
Pest Control Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"I think we end up catching 30-40 rats out of there."
"For all of you Clean My Space community members who have asked me how to get rid of ants, here is your answer: baking soda will help you get rid of ants."
"In 2016, detector dogs like Murray quarantined 1.7 million items intercepting more than 60,000 harmful pests."
"Probably the simplest and most effective way to protect your plants from any kind of pests and bugs is gotta be these hoop house covers."
"Organic gardening creates less and less need for pest control."
"Neem oil is so effective on just about every creepy crawly. It also works on fungus and bacteria like powdery mildew and rust."
"Sanitation is the most effective and important step in reducing pests."
"However, if you do want to take preventive measures and making sure that they don't get any pests in the future, you know, spray them with a natural insecticide at least once a month."
"By removing the brown leaves, you're taking away an environment for pests and fungus to develop."
"Think carefully what you'd rather put up with: centipedes that scare you but are actually helpful or losing the house wall as it's being devoured from the inside."
"To get rid of snails and slugs you need a beer trap like the one that I'm going to introduce."
"Having your house infested by ants is one thing, don't let someone cast an ant multiplication spell or trap, you'll be in hell."
"The purpose of wooden coat hangers is to help repel pesky insects and avoid fungal growth."
"After battling all those rats, I finished my staircase down to the abandoned mine shaft."
"It's a bit of a track for me. It's a two-hour drive but the drive is worth it. It's covered in like rats. Um, we've got squirrel permissions now."
"All the ones we've been killing have been females, which is good if we're trying to eradicate them."
"Protect yourself and your property against all these threats—it's more than just buying a few cans of raid."
"Rodents at their worst are harmful pests, damaging food stores and spreading disease."
"Well, she was trying to get an exterminator to come and remove the situation."
"One more question and then I'm going to get that hemipteran that's been plaguing us oh my god they really suck."
"Disney World is its own City, and they constantly spray for mosquitoes." - An intriguing insight into Disney's meticulous mosquito management strategies.
"Trapping has been the magical thing that has helped me win my war on flies."
"I think the most important thing is just educating yourself if you are 100 percent unsure as to what bug you're dealing with."
"Rats are absolutely taking over New York City."
"Start preventive spraying two weeks before pests arrive, then every 10-14 days."
"How to get rid of crickets: glue traps and natural options like boric acid."
"Wooden coat hangers... they bring a nice scent to your closet plus they repel bugs."
"They can live their gopher life somewhere else or in gopher heaven."
"What's going on gardeners, it's Thursday, April 27th, and the pests are starting to wake up here on the Southeastern coast of North Carolina."
"One thing I've been doing with great success for years is interplanting my pest susceptible vegetables with alliums—onions, garlic, leeks, and shallots—because the natural scent of alliums repels pests."
"The city is applying pesticide to reduce the threat of the West virus."
"I really hope they use an excess of bug spray."
"It's time to make the mosquito come to fear our extinctive powers."
"If you're not willing to kill a mouse, don't use a sticky trap."
"Every bat eats a thousand mosquitoes a day."
"Rather than letting this be a place where the pests continue to matriculate and where diseases continue to get spread, I'm going to just pull this out of my garden entirely."
"Ladybugs feed on aphids and other flower pests. They can be a great help in the garden."
"Centipedes prey on small insect pests, controlling the population of cockroaches, midges, flies, termites, and other bugs."
"If you cut off their food source and you cut off their places to hide then your kitchen is not a desirable place for them to be."
"...the squash bugs here last about 6 weeks maybe 8 weeks and then we can plant a second round of zucchini and guess what they don't get squash bugs because their life cycle is over later in the summer."
"The only good spider is a dead spider is the way I feel, snakes are included."
"Sometimes they eat the pests that are bothering our houses, or our fish population, or other ecosystems."
"I saw the locust. I mean cockroach today. It was on the ceiling of the cabin next to one of the emergency lights."
"Bracken Cave: home to the largest colony of bats in the world, providing invaluable pest control service."
"The Ultra Air Blast sprayer is perfect for reducing the time required for controlling all kinds of pests in agricultural areas."
"Mosquitoes are really not the strongest flyer, so some good breeze and wind can really disrupt their flying."
"...helps you get rid of your Gat problem a little bit faster."
"One of the best ways to get rid of slugs is to make homes for the things that eat them: snakes, toads, frogs, and beetles."
"If you have critters, definitely, you know, like, if there's a possibility that you might have some mice or something, don't use food."
"Spiders can help us by eating insects."
"The only time we use any slug pellets on the nursery - and we only ever use the organic ones - is when our hosta eyes are sitting up with their noses like this - about the thickness of your finger - and we put a few around and then they open up and we leave them."
