
Moral Decision Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Your individual moral decision must not be based upon what you think that this community wants or what you think anybody else wants. This is your individual moral decision, no one else’s."
"I faced all the fears and then I decided that the truth was more important than what I wanted, and I needed to do it for those that have passed on, that justice may be served."
"But that cannot control our decision. Our obligation is to define the liberty of all, not to mandate our own moral code."
"Frog says he understands that revenge won't bring Cyrus back, placing the needs of the many above his own personal desire for vengeance."
"You make the right decision because you did what's right."
"No more, not tonight, not like this. I will not take another life."
"I would never do such a thing because I owe that to myself."
"Despite all, I will try a change. I want to become good."
"I risk my life I put my family in danger if I was caught they would have put a bullet in my head but it was the right thing to do it was the only thing to do."
"Seeing his dad be like, 'No, you have the strength to do what's right,' and then he does it."
"In my mind the most moral choice the best choice is to side with Jack and to kill Lorenzo this prevents the death of the entire Cabot family and anyone else - Lorenzo just happens to kill because he wants to."
"It is never too late to make the right choice."
"Ellie does the proper thing by not abandoning Joel."
"Most people say they would pull the lever and sacrifice one person to save five. It's for the greater good."
"When surveyed, most people say that they'd pull the lever and sacrifice one person to save five. It's for the greater good."
"In light of the money, I guess I'll be merciful and save his life."
"I did what I did because I believed it was the right thing to do."
"If it is the case that the rational thing to do is to consider pulling the lever and pushing the fat man as just as moral as each other then in this situation it's probably the right thing to do to push the fat man off the bridge."
"If I could find ten, I won't destroy this city."
"Revenge is not a thing you take for someone else."
"When a damsel in distress runs up to you and begs for help, there's only one thing to do: stand up for what's right."
"I just thought it was the right thing to do."
"Better to kill one and save five, tragic but necessary."
"Get the vaccine, get it willingly, because it's the right thing to do."
"Han vows that he won't kill people for doing that, but if the situation demands it, then he would."
"I think he did the right thing for the family."
"I've no doubts whatsoever I did the right thing."
"Even though they accidentally murdered 30 people... they decide to do the right thing."
"By sacrificing the few they are able to save the many."
"The most important lesson... staying on the right side... doing the right thing."
"It's never too late to stand up and say, 'you know, we were wrong.'"
"He tears up the letter, saying, 'All right, then, I’ll GO to hell…'"
"So when Peter remembers Uncle Ben’s words and decides that he won’t do it because the world needs Spider-Man, it’s incredibly heroic and endearing."
"I mean I'm glad that he didn't do the school shooting... he just developed a conscience."
"True courage is about knowing when not to take a life."
"He didn't know that moment was going to be captured for posterity's sake. He just knew that was the right thing to do."
"What saves Luke is his ability to look at all that and look at his father and say no."
"You did the [censored] right thing. The last thing you want to be is a nice person in that situation."
"Henry chooses to kill his brother to save the lives of others—a decision that Joel will have to make later in the season."
"I knew he wouldn't have wanted me to kill a man and become a murderer just to save his life."
"In the end, the only way for Arthur to end this war is save the people by doing what hero does and sparing the life of someone he has every reason to kill."
"He doesn't let the Joker fall to his death, he reaches out."
"I had a hallucination of my guardian angel telling me, like, 'You're doing the wrong thing.'"
"Sometimes you gotta like what's the bigger thing to do, so we kind of just weighed it out and just put it in God's hand."
"When I stood in front of him, I couldn't pull the trigger."
"He immediately frees all of his father's slaves."
"Even if it's difficult and inconvenient, it's never too late to do the right thing."
"I'm going to go ahead and take the step that I think Harvey wouldn't have taken and say that I think these two deserve death."
"Itadori has chosen option two for now as he comes to the conclusion that he should be a person who saves as many people as possible."
"Two amazing characters who decide to be good."
"Voting for President Trump was a moral imperative."
"I guess I'll stop. I'm doing it because I know it's wrong and I care about our team's integrity."
"Having just won a 1 V 6, I celebrated by executing all of the unconscious enemies sprawled around me."
"Honestly, killing Parthenax is the right decision, and anybody who chooses not to is selfish."
"He still did what was right, and I think that's amazing."
"You're either going to choose the world, you're going to choose Satan, or by golly, you're going to choose God."
"I am sorry, William, but I will not kill an innocent man."
"I'm following my conscience on these things."
"Not all painful choices are necessarily hard choices... Shouldn't someone running for president be able to tell the truth and vent his anger?"
"By him choosing her, he is choosing spiritually the path of light over the path of darkness."
"Would you jump in to save the child? Absolutely, it's completely absurd not to."
"A utilitarian would say, 'Yeah, push, push that person, sure, yeah.'"
"It's never too late to return to the light and make the right choice."
"If there's even a small chance that we can stop the killing game, then we should take it."
"I will no longer wield swords that kill people."
"Greed existed in my heart and I said no to it."
"Follow your conscience, dude. Do the right thing. Change your life."
"I don't care about the less painful. I'm killing one instead of five."
"Ending this war is first and foremost a moral imperative, but it's also the single best thing we can do for the global economy."
"But then Tom sees the bigger picture and cures Norman instead of killing him!"
"It's the right thing, Pisces, and you know it."
"She only did what she thought was the best for humanity."
"My own story, I still have regrets, some of the coins and furniture I have in my possession were illicitly gained, yeah. But I decided that the only way to repent for my sins was to give it all away."
"Choosing life and a friend over treasure might seem like it shouldn't be the hardest decision in the world."
"The young man did the right thing by protecting his mom."
"It's really up to you whether you choose to be fair or to be equal."
"Butcher has a choice: to join the fight or save Ryan."
"It was the heroic thing to do, it was the right thing to do."
"Taking the high road was the toughest thing to do."
"You have to make your mind up that you're gonna do what's right because it's right, not just to get God to do something for you."
"You have the right to choose life or death, blessings or cursings, amen."
"The right thing is almost always the hard thing to do."
"It's no small thing to pass judgment on the person who raised you."
"It's easy to declare that you'll do the right thing after you get out."
"Personality can never develop unless the individual chooses his or her own way, consciously and with moral decision."
"I think that that dip in the economy and losing money and a little bit of business is worth it if you're gonna be saving lives."
"Repentance simply means a 180-degree turn. I'm going this direction, I realize it's wrong, I go the opposite direction, I change my behavior."
"True sorrow incorporates a sincere decision to stop the wrongdoing."
"After hearing Luang decides to refuse the money and instead wish to donate the proceeds to the families of the deceased."
"I felt like I had done the right thing."
"Don't be afraid, we'll be okay and I know it's the right thing to do."
"Whatever people may think about what I did, I know that I did the right thing."
"You're asking for a lot when you get involved in something like this, and I didn't want to, but I also knew that it was the right thing to do."
"Behold, I call heaven and earth to record against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that you and your seed may live."
"We don't get to decide who lives and dies, Finn."
"Despite the risks, I would do it all over again; it was a no-brainer, really."
"It's a decision about bringing balance in your life, doing the right thing."