
Carbon Sequestration Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Regenerative agriculture...is clearly carbon negative."
"A healthy hectare of functioning perennial pasture can contain more carbon than a hectare of tropical rainforest."
"Without cows, up to 30% of the world's carbon wouldn't be safely sequestered under the soil."
"In principle, if we took all of these rocks that are near the surface in Oman today and we carbonated every single magnesium atom in those rocks, that would accommodate all of the human output of CO2 at present-day rates for a thousand years."
"The best carbon removal technology that we have is growing forests."
"A vegan diet is four times more effective at sequestering carbon."
"But regenerative agriculture seeks to reverse that, and not only, kind of, cut down the pollution, but maybe in some cases even soak up some of the pollution we put in the atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide."
"Biochar is like you're basically taking leftover like a dead tree instead of letting a dead tree kind of rot and slowly kind of release all of its stored carbon."
"Trees are the greatest carbon eaters on the planet."
"By changing those methods and simply using no-till farming and multi-species cover crops we're able to put the carbon dioxide back in the ground as carbon."
"Forests help us mitigate climate change by storing carbon, pulling in carbon. Trees have been doing this for centuries."
"Soil is capable of removing as much carbon dioxide as the entire global transportation sector is putting in."
"Azolla ferns: flourishing in the Arctic Ocean, possibly helping remove half of all atmospheric CO2."
"Mangroves pull far more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than most trees on land."
"We're the only industry that by what doing what we do we actually sequester carbon dioxide."
"For every pound of carbon that we sequester, we are removing 31.5 cubic feet of CO2 from the atmosphere."
"It doesn't matter where your interest lies, if your concern is with climate change, nothing can take more carbon out of the atmosphere and put it into the soils and store it there like regenerative agriculture can."
"Soil carbon sequestration is a proven means of mitigating greenhouse gases."
"Regenerative agriculture is all about having more plants on the ground for as long as the year as you can to keep pulling that carbon down through photosynthesis."
"You've got to reverse what you're doing, no bare soil, absolutely no bare soil. Try and get as much carbon out there trampled on the ground and the life will come back."
"The best way to speed it up is get carbon on the ground and if you can't grow any carbon, let's just say it won't even grow anything, you've got to haul something in there and that's the form of hay."
"One ton of biochar with 80 percent carbon counts a sequestration of three tons of CO2."
"One pound of biochar equals three pounds of CO2."
"Biochars are slowly the material it's made for carbon sequestration no matter if they're good at it or if it needs to be improved."
"In just five years, adaptive grazing was socking in carbon all the way down to 3 feet."
"Plant root inputs can build soil carbon five to thirty times faster than carbon derived from above-ground biomass."
"Biochar is recalcitrant, meaning it's resistant to degradation once applied to the soil, offering long-term benefits."
"Practices like keeping soil covered with plants are proven ways to put carbon back into the soil."
"Oaks are wonderful at sequestering carbon dioxide, pulling carbon out of the atmosphere out of harm's way."
"Plants are the machines that pull carbon out of the atmosphere and pump it into the ground."
"Combining regenerative farming and agroforestry to not just provide secure and tasty food for everyone but also to extract carbon from the atmosphere."
"To reduce climate change, we can plant more trees because carbon dioxide is used by trees in their photosynthesis."
"Photosynthesis is the best tool we have right now for pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere."
"Mangroves sequester a lot of carbon and help fight climate change."
"Just the root systems of prairie plants go really deep into the soil so it's able to take carbon from the air and other nutrients and put them down into the ground."
"Algae grows really fast, they lock away a lot of carbon, can be grown in places that don't compete with existing food crops, and are easily processed into fuel."
"About 90% of their diet is coming from the pasture, that means that they're helping the grass grow, cut and regrow, and that cycle is definitely helping sequester carbon into the soil."
"We need a lot more understanding of what's going on in soil but we need to recognize the role that fungi play in carbon sequestration."
"...we're talking about taking carbon out of the atmosphere and storing it in the earth where it belongs..."
"They're also going to sequester carbon dioxide so they'll store CO2."
"We're sequestering carbon from the air, we're recycling nutrients, we're building soil structure fertility, and we're protecting the soil from erosion."
"We've pumped enough carbon into the soil to equate to 92 tons per acre."
"The more carbon you can get, the better."
"Biochar is black carbon resulting from partial burning of biomass under oxygen limited conditions."
"Much of the Earth is covered in rangelands; these areas, if managed properly, may have the potential to sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide."
"The whole goal here is to get biomass in the soil, to get root structure, to hold moisture, to have carbon in the soil, the building blocks of life, carbon."
"If you can start sequestering carbon in 6 months after you put compost on the ground, how do you support that compost being made and getting out there as soon as possible?"
"Carbon sequestration and mitigating atmospheric carbon through building soil carbon is a real thing."
"Tell them you're sequestering carbon, that's what you're about."
"It's about regenerating the Earth's soil carbon sponge because by drawing down that carbon, we can actually rebuild the sponge."
"Nature is a key ally; whenever we restore the wild, it will recapture carbon and help us bring back balance to our planet."
"Our cattle operation actually sequesters 3.32 pounds of carbon for every pound of beef we produce."
"These old-growth forests are really important carbon sinks, taking up a lot of carbon and putting it down into the ground."
"What if there were some organisms that existed that could simultaneously maintain plant biodiversity, increase plant productivity, and increase the level of storage of carbon in ecosystems?"
"Biochar is a form of carbon capture; it's carbon negative which means it sequesters more carbon than it emits."
"Every blade of grass is acting like a little solar panel, pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere and turning it into soil organic matter, turning sunlight into life through the magic of photosynthesis."
"Peat bogs are carbon sinks that are wet and contