
Visual Imagery Quotes

There are 258 quotes

"It's like having the nice dark background and then it's just a drizzle like there's dark chocolate with raspberry drizzles over it."
"The dead body's long dark hair with the crimson dress created a very frightening scene."
"The nature of his imagery is so vast all we're doing is capturing what's already intrinsically cinematic."
"Sitting in the armchair was little more than rotten flesh and Bone."
"I just wanted you to watch me swim through piles of money. It's pretty cool."
"That is so cool... It's like a glass of Christmas candy cane."
"You sparkle, that's painting the picture, like the lens flare of a movie."
"It honestly looked like Overeem got electrocuted."
"Taylor was a sweet little girl, her big brown eyes twinkled out of every picture."
"When you see the white armor coming out of a black room, you just see the armor. And it's a great, terrifying sort of moment."
"There's nothing scarier... than a blind old woman with whites for eyes."
"It's like a cloud, it's beautiful, it's blue."
"I want to see the blue butt cheeks of Idris Elba walking around."
"Real crazy stuff go down. It was surreal driving down fluorescent when all of the buildings were set on fire."
"It's like watching sludge get pulled into a drain—it's inevitable, the conclusion, the emptiness, the horror."
"The imagery and just the bizarreness of this journey is perhaps not for everyone, but I did honestly really like it."
"Imagine the entire United States covered in a lumpy, uneven parking lot, like asphalt everywhere as far as the eye can see."
"I think the song, it's very airy, it's very emotional. I can imagine them filming a music video for this."
"Then you saw for the first time how timber and rubble swirled into the air."
"Lucius turns into a shining angelic being with six angelic wings, halos, and majestic deer antlers."
"What a great image to have, very peaky blinders."
"The big beefy orc boy being tortured by his Venthyr jailers."
"May our eyes have the kindness and reverence of candlelight."
"Their arms are literally floating through space hand in hand for the rest of time."
"The serene synthetic mountains over the oily pitch-black glitching floor."
"It's like one of those magic eye paintings you see at the mall."
"Crayon blue skies are at least as cyberpunk as eating a bulgogi taco in the rain under a clear umbrella."
"As the last rays of sun fell upon the blood-soaked decks."
"Hell of a boss, the F there's white everywhere."
"Her bloodied fingers beckoning him to come back."
"The aluminum wheels on cars melted and dripped down driveways like tiny rivers of mercury."
"The Sun shot seems to convey three things: astronomical change, leading into hell, and blood being spilled."
"This singular person is lit like the clouds have parted and God herself is calling her home."
"Like a waterfall and look how it goes from thick down to thin and then just evaporates like a drop of water out here in Moab."
"The world is snapping back into focus, bright primary colors have wooed him to his super heroic calling."
"In the world of Hannibal, death is a moth, eating away at the edges of a beautiful tapestry until the picture is so eroded that all that remains is the suggestion of what might have been."
"Risotto's soul tainted, eyes black and red with vengeance."
"It gets four industrial waste bins full of illegal fireworks and rejected YA manuscripts from 2012 with a cigarette flying toward them in slow motion after being flicked away by a man in a trench coat"
"You can imagine this enormous ball, falling down the middle of the building, destroying everything in its path."
"The imagery and memories have stayed with me for so long."
"Just imagine giant Nami glowing blue lightning coming off of her."
"That's the iconic shot of Foley smiling with the blood in his mouth, the tooth hanging out of his nose."
"Her dark eyes are windows upon an ancient and wicked soul."
"He kinda looks like Ben Franklin and Albert Einstein had a baby."
"I leaned forward, still staring at me, her eyeballs frozen in their sockets. There was something intensely pleading in the way she was looking at me."
"Their heads and necks are twisted upward, contorted into a silent scream destined to resonate amongst those walls for decades, if not towards their ceiling."
"She was like Cersei Lannister with feathers and talons."
"This passage describes a vision of Jesus appearing with hair like wool and feet like bronze, which some interpret as indicating a darker complexion."
"He looks like a lost little boy at an amusement park right now."
"His blade gleamed in the moonlight, its deadly dance a symphony of destruction."
"You guys are all just shining. I just look out here and I can just see the sparkles in the field. It's lovely."
"He had a plate full of crepes, enough to fill even the big guy's green ample belly."
"If you work this thing right, you're going to be a millionaire before you turn 40."
"Your days will become brighter, the skies will be bluer, and the grass greener, and your [__] pinker."
"Casually standing in the middle of New Orleans with a snake on your head."
"This is what you picture, a big old noggin coming all the way up."
"Just utterly dark, lots of masked figures, particularly this one was on one of the pillars, just totally demonic."
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe, attack [__]."
"Make sure you stack some sats so you don't end up looking like a grotesque portrait of Dorian."
"I swear to God that it looked like a huge hairy spider coming at me with all arms and legs."
"A bad apple hidden beneath its brilliant wax and skin, slowly rotting as all his desires slipped through his fingers."
