
Compilation Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"Bioshock the collection combines all three games and their DLC into one cohesive package, and it's safe to say that this is some of the best single-player first-person shooting available on the Switch, full-stop."
"All of the information that I'm going to be sharing in this video today is freely available on the internet. I am not adding to it, I am just compiling it all together."
"It's three of the best 3D platformer Mario games put into one package."
"The Highlight compilation is going to be serious."
"This album feels like a greatest hit sort of album."
"Abu Bakr was Mujahideen job is to bring the whole Quran together."
"Resident Evil 2 feels less like a remake and more like a greatest hits of the series."
"It's truly capturing all of our practical experience in one book."
"One day someone's gonna compile all this shit into like a three-hour long super cut."
"The Master Collection includes every change, mode, and costume from the plus versions."
"I think it would be cool, it would be really awesome if somebody did that, put together all of the just really unbelievably cool moments."
"This video revisits some of my older videos, compiling them into a longer, more comprehensive presentation."
"It's not as straightforward as simply opening Visual C++ 2022, and clicking 'Compile'."
"These videos are really fun for me just because I love to compile and share my thoughts."
"Hello, welcome to the full story compilation of the original six-part series."
"I did what any sane person would and dedicated a few months of my life to compiling a list outlining them all."
"The Chelsea House series is a project that Bloom undertook to compile anthologies of essays on all the great books."
"AOT compilation converts all Angular, HTML, and TypeScript code into JavaScript during the build phase, ensuring faster rendering in the browser."
"That's it, that's the end of my Christmas compilation for 2023. I hope you enjoyed it."
"There are like an unlimited number of top or best goal compilations on YouTube which are kind of interesting."
"I'm literally just fitting a bunch of stuff into this Vlog."
"What a year, man! This was a blast to put together, I gotta tell you, even little gems that were released in between some of the more well-known albums hold up to this day."
"It feels like a greatest hits album for an artist."
"I am about to drop my Crayon book compilation all eight videos that I've done with the crayons by Drew DeWalt and Oliver Jeffers are going to be in one Epic video you can skip to the book that you'd like or watch the whole thing all the way through"
"Imagine we got a little compilation to react to and guys it is a roller coaster"
"I took a whole list of those questions and comments that I got as a result of those videos and put them into one video."
"If it compiles, it works. Am I right?"
"Ada can catch things like invalid parameters, range violations, invalid references, mismatched types all at compilation time."
"If your program compiles, it probably works."
"When were the originals compiled into 66 books of the Bible?"
"Why don't you compile all these and figure out who your real top 10 are?"
"I thought I'd pretty much compile all the things together."
"If you enjoyed this video I wanted to provide a good viewing experience for all of you which is why I compiled all of this footage over the last six weeks to give you a all-encompassing video from start to finish of this project."
"Compiling every answered question and photo into a beautiful keepsake book."
"A big old throbbing new compilation of camping and hiking horror stories that will have you quivering and a shivering in those boots... Enjoy!"
"Again, a solid collection of five stories there, really happy to have that in the collection."
"Some of my most precious and favorite projects that I have ever done, I put all into one video for you guys."
"It's Bob's manifesto, there are bits of everything in there."
"I wanted to make my album like a playlist itself."
"I mean it's just got every single piece of good advice you'd ever want all in one place and it's so wise and it's so right."
"They created a series of animated package films, where they, instead of making one consistent storyline, compiled a couple of different shorts into one feature length film."
"Welcome Hearth and homies to tonight's compilation the black Museum featuring Orson Welles."
"If the program is compiling, meaning it's kind of working as expected, that's a very cool feeling with working with compiler languages such as rust."
"TV crazy man here I've compiled together some of the funniest and most interesting classic TV Halloween Goose I could find for this video."
"No, this has been interesting, it's been fun talking about this, I like this compilation."
"All you need to do is look at the types and try a way to put them together, and once the compiler is happy, it's gonna magically work."
"I kind of want to see all the George Parts into like one video so I can just concisely talk about them."
"Every record feels like a Greatest Hits record."
"It's basically a greatest hits album in my opinion."
"The secret vault is the world's largest compilation of genealogical Records ever to exist."
"I appreciate that people like my content enough to make compilations of specific jokes."
"'This anime has been a part of a lot of compilations that we've seen, this is probably the first comprehensive video we've seen about anything about the history of marketing in a lot of shows is about lying bold face to people's faces. That's just how you do it.'"
"I thought I'd like to reserve the weekend for compilation of different subjects."
"It compiles it all into a single or maybe a few bundled files that we then include in our HTML in our script tag."
"It was as if within this room, the entire recorded history of mankind had compiled itself."
"The Quran was finally compiled in 1924 and made official in 1985."
"That's the highlight reel for the coach right there."
"To celebrate all of those things, we have taken a clip from every video where we have found a golden ball and put them together in one Epic video."
"Go compiles into a single binary."
"Compilations can often seem like a flagrant cash grab, but done right they can act as a gateway into becoming a lifelong listener of an artist's music."
"Take your best three to five pieces of work, tie it together in a theme or a headline, and then put them out as a compilation."
