of you."
"Fighting games need to look good, dude. They have to appeal to people because some people want to get into it from the mechanics and some people want to see their characters looking awesome and doing awesome stuff."
"It's these kinds of practical solutions that I think make movies like Titanic work and hold up to today's standards."
"An actor that you're pretty much always happy to see pop up in any role."
"With good reason, because he has a ton of great content."
"Hopefully he'll do what Christopher Nolan did: make one for me and one for them."
"People like to watch Daredevils, people like to watch stuff where people could die or get hurt."
"I hope you're right because this movie deserves every freaking dollar."
"Eric Foreman was beloved by audiences... he was the focal point."
"Aladdin gave us everything we wanted... with a more nuanced and sophisticated story."
"People pay to see something extraordinary that they've never seen."
"Horror is shown that if you do a good horror, people will come see it."
"The real reason everyone loves this show is because of the characters."
"DC has a huge advantage... they're really open to anything, for audiences, we'll take it."
"They keep making purge movies because everyone goes to see them."
"This match was just yes a spot Fest but everyone got to look like a million bucks."
"The Suicide Squad is a excellent R-rated movie."
"Movies are experiential events. Well, when you have great sound and great projection, people go."
"Gerard helped the series ratings a lot so his approach appears to be what people wanted."
"If you're funny, you're funny, and if you're funny, people [expletive] with you."
"He is a great performer, he had such a nice simple clean routine."
"It's the attraction the moviegoers look for when they helped Infinity train break all those records left and right."
"There is a place for people on YouTube... his aura attracts a certain audience."
"Sometimes you don't need all the serious messaging and the flashy animation, you know?"
"He deserves a damn discussion video alright."
"The Traverse is through and through a mommy mobile just like any other three-row family crossover. However, for Gen3, they wanted to appeal more to a male audience as well."
"I think people like a romantic story. I think, at least they did at that time, and I hope they would now. I think that was the success of the book, and I think there's no reason that it shouldn't be the same for a film."
"The winner of the competition is not the person who cooks the best, right? It's the funniest person, the person who wins the hearts of the fans."
"Nobody's going to book somebody for something unless they feel like people are going to spend their money to come see my shows."
"It's just setting the foundation, but I hope if you are someone that's interested in this sort of thing, I hope this will be a really good video."
"...Raiders of the Lost Ark, with its iconic opening sequence, won over audiences with Indiana Jones' swashbuckling adventures..."
"Jack doesn't evolve into some wretched deviant that twerks and eats garbage. Who he was is largely still intact only elevated to appeal to a more mature audience."
"When you're flipping, one of the reasons we use white is because it's more neutral, it appeals to a broader audience."
"People will not go and see a movie where there is a man who is so unassuming but also so undefeatable, you know what I mean?"
"Drawing like what fans and editors want to see is only to your advantage."
"...if the audience likes you, you got a twin brother you don't know about or a clone or a prequel you're coming back whether you like it or not."
"As long as I'm dancing, acting or rapping, walking around like I don't know what's happening, you like me."
"If you program something that people really want to see with a good build and a good story and something relatable, people will watch it."
"Trailers are an art in general, like to get a trailer to be epic enough and interesting enough to get an audience member to pay 15, 16, 20 to watch it at a theater, that's an art."
"I was like, people will love that bit."
"We have a lot more flexibility in what we can do, we can decide to do a project that might not make money, but is something that people will like."
"Understanding which videos appeal to different audiences is pretty interesting."
"He knew that his music, for better or for worse, would never appeal to a wider audience."
"I think she's probably one of the best characters to come from recent seasons."
"Fox studio head Daryl F. Zanuck thought him the perfect candidate for flashy, colorful adventure films, and audiences enthusiastically agreed."
"The last and perhaps the most important quality every great protagonist needs to have is the ability of being someone that the audience can find entertaining."
"The musicians in the Chicago Orchestra understood that making these extra efforts led to their success and popularity with audiences."
"People love the baby goat segment."
"You have a rated R film for adults, make an adult movie, not for baby brains, please, thank you."
"Popular characters either have one or more of these features that I've talked about."
"When you have that much talent, this is the reason he fills out arenas."
"Such a great show, there's so much to like about this series."
"I think Chrissy is someone that production would want back."
"He's extremely likable, he's extremely fun to watch."
"I think that for a certain audience, this is really going to hit all the marks."
"Simple elegance, the end that Nancy Kerrigan spiral moment, it's what the people want in skating."
"This needs to be the direction of the main roster both on Raw and Smackdown for the foreseeable future."
"It's filled with as many things that drive me to the multiplex as an audience member as there are elements that will entertain families and kids."
"Awkwardness is kind of cute, and a first kiss especially. The audience will love it, and the judges will score high," Journey explained.
"It's not for you to try to outshine him, your job, your objective is I want his crowd to love me too."
"It's a simple model that skips past the industry and cuts to the basics of how to make a good film that people want to watch."
"They have this energy and this presence that the audience will go for it if you give them the right vehicle."
"I got to give it to Noel, not only is she fun, but she is stunning in her confessionals."
"This is what people want to see, the great pass, the finish."
"Keep the goddamn themes in there; it's great, and audiences love it."
"This Chef single-handedly swept away millions of votes with his fantastic presentation and delicious dish."
"I'm convinced a wider audience will enjoy this."
"I really like it, I think you guys are gonna love it too."
"It's fresh formula and its style of the comedy resonates with the audience."
"She is able to win a competition, she's able to get some respect there, she's able to win over the audience."
"It's going to appeal to a different audience, to home users, to Semi-Pro DJs."
"The more complexity you add to it, the better, because people like to see that."
"That's some story, Ryan. People will love it."
"It's funny and real and applause-worthy."
"If you look at the movies that are doing well, they're movies that audiences like."
"Over the last 15 years, Marvel Studios and Pixar have been two of the most consistent film studios in producing hit films that both audiences and critics love."
"Proves there's still an audience for original content if it's, you know, good."