
Emotional Resolution Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Because of someone's deliberate interference 3 years ago, I never got to confess to her, but now my feelings have finally reached where they're supposed to."
"So farewell hope and with hope farewell fear, farewell remorse."
"By completing the composition and playing it a final time at the series's conclusion, Jeremy finally makes peace with the past and is able to at least talk about what happened with his best friend Ashley."
"Such a gift to give Tony this closure with his dad."
"Metroid Prime 3 is about saying goodbye, achieving closure on this storyline."
"Assuming Yuji Naka is being honest here, I hope that him finally being able to get this off his chest will allow him to find some kind of resolution."
"They're going to put that break period to rest and come toward you."
"I think you're done waiting. I think you're done having hopes in this."
"I just hope that everybody at some point can find a measure of closure."
"You can give yourself that closure and know that you did your best. You did everything you possibly could to save that relationship."
"Sending stuff out, it is what it is. Come to peace with it."
"The film delivers an emotional resolution to the arc, demonstrating Greg's willingness to own up to his mistakes."
"Closure there will be an apology there will be you coming full circle with the situation so you can move forward with your life."
"Although bittersweet, the mystery of Mostly Harmless has been solved."
"Everything isn't over, it's not all wrapped up with a nice bow."
"Mirror lady has some dastardly planned to replace all of Central City with mirror clones flash bust into fighter but he ends up defeating her with his real superpower emotional heart to hearts that convince villains to become good guys."
"There's something about when they kind of reconnect at the end."
"We finally have found some measure of justice for our wonderful boy."
"Closure. Closure. This is frayed, this is closure."
"Heal past anger or resentment towards your parents before trying to build a relationship with them."
"They wrapped up all the emotional moments... that you always wanted to have wrapped up."
"You're ready to move on, emotionally finished with the situation."
"We didn't get closure for the mystery, but we got some good emotional closure."
"You will be at peace. Justice will surely be served and you will be at peace."
"It was a beautiful ending and coming from the dad was totally appropriate."
"It was an unsure ending but I think it was a very happy ending."
"I love when emotional conflicts end up being resolved because all the best conflicts in stories are emotional conflicts at their core."
"The whole Unsaid Emily arc ends with Julie going to Luke's parents house and then Luke showing up as well where she gives them the lyrics to Unsaid Emily."
"Regret in certain areas of your life, like maybe my feelings with regret in regards to relationships, that's all pretty solid now."
"Closure, peace, or validation today." - Sheriff Roads
"Thank you for kicking me out because without that [ __ ] gig I would have never done comedy."
"It was joyful and a feeling of closure for me there were so many unanswered questions from my peter and where we left him I got to step back in and get some healing for him."
"Someone does come in with an apology, it feels like it's heartfelt."
"The bullying and everything that group of guys had done to me."
"For me, it was important to get this document and read it because it was like me being able to kind of come full circle with this whole situation."
"You need to forgive somebody in order to get from them what you deserve."
"We hope this verdict will give us some kind of closure so that we can try and move on with our lives."
"He was relieved to find he'd been wrong to worry."
"There's such a beauty in ending in a root chord with a bright major chord in there. Like, it's such a satisfying ending to such a troubled and unpredictable ride."
"Nothing you say will make it better, you just need to like make peace and let it go."
"At the end of the day, the ultimate sacrifice is to let you go."
"I don't plan on doing any of that, I just don't want to speak to him ever again."
"That was the reassurance that Cat Noir needed."
"There's gonna be a reconciliation or a lack of closure between you two."
"I love a good tragic character getting closure."
"I'm so glad that she ended it the way that she did."
"Justice and hope go alongside by side since they both deal with coming to terms with despair and finding peace."
"I see you moving on with your life and this isn't a sad ending no this is a happy ending this is you know you know bittersweet it's over but you know you've gained beautiful things from it and now you're moving on to bigger and better things."
"A creepy discovery turned into a heart-warming reunion."
"Alright guys, stop crying. I got booger back."
"You saw the silver lining in a situation, and for me this is a closure that's coming for you."
"It's time for love and those of you where this is like a real back and forth relationship where maybe you've been trying to put in the effort but them not so much, that's the type of relationship that you're finally going to be finished with."
"Released from her anger and rage, Ventress found some redemption before Obi-Wan came to mourn her death."
"Someone's made up in their heart that what they want is you."
"I do feel like you are clearing the air and getting closure with this past person though."
"There's a confession coming, a phone call – reconciliation on the horizon."
"The most satisfying thing with anything is closure."
"I really love the last shot here and it's one of the most hopeful endings of a Gundam show."
"The tension is resolved but it's only replaced with a sense of uncertainty."
"So that was important for me to know because it left unresolved feelings and, uh, life is always better if you resolve feelings."
"The resolution of our emotions is the key, our own responsibility within ourselves, resolving our own emotional content is how we are going to change the world."
"If you don't love him, you're never gonna have peace."
"I'm satisfied about having gotten some sense of closure."
"I'm done being angry, I'm done being sad."
"Splitting apart in the past was sweet, and I'm glad that they finally reunited after all this time."
"A satisfying ending always is going to have some emotional resolution for your characters."
"All he wants is a chance for some closure."
"I spent 10 years waiting for some sort of closure; even though I was robbed of an opportunity to say goodbye for a second time, I couldn't help but feel a sense of completion."
"The movie ends as she sheds tears of joy, realizing her mission to reunite with her is complete."
"I'll take some closure over no closure."