
War Ethics Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"If there is a draft for an immoral war that is unjustified, you have every duty not to go."
"The only people who are morally clean in war are those who are attacked."
"The Geneva Conventions came out of the horrors of World War II with this global idea of we can never have war look like... Civilians in particular should be completely off limits."
"You don't get to wage war and then once you start losing or fear losing come and beg for a ceasefire."
"Sanctions need to be powerful enough to demonstrate our resolve and the capacity to impose overwhelming costs."
"Diplomacy still remains open. It isn't the appropriate time as Russia is taking escalatory steps and preparing to invade for him to meet with the foreign minister."
"The thing about war is it only works as both sides believe they're the good guys."
"In a real war, you don't torture your opponents when you beat them."
"Our obligations, it's not just to win this war but survive."
"War is heartless. Euroslov advises doing what's necessary in a pinch."
"Killing someone who is not actively engaging in a war is simply murder."
"Killing an act of war is very different from assassinating ideological opponents who are carrying no weapons and passing no policies."
"War crimes are happening oh let's go high war crimes."
"President Putin is finding out that his soldiers don't want to fight because they don't believe in the cause."
"War should always be the last resort, you know? And only if you're... Normally we say that only when your vital interests are at stake should you be at war."
"Two wrongs don't make a right and two war crimes definitely don't make a right."
"War crimes shall be punished, if evil is not punished it will come back."
"It's just generally bad to invade other countries and kill innocent people."
"Civilians must not be targeted in conflict. We must minimize civilian casualties."
"The most important thing was to try to end the war quickly by any means necessary, including trespassing upon traditional ideas of military ethics."
"The targeting of civilians... is a war crime." - British Foreign Office Minister addressing Russian actions in Ukraine.
"Anything over zero percent of collateral damage is too many."
"Also, the Ukrainian military, I guess that might have been the Nazis, the Azov battalion, they were shooting Russian prisoners of war and then letting them bleed out and also torturing them."
"Aggressive war is a crime and nothing excuses it."
"Richtofen insisted on entertaining captured Allied pilots with dinner and drinks before they were sent to prisoner of war camps."
"A war over territorial integrity should be ended by sacrificing it, so Russia just wins. There is no 'W' in the situation; Ukrainian lives."
"Wars are uncertain... doing the right thing can make you lose and doing the wrong thing can make you win."
"Sometimes a war can't be won, but if you're fighting for the right thing, you give it everything."
"To be humanitarian in the face of widespread inhumanity, to respect a man that wanted to blow you up, isn’t easy."
"We wanted a war to be over. We wanted to stop the killing."
"War is terrible, and so, perhaps, are the men who wage it."
"Here's where the British could legitimately be charged with war crimes because they are deliberately undertaking an action that they know will result in unnecessary exposure of risk to a civilian population."
"War is no longer used or fighting is no longer driven by justice and defending the innocent."
"The world needs to unite. Yes, it is against the Geneva Conventions to publicly display POWs, but this is something else entirely."
"Trump is weak because he doesn't want to commit war crimes."
"No country is without sin, especially in times of war."
"Zihark may be a soldier, but he's no hero on the wrong side of the war."
"The death of civilians is unacceptable from any side."
"It shouldn't be like that if we're at a war and we're putting american lives on the line and we're potentially killing civilians over there and we're wasting all this money you damn well better have some goals you damn well better have a mission"
"Given that prisoners ramier hinderance and of winning the Battlement breaking the Geneva Convention... the end justifies the means."
"Civilian casualties are terrible and in a modern war where we have such precise guided munitions the aim of war should be to incur less and less casualties."
"It's hard in a war to not respect your enemy."
"War was our business and our business was measured in the profit and loss of humans."
"A just war must be undertaken only as a last resort."
"Nonsense, soldiers at war can't be at fault for their actions."
"Those in power should consider whether or not war was really necessary, putting their own families on the scale."
"It's not that making war less brutal is a bad thing; it's that it courts certain risks which includes the perpetuation of war."
"This war is not prosecuted upon our part in any spirit of oppression, nor for any purpose of conquest or subjugation."
"Civilians should never be indiscriminately targeted."
"We must acknowledge the cost of our actions. The Nebulin cluster was a natural wonder, home to countless species. Have we become so blinded by our quest for victory that we're willing to destroy the very galaxy we are fighting to protect?"
"It was by any reckoning a hard-hearted strategy, throwing the burden of the war onto the civilian population."
"Civilians shouldn't be killed even if it's a war; civilians should be protected."
"Everyone we talk to, of all the people we talk to, no one is happy about civilian deaths, everyone wanted the civilian deaths minimized as much as possible."
"The fact that war is hell does not give us the right to make it more hell."
"The thing that scares me is they're trying to take the humanity out of war."
"When you fight a battle or war, your enemy will do things you consider horrible. You can win a war, but if you become your enemy, you've won nothing."
"It's perverse to tell a party not to attack the war machine of the aggressor while not delivering military aid to the victim."