
Creative Thinking Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"It's hard to think outside the box when you don't know where the edges of the box are."
"Puns keep us from taking ourselves too seriously and sharpen our capacity for creative thinking."
"Is it the build limit? Oh, wait, then how do we do this?"
"An architect must know the truth that one plus one equals two but also has to learn to think that one and one doesn't make too."
"Once you see how the story is made to go the way it goes, you also see how it could have gone differently."
"Laying in bed at night, it's designing new parts, designing new suspension, designing new wings."
"Tangent is going to demand that we think outside of the box, that we think outside of the circle in order to geometrically interpret."
"Actually, I can think of at least three ways to make two plus two equal five."
"Speculation is just creativity, speculation is the beginning of hypothesis."
"If you have the ability to think and be creative and be resourceful..."
"It just opens up this whole world of what could we do different."
"Even it doesn’t pan out, the ideas are a ton of fun to think about--and hey, wouldn’t it be amazing if it does come true?"
"If you put a battery in the banana, it will be a super banana!"
"Moving from compulsive to conscious activity."
"Can you just, I know, I know, it's because it's because I'm having better and better ideas."
"You might be saying 'write a book' but you don't have to write a book... boom you just wrote a book without writing a book."
"It asks you to think outside the box, reconsider how the game works."
"Let's all think outside the box and start an outdoor revolution."
"The best part of being an entrepreneur is when you're broke because you really have to think."
"Rey looks around the May Cafe set up knowing that they have created a high standard experience but he has a mischievous look when he gets an idea on how they can push it one step further."
"An innovative idea that pushes the industry."
"I like to take something really normal and then just add the smallest little element to it that just makes it a little bit out of the ordinary."
"96 could look like 69 if I just did a little twisty, you feeling me?"
"Challenge yourselves, think creatively. What is the gaming experience you always wanted to build?"
"It's about putting a new idea, a new thought into the world that's never existed before."
"You need to think of new ways of doing old stuff."
"Explore adjacent possibilities and think outside the box."
"It's not a diamond, it's a Volkswagen. But you take the fenders off then it'll be cool, right?" - Jeremy Whitman
"It's a game that thrives on creative thinking and problem-solving."
"Fresh eyes is an opportunity for you to just show or demonstrate or say or identify how your mind has been sparked."
"Roses are large, the sky is big. Mix them together and you'll know where to dig."
"WWE deserves credit for thinking outside the box."
"Moon Knight always has a creative solution. He doesn't get depressed and mope around or rack his brain trying to solve a problem in an overly complex way; he just acts on instinct."
"Danielle, you pitched this idea of Agatha maybe not being such a bad guy. Also, you said twins meat pie. So for that, I award you two points."
"The same mind that created the problem cannot solve the problem."
"Anything can be achieved with a little innovative thinking."
"I think bolo'bolo is a brilliantly creative thought exercise slash blueprint for a future society, despite its flaws."
"Whenever you're doing this, it's always good to just think about how this world was built."
"I miss your unique perspective; you helped me think outside the box."
"Assumption hacking. I like this very very much."
"So, if you’ve ever pondered the eternal question of whether you’d rather be stuck in a song that never ends or acid-induced muppet nightmare, then this is the video for you."
"Encourage the out-of-the-box ideas that drive real progress."
"What if we can... create these new systems for ourselves, create new mediums for ourselves...?"
"You know what? The Pig has some pretty good ideas. I won’t write him off yet."
"Think outside the box, embrace unconventional thinking."
"Great thinking, then, not to mention the great animation too."
"His mind works in ways that mere mortals don't."
"This new moon is going to help us... lead you forward into some joyful or at least innovative thinking."
"Start thinking like a producer, stop being a consumer."
"Contemplating a different futuristic setting."
"It is okay to think outside of the box that it is appropriate for you to look at your surroundings and your environment and to fundamentally ask yourself the question are there are ways that we can move things forward."
"There's so many different ways they could do it instead of just not adding it."
"You can't solve the problems you created with the same thinking that led to their creation."
"Think about how many areas you can sort of make."
"Innovation will come from the fringes rather than the center."
"Remember, you are stuck in a maze. Everything can have multiple uses."
"I do like this idea mostly because no one was expecting this direction."
"I was in a zoom call... and we were like wouldn't this be great what other challenges can we do."
"Find a way to see creative solutions to problems."
"I figured out who slinky dog should get with. The rubber shark that is in that one scene where he's wearing the hat."
"I think they actually have plenty of interesting enough grand ideas."
"You're better than that. You can think of something else. I believe in you."
"Belief releases your creative power. Disbelief puts the brakes on. Belief is basic to creative thinking."
"Creative thinking is simply finding new, better, improved ways of doing things. The rewards of all types of success hinge on finding ways to do things better."
"New romantic cycle begins, two cycles starting with the eclipses. It's something completely new, we have to think out of the box."
"The real error lies in not using your wonderful creative mind that was given to you so that you could create the kind of world for yourself that you truly desire."
"Shower thoughts is a thing, isn't it? Like there's a subreddit for it where people think of all these genius ideas when you're in the shower."