"People bring us in pieces of plants they need ID or pieces of plants that have pests on them. Okay, we usually ask, bring us more than a single leaf. Okay, like a partial leaf. And then bring pictures of your plant also."
"Literally floated the stink bugs right up out of it."
"Every day, two a day, I do trap for Gophers. I do trap them if they pop up here and there."
"The 22 LR is also the most popular Pest Control cartridge in the world. It's quiet enough to be unobtrusive, slow enough to minimize collateral damage, and powerful enough to get the job done."
"She said that there was a there she found a dead one and when they came in they said this house was very infested and we told her we found multiple bed bugs."
"Feeding too much excess food is going to attract unwanted pests, the biggest one being fungus gnats."
"In our experience, the Ripashi works really well for maintaining them while also keeping a pest-free environment."
"My landlord painted over a roach. I fixed it."
"The biggest mistake people moving to Oahu make concerning pest control is believing that there are only giant corporations out there that do pest control."
"These are the fungus gnat methods that I have tried, which is definitely most of them, I would say, that people would suggest to you on different forums and things."
"I really do not recommend treatment-free beekeeping. I would much prefer to give them something that I know works and something that I know alleviates the pressure of those pests and those viruses and those diseases to make sure my bees are as healthy as they possibly can be."
"I think it's a very effective method to controlling pests and ticks and all that stuff so probably going to be a new annual routine."
"You bring them in and you kill them. Then you're killing the predators in your area with your pesticides that you're afraid to let go of, like fill those houses again. Yeah, exactly."
"If you want to get rid of these rats, just gather all the cheese and peanut butter in the house and throw it outside to distract them."
"I'm just trying to eliminate the flying insects situation so I'm trying to keep the temptation away by covering up anything that might have an alluring odor to it, might draw flies and flying insects."
"We used to get a lot of bugs, spiders, roaches."
"Have you ever had any pest problems in the winter?"
"Milky Spore gets rid of their food source, Repel X forces them out of your yard."
"Chickens are great for helping us with our grasshopper population."
"Ducks help control snails and other pests, and their waste acts as a natural fertilizer for the land."
"Just be aware there are pest control companies here that deal that every single day."
"By not having a large variety in one small area, that also helps with pest control."
"Repeat visits, repeat visits, and getting the numbers down so that eventually we can maybe get total eradication."
"Having just this tick-free zone, clearing leaf litter, makes all the difference. So in Carlisle, Bedford, depends on where you live, but certain woody areas you really need to make this a priority."
"It's a trap plant it is both fertilizer and a trap plant its purpose is to draw the bugs to it instead of to the tomato you know so the bug's been attacking yet and not the tomato and it doesn't seem to mind much."
"These predatory mites feed off of the mites that are on the centipede, so in time we'll eventually kill them all off."
"...mealybugs can come in just if you leave windows open they can come in through your windows they can get attached to your clothes when you're outside and you can bring them in that way."
"We use blue because blue doesn't attract as many bugs."
"We're like the Ghostbusters of bedbugs. Anybody that has a bug infestation, anything, I promise you, DM me, DM me, and I will help you."
"Mealybugs love a warm and moist environment so I think I probably created a pretty perfect breeding ground for them."
"The only way that we found to be successful most of the time to keep them out of the bees is with an electrified barbed wire fence."
"Basil makes a great companion plant for tomatoes because tomato hornworms find the tomato plant through smell."
"...so I actually do not have a fungus gnat issue in my home because I'm quite often using a mix that's very heavy in perlite and orchid bark."
"The only way to get rid of mice is to kill them."
"For weeks my parents have been at war against a very resourceful rat and I've been begging them to call a pest control guy but no, my dad would rather balance a banana on a 2x4 over a garbage can full of water like a [__] cartoon cat."
"...putting up these little sticky non-toxic non-poisonous fly traps really helps..."
"The rats disappeared in a twinkling up a drain pipe and that was the end of them."
"I hate flies. I ordered an electric tennis racket. I am the Wimbledon champion of the world at my house."
"...if a garden is pretty packed with plants I very very rarely see any kind of pest or disease concern..."
"Praying mantis, these are the best thing you can do for your greenhouse or for your garden."
"I have had no squash bugs, I've had no squash vine borers, nothing for the last two years. The only one thing that I have done different is I have used Dr. Earth's Golden Bloom liquid phosphorus."
"How would you like to make your own termite monitoring stations for less than 50 cents each?"
"So, as soon as I unpacked a month ago, I had to immediately repack everything up so that exterminators could come spray our whole house down for roaches, not once, but twice."
