
Cooking Technique Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Love a good portion size... The chicken itself, very moist, has clearly been brined because it's still moist all the way through."
"Do not be afraid to try using the Dutch oven for dishes like this; very simple and works perfectly."
"People who have served in the military and seen conflict tend to be the most anti-war. My point is just that I think one thing that we fail at as conservatives very often is we use the language of the left."
"My tip for even rising is to place cakes and tarts in the center of the oven so the air can circulate all the way around them."
"So I just added some lemon juice to each one of my jars, both pint and quart jars, for 20 minutes."
"Sharp knife, cold brisket, that's the way to the promised land."
"So, I give it a little mix. If it seems too thick, which it did, we'll add just another little splash of rice vinegar and give it another mix."
"I've made that dozens and dozens of times since then, you know, that is one of my go-to's. I love that technique. It works really, really well. It's so delicious."
"We found slicing it against the grain was giving us the most success."
"We want to just do a slow, more or less a reverse sear."
"We're gonna need a big pile of chicken I already went ahead took standard chicken breasts cut them up into little tiny bite-size pieces we're gonna weigh them out to 8 ounces of piece and fry them for each burrito."
"You can see that sirloin pretty much just pops right off there if I put it up on the edge of the table using that downward pressure you can pull that sirloin right out of there."
"You want to make sure that when you cut these, you cut them real even, you want a nice even stake."
"Start off light and build, that's how you retain less texture."
"Shaking beef just means shaking because that's how you have to mix it up... Oh my god, such flavor!"
"Nailed the cooking here. The color is perfect."
"Chilling the cheesecake means that the filling will be really set and you get that perfect clean slice."
"The key with tortillas is to roll them out until they are paper thin."
"Cutting vegetables and meat to have similar sizes will help them reheat more evenly."
"Parsnip - I think the best way to cook it is to peel it which I don't always say but the skin can be a little bitter."
"The salt penetrates deeper into the meat than it might otherwise so this is going to end up with more flavorful tender beef at the end of the day."
"We're gonna use our hands to just kind of stir it and break up the leaven."
"A lot of people talk about searing meat as a way to lock in the juices. That's not at all what it does. When you sear meat, you're creating that brown layer, that caramelized layer, and that creates flavor."
"Even after the oven being off for 10 minutes, it's still around 160 which is more than enough just to finish off my ribs."
"Once the quarters are cut and the center's taken out, I just cut them in like fifths."
"Your salad dressing will be down in the bottom but all your lettuce will be lifted up above it sitting on your salad forks or your salad tongs waiting to be tossed but not getting soggy from any dressing."
"The best ones always had a really nice fry on the chicken that wasn't too thick. Of course, it's being soggy, right?"
"Making a roux is the most important step in making a gumbo."
"Why do people still write one to two cloves of garlic in the recipe?"
"The uniformity on the doneness of that rib eye's going to be really even because we're doing it really low and slow versus hot and fast." - KENT
"When adapting oven recipes, start by dropping the temperature anywhere from 10 to 25 degrees and cut the cooking time in half."
"When I think of barbecue, I think of low and slow. This was my great great grandfather's recipe."
"The chicken is so crispy, they batter it really well. It's like light but still maintains its crispiness."
"I'm gonna keep taking the salmon out from under the grill to re-baste it, to make sure that that sticky glaze caramelises and goes all charred and delicious."
"Once that was achieved I immediately went in with the butter, garlic, and thyme."
"That, right there, is a perfectly cooked piece of steak."
"The crisp on the outside and light on the inside is a skill as much as it is an art."
"You'll know it's done when you pick up your whisk and some of it falls down and if it sits on top of the other batter in the bowl and creates ribbons that's when you know it looks perfect."
"Would spatchcocking a turkey work for Thanksgiving or Christmas? You might need garden shears, but yeah, okay, that's well, that comes into the scissoring actually."
"I don't know the recipe, it's all you gotta feel it."
"Is 'al dente' basically cook the pasta so that it's still slightly chewy?"
"Use a microplane, just add that in there. So good, let's sift it out now."
"Dry brining makes meats tender, juicy, and easier to cook."
"Cook these up in a lightly buttered non-stick pan set over between medium-low and medium heat."
"Loss of energy means loss of heat, loss of heat means loss of color, loss of color means loss of your sear, your crust, your flavor."
"A grilled steak is amazing, okay, there's nothing wrong with a grilled steak, but when you learn how to do this in a pan, it's just something you can kind of never come back from."
