
Innate Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Human beings are born with...the belief that there's a creator."
"Purpose is genetically programmed and whispers to you every day."
"Enhancements are abilities that your hero either gets or are born with that is just innate to them."
"I think there’s a natural goodness built into human beings."
"Creativity thrives in us; it's in our DNA."
"It's such an innate thing to have compassion, even for people you don't know."
"They have some sort of god-given talent. That's the best way I can describe this kind of genius."
"The act itself is innate to everyone."
"Flash emphasized that superpowers come from innate Talent not something given by others."
"I think that we are innately intuitive."
"You don't coach that, you don't teach that. He's always had it."
"There's this very innate attraction that they have towards you."
"Competitiveness, the confidence, something you cannot teach."
"Innate for this purpose doesn't mean present at birth—it means kind of determined at birth, essentially independent of experience."
"Some heroes have hero built into them."
"We all have spiritual gifts we're all born with them."
"It never leaves me, it never leaves you, your psychic ability, your natural form of intuitiveness is inside you."
"You're someone who is very kind, naturally very kind."
"Psychology is clear though. There is not a single Psychological Association in the country that would say that sexuality is something that can be changed. They would say it's an innate reality."
"The craving or need for physical touch isn't weird. It's innate and important for our existence."
"We are all born with spiritual gifts."
"Communicating, public speaking, that's already inside you."
"There's a certain passion that you just can't take out of people."
"It restores in us our innate happiness."
"We are all born with the spiritual core."
"Human beings also do innately love cooperating and working together, and we are hardwired to do so in many ways."
"There is an innate creativity flowing in all of us."
"Language itself is innate and Universal and inherent in human nature, though different cultures develop different languages."
"You're either born with curiosity, or you're not."
"You can't lose your gift; it's innate."
"Happiness is your innate nature, it is hardwired into you."
"You can't teach that, that's like people either have that in them or they don't."
"I think you're born with motivation or you're not."
"We're born with a deep desire to emotionally attach."
"It's the most innate movement, putting one foot in front of the other."
"You can't learn excitement and charisma; you just have it or you don't."
"Warriors are not made; they're born. If you're born a warrior, you just have to fight."
"It's innate quality of Peace makes itself known to them."
"Success is what you were born with."
"Human beings have an innate connection with each other."
"I truly think that I was born with a creative brain."
"Entrepreneurship is already built into every single human being."
"I think leaders are born and made."
"Greatness is something that's innate. It's a blessing and I must say you wear it so well."
"Democracy and fairness are built into us."
"The Bible says that God's law is written on our hearts."
"Happiness comes with things... Joy is what you're born with."
"Language exists from birth, and what is learned is the ability to attach words and structure to the latent ability."
"You never lose the competitor that's in you if you're born with it."
"You're either born with an entrepreneurial mindset or you're not."
"We're born with a sense of right and wrong, and we understand that there is good and evil."
"Some of the things they think are things we're born with are actually skills that you learn."
"We are tapping into that Eternal wisdom that we were all born with but we forgot."
"Innate immunity, you're born with it; it's just street fighters. They fight everyone, they kill bacteria, viruses, and they don't care."
"Even children are born naturally to believe justice should be established."
"Every single child that's born is a creative being; that's just there."
"It's almost like you were out of the womb with talent and passion."
"I think it gives you a selflessness that happens innately, but you don't know you have it until it happens."
"The fitra, the innate disposition that a person has, this trait in God as one."
"That's the kind of thing that you cannot teach a player; you either have that or you don't."
"Some people are born with fashion sense, some people aren't."
"We're born with an inherent, innate sense of right and wrong."
"Storytelling is an innate part of the human experience."
"Most of the time it's like an innate ability, people are born with the ability to access these Warrens."
"We were born happy; all life is shot through with happiness."
"We all are built with courage; we are born with courage."
"You can't really go to an estar and learn a tone. You're born with a tone."
"You don't have to build it up; you don't have to practice the muscle of compassion. It's just there."
"Joy must be a part of me. I must have been born with it."
"You are actually both natural born healers."
"Music creativity cannot be taught; either you have it or you don't."
"Everybody is born with some sort of spiritual gift."
"Biological preparedness is when an organism is innately predisposed to form associations between certain stimuli and responses."
"Some people don't chase greatness, they're born with it."
"Happiness is hardwired into you. It's part of your DNA."
"What he has, you can't teach; it has to be natural."
"Curiosity is a superpower we're all born with."
"Every human being is born with an innate belief in God."
"It's always natural gifts and things that you did when you were a child."
"Acknowledged that mankind has an innate belief."
"Entrepreneurs are born to be entrepreneurs."
"I think everyone is creative naturally."
"You were born with magic, there's magic in your eyes."
"Talent is all about natural aptitude or skill."
"Some people are born with gifts, Sydney, you must understand."
"You can't really teach craftsmanship; sometimes you're just born with it."
"Worthiness is just something that all of us just innately possess."
"All human beings are created with a need and a desire to connect to the spiritual. It's in us. I mean, it's actually created by God in us."
"When humans are born, they're born able to love."
"Kids are kind of wired for religion from the jump."
"We finally saw that faith in some kind of a God was a part of our makeup, just as much as the feeling we have for a friend."
"Everything you need when it comes to healing, learning, parenting, every single thing is already built in."
"There's an innate sense of fairness other social species have it as well."
"Stage presence is something that you either have or you don't, and it can't be taught."
"That which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them."
"Love is something that's not taught to us; we naturally have that."
"We all have this innate disposition to worship the creator."
"It's in our blood, you cannot keep me from looking for love."
"That's wonderful skill, you can't teach that."
"Two fears that you're born with are the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, and everything else is learned fear."
"It's an incredibly valuable tool that each and every one of you was born with."
"Sometimes you just can't teach what you're born with, you know."
"You can't teach timing; it's got to be in you."
"He was born this way, seeking freedom."
"Love is not something that you need to be taught."
"Having an intuition is not something that can be taught or bought; it's something that you're born with."
"You are born with a nature to obey God."
"Love to me is our spirit like we're born with love."
"You can't coach that competitiveness, you can encourage it, but some blokes it's just built inside them."
"You're a spiritual person, you might have just been born spiritual."
"Every human being was born with leadership potential."
"Worship is a universal urge, hardwired by God into the very fiber of our being."
"We have innate a desire and a sense of fairness."
"The real, real pure footballers, they're born that way."
"I was born knowing how to do three things: how to breathe, how to dream, and how to love you."
"They have something that you can't teach, it just has to be within you."