
Cultural Exposure Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Good stories act as more than just a way to pass the time; they give us a look into others' behavior and can expose us to different cultures and worldviews."
"There was a time where someone asked me if I liked country music, I would have probably ought to believe retched. And now I find myself listening to Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash."
"Yes, if you have hanged around this community for any extended period of time or sometimes even if you haven't, you would have definitely come across someone or something that would have exposed you to the weird, and wonderful world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure."
"I love being able to infiltrate some aspect of the boring middle-class culture of the country and then show it to people."
"If physical media makes it more likely you spend your time reading books and watching movies... it's also exposing you to higher standards of language."
"The fair was a window for many to experience the culture and the people of a particular nation or singular city."
"Have you been able to travel outside the United States?"
"You can't close your horizons to anything. You gotta listen to music from all over the world."
"Go on an extended vacation with someone before you marry them foreign countries are especially effective."
"Captain Tsubasa: A unique series everyone should make the effort to try out at least once."
"That's a wild, I've never heard that part of it, have you seen the play?"
"It sucks to admit but there are actually people out there who didn't grow up with this look and therefore aren't cultured enough to know it's objectively the best."
"Arriving to Nepal and arriving to new countries still gives me that feeling like it's my first time traveling ever."
"The Inbetweeners is full of British English slang and hilarious situations."
"Exposing yourselves to communities and worlds different than your own is the only way to learn..."
"Once you learn about Ultraman, you can no longer escape. It's a good time to get into the franchise right now."
"It's no surprise that 64 Ōzumō never made it out West, but it's a neat little curio if very big men in very small pants is your thing."
"I am a very lucky person to be exposed to this 2000 year old culture of exactly this kind of analysis in one form or another."
"Discovering music for the first time, discovering things for the first time, entertainment from other parts of the world, most specifically music. Now with these movies."
"I hope that your eyes and ears have been opened to one of the most special and beautiful cultures on our planet."
"It offers opportunities to learn new things, experience new cultures, and meet interesting new people."
"How was Russian music? Honestly, I had no idea. Yeah, this is pretty good."
"Once you've seen a movie that has opened you up to somebody else or a different perspective, you can't unsee it."
"Learning another language is another world, another mindset, different sentence structure, different cultures, two ideas—this is a big deal."
"I think living in another country is an experience everybody should have at some point in their lives."
"You don't have to love art, but you have to have tried it."
"Snyder stays on these people for 74 seconds so we can hear their song and briefly exist for a moment in their world."
"Try out a different flavor, watch or read news from a particular country or region."
"Reality TV and Vlogs are great for learning slang and different accents."
"Representation in films today like I grew up watching a lot of Asian cinema right and when crazy rich Asians comes out and talks about oh it's great representation."
"Just wanted to say I love your channel so much, my girlfriend is from the Philippines and hasn't seen hardly any Western films."
"It's always good to expand your horizons a little bit and meet people who are leading very different lifestyles to the one that you got going on."
"A lot of people in America have never even been exposed to real taco."
"Expose yourself to people of different cultures, races, religions, and political ideologies."
"Mission trips help give you a lot of clarity because you really get to see how other people live, and it's their daily life."
"Travel is so important. Being around people that ain't where you're from gave me perspective."
"Living in a different place... is such a great way to learn about another culture and see from another perspective."
"You enjoying your time in these lands? Yeah, it's different but exciting."
"This is a different side of Jackie Chan that American audiences have seen."
"I love musicals, but I haven't seen all of them."
"Travel opens your mind, opens your brain, you meet so many people, and you just see the world in a different way."
"What's probably even more valuable than classes... is the exposure to new people and cultures."
"there's a lot of talented black people that are doing the right things and I think that it's very important for us to support them and acknowledge them and because you know I think that this type of work is getting the exposure it deserves"
"There's no place to go in the United States to prevent your child from being exposed to this."
"It's like when Aang goes to that school where he gets to see exactly firsthand how the Fire Nation children are raised with this level of propaganda."
"I started learning French when me and Katherine became friends we lived together she's from Montreal so she's québécois and she speaks French and so I really wanted to learn because my family is French."
"Movies are impactful because there are people who legitimately don't interact outside of their circles, so they don't know what other people are like."
"Semester at Sea is described as a multicultural immersive study abroad experience."
"Stop idolizing fake lives, start thinking of everything that you see that it was produced by somebody who, and why not you."
"Subtitles: once you overcome the one inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films." - Bong Joon Ho
"He was never the same after he walked out of that theater."
"It's wonderful to see movies made out of Hollywood shining a spotlight in other parts of the world."
"But at least there was Victor and burma-shave to kind of expand my mind a little bit."
"When he falls in love with Shakespeare, I want to be there. Yeah, that's privilege. I get to be there when that happens."
"Another Round was my personal favorite this year."
"I wasn't actually that much into Japanese culture like I was into sushi a lot but I wasn't consuming all different types of Japanese food growing up."
"I grew up in the southern United States... professional wrestling NASCAR cops and Jerry Springer were high up there on the list..."
"I've kind of wanted to learn Arabic for a long time, I talk about this all the time, my sister Mary, she speaks fluent Arabic, and so I get a lot of exposure just through you know, talking and interacting with her as well."
"...it's great to show your kids and kind of get in the culture."
"Traveling can broaden your horizons, expose you to new cultures and experience."
"It was truly the first time that I realized that it was very possible that young people had never been exposed to joy like that in their culture before."
"We're just exposing people to other ways of life."
"I think it's so healthy and beneficial to the British population that a large part of British population travels abroad and gets exposure to all these different cultures and stuff."
"Once you overcome the one inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films."
"I know all different kinds of music—rap, country, reggae. I listen to classical music, opera, you name it, I listen to it."
"London showed me so many things and sides that I had never seen before and it kind of helped me bloom and understand and be more open-minded to accept more as people for who they are."
"Working in the firm's Milan office was an eye-opener for me."
"I get to expose my children to different cultures."
"It's something that I think more people should see."
"I can't wait to take them myself so they can actually see what Africa looks like."
"It's a wonderful way to explore different cultures and different people and to just open your child's eyes to the world around them."
"I grew up overseas, so I was deprived of a lot of American culture as a child."
"There's so much richness to experience when exposed to cultures different than your own."
"When you come out of the bubble of the things you did in your country and used to see, then it’s obvious that your horizons will change."
"It's crazy, different world you know when you come and see these places and see new cultures."
"Mindsets can be changed... by altering what we are exposed to in a given culture."
"You definitely got to experience some of the culture and learn a little bit about that area."
"I feel very lucky to have experienced that at such a young age and be open to so many cultures."
"The best education is travel. You cannot get a better education just by going to other countries and seeing how other people do things."
"My mother was interested in music, she loved opera, so I listened to Italian operas, very Puccini."
"I wanted my children to know Asia and to speak Mandarin, so I was preparing them for the 21st century."
"The most important part of all this is to get cultured, to see what else is out there, to see how other people live."
"It'd be cool for kids to see a different culture and grow up."
"The conservative illusion can't really last when you get exposed to different ways of thinking and different cultures."
"It's just opened our eyes to a different part of the world, really."
"So in conclusion, I'd like to say that my time in Singapore has really helped open my eyes."
"Going to museums, exposing yourself to artists that you might not have known about."
"We're excited to be checking this out; this is their first time reacting to K-pop."
"Moana was a great film that opened up many minds, young and not so young, to different worlds and cultures."
"You're exposed to so many different cultures, it enriches you."