
Music Taste Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Who's to say that young girls who like pop music - short for popular, right? - have worse musical taste than a 30-year-old hipster guy?"
"If this doesn't speak to your soul in a different way than the random pop music, then I would suggest that you think a little bit more deeply about the kind of music you listen to."
"There's no rock to it, it's all just sweet. It's all like, yeah, there is no."
"I think certain music is subjective. If I hate it, it's trash for me."
"If your music is good, you're gonna have me. And if it ain't, you're not."
"What's the newest [ __ ] I listen to? Probably, uh, 'Only for the Generals: Gate [ __ ].'"
"There's only two kinds of music, good music and bad music."
"Um, I think it's like a genre in its own, I feel like it's, I mean I'm a big avid fan of like Kid Cudi, okay, um the early stage, you know when he was like raging, like even though he still does it but just not as much anymore."
"Why don't clubs pull songs like these? Literally, this one, the songs that would make everybody go wild."
"We've got a single CD of this is totally disco funky outdated music mix."
"But I like the song as corny as it was I liked it I don't think that you deserve the death threat so remember that."
"Playboy Cardi has actually been growing on me recently. I'm kind of scared and I'm really excited for that Playboy Cardi and Trippie Redd collab they're gonna be dropping."
"This topped the last one, that's my favorite now."
"It's honestly amazing to be in a relationship with someone who likes the same music as you because we never fight over what we're listening to."
"I don't understand how it might just not be for you. Yes, there's objectively bad music, but like, this one just might not be for you, and that's okay."
"Songs today, man, it's always pop music, a lot of it's always stunk, you know what I mean?"
"Wonderwall's definitely up there. It's like the greatest idiot detector of all time, right? As soon as you hear somebody like choosing to sing that song, you know they're never worth talking to again."
"If that's your musical taste, you're not gonna be disappointed."
"You like what you like and you don't need to pretend or apologize for your taste in music."
"What do you think he's listening to? Probably heavy metal or hard rock."
"You look like a kid that listens to alternative pop."
"Just because of your taste in music, JD is fire."
"I feel like if you watch my channel the only music that you think I listen to is like five seconds of summer."
"Mic drop. What kind of music do you like? Oh, I love metal music. It's my favorite. Oh, cool. How did you get into that? Emotional damage."
"I was actually a fan of a lot of different [expletive], like, Mumford & Sons, Kings of Leon, Coldplay. Yeah, I got a wide variety of music on 30."
"People compliment your taste in music and the playful energy you have."
"There's nothing special about your taste in music."
"He listens to Phil Collins. Anyone that listens to Phil Collins is a sweetheart with a sweet taste in music, baby."
"My two S tier bands are Opeth and Tool."
"You date someone, you tend to start to listen to the music they like, you order the same foods that they like."
"I try to listen to songs that I wouldn't normally listen to."
"My most played song of the year was a Hans Zimmer song. Can you believe it?"
"There's no artist out here, there's no band, there's no singular song that every single person in the world likes."
"Hello everyone, my name is Bradley. I have a brad taste of music."
"Jason Todd has an iPod that he fills with songs from Metallica or Slipknot, but he has a secret playlist that's full of pop songs because he's a pop punk."
"I don't think I could ever date someone who loves Taylor Swift."
"We're here to talk about it, we're here to discuss it, we're here to share our experience, our shared experience, and then our also our individual experience and our taste in music, which is very different."
"If you don't love Silver, Blue and Gold, there's something wrong with you. Are you even a Bad Company fan if you don't?"
"I like to listen to all different kinds of music."
"As we all get older, our taste in music changes."
"I've been listening to stuff that I know some people kind of consider singer-songwriter, but I just like good songs."
"I'm not ashamed of my taste in music; I like to have a good time."
"I genuinely don't know but if you go to my liked songs on Spotify, it's all my kid's music."
"Hello everyone, my name is Bradley. I have a bread taste of music."
"Skating was the source of everything, especially his music taste."
"I loved third eye blind, I love death cab for cutie, a big fan of the killers."
"I love you regardless of what you listen to."
"Good music is good music, and good rock and roll is good rock and roll."
"I have the most eclectic taste in music."
"I love music enough to even blindly come out and say, yes, I listen to dinner jazz."
"Music is subjective; your top 50 list could look completely different than mine and that's okay."
"Once again, George Harrison being the epitome of good taste."
"Musical preferences and song choices are related to personality."
"He has good music taste, he dresses good."
"I prefer the ones that are really kind of sad and heart-wrenching."
"What is your favorite music genre? Guys, my favorite is '90s rock."
"I'd rather listen to one great song per week. I hate crappy music."
"Moral of the story, I think TikTok tends to have good music taste."
"I listen to what my daughter likes to listen to."
"I don't know why but when I hear a cheesy love song made by a rapper, sometimes I end up rocking with it."
"I really like it. I like Suga, I like his style of rapping from what I've heard so far."
"My music taste is so hard to describe; it's literally everything except for the songs I don't like."
"I grew up with a very wide group of friends which gave me a very world view of music."
"I'm all over the place with a lot of different music."
"No Air is literally the representation of my music taste, it is really EDM heavy and I just absolutely adore that."