"The overarching theme of having fewer pests in the garden always comes down to soil health."
"If my crops get really buggy, I just don't sell them."
"Rich people can still get bed bugs too just keep an eye out yeah for sure bed bugs you can't really see until they spread through your whole house and you're getting bit it can go unnoticed for years yeah see I was right"
"The number one way to deal with small Hive beetles is to have a low veroa might level when you have low verite levels that mean your hive is a lot healthier and they are much better at guarding the hive against small Hive beetles"
"I've been literally killing wasps like Tomb Raider or something."
"The only sure-fired way to get rid of all the roaches and roach seeds is to tint the house like termite tint the house except tint it for bed bugs."
"They are also very good at catching bugs and morsels in your yard."
"If we have four months of gopher season then we going to have to chase some other kind of pests in the non-gopher season, right?"
"If you kill adult foxes before they have cubs, you're nipping it in the bud before it becomes a problem."
"The worst part is when the mouse isn't dead yet... he chases it all over the bedroom."
"Garlic may also have earned some anti-vampire cred for its ability to disrupt blood-sucking pests."
"You're going to be using your IPM procedures."
"Chances are that you will not escape the bedbugs."
"Milky spore and Repellex work best in conjunction together."
"One pound does a thousand square feet."
"The birds have been our biggest pest so far."
"We've got some more pigeons that are attacking a field of rape but the pigeons are knocking it back so bad that something needs to be done about it"
"Rat bait works sometimes but cats usually work better."
"Whether you're going to use the synthetics or not it's important to to understand that they've got to be kind of part of your cocktail right you know one weapon in the Arsenal that you reach for it can't just be the end-all be-all of everything."
"The goal of an IPM program is to prevent pests from reaching economically or aesthetically damaging levels with the least risk to the environment."
"One rat eating one piece of double bubble is like you eating this much and he goes in their stomach doesn't digest they die of starvation apparently in a couple days so I don't know it was amazing."
"Pest control with delicious benefits. We are definitely eating well tonight. It was silky smooth as well. Silky smooth. I've been called many things in my life, David. Silky smooth is not one of them, so for that, I thank you."
"Giving spacing reduces the whitefly."
"I'm just, like, so happy to see the results of months of spider mite treatments."
"It's just so, so nice to see pest-free plants."
"Clean leaves are also a pest preventative."
"You should get peacocks or guinea hens. Oh, they eat not only mosquitoes but ticks and other bugs as well. Peacocks offer an excellent security system as they will let you know whenever anyone comes in your yard."
"The facility spends up to a million dollars a year on predatory insects this is to eliminate or reduce the amount of pesticides needed for the plants."
"Just treat your plants preventively even if you don't see bugs because sometimes they're there and you don't see them."
"The most important thing that I have found is finding out literally after we got rid of the it was two mice okay we found where they were coming in through so you can eliminate that and clear up that problem."
"When those herbs are drying in your home, it actually helps to keep pests away."
"When people ask me if a Venus fly trap is good for catching gnats, I always reply with no and say that you've got to get one of these pings because they're so much more efficient for catching gnats and fruit flies."
"They reproduce and reproduce, and we've been having a tough time trying to figure out how to get rid of them."
"They kill bad insects. Hey, good for spiders."
"It's a good plan, especially if you've got like mosquitoes or other just irritating insects that make spending time in the lawn less fun."
"It treats mosquitoes, gnats, chinch bugs, roaches, a lot of the bugs that we really hate."
"Whenever birds eat crops on a farm, you need a scarecrow to get rid of them, right?"
"Berghia nudibranchs come in, they're basically the ultimate aptasia killers."
"Fish are very useful and important form of pest control on tanks."
"Guinea fowl are really great for pest management; they're also really loud so they can work kind of as alarm animals."
"I've been living in an RV for more than seven years, and it's been three years since I've had a single mouse."
"Sanitation is the only sure cure for the house fly menace."
"The flies this year have been unbelievably, overwhelmingly bad."
"So are assassin snails good at controlling pest snails? In my opinion, yes."
"The main reason for putting up bat houses is that the bats eat insects."
"Neem oil protects against aphids, white flies, spider mites, powdery mildew, black spot."
"You ultimately need a good container with a really good lid because you always want to make sure that you keep out all moisture and all pests."
"I love ladybugs in the garden because they're eating all the aphids and all the bad stuff you don't want on your flowers."
"Peppermint oil spray you can really use to mask the scent of your garden to keep the bad bugs from finding your plants."
"The pheromone traps I think are the gold standard of moth prevention."
"These snakes do an incredible amount of good by helping to balance the pest populations."
