
Cyclical Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"The whole story of human history may be cyclic, not linear."
"Macaulay Culkin describes it as a funny joke that is pushed so hard that it's no longer funny, and then it goes full circle and becomes funny again, making it even funnier."
"For it will always end how it had begun... Behold.. The rising.. Sun."
"Violence like all there is is the cycle of violence."
"The most emotional and just wonderfully cyclical, they're fantastic."
"Know that the way in which you are being guided comes full circle."
"The tide goes out, but it always comes back in."
"This is crazy, we're literally back where it all began."
"Once the funds for the benefits expire, we'll be right back at square one once again."
"The beginning is the end, the end is the beginning."
"Revenge will only give birth to more revenge."
"It's an ending and a beginning, it's kind of a time warp, if you will."
"In the Grand Arena of love, the end is just the beginning."
"This is history repeating itself."
"What goes around always comes around."
"Nothing is new Under the Sun what was will be again it happens over and over and over."
"The story in itself is cyclical, is circular, is round, is roundabout because we complete the loop by ending in the same place we started."
"Life is cyclical, history is cyclical, so it's like you want to take advantage of the season you're in and have some perspective."
"Life is cyclical, with times of greater and lesser challenge."
"Time is not linear, it's more like a cycle or a spiral."
"All of this has happened before and it will all happen again."
"'Clara Bow' feels almost cyclical in its progression."
"History isn't linear it's cyclical what was once avant-garde becomes mainstream then outdated only to be rediscovered and appreciated again or for new reasons."
"Plenty of abundance that just repeats itself every single year."
"There's inherent pessimism in this series very existence because it says that although Our Heroes won the first round evil always returns."
"It's a well-known fact that fashion always repeats itself."
"Most businesses are very linear. You just go next, next, next. A farm is meant to be cyclical, it's close to nature."
"We'll be ruined, we'll be like some animal eating its own tail."
"Almost every age, let's go back into it again then."
"The natural form of this world is circular."
"Every Vassa, every monsoon season, you are one year older."
"My hate never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end."
"Everything now comes to me from the sea, and everything will one day return to it."
"I hope everything is cyclical, and just like skinny jeans come and go, so will mass online consumption."
"Vintage seller over here everything comes back around everything everything."
"It's kind of amazing how things come full circle, isn't it?"
"...but it comes full circle and becomes a lovely story again."
"Everything always comes back full circle for a lot of people."
"Reality is a wheel, it keeps on turning."
"Everything absolutely does come back in style."
"So it all starts with these five from a program standpoint as we said program all guide your controls everything here in the circle is cyclical it's constantly going to be happening but to start off with you need to start with identify identify is the first phase here."
"It's just like oops, yeah, exactly circular story."
"All of life is a circle endlessly revolving"
"Because it's all cyclical right and... sometimes we really love things and sometimes we really don't."
"Pro wrestling always building itself back up again."
"Are things going to keep repeating? Baro happens. So the answer is never. Life is cyclical."
"A new beginning is a new end for the beginning and the end are the same."
"Cycle after cycle, you gain an even deeper understanding of who you really are."
"Trends come in and out so quickly."
"The politics of eternity says time is not a line into the future, it's a cycle."
"This album ends how it starts. There's nothing more human than something cyclical like this."
"In the end, the beginning and ending are actually exactly the same thing, so these concepts are interdependent and mutually arising."
"It's another story about a relationship that supposedly comes together and ends. A story that ends where it begins."
"Every spring I decide I'm over my obsession with Outlander's costumes, then autumn rolls back around and I realize I'll never be over it."
"Since the '70s, Teddy had been preaching the idea that the end is the beginning."
"Star Wars is iconic, you get rid of the first Star Wars, the future Star Wars you add new ones you bring it back you quote it's like poetry."
"Life is cyclical, and there are lots of repetitions in it. Sometimes I think we feel like some kind of repeat of our parents and their parents."
"History is not finished. The wheel has turned full circle, and now it is capitalism which is in its deepest crisis for 200 years."
"The last line of the novel is an incomplete sentence that links the reader right back to the opening."
"This is the beginning, is the end, and the end is the beginning."
"I love the way things come around."
"It's all happened before, and it's all going to happen again."
"The Norns' triatic nature, representing the past, present, and future, also connects them to concepts of temporality and the cyclical nature of existence."
"This image of the serpent forming a circle around the earth represents the cyclical nature of existence and the interconnectedness of all things."
"It kind of eats itself in a beautiful way."
"It makes for a real fun story because it is this cycle and I'm a big fan of those kinds of stories that are almost a circle."
"It's a cycle and I'm a big fan of those kinds of stories that are almost a circle."
"The idea of the mahayuga, the great age, and with it the idea of eternal return, is that everything that happens has already happened and it will happen again."
"I guess everything comes around full circle."
"They're all just spokes on a wheel. This one's on top, then that one's on top, and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground."
"The Wheel of Time turn, turn, turn, tell us the lesson that we should learn."
"All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again."
"When you lose, it's just simply a product of winning. Winning is a product of losing; they're both a product of each other."
"Time always repeats, the wheel of time, it always happens like life begins again, life begins again."
"Time is a flat circle; everything that happened will come to be once again."
"We've been thinking since the start of the year that we would have somewhat of a cyclical recovery which is typically supportive of commodities."
"Alpha and Omega does not mean beginning and end; it means where the beginning is meeting the end."
"It's like fashion, man; it all comes back into fashion at some point."
