
Accents Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"I have been guilty of knowingly, sometimes premeditatively, using my sexy British voice to impress Americans."
"The main thing... And if you have an accent, it's okay if you have an accent. Most people have accents. So you don't have to worry about your accent."
"Nigella Lawson's low RP accent is absolutely beautiful."
"Playing around with accents and trying to explore different parts of accents and identities helped me understand myself better."
"There is this idea of the cool villain with a British accent." - Rafaela
"Accents don't bother me, speak whatever accent you want as long as you're clear and understood."
"How the heck do Australian and British people do such good American accents?"
"The UK has the largest variation of Accents in a single language of any country in the world."
"Honestly, British people sound smart like they could be dumber than me and sound smart so honestly I wish I had a British accent."
"I love styling tan accents in summer and winter."
"It's weird to me how so many Australian actresses can do American accents so freaking well."
"The Texan girls have incredible accents that I'm sure you know about Texas girls when you travel abroad across this country."
"Ireland has a load of accents packed into an area about as big as South Carolina."
"If I dated a woman with an English accent, my arousal factor with the woman would never deplete because the accent is such a turn on."
"I love this shower. I love the the shower doors that look like this with just like the squares and the black accents and the lines."
"He said carried on I recognize his accent it was a Geordie and I thought he probably didn't even put his [ __ ] pie down."
"When people can play the most menacing characters but put on a British accent and sound pleasant, it blows my mind."
"It's funny, people... accuse us of having fake accents... it's the weirdest phenomenon."
"Accents are cool. I mean, you say something about your culture and your heritage just by the flavor of the words you speak. It's a very cool thing. Never feel bad about it."
"For me, accents are to language what salt and pepper is to food."
"I love learning about different places, like different accents. If they speak slow, you can understand what they say. It's when they speak really fast, it's like, 'Dang, when is he gonna stop?'"
"It's a sort of hang loose funny book if you read it with the accents in the right places and it's nothing at all if you don't read it with the accents in the right places."
"Can't make fun of people's accents unless they're Scottish." - Craig Ferguson
"I hope Luffy gets half of that 'cause they have different accents, right? Right?"
"Man, I love the performances in this movie, although I will say that the accents, they come and go."
"An accent doesn't make someone intelligent. If it did, you'd be Einstein."
"They're all different kinds of animals with a slightly varied range of accents."
"Why don't you have that crazy uh Newfie accent they're like the the movie Snatch."
"This is important information because accent 5... just be aware of that."
"Accents, the way that characters speak, conveys a certain amount of power."
"I'm not trying to be offensive, I'm just trying to have fun and I think accents are fun."
"I think accents are the sexiest thing on the planet 100 but people doing fake British accents make me want to like hit him with a bat."
"We all pick up accents we all start doing impressions and accents and picking up effects but at some point you have to do you got a drop it I got it you know not cheese it's not gonna."
"In Britain, we have different accents for different occasions. Most of us, at some point in our lives, will find ourselves talking like someone from Made in Chelsea."
"Don't think of accents as being awful, good, bad, just think of the language and the sounds as being a system that you will get better at over time."
"I love Australian accents, so if I'm greeted with an Australian accent, I will just never leave."
"An important thing to note as we go on this tour is that accents are very fluid."
"Why is everybody in this movie have an accent other than Mozart and his wife?"
"Over the border, we encounter numerous Scottish accents, perhaps the most recognizable accent is the Glasgow accent."
"This texture pack has all of these really cool textures that are amazing for creating backgrounds and adding accents to your elements."
"...I'm very impressed with it I also like all the light Woods that they included for the accents it makes the space really Airy really light."
"...so now I'm just going to go around this tree and wherever I have holes I'm going to fill in with one of those accents."
"To me, like, an Irish accent is so distinguishable compared to other accents."
"Accents are like my favorite thing to do."
"I think accents are lovely and that's kind of what draws you."
"Only 25% of Brits say they judge people by their accents."
"I love the tone, I love the accents."
"All accents are beautiful; they are a symbol, a sign of where you're from."
"It's really weird, honestly, I've always found it's really fascinating because you travel a couple of hours, 10 minutes, and they do sound like... it's really weird, it's just the way in the world, I guess."
"I've always loved that he has this thick working-class accent and is a genius."
"You get with all CUPRAs these beautiful copper accents, and I love them."
"Interesting fact in Beauty and the Beast, the only two characters who have a French accent are Lumiere and Fifi."
"Don't worry too much about accents; everyone has an accent."
"Personally, in my own humble opinion, I don't think Birmingham accents are even that bad."
"I play with accents, it's fun, it's something I enjoy doing."
"As soon as I land and people are speaking in that accent, I'm like I'm in Paradise."
"I don't think that having an accent is bad; in fact, a lot of native speakers say that it's even cool and sexy."
"I am so ready to be swept off my feet by a nice British accent."
"Why is it so much fun to do a German accent?"
"I love the New York accents, like old school, that's my favorite."
"Everyone loves a good Irish accent, but there's so many variations that it can be tricky to separate them."
"I'm having fun talking to... we hear all kinds of accents and stuff."
"An accent is not a stereotype; people have accents."
"The characterizations are great, the accents are super fun."
"I've definitely been mocked for my accent."
"Accents change the way you act, which is quite helpful."
"People in rural places start to see this London accent as high prestige."
"You could see a white guy in Jamaica, and then he just booms with the Jamaican accent 'Wagwan,' you would be shocked."
"Accents create identity, they create solidarity."
"The Queen's English can be spoken in many different accents."
"It's interesting, there's like regions because I've heard people say that Australian accents are more class divided than they are regionally divided."
"I suppose everybody has an accent."
"I made a YouTube video about London area accents and Liverpool accents, and suddenly it went so-called viral."
"New Zealand accent is better than Minnesota, yeah, 'cause they say all their 'e's like 'i's, and that's fun."
"I love that I love Australian accents, you know I can do a western accent, I can do a British accent, and I'm working on my French accent."
"This is a great way to create really fun accents for a celebration card."
"Globally, people think that people with the British accent are the most attractive and intelligent."
"I think the Chicago accent anywhere is really cool."
"Canadian English and American English is very similar, Australian English has a very different accent."
"It's interesting if you're Australian, you can really tell the difference in their accents and where they kind of grew up."
"Accents are to language what salt and pepper is to food."
"I'm big into languages; I just love hearing like diction and accents."
"Accent is not a problem, there are as many accents as there are people in the world."
"Regional accents are great assets for authenticity."
"I feel like if somebody has an accent, they are speaking authentically and not trying to mask who they are."
"I think a lot of people do think that English accents or British accents sound posh."
"His ability to accurately portray the various accents within the US is really, really amazing."
"Accents are just so fascinating, man."
"I try and pride myself on my ability to differentiate between the different English accents."
"I love the accent videos as well; it is really interesting seeing how regional accents will vary."
"It's a really fascinating learning about how accents are formed, why they come to sound as they do."
"It's very interesting because a lot of languages have to be spoken in a different accent than just the basic American accent."
"It's kind of nice to hear people having an accent."
"That's the first thing I noticed coming to the East Coast, people here have a country accent, and it's kind of amazing."
"If you ever want to work on accents, you are welcome to join me and my friends in Age of Empires 2."
"That's basically how you create these little fun little accents here."
"If you're working with accents and other languages, it should be able to figure out that accent there and just converts it into the traditional letter."
"I think different accents are quite beautiful."
"I love accents, I love listening to you speak."
"Remember that you should just be having fun trying to mimic accents."