"As it turns out, dragonflies may be our best friends as they hunt hundreds of the mosquitoes per hunt."
"Alberta's rat control program involves a publicly funded team of rat inspectors and assassins."
"Alberta is like the perfect place to try to make a place rat-free geographically."
"It's a constant battle dealing with the pests, but once you got a net on the tree, you get all the fruit you want."
"Every bug that's trapped in that interceptor device is a bug that's not feeding on you."
"The number one way to get rid of beetles in your hive is to keep them out in the sun as much as you can."
"TrapView is essentially a pest trap on steroids."
"It's called Integrated Pest Management and not just Pest Management."
"It's also called Pest Management, it's not called pest elimination."
"Prevention is always better than cure; a potential pest problem must not be ignored."
"Understand what fighting varroa mites really looks like in an informed context that takes into account the biology of the creature that you're trying to fight."
"Controlling mites and controlling the viruses they spread means that it's really a year-round problem."
"You just need to start with a good strong healthy colony that means good nutrition, minimized pests and diseases as much as possible."
"You will be able to defeat this problem; you will be able to eliminate your bed bug issue."
"Detecting infestations early on is critical to managing the stress on the people who are suffering from bed bugs."
"Sweet alyssum actually brings in the beneficial insects that are going to eat the aphids."
"We're super grateful for you providing that for us and helping us keep some of the pests at bay."
"Anything that repels pests or alters the growth of pests or kills pests are pesticides."
"It's a good thing because a lot of places are trying to really either eradicate or really cut down on the number of hogs that are tearing up farmland."
"Most of the control for cockroaches is non-chemical; it's sanitation and excluding them."
"Our whole purpose of existence is to reduce pesticide use in California by developing non-chemical or alternative methods to control pests."
"A responsible applicator will follow good practices that result in effective pest control with little risk to the environment."
"This is a great plant, and I bet once I get the thrips under control, it's just going to be pumping out new growth."
"If you were having trouble with birds in your garden or rats in your barns, you would buy one of these in 0.25 caliber."
"I would generally consider pesticides a last resort. I want to try and discourage the pests from even being attracted and being successful in that field."
"Prolong the efficacy of the products that we do have."
"100 percent kill, we don't want any survivors."
"High volume and pressure... these are contact insecticides."
"Leave some representative check strips so that you can see how the application did."
"If you can understand the target pest, I think you'll do a good job of recognizing how to sample it and make timely treatment decisions."
"Integrated Pest Management... shows people that you can resolve a situation without the use of any pesticide at all."
"If you aren't able to be humane in your pest control, then you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."
"I much rather have a snake in my backyard than rats in my pantry eating my food."
"We are on the road once again, heading out to a dairy farm to spend the day doing some pest control."
"A bat will hunt up to a few hundred mosquitoes in an hour, so we like bats, they're on our side."
"Thank your local possum next time you see one, they eat an enormous amount of ticks."
"Hedgerows... house beneficial insects, those insects are the things that attack the pests in the garden area."
"If you want ticks and fleas and creepy crawlies that run around near your hives, you may consider a flock of free-ranging chickens."
"Early detection is the key; we need to find infestations as early as possible because when we locate them early, they tend to be quite small, they can be remedied easily and relatively inexpensively."
"I like to have birds in the garden because some of them can be quite efficient at getting rid of insect pests."
"We used to have really bad Japanese beetle problems and now we don't because the ones that come in our yard do not last thanks to these girls."
"The belief has been that it's a non-toxic method of pest control that's really based on Resident sanitation."
"The Cockroaches really appreciate it, so yes, this does help the populations do very well, this lack of Sanitation."
"By day 60 we had a 90 to 98 percent reduction in trap catch in all the units regardless of what bait we used."
"They're prone to the same pests as most houseplants, so what's nice about them is these really broad white leaves, it's so much easier to clean them."
"Laundering items in hot water of at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 to 30 minutes will kill all stages of insects."
"Proper fumigation will kill moths at all stages."
"Over the course of 2022, the barn cat of the year race was the fiercest one we've ever seen."
"Killing pests reduces damage to crops, increases the yield, and creates more profits for farmers."
"Chickens and ducks can be excellent at controlling pests around the property or the home garden."
"Utilizing nature to help reduce the mosquito population."
"Marigolds are a natural pesticide; it'll keep away the big tomato hornworm and other stuff."
"Can I add nematodes to my worm bin to combat fungus gnats? Yes, this is a great idea."
"Remember, you're not just helping to keep down the psyllids, you're also helping with scale and aphids and other problems you can have on your citrus."
"The best way to control small hive beetles is to keep strong, healthy colonies."