
Change Acceptance Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Different strokes for different folks. Just because you don't like a change doesn't mean someone else shouldn't like it either."
"The sooner you embrace this change and you move on from something that's stagnant, the sooner you're going to get your blessings."
"Holding on to our normal causes us more pain than letting go and accepting where we are today."
"Embrace change, it leads to rebirth and new beginnings."
"Accepting the endless cycle of change helps big and small fears fade away."
"It's constant to never deny change... always bring new energy, new guys who question the old beliefs."
"The way it's done here, I get it, I get why they made the changes."
"You need to embrace the changes because nothing can grow or evolve without that forward movement."
"Embrace change and let go of old thought patterns for growth."
"It's okay to change your mind and get back into the relationship if they do grow and change."
"Step into the energy of change, embrace transformation."
"It's really hard to admit that the context of something has changed."
"But at the same time, I also want to acknowledge the changes that have happened, the opinions and stances towards certain topics that I no longer share."
"Change is unavoidable, there is no going back."
"The train has left the station in that regard now officially and formally and not coming back."
"The primaris again, something people were initially not at all happy with now it's largely been accepted and is at most a grumbling annoyance in that sense while people always have these very vocal emotional reactions to any change."
"Change is good guys, change is pretty good sometimes."
"Accept change with joy; the greatest saga in human history is being played out."
"Change is good; otherwise, it wouldn't be here."
"Embrace change; it's bringing in good stuff."
"Embrace change, trust the change, know that you do deserve this change."
"You need to get used to change; it's coming your way."
"So many people, you know, they don't like change, but this is a good one."
"You can change the thing we love, just respect the thing we used to love."
"Stop waiting for things to go back to the way they were. They won't."
"Every relationship is a gift, even the painful ones."
"Life is all about movement, growth, and impermanence."
"Trust the process... when people understand and accept change they ride the waves of this lifetime with great eagerness success and abundance."
"Some change is better than no change at all."
"Change is uncomfortable, but it's inevitable."
"I firmly believe that the only thing that's certain is uncertainty and change will always occur."
"If you don't believe that people change, grow, evolve as they get older, I don't know what to tell you."
"Let the tower fall, Leo, let the tower fall."
"Change is good, we got to Embrace change and this is a big big year for change so it's very important for us to you know just get over it get used to it, it's the only constant we're here to evolve."
"Nothing stays the same. Your belief that it should as well will harm you."
"Facing a series of challenges meant to emotionally open you up to the idea of changing."
"Even if things end, they get replaced with newer things or renewed."
"Embrace change, it's leading to a big ending."
"Embrace the shift, embrace some form of change, allow the universe in."
"This incoming change is actually just blowing that all the way."
"Expecting the fact that the way that it's going to be is the way that it'll always be. Things are changing right now, and if you play your cards right, they are going to change for the better."
"We wanted to change things up. It's not always going to be what you want it to be."
"In order for newness to come forth, we have to experience the breaking of what was once held or created."
"It's going to be okay. Don't be afraid of change, don't be afraid of embracing something new."
"There is an inevitability about endings and newness coming through."
"We thought it could go on and just continue... now everything has changed."
"Change is here, change is the overall energy."
"Making the choice to embrace uncertainty changes everything."
"All of your old stuff that used to freak everybody else out have been washed away like footprints in the sand."
"Let's not pretend that everything be the same when I went in there."
"Minds change and you should expect your mind to change."
"At the end of the day, we evolve, we grow, and we change."
"Things have always changed and anybody who's been here for a while knows that."
"Life is too short to hope that a friend will change."
"Change is constant. Don't be distracted by disruption; seek the gift within it."
"Surrender to the changes and wait; right now is not a time for action, but that time will come."
"People deserve to be able to change especially when they have the courage to admit that what they did was wrong."
"It's not bad, it's just a different thing. It's always different."
"Nothing wrong with change. Nothing wrong with it."
"The past is the past. We cannot help it. The industrial revolution is over."
"Nothing in life is permanent; everything will change."
"Change will always be there. Whether good or bad, it's inevitable."
"Just remember that all it's doing is making room, room for something good."
"Holding on to today the expense of tomorrow because to grow is to detach and some bridges must be burned, some lines must be cut, some chapters must end for a recreation to begin."
"Everything is transient; nothing ever stays the same."
"Give yourself permission to be in this in-between space and welcome the changes to the best of your ability."
"That's what I would have said a few months ago, but things have changed since then."
"Resistance is not a bad thing, it simply means something is changing."
"It's okay to have the change happening because what looked like it was stable actually wasn't. It wasn't a waste of time, you learned a very important lesson. You're gonna be okay."
"Speak what you want into existence and live your life. Changes will come."
"I just love seeing that happen like human psychology people being like no it's so different I just don't like it and then they start loving it it's just crazy."
"We'll never go back, even if everything was solved and we had a vaccine. Never."
"That's crazy isn't it, it's just time to change."
"Embracing change, understanding that change is the only constant in the universe and that we just have to kind of embrace the mystery, let go of what is known."
"Sometimes we fall in love with an older version of a person. Accept the change and move forward."
"Sometimes what was there before just doesn't need to be there."
"People changed, things changed, and so did I."
"Do not resist change, embrace the opportunities it brings."
"Accept change. Embrace life's dynamic nature and flow with it artfully."
"Life is a constant expansion of our comfort zone. Embracing change and unpredictability is essential for growth."
"Any decision they make is gonna crack eggs."
"Change is happening, it's inevitable. Get over it, it's a fact."
"Life changes, people change, so..."
"The more we trust that formless loving presence behind the appearances, the more we're able to hold and cherish this changing life."
"The dragons have gone, so I might as well just enjoy it."
"It's all about recognizing, accepting change, and profiting from the change."
"I'm not obligated to be the person I was a minute ago."
"It's okay to pivot; it's okay to evolve."
"If you are holding on to what was, you cannot possibly bring in what is."
"Don't fear the change, embrace it."
"Some things you can still go back to, others you gotta move forward."
"Sometimes change is good, even though things can be great."
"Embrace change, embrace the new that's coming for you very soon."
"Change is the only constant, of course."
"Embrace the changes, embrace the new beginning that's coming towards you."
"Embrace the changes that are happening; they're not bad, they're here to bring structure."
"What moves forward, moves forward naturally; there's a natural cycle and rhythm to the way that change is harbored."