"When you sauté onion, it becomes translucent, that water now that sugar water is in the pan, now what you got to do is caramelize that water, you caramelize that sugar water and it gives you an amazing amount of flavor."
"So for the chicken, what I did was I browned it on both sides, I added just a little bit of water and the juice of a lime, and then I added the teriyaki glaze that was included in the HelloFresh box along with some of the pineapple."
"You're changing the geometry of the bird, which does a lot to get the different types of meat to cook evenly."
"Can you see there's no shells in there? We're going to put the eggs straight in."
"Putting the butter under the skin is going to keep the breast moist as well as keep the skin crispy."
"What spatchcocking is when you cut out the back... everything ends up cooking at the same rate which is exactly what we want."
"The noodles and the cheese have kind of become one, which is what we were looking for."
"Brown butter is exactly what it sounds like, it's butter that's been browned."
"A really good bark on the outside, a very nice smoky flavor has developed there."
"Yum! So you would think from watching the street vendor and like that dramatic sizzling and stuff that happened that this would be a very complicated dish to make at home, but actually there's some pretty cool technique here."
"In Italy, we'll cook it about three quarters of the way and finish the cooking process in the sauce."
"So when I'm hitting it down like this, it's kind of like clay."
"Slowly whisk in the chicken stock a little at a time."
"Egg wash... is going to act as a protective layer and prevent you from getting a soggy crust."
"I absolutely love that method it would have to be my favorite out of wrapping in foil wrapping in butcher's paper or anything else I've had the best results every time I do it."
"What I love about poaching peaches like this is that you get that hit of intensely fruity mid-summer whenever you want."
"Chicken stock does not get any better than that."
"These crisp up so nice, there is tons of flavor in these."
"To add the cheddar, I'm gonna take it off the heat and treat it a bit more gently so it doesn't break."
"The key characteristics of mang Giza include their arrangement on a large circular plate and the crispy underbelly that forms outside the Giza while they're frying."
"That's the best pulled pork that I've ever made. I think that's the way to do it overnight."
"By doing this what's going to happen is this pepperoni is going to curl up almost like a rose or a beautiful flower."
"That's going to allow us to do a shallow fry, save a little bit more of the oil we bought, and that retains heat amazingly."
"Offsets produce the best flavor and they are simply kind of the pinnacle of what you can create in barbecue."
"He made sure to expose the entire surface of his meatballs to the hot oil to get a nice crust and set the Maillard reaction in motion."
"Making that good beer, doing the tabbouleh, it's really important to actually use your hands to do it. Feels good, whole. There's nothing like a bit of much."
"But because it has more connective tissue it makes for a stew."
"The secret sauce is boiled once a week."
"The air circulation in the air fryer helps deliver that slightly crisp texture on the outside with a moist, perfectly cooked beef on the inside."
"We want to try and time the brisket rise and fall with the decline of our two Grill temperatures."
"The long extended rest gave the brisket time to chill out and absorb some of."
"You make like a potato dough and then you coat it in some stuff and you deep fry."
"Smoking low and slow, that's where the flavor is at."
"I'm gonna put a little indent in the middle. Size matters with burgers. Push it down in the middle, guys."
"If our pancake mixture here just want to add a little bit of browning color to some of these edges this will help make it look like it's actually being cooked."
"Graham has perfected an approach to cooking that is probably the greatest discovery of his entire career."
"Getting the right heat and getting the right smoke going in your pit before you ever put your meat on there, you want a nice thin blue smoke."
"Richard's cooking pan-fried sea bass... He needs to nail those flavors with this, and he needs to cook all that really well."
"And you notice if we had that membrane on, you would have that weird chewy bite on the end of it. But you don't get that, it just melts. It just melts in your mouth, clean bone."
"Cooking your rice in the bone broth... an easy way to add in that anti-inflammatory component."
"The Belgian fries are kind of specially done. They take it, cut it up, soak it, of course, like a normal fry. Then they put it in the oil once, take it out to allow it to rest, and then they do a hotter oil to get it really crispy, so they're twice fried."
"The best most important ingredient in the marinating is bay leaves, garlic, fresh garlic, and red wine."
"The egg seeped down into the layers of the bread, it's not just a surface thing."
"The browning of the meat gives flavor, it also gives color."
"Searing the meat first caramelizes the exterior and then roasting in the oven guarantees that the interior will be flavorful and incredibly juicy."
