
Societal Unity Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"To just help people start talking to each other again, to help people start communicating across divides."
"We should have unity as a society, where you could be Jewish, I could be Muslim, our friend could be Christian, and we could just sit down and have a meal together."
"We're all in the same boat right now. We are, to some degree or another, whether you're working full-time, whether you're out of work, whether you don't work, whether you're just not used to having everybody in the house at the same time, we have an opportunity, but that opportunity is hiding behind our excuse making."
"We really all just want health and prosperity and freedom, we're all after the same objectives and the ones that are trying to to pitch you against each other they're the enemies realize that they're the dividers."
"And remember while we all might have different views, we should all be nice to each other and try to make the US a better place in a positive way."
"The unity the country is looking for is to come together and deal with problems most of which have no ideological basis for disagreement."
"I think we'll get more done holding hands and throwing fists I really do I think we need to find out what the bottom acceptable wrong is that everyone can agree on."
"Hopefully, if we stop pitting those two camps against each other, we can all start working together towards a society that supports every one of its members more efficiently, including and especially, its children."
"What humanity truly needs is an enemy to unite them against a common threat."
"Nobody's gonna buy the nice one, like 'Hey, look at we all get along.'"
"Society can come together as one now, I reckon they can."
"The only way that we're going to survive as a country with these kinds of troubling numbers is to insist upon a unified standard."
"Unity around truth freedom and health not unity around BS not unity around people want to lie and make up lies the unity must come from actual truth freedom and health."
"This period in time, if we don't figure out the unity of ourselves and one another and how important it is for us to come together..."
"We all want to live in the same country I think. I don't think you want to live in unless I'm wrong but please tell me I don't think you guys want to live in a religious theocracy maybe you do."
"We all want the same damn thing... at the end of the day we all want the same thing."
"We're so divisive, especially this year. It's really sad because at the end of the day, there's strength in numbers."
"We call for Unity, we call for peace, we call for Progress."
"In America, there is so much more common ground than what was really frustrating because then that wasn't the narrative that was getting out into the public."
"I think if Americans would love their neighbor like they like to be loved themselves, a lot of the division in our society would end."
"We've embraced it, and I think again it was... nice to have a renewed sense of community, a feeling that you're a part of something when everything seems so chaotic."
"Comedy is the last thing keeping people with different beliefs together."
"Why can't we get along and find our common ground?"
"Our job is to use this common ground we have."
"We have to get serious. We've got to stop arguing with each other and fighting. We're a family and our family's dying. Let's work together and get it done."
"Let's get off this 'hugging and singing Kumbaya' stuff."
"We have to rise together and we have to be our own collective messiah."
"We need to start taking steps towards one another and to start healing the political divides."
"We've got to find commonality; we can have disagreements, but we've got to stop making each other enemies."
"Now more than ever we need unity... now more than ever we need to recognize what is being done to us."
"This country is not divided; we're just disconnected."
"The American dream was the uniting narrative."
"Trump found elements of society that were underappreciated and unified them."
"Most people end up agreeing on more things than disagreeing."
"We've lost touch with those common aspirations and common hopes... we need to recall better what we share in common."
"If we can stop fighting about being on the left and being on the right and look to the man in the middle, divisions disappear."
"The zombie apocalypse happens when there are more idiosyncrasies than there is unity."
"People have a lot more in common than we give them credit for."
"We need to come together and just end all this nonsense."
"What are forces that will unite us and what are illegal forces that will destroy us?"
"It's all about us; we have to look out for each other."
"We're not too divided to achieve big things."
"Let's keep it real: black man, black woman, black babies, black empire."
"It takes leaders to lead people back to that vision of what binds them together. The conditions that we've created create selective pressure for those kinds of leaders to emerge."
"The illusions of division threaten our very existence."
"Find some other stuff and then find some people and just see their common humanity."
"We have to come together and fight the lies with truth."
"This stuff does affect all of us under the name of Christendom."
"The minute that we start to come together they're going to do everything they can at any cost to make black people and white Americans think that we are each other's enemy."
"We all have to kind of turn towards each other and start talking to each other."
"History belongs to everyone is everyone's story no matter where you damn well come from We Are All One race open dialogue regarding real evidence and our true history would bring us closer as a people."
"We have to move toward the notion that we're friends and not enemies or the country is gonna fall apart."
"Debate is what we need... it brings us together... and the further we get to the center the more reasonable we are."
"People are tired of Putin's despotism and are united in their opposition to the war."
"People need personal experience with the other so that the story of us can also include them."
"We need to stick together as humanity. We need to stick together."
"Society should be standing up with the working class if you want people to stand with you."
"It's always beneficial to have a unified enemy... having an enemy can unite so many people."