"The Vimana flashed away into heaven beyond the stars like a thought leaving a golden Trail in the sky."
"The whole country looked like it was in a nuclear blast."
"A bullet piercing the smoke changed absolutely everything."
"There's just something really moving and somewhat haunting about that image."
"Smoke and debris mushroomed into the sky, marking the ferocity of the strike."
"That's just first of all nasty, it looks like cheese whiz."
"Rises above the city like a fairy tale castle."
"The serene forests, beaches with rolling waves crashing against crags, and what looks like real-time reflections on the water create these scenes which are absolutely breathtaking."
"Doctor Strange battles Shuma Gorath, the big old eyeball."
"Are you seeing this? There's mice and cheese and a guy."
"Seeing that scene brought tears to Song Wu's eyes."
"It's like sweaty, proud, muscle-bound testosterone sweating, uh, erotically charged hot muscular men, that's kind of fire."
"This is like something out of Tim Burton's nightmare."
"This dude, he's got that little dreepy freaking dragon pull tail to him."
"Imagine four pairs of eyes watching you sleep from above."
"The detail in these environments is just bananas."
"The thing raised one of its arms, the one closest to us, and extended all its fingers. They glowed a sickly greenish-yellow and pulsed with a faint light, like a dying battery."
"I love it when people are just encircled and enveloped in light like light was just giving them a big hug."
"His red eyes glowing, smiling his broken smile."
"I feel like she was on another level with this song and this music video she feels like a weapon out okay zoom in zoom out okay."
"That final shot could be like an album cover or something."
"Tropicocoa is going to be as rippled as the ocean itself, a tropical gem, the center of paradise."
"You make my eyes sparkle like rainbow swirls."
"It's the 90s, I can't really represent his golden eyeball."
"Symbols are puzzles pieces, and when you start putting symbols together, they start creating a picture."
"It's like a snow globe on steroids. This is probably what the world is, snow cute."
"Keep those peepers in their sockets if you can."
"The blow was so strong that a stone lying next to him cracked."
"She looked like a snowman by the end of her speech."
"He looks like an old grandpa you would see in a nursing home."
"Watching Shaq spinning toward the basket was like watching those tiny old biplanes trying to take down King Kong."
"I just love them, they look like little hot peppers hanging from the barrel."
"Fishes are back in town, come on, one big hit, bill the screen."
"I feel like any time his glasses are kind of grayed out and you can't see through to his eyes it feels like he's this ominous mysterious figure."
"Gideon explores the game, coming across a melting red skeleton."
"It kind of looks like fall colors in my map."
"I love this color; it truly reminds me of a brick, like a brick red, that beautiful burnt orangey brick red."
"One of my favorite parts is all the different pictures that they showed."
"That was the visual of them coming out... that is some of the coolest imagery."
"Whitman's images are clearly visual. Ginsberg's are often surreal, distorted, in a kind of syntactic fun-house mirror."
"It's like someone's opened a bag of glitter and just let it blow in the air, but it's so creepy though, 'cause it's like slow motion."
"There were Norfolk biffins squat and swarthy setting off the yellow of the oranges and lemons."
"...and it's so pretty...can you just see that pretty..."
"It's amazing, I went there once for a two-week trip, a road trip, and it literally, I don't know if you guys, I'm sure I know you guys have seen the movie The Hobbit or like the Lord of the Rings, it looks like those scenes."
"Sunlight illuminated his bare chest and muscular arms as he rhythmically worked sandpaper across some kind of wooden frame."
"Visual imagery can help with remembering abstract information like names."
"...this was still very clearly the Most lyrics driven reunion album to this point and the visuals they evoke are some of the most Vivid across their whole career..."
"It looked like something straight out of a horror film."
"It literally looked like people were sitting in an outdoor amphitheater, and it was like a desert oasis."
"I like strain names that are kind of goofy kind of off or that are visually thought provoking."
"It feels like I was looking at the hollow socket of a skull."
"It sat alone, black and white stripes moving up its length like a barber's pole."
"This story is really exciting and the imagery is incredibly vivid."
"Thank you, think a little against the white background."
"I want nothing more than any excuse to have a long panning shot or zoom in shot down a hallway to see Tom hon with his flowing hair."
"But a wispy tendril of white vapor twisted from the dust cloud like a tornado forming in reverse."
"It's so purposeful, like the contrast of that horrific ditch full of bodies versus this oasis of this beautiful love."
"There was imagery in this movie that is just exactly what I have been looking for in a horror movie."
"Pictures of citrus just take me on vacation, that's what they do."
"...the eye is looking at Mount Kenya."
"An odd mix of green and blue, almost sea green."
"I had the whole sky in my eyes and it was blue and gold."
"The autumn is like right at its end so like all the trees were so golden orange and gorgeous."
"Damn, the dust settled. I like that visual."
"If I saw it, I know I'd just be at peace, you feel me?"
"It's like that hazy sort of morning that you have everything's a little bit faded."
"I really liked their depiction of the fold in the show; it felt menacing and was really well described."