"Rogue Theory: the show where we pitch the wildest theories for the nerdy titles that we love."
"He takes things and really moves the conversation forward, makes you think about what it is to love fashion now and fashion then and combining the two."
"Make no mistake because he is always working on his next big idea."
"Think outside of the badge, bro. Think outside the bun."
"You play it like a virus, you know? It's like if we had a zombie apocalypse, Walking Dead-style, then aliens invaded. We got softened up so hard."
"I'm glad I could give you a hipster anarchist gun idea, dude. That was such a good idea."
"I feel like the thing that I can do that might turn this around is like... if the unicorn got out, it would be really mad at these guys."
"Difficulty matters in this but think about design being way more important."
"Imagination is about listening with your imaginations."
"It's the idea of just letting your brain run with what this series is trying to do."
"Rejoice in paradox; it signals your creative center."
"The free mind is not a barking dog to be tethered on a ten-foot chain."
"If we give this more thought, Plop with a Bop."
"How many opportunities do we miss just by not being there at the right time?" - Creative Juice
"It doesn't take a lot to think outside the box."
"In this particular context, obviously we're looking for beautiful ideas and we're trying to play well."
"It's the most beautiful moments of life, trying to discuss your brain with a brainstorming about how you can do something without having anything to make something change."
"Breaking the rules and not looking at things exactly how the rest of the world does is an asset."
"He'd have a moment of realization and a light bulb would appear above his head."
"Ask your four-year-old, ask your five-year-old what that looks like to them."
"We will not solve the problems of the world with the level of thinking we were at when we created them."
"Your mind might be racing, you might have a lot of thoughts, a lot of ideas, a lot of inspiration coming through."
"The challenge of innovation is understanding the not so fine line between rules that can be broken and those that can't."
"How does a plant survive in lava? Podoboos? No problem, that makes sense. Lava bubbles? That's pretty cool."
"I'm not a smoker smoker but I'll do my thing but like I was literally just thinking I'm an idea machine so I'm always coming up with ideas anyway so I was sitting in a bed and it hit me like a light bulb I'm like [ __ ] vegan."
"Artistic exploration is vital to the ability to innovate the ability to think about things in a different way."
"The theory is very cool, like when I really thought about it after they wrote it in, I sat about and I thought about it last night after the Super Bowl too."
"Creativity in problem-solving and thinking outside conventional patterns are traits that define true winners."
"The beauty an of induced problem, is that its twin is the solution."
"Wouldn't it be way more interesting if like Megatron became a prime or RC Shockwave pale deathasaurus?"
"Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso
"By considering what could have been, you open doors to creating something distinct from your inspirations… perhaps even surpassing them in the process."
"What else do I need to say other than it's an evolution of ditto? I don't even think anyone thought that could ever be possible."
"Creativity can be enhanced by reframing problems, connecting and combining ideas, and by challenging assumptions."
"Understanding and getting good at color usually requires a bit of a lateral shift in your thinking."
"What would this look like if it were easy or what might this look like if it were easy and brainstorming seemingly absurd answers to questions like what if I had to write this book in a week."
"Out of all those terrible ideas you'll find one that will productively stretch your mind."
"You cannot think out of the box unless you go into the box."
"We have little in the way of concrete information, but then again, that's the beautiful thing that gives us all the wiggle room we need to make wild theories."
"Unmeltable ice might not be cool, but you know what's cooler than meltable ice? Bubbles!"
"We need to start thinking pretty creatively right now."
"Do whatever your heart desires and whatever that brain of yours thinks of."
"Kojima is a naturally gifted game designer with a propensity to think outside the box."
"I use my creativity to move through the world. New pathways open up before me with ease."
"Necessity is not the mother of invention, refusing to accept things the way that they are is the mother of invention."
"I definitely prefer a type of puzzle where you have to come up with ideas and imply those ideas."
"Reflecting and revisiting creative ideas, creative pursuits."
"But anyway, since then I've been thinking a lot about them and I've brainstormed a lot more about the world that they would be in... and overall how a series starring them would go."
"There's a lot of fun combinations you can really think up with this leader slot system so i'm tempted to go ahead and start thinking about some of those right now"
"I commend the teacher for thinking outside the box."
"You are creatively imagining what you can do."
"How you distinguish yourself from the pack is, no I'm going to give you the opposite of what you thought you were getting."
"Proving that you can think outside the box when it comes to adopting an animal companion."
"Last time I created a tow truck which is pretty basic. I'm trying to think of a tree monster truck, that'd be kind of cool."
"Stopping time to protect them from falling debris would have been a little cooler than a few stray bullets."
"The world's a better place when you learn to think outside that box."
"Well, this was a fun one to consider. I like creatures that are still slightly human-like but different enough."
"The idea of riding on our bike through the water, that's a cool idea."
"Challenge everything, test everything... I could do that, he's not a Million Miles Away."
"When you're thinking, you are replicating the process of creation."
"It's nice to have the original kind of thinkers as opposed to people that are just copying other people's thoughts."
"It's a brilliant idea for a puzzle, isn't it?"
"To think outside the box means to think in a different or creative way than the standard."
"They're actually brain games... they can stimulate and make you have those creative juices start oozing out of your ears."