"The key to a good grilled cheese sandwich is low and slow, making sure you get the cheese melted and the bread crispy."
"Why do you brown this? You brown this to sear in the juice so when you cook it, it also is nice and juicy."
"We're using chicken with the skin on and the bone in, that's going to add a lot of flavor to this dish."
"I always like to put my pasta into disks instead of balls; this makes it easier to roll out."
"Take your basil, tuck them inside the large leaf, and roll it like a beautiful big cigar."
"That is just perfect, you know it's so amazing how quickly those pork bones impart a lot of flavor into that soup broth."
"One of the secrets to having that come out right is you let it cook and you get the little charred bits of whatever you're cooking on the bottom."
"We don't want to overcook the vegetables; we want to keep them nice and crisp."
"It's a sweet and sour chicken, see that's our pièce de résistance."
"Every cook needs to know how to do three-step breading because it's just one of the glories of the world."
"This brining process will mean that we can get a good sear on it without it doing that; it'll retain a lot more moisture."
"A perfectly cooked steak is salted, brought to room temperature, lightly seasoned, and then cooked fast at a high temperature."
"Really fine cooking often depends on a few very simple steps which, if taken, make a great deal of difference in the final result."
"We're going to finish it in the oven so that we can crank the heat up even higher to get our skin nice and crispy and the meat extra juicy."
"The fat dripping down goes into the fire and it's gonna add our flavor, and that's what we want."
"What searing the meat does is it browns the meat, and that tastes delicious."
"One of the benefits of the high pressure system of the instant pot is that you are going to get a lot more flavor development."
"There's something about the magical flavor of what this brown roux does."
"When you put sugar onto strawberries, you macerate them and give them like a strawberry glaze itself."
"I'm gonna let them rest for about an hour before I even cut into it."
"To have an effective marinade, you need a couple of things: acid, time, and/or pressure."
"Butternut squash is very sweet, and I like to counterbalance sweetness with a little bit of spice."
"This is so, so, so important, I'm going to let this rest for 30 to 60 minutes to let all the juices redistribute in the bird so it stays nice and moist."
"If you shake it, it makes it honestly really fluffy and like whipped."
"It's golden brown on the outside and rare inside, this brings out the sweetness of the scallops."
"This brazing step is what's going to make these ribs fall off the bone tender and melt in your mouth."
"Golden fried rice is a technique for making fried rice where you coat your rice in eggs prior to the cooking process."
"You shouldn't be intimidated by this method; it doesn't add a whole lot of time."
"If you want your vegetables to be crispy after you roast them and you're not using oil, you can also easily do this using the broil setting in your oven."
"If you like that smoky flavor... you're gonna want to go down the reverse sear method."
"What is an Alfredo sauce? An Alfredo sauce originally is simply butter with well-grated Parmesan cheese that is tossed with pasta and some of the pasta water which creates a sauce."
"You know the conventional risotto is cooked on top of the stove open without a lid, adding liquid, stirring, adding liquid and stirring."
"So I'm going to show you exactly how we can get that beef beautifully tender and soft and glistening in this special version of beef and broccoli."
"Roasting bones gives an extra depth of flavor that definitely pays back dividends in your final dish."
"I found if I can stretch it as long as possible low and slow, bring it off, let it rest, and give it then a blast here at the end, I get a much better result."
"You want the maximum amount of skin on the leanest part of the meat because the skin gives that fat and that richness where it's needed most."
"This bread is buttered and put on the grill, a lot of places ain't doing that around here."
"As that cartilage begins to melt, it leaches out into your liquid helping to really make your bone broth gelatinous."
"That chicken, it's cooked perfectly, it's a little bit charred, but the flavors are in that."
"Your kids or neighbors might like that thin part, but I'm going to show you a Texas barbecue joint trim that leaves you with a brisket that when you slice it, every slice is great."
"The whole style behind dum cooking is keeping all the flavors locked in."
"Take your time with this step; it's one that is important to a stew like this because you're going to get a lovely crust from that flour."
"Look at that tender, medium rare, beautiful duck. Rendered down fat, little crispy skin on top."
"The little bit of oil gets that sausage started and really browns up nicely."
"You flip it to unlock the flavor."
"Slow cooking this really does work best for this dish because you want your beef to go very, very tender, to fall apart basically when you're eating it."
"The simplicity of this broccoli is so nice; it's salty and then it's just captured up those kind of pan and the fond from the actual steak."