"I love that this looks like an umbrella; I also love the rain."
"Imagine a baseball being thrown at a window; this is where that baseball is hitting the window and starting the shatter."
"Imagine if something exploded or shattered underwater."
"Great ending too, with just that black solid shadow of the alley there."
"There's something very calming and relaxing; I'm basically seeing it like a lava lamp."
"Everything's just glittery; it's so cool, like diamonds everywhere."
"The two rings touch each other and they display a rainbow."
"Coating his form in an ethereal blue glow."
"Seeing him be a badass and seeing his clothes flapping in the wind behind him anime style, that was so amazing."
"All I see is black stars, and I freaking love it."
"It's true that he is described as fair in appearance, and a bright light shines from him."
"Union defenders on Cemetery Ridge said that they could see this red mist hovering above the Emmitsburg Road as these southern troops were just being eviscerated."
"It was like shimmering veils of fluorescence."
"So now we're getting some clouds in there, some really pretty looking little clouds."
"Lord Cigna, in her long red dress and rings all over her fingers, feathers in her hair, and just adorned like a queen, is sitting in what appears to be a golden throne."
"The setting is also very accurate to the point I'm able to immediately recognize the locations they were in."
"Jim's lyrics communicated things that were so visual beyond the obvious."
"It looked like a miniature blue sun, complete with a corona."
"Expect to see angels, expect to see color, expect to see light, expect to see promises."
"If you stack them... it will look like an ear of corn."
"It's like a cinematic movie scene."
"Soft energy will give you ethereal, dazzling shades."
"The smoke coming out from the houses, its gray tendrils sliding their way up the pastel sunset sky, the contrast is remarkable."
"I just love the image of like the street markings trailing off into the blind snow."
"All glimmering and glinting with greenish jewels."
"Green beads emblazoned on a background of gold."
"The insides of that fish glistened like jewels."
"And dust in my eyes that blinds my sight. And silence that speaks so much louder than words. Of promises broken."
"The Woman in Red shows up, flexing her red body."
"...the Lord felt the Divine sensation and his eyes lit up with a bright yellow color."
"Just say the name Maravich or the nickname Pistol Pete and the mind's eye recalls the flying hair, the floppy socks, the incredible moves."
"Faded pink and neon teal glimmer and flicker through the rising force of the rain."
"It's smooth, it's holographic, and it's beautiful."
"I love how that hair just like shoots forward."
"The sun was slanting through the thick yellow windows, and dust motes danced in the light like tiny golden insects."
"He had 600 Wings... he filled up the entire Horizon."
"All I see is Darlene's smiling face, so beautiful, so perfect."
"He looked as though he'd been carved out of glass."
"...the dreaminess here and the brightness of everything, the romanticism of the image ironically feels more revealing."
"The minute the film starts with that wonderful bizarre like alien landscape, it's like a skyline, it's like clouds."
"It'll look like a ghost just moving across the sand."
"A blind man would love to see that right there."
"Kind of looks like a little burrito taco, whatever you want to call it."
"The late afternoon sunlight glittered on drawn sabres."
"The fog on the glass, the unblinking eyes, chilled."
"This is a waffle. Look at the little marks and the butter on top."
"I love how she's in this action position; she has her fuku kind of flowing behind her as well as the bow flowing behind her."
"The sea of brilliant blue breaking up on the bar which in itself is glooming white."
"Our Wednesday will be brown-eyed."
"It looks like it's like falling glitter, kind of really special."
"It was that image of that little person in the mist carrying that one message that really inspired the movie."
"I love this color, it's like mustardy yellow but there's these flecks of orange in it."
"A lot of people have described it as sort of the Royal Tenenbaums on acid. I love it."
"Everywhere you look, it's like art, it's like a painting."
"Wow, another good day, the weather is great here. Look at this, how it's setting up, it's great, it's like the reveal shot, boom, right there."
"When I toss the risotto in the pan, you can almost see it behave as one homogenous blob, something that looks like waves crashing on the ocean."
"I love the symbology and the pictures in it."
"That's what we see when we look up at those trees changing on the hillside."
"I love how his eyes were glowing in that scene."
"This is beautiful, that is one of the most beautiful imageries that I've seen."
"It paints a really pretty picture, I'm not gonna lie to you."
"It captures more of that science fancy goodness that I think the image actually can."
"The moon coming through the slats in the jalousie threw black and white bars across the corner of the room next to his bed."
"It's a beautiful crisp sunny day, as you can probably tell by the fact that I'm being blinded by the sun."
"It looks so rich, like it's woven with gold."
"It looks like cotton candy, okay it really does though, and I love cotton candy."
"We got sakura petals blowing and everything like that."
"Siren's wings are dazzling like sunlight sparkling on snow."
"Oh, Matthew, you do paint a glorious picture, thank you."
"It's as if a deep blue curtain had fallen over the daytime sky."
"The sword, however, was reduced to a rain of sparkling shrapnel, blowing through the wind and the morning sunlight as a million small sparks of solid light."