"Every 500,000 years, one such manifestation appears who is a universal manifestation of God."
"It's not all simply a one-way progress; there are fits and starts, high points and low points, and high points again."
"Everything just goes full circle."
"Isn't it funny how the world goes around and comes around."
"That really shows that, you know, things can come full circle before you know it."
"Life was such a wheel that no man could stand upon it for long, and it always at the end came round to the same place again."
"There's nothing new under the sun, and this too shall pass."
"Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again."
"History goes in a circle, it doesn't go in a straight line."
"The race of men, they are like the leaves that generate; they fall in the autumn and return in the spring."
"The library is unlimited and cyclical."
"The end is just the beginning, the beginning is the end; it's all one and the same."
"Patterns repeat themselves over and over again."
"The things that happened before will happen again, but there has to be a way forward."
"Time seems to follow these cyclical, repeating patterns."
"Everything always comes back around."
"It kind of balances itself out throughout the year."
"This will have invisible, far-reaching effects. The cycle continues again and again."
"It all comes back around, doesn't it?"
"History repeats itself, it's a huge cycle."
"Time has a pattern that it can't help relive."
"The game actually, while it's evolving, kind of goes around in circles, so things that worked 20 years ago kind of come back in combined with something else."
"The very perpetuation of masculine traits is a cyclical process that finds its roots in the antagonistic yet complementary nature of father-son relationships."
"Everything old is new again, as they say."
"It's interesting how things come full circle."
"The thing of which has been is that which shall be, and that which has been done is that which shall be done, and there's nothing new under the sun."
"It's a snake eating its own tail of people being mad on the internet."
"A dragon eating its own tail, Ouroboros," said from the days of Aegon's conquest."
"History as a wheel, for the nature of man is fundamentally unchanging."
"It's funny how it comes around every few years though, yeah, it makes me smile."
"Life really is a full circle; you just need to wait for it to come back around."
"All this has happened before, and it will happen again."
"Everything is circular; everything has a beginning and an end, and then the beginning."
"It's The Wheel of Time; nothing changes."
"In life, good and bad days keep alternating."
"It always ends up coming full circle, right?"
"We are sent in history, we send history, history comes for us to send us to history and to ourselves, we come as history to history."
"The universe is cyclical, a perfect circle; it had no beginning and it will have no end."
"There are no new things under the sun."
"All things indeed come around again."
"That which hath been is that which shall be, and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."
"What will be, what has been before, will repeat and repeat, oh Lord."
"History repeats itself; tomorrow grows out of today."
"Pyramid Song is about the fact that everything is going in circles."
"That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun."
"The end is the beginning, and the beginning is the end."
"Everything is coming full circle."
"History isn't a line, it's a circle."
"It's wild how life comes back full circle."
"Styles come and go. What's fashionable right now will probably look dated 5 years from now, but will then almost certainly come back around a few years later."
"Everything that is old is new, everything that is new is old, everything just comes back around."
"Strange how a story sometimes seems to end just how it started, in a circle."
"The Wheel of Fortune is a karmic wheel; it says what goes around comes back around."
"There's nothing new under the sun, everything is a reconstruction of something prior."
"The reemergence of old ideas, they are inevitable."
"Life comes full circle, isn't that weird?"
"It's funny how life comes full circle."
"The end is declared from the beginning; it's a circle."
"Life is cyclical... you're always moving forward."
"It's funny how life goes around, goes around."
"Everything comes full circle eventually."
"The world is always coming to an end, always."
"Ending with a reprise of the first verse puts us right back where we started."
"The peak was the beginning and will be the end."
"It's almost we've come full circle."
"History certainly doesn't repeat itself, but it often does seem to rhyme."
"This whole idea is basically around the idea of kind of preservation and the cyclical nature of obviously his art as his instruments don't stick around for very long."
"Time is a dimension; time is cyclic."
"Life has a way of circling back around."
"It's interesting how it works like that, in like a circle."
"Everything has happened before, and it'll all happen again."
"Unemployment caused by a downturn in the economy is cyclical."
"What has been shall be again; this cycle will repeat."
"Everything comes full circle, but that doesn't mean it's pointless."
"We are going back to what that which has been."
"The shape of history is a pattern of rise and fall."
"Everything happens today or will happen has already happened before; it's just a continuous cycle."
"It's not a linear path, it's a cycle."
"I think everything just comes full circle."
"Energy is cyclical... that's why timeless readings work."
"The world is a cycle, and everything happens in a circle."
"It goes round and round, why do I keep coming back?"
"I think that's fascinating, the way it all comes back full circle."
"What goes up must come down, and what goes down must come up."
"In funk, we have a concept called 'the one', it's a non-linear way of visualizing time where everything moves in a circle and then lands in the exact same place."
"Whenever you find it, you're meant to find it. That's because energy is cyclical; it always comes back around."
"Dear brother, becoming predictable. I trust you, you betray me, round and round in circles we go."
"The thing which has been is that which shall be, and there's nothing new under the sun."
"Energies are cyclical, so anybody watching this in 2027, you're supposed to be here too."
"Life is a cyclical nature of seasons."
"Trends have a funny way of repeating themselves."
"Saturn was the ruler of time, but for ancient astrologers, time was not just linear, it was multiple and circular."
"We're in a theater, we're in a Divine theater; we come in to meet each other, we play out these games, we exit and we come back in again."
"Time is not a straight line; it's a loop."
"Life comes back around full circle."