"I want to make everybody laugh because that's the only thing that can still unite."
"As long as you respect these basic tenants that bring us together."
"America is so much closer on these issues than some people in the media would want you to believe."
"I think the economy is going to bring people together."
"In some twisted way, that is all the master really wanted, a world where differences were cast aside."
"We are in this together, left, right, it doesn't matter."
"I think that the divisiveness is just the loud part... Majority of Americans are good individuals."
"Let's stop the division, the hatred, and insanity."
"The silent majority includes people of every color, of every shape, every gender. There's only two but every single gender."
"Bringing people together is the key to build a better, prosperous, safer, and healthier society."
"In Israel, deep political division doesn't erode the sense of community."
"We need unity... we need to treat each other with respect, kindness, and dignity."
"Real anti-racism is brotherhood across all lines."
"The truckers have shown us that we aren't actually all that divided."
"It's a lesson in what we value as a nation and how we must come together to safeguard our future and the Legacy that we leave behind."
"My hope is that we can come together, and stop looking out for ourselves, but look out for everyone else."
"It's about our unity, it's about our survival, it's about us uniting to demand respect."
"This is a critical time for us to not only better understand but better figure figure out ways to work together as we have never worked together before."
"I wanna see peace and harmony and support for each other that we can lift each other up, we can come closer to God regardless of the specific faith or religion."
"It's fascinating to hear how both sides have a very warped perspective of the other by dehumanizing anyone it just hurts yourself like ultimately our end goal is unity."
"There's nothing more critical for everybody left, right, or in between, no matter what nation state you adhere to or dislike. We all have to eat."
"Halsted Street is a microcosm of Chicago where we see cultures collide and divisions collapse."
"We're going to have to start stop looking at each other as the enemy because the other races don't do that as a whole."
"When the Scandinavians do that they don't demonize the rich; everybody's in it together."
"If America is to hold together, assimilation, not just good or bad, necessary."
"We really need Unity, but the bonds that create Unity are principles preserved by agreement of all."
"We need to find things to agree on more than things we disagree on."
"Things can be better but only if we are able to unite."
"I love this question because I think the way we can restore civility is by pulling people together and not focusing on what divides us from each other."
"Truth unites; it's not called Unity at all costs. It must be the truth that unites us."
"The only way to stop all of this is love thy brother, love thy sister."
"We don't want to be 300 million plus silos. We want to find common ground."
"Evil comes in many forms, and we come together as one American people."
"There was a feeling after 9/11 that maybe we could."
"Coronavirus has become way more important than any of the divides that were currently stitching together different coalitions." - Speaker
"Regardless of race, background, religion, we're just individuals."
"Life isn't so far different than that. As soon as you start pinpointing and dividing and segregating all of a sudden we're not playing as a team anymore." - Commentator
"We have to stop letting them separate us with skin color."
"We're better together than separated and divided."
"Exactly, yes, exactly. Absolutely, I want to keep. I don't want a civil war."
"We have to fix it with love, we've got to come back together again."
"There is no goal post, there is no gates, there's just us."
"We need to show that guys like you and I can sit across from each other and have a conversation."
"It's not gonna be like a hybrid of half the people thinking that, you know, and the other half. It's gonna be all or nothing because we're all in this together."
"We don't need black or white or left or right. What we need is common sense, we need balance."
"While at times we only see the worst of people and politics on the evening news, let's remember how we come together in the most difficult times."
"I really just see, how do you break down this rhetoric and get to a place where people can be Americans together?"
"The reality is we have so much more in common than divides us."
"We should all be trying to find ways to come together, not fight each other."
"I agree, the first week of Pokémon GO was like as close to World peace as I think we have ever gotten."
"The more dangerous the country becomes because everyone realizes we all kind of want the same thing. We just want to have a whiffle ball game in the yard."
"We must be far more robust in identifying these ideologies and defeating them across all parts of our societies."
"The problem with the continual emphasis on diversity that we hear is that it isn't accompanied by the obvious fact that if people aren't united by a vision, then they're divided."
"If you can get a society to rally behind one thing, economic growth, a better life for their children's children, doesn't matter where you come from."
"Where else will you find young and old of every class and race playing with each other on the gymnasium floor?"
"We need to try and bridge that gap and bring the police and the public back together."
"The first object of government is to protect the common good, that which we share, and not that which in some ways divides us."
"I don't think the people care, they want to live together and move on."
"Our potential as a societal group of people believing in each other and lifting each other up has a force potential in this world that there is no other like it."
"I think the first thing we should do is stop fighting each other, stop debating the topics they will have us debate, and look at the bigger picture."
"Religion begins by offering magical aid to harassed and bewildered men; it culminates by giving to a people that unity of morals and belief which seems so favorable to statesmanship and art."