"It's like a greatest hit sort of thing or like a collection of a bunch of songs that people never got put into one."
"I'm fully aware that there are tons more iconic moments but these are the ones that I've created together for this video."
"I think anytime, I don't think there's ever been anyone being like, 'Guys, we really should make the greatest hits.'"
"But if we go in here and use our void t instead of stood void t, then we get the behavior that we're looking for, and everything compiles as expected."
"It's like an album of all singles from start to finish. It runs as if you're listening to a greatest hits album of sorts."
"Learning how to compile software is beneficial if you want to compile any software you find online."
"Compiled languages are ones where you write them in a particular language, and then instead of an interpreter, you run what's called a compiler."
"What a meme compilation to be able to throw together [ __ ] like that."
"This is an absolute [__] of ideas yet somehow pulls everything together."
"But what has been your favorite? One day, maybe one day, I may create that compilation."
"This compilation is very important to our story today because it has two early versions of 'I talk to the wind'."
"It just compiles all of the just marvelous early 2000s late 90s candy treats into one thing."
"Welcome to the mainly facts if you've missed any of our videos this compilation is precisely what you need."
"...it was super cool to see all these staple pieces of suicidal history compiled into one little display..."
"Doing things at compile time is really useful and it's great."
"The 27 New Testament books haven't been tampered with, they were put together over a period of time."
"Mallory's work wove all the previous tales into a single cohesive narrative, creating the most comprehensive version of the story."
"Hubble provided us a time capsule in a single compiled image."
"We're targeting ESNext, we're using CommonJS, we have an output directory of dist."
"We do compile them all together at the end and publish responses to the Q&A."
"We hope you guys enjoy the compilation of our one year in Florida."
"One day I had a thought, why not compile all the knowledge that I've gained from years of experience and put all of it in one place."
"It's tempting to call this movie a Marvel's greatest hits compilation."
"One of the all-time greatest games complete with Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IV: The After Years."
"A compendium is essentially a compilation of all the authorities that you've used."
"If you take the best songs from those albums and put out a double album, you probably have a great album."
"This game feels like a collection of the greatest hits of the series."
"Python is both an interpreted language and a compiled language."
"The Bible was actually written by many different people throughout a long stretch of time."
"The Gospels that we have of Jesus were compiled within forty to sixty years after the crucifixion."
"We've compiled everything into a book of life, a record of all our discoveries."
"There should be a hilarious compilation of our best moments."
"The Bible is a collection of works over a vast period of 2,000 plus years."
"I just genuinely love her content. I think she does an absolutely phenomenal job of compiling and presenting information."
"I really like compilation CDs because they are a great way to acquire a large variety of music at minimum cost."
"It's a movie that's made up of a lot of great little moments."
"Having a compilation of all your favorite moments in a book... there's just nothing like it."
"I always love those shows when you put together the best things."
"Time-lapse captures all the little moments and brings them together into one big moment."
"Just-in-time compilation is a feature added to the interpreter of Java."
"This is a great time to compile a bunch of different little projects into one video and share it with you guys."
"I'm just kidding. I just want to put all this together because I never got a chance to show all the funny stuff that went into it."
"Scalars are something that you know the size of at compile time."
"WebAssembly... it takes our code and compiles it right down to bytecode."
"The Bible does not have books; it's a collection of books."
"So again, if you wanted to try out one of Kirby's books, this Color Morphia might be a good one to try out because it is a compilation of the best of the best of his all of his previous books."
"It was well done, yeah again not like a cohesive story but just like a lot of like good scenes all together so enjoyable."
"It was well done, again not like a cohesive story but just like a lot of good scenes all together, so enjoyable."
"If the code compiles, it works and it's really fast."
"We may never know whether there was a single compiler of the Arabian Nights or whether the stories were simply culled from legends and folktales accumulated throughout Asia and the Middle East."
"The written pieces were collected into the singular volume that we have now, the Quran."
"It's easily one of the best track lists that I've ever heard put together."
"It's a compilation of many videos that I have recorded for the past three years."
"It's a great mixture of all the different movies, and scenes, and seasons actually."
"Welcome to this week's compilation of the most captivating news stories."
"This is every single Lego Ninjago Mech ever made."
"This is one of the greatest hip-hop compilations you can get."
"Once you define the model, we need to compile it using our optimizer that we just defined."
"Mario Kart 8 is actually going to be a compilation of all the best of the series so far."
"Compile programs run faster, especially if they're compiled into a form that's directly executable on the underlying hardware."
"Hold your breath, you know, I don't know if you guys do this, but when I compile, I hold my breath, and I think that if I hold my breath the whole time, it increases the chance that there's not an error."
"I love all her self-portraits; it was really fun to see them all on one page."
"Let's try to compile this, see if it works. Ready? And we're successful!"
"Just because you have something that's usually defined doesn't mean you have to pay for it; the compiler can absorb a lot of that stuff."
"And of course, the code compiles cleanly now because SwiftUI is happy again."
"This kit really does bring together all the best aspects of other versions of the unicorn gundam all into one kit."