"Absolutely perfect, it's that rice cooking pot that does it."
"Each cheese has a different application for the style of macaroni and cheese."
"The cool thing about grilling like this is that you get all these big flavors from the grilling and you get that slightly charred feeling and the smokiness, but it's still cooked quite gently."
"In Louisiana, what they call this is a rolling boil."
"We're going to poach the pork in the cider."
"You want this peanut oil smoky, smoking hot, so hot that it's gonna do the magic trick at the end."
"You get so much flavor from that browning from the Maillard reaction."
"With sous-vide, you can make them perfect every single time."
"We are going to turn this butter into softened whipped butter so it goes further."
"Having a moist environment is gonna help that smoke stick to that brisket."
"We're making a bacon paste and coating the chicken completely so you get a light bacon flavor throughout."
"I'm going to make a compound butter to shove up its skin."
"You want to create like a nice fluffy surface area, okay, because that's going to give you the nice crispy roast potato at the end."
"A nice flat bird is going to have direct contact with the skillet; that'll help it to cook faster."
"When you add that starchy cooking water to your sauce and your pasta, the pasta will familiarize itself with the sauce because of the starch."
"Slow cooking is one of the best weapons in this chef's arsenal."
"That airflow is one of the main reasons when you go to wood fire ovens or traditional Italian pizzerias, that you have those nice little bubbles that are kind of charred in here."
"We've done a shallow fry now several times, and it's been so successful that we have found actually doing this on the Blackstone is as quick as anything."
"It's all about the lobster. Needs to be cooked absolutely spot on. Just a touch undercooked or even a touch overcooked, that will just ruin the whole dish."
"It's all about the stirring, folks."
"They're gonna cook until they're about 50, 52 degrees, we're gonna get them off resting with a butter on top, chimichurri butter."
"Sometimes what I'll do, in this stage, before I'm going to cook them, I'll add the barbecue sauce right on the shrimp, and toss them. Then they get really happy."
"You're not going to cook the pasta ahead of time; the pasta will cook with all the liquid that's within the lasagna itself."
"This might be double fried. Listen to the crunch on this."
"I like to sauté my vegetables over medium-high heat until the onions are translucent and the carrots and the celery are tender."
"Anyone who doesn't know what flambe is, it is taking alcohol, burning out the alcohol with fire, it burns out enough that it just leaves you with the residual flavor."
"Really, really, really caramelize the shallots so they're sweet."
"You want to beat those eggs up well, get some nice air into your eggs. This egg will be so fluffy, almost soufflé-like."
"That's good too. My favorite is definitely the one with the sauce before cooking."
"The batter on the fish was exceptional, light, almost tempura-like."
"If you cook the chicken then coat it and just for about 10 minutes, go ahead and crisp it up, then you actually get crispy oven fried chicken."
"So to make this exquisite sandwich at home, make a bread trough to contain all of the components, create an olive salad using the food processor, and waterproof the bread by brushing it with olive oil."
"That's why KFC is so great, it's pressure fried. I don't know how it works, but it locks in the eleven herbs and spices."
"The skin and the scale is going to protect the fish from the fire so it might look bad but it's just absolutely delicious."
"Residual heat to melt the cheese, oh this is good."
"You know the thing with brisket is that you have to cook it low and slow."
"This tough pig skin is going to act like a shell, as a vessel, and will allow this pig to cook in its own juices."
"The Italians have a word for this, it's called 'all'onda' or 'with the wave'."
"That's what I was talking about with that crispy bacon-style fat from the hot and fast beef rib, that just is so savory."
"The smoke is what gives our meat the flavor."
"We're going to essentially fry up and cook some Panetta, which is like an Italian bacon, it's like a pork belly, right, and it's going to give you that smoky caramelized flavor when we cook it."
"Yes, you can sous-vide cook in the metal bowl."
"I tried a new wrinkle on the mashed potatoes which was to 3/4 roast them before boiling them and mashing them."
"So let me repeat, when grilling Pacific saury, make sure you wrap it in smoke."
"When the sugar goes in, don't think that I'm trying to make the dish sweet; it's not going to make it sweet, it's going to give it like a umami flavor, make them say, 'Mommy, where'd you get this recipe from?'"
"We want to get a nice sear onto the meat."
"This takes time; this is the part of the technique that most people that make French onion soup don't have the patience for."
"If you roast the whole fish and then carefully pull the softened chunks of meat off the bones without trying to fillet at first, it comes out wonderful."