"Forget about being in the box, think about not having a box."
"The only way you can solve the problems inside that box is to get out of that box."
"Flow state allows for symbolic interpretation of reality."
"I just encourage you to think creatively and how you can use the servo as part of a project that would do something neat and cool."
"Your crazy little idea could become a crazy big idea."
"Imagination is the most important skill that humans have."
"I've been struggling to figure out a theme for our base... I think these sugar dragons are going to help secure a really amazing thematic idea."
"When I think of all the many many villains in the Hulk universe we've done the abomination so wouldn't it be great to tackle the leader."
"Operate out of your imagination, not your memory."
"As always, I encourage you to think outside of the box."
"Pluto moving into Aquarius has already, like, my Galaxy brain has turned on and I've got like a million ideas."
"People who can't see beyond just the obvious won't be able to [repurpose items for different tasks]."
"Now more than ever it's the time to be innovative."
"I always feel like the solutions exist before the problem, but I know for sure I need to see the problem first before I can offer a solution."
"There's always a way to build a better mousetrap."
"Whatever we say right now is what we think and theorizing and stuff. It's not canon, it's just our ideas and what we, it's just spitballing, yeah. We're just spitballing."
"I'm just [] buying a chopper loading it up with sandwiches and just dropping them off just in the air dropping them up not even flying high just kind of like scraping along the []"
"Maybe putting them up on stilts, maybe that's my move."
"George Lucas might secretly be a scientific genius."
"Magic is using vibrations for your frequencies aka your ideas aka influences and creations and creating a thought around it."
"The secret to productivity: letting dead people do your work for you."
"I didn't really know how I was gonna make it work because you know there's a huge gap in the center but I was like I will figure it out."
"It's just like think about anything else, I think it may be an easy thing to even think through like Legos."
"Just thought of a really good card, Cavalier of Thorns."
"This is such a good idea. Now, this is pretty sick."
"Think about your intent, be pretty creative."
"You know that's not really a terrible idea write that down."
"Nothing is off the table, you can have crazy ideas and put them out there, but understand when we're at the limits of science."
"It's a really great inspirational movie about someone who thinks outside the box."
"Meow thinks outside of the box and prepares a lavish bowl of fresh fruits and veggies."
"What an absurd game and what an absurd mind I have."
"J Station's a visionary. I don't care what anybody says, this guy has the mind of a thinker." - Commentator
"Something is fantastically brilliant as that, it's impossible for it to be impossible. There's got to be a way."
"That could be something. I don't know what it is, but I said I wonder if it would work for your children, like if you're trying to get your kids to eat vegetables."
"Here is my concept for villages on the mushroom islands."
"What you are capable of doing with LinkedIn is actually only limited by your own mind."
"Think outside the box... see and perceive the invisible."
"I thought maybe we'd do a little fun bit where we each said, you know, what if it was this or what if..."
"Go straight to the source in our imagination."
"I just think you should be pushing boundaries."
"I mean, it's that out of the box thinking that sometimes works though, you know?"
"What about if we take Bikini Bottom and push it somewhere else?"
"The beauty of theory is that we don't always have to find answers, but we can imagine potential events or even what-if scenarios."
"Creative thinking was the problem, as earthbending required a head-on approach."
"...work environment, or I should say there's a way that you can place yourself into certain environments that will allow abstract thinking, creative thinking, and indeed expansive thinking to emerge."
"The brilliance of Alber is that he used an acknowledged fact to reverse the established hierarchy of factual over actual."
"That's really fun because I looked at that question and I thought it was a great question but how do I answer that, so I'm so glad you thought of doing that."
"Disneyland is a really good exercise in problem-solving."
"Hopefully, this kind of gave you a little bit of insight into what I think about when dealing with the story elements of a character."
"True education is freedom, creativity, and expansion."
"The best ideas are usually not that new."
"Your thought is creative and every thought tends to manifest itself."
"Creative thinking, innovation is going to be so important in our future lives."
"Creativity ultimately means thinking differently about money."
"Versatility is a crucible for innovations."
"That idea is bananas, and I love bananas."
"Dripping with well put thoughts and smashing ideas, taking you to a whole new level of mental ecstasy."
"His objective was to give plain people the tools first to deal with art, to break it down to what's essential in the work, to think like an artist, and then bring that out into the world."
"Most people love the art... they love the art form of what do I need to think, what do I need to dream."
"This isn't like you want your McDonald's staff on mushrooms, this is like people whose job is to be creatively thinking outside of the box."
"You have to really think outside of the box."
"Artists are creative people; they have to think of creativity."
"The fact that they are thinking that far out of the box is what makes the difference."
"Engineers need to think outside the box if they're constantly stuck in the same rut that they've been in for the last 85 or 100 years."
"I think about things like architecture and perspective and composition."
"What variations can you come up with, do you have any ideas how to tweak this effect and create something interesting?"
"How could we improve that game of soccer? Maybe we'll use some sticks and a smaller ball."
"If you start to approach feedback loops thinking like that, there's a lot of fun and creative things you can do with them."
"It's easy to think in 2D... what's hard is thinking outside the box."