"Go comes with a very quick compilation time; the code is directly compiled to machine code, making the compilation process faster and more effective."
"Top 10 fastest trains in the world 2018, it's literally a compilation of the fastest trains in the world."
"Every time I fly this drone and capture something awesome, I want to make a compilation of all the amazing things we've seen."
"I actually like compiled languages better, and I like type languages better."
"A compiler converts high-level source code into machine code all in one go."
"Webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler. Its main purpose is just to compile the JavaScript modules."
"It's like a greatest hits album from your favorite band."
"This is a best-of video from my experiences over the past year, all distilled, all the best off."
"It's essentially a greatest hits album, right?"
"Nim compiles down to C, Objective-C, or JavaScript."
"Semantic analysis of source code is also an important job for a compiler."
"Elm is a language that compiles to JavaScript."
"The Julia compiler has more information than Python's just-in-time compilation."
"Absolutely fantastic compilation."
"It's been like a greatest hits this year, or at least greatest bits of tech that Nike have got, throwing them all into one big cauldron."
"Over time, these books were compiled together, and the church decreed, now we also have a New Testament."
"Please enjoy this New York compilation."
"It's almost like they compiled all of their best bits from the entire season into one huge epic dance."
"I'm compiling those moments into a movie called the city of Destiny."
"Compilers translate all lines of a program to a file... and execute the whole file at once."
"How exciting, now we have a C compiler and we can compile anything we want."
"The GCC command invokes all four stages of the compilation process."
"The capital 'I' option tells GCC where the non-standard directories are to search for include files."
"The order where you specify the library that you're linking in is important; it needs to come after all of the source files that require it."
"Enjoy this compilation, much love to all you Legends. Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year, piggy loves you."
"I've taken three of the most compelling what-if scenarios that might be too short for a dedicated video and made it into something that we can squeeze into one."
"The word of God is not like a novel... it is a compilation of 66 books."
"That whole run was a highlight reel."
"Compilation turns your code into machine code, which is code the processor can execute."
"This is absolutely terrific if you just want to grab a compilation and fantastic sound that really shows the Beatles what they can do."
"Remember at the end of the day, the linker needs to take all of our object files that were generated during compilation and link them all together."
"I'm literally, like I always say, just compiling a repository and a guide to help gamers continue gaming."
"So let's just go into Unity, let it compile for a second."
"We are helping to put together what is at the time the greatest collection of information about the natural world."
"It's just incredible to see so many things put together in such a compelling and beautiful way."
"C++ programs are compiled into binary executable files that are run directly by the CPU."
"It's a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript."
"This file is then passed into a compiler, which reads your commands and formats the writing according to them."
"If it compiles, you get the result."
"We wanted to compile something substantial for people to look at."
"A compiler translates all of the code to binary and will produce a file which can be executed."
"These artists release their own compilations of their personal artwork."
"Hello and welcome to our massive internet Mysteries compilation."
"This allows you to upload your own custom C program and then compile that over and see what that looks like inside of Risk 5 assembly."
"And that's really why I wrote the book, The Disappearing Spoon, was because I wanted to get all of those stories into one place."
"I love compiling the list at the end of the season."
"The process was done in a way that no one could raise a finger of doubt against it, and that's amazing."
"When it compiles, it means it's correct."
"Go programs compile to machine code, there's no VM."
"This was possibly one of the most convincing compilations I've seen so far."
"We have compiled models, so better startup time if you've got big models."
"A custom processor provides high performance because it's compiled code."
"This took a hell of a lot of work just to compile, but it was definitely a lot of fun."
"There should be a hilarious compilation of all our best moments."
"Cracking the Cryptic's first book, a book of our greatest hits, is coming out on Kickstarter."
"We statically link LLVM; we do not require that people have a compiler on their system."
"Dart uses different compilers for different specific jobs."
"The ahead of time compiler compiles the entire source code into the machine code supported natively by the platform."
"These individual stories come together to tell the bigger story of our life."
"We have enough information to compile the same process network description to an actual distributed implementation."
"We have compiled a list of products that will be useful to you."
"...the great compilation of all of these beautiful works of the Western canon..."
"So basically code that we write that was compiled into instructions by the compiler is actually getting loaded into this iCache and decoded into a series of microcode instructions."
"Photoshop isn't great at previewing motion but it's great at compiling the motion."
"He compiled a history of the church in the first 300 years."
"We convert IL, which stands for Intermediate Language, into C++, which we then compile with the native compilers for the platform you're targeting."
"The actual machine code you need to run your target platform is generated at build time."
"If you've missed out on some of the best stories this week, don't worry, we've prepared an exclusive compilation just for you."
"What an amazing book, this book, 66 books actually, written by 40 authors over hundreds of years and yet it hangs together as one complete story from Genesis to Revelation..."
"Type safety takes place during compile time."
"To find out the best shot of the entire season, I've assembled an A-Z of the 26 most difficult, dramatic, and fascinating shots of the entire year."
"In compilation, we're taking our program and lowering it to the language that's spoken by the machine."
"It's pretty awesome that Rust takes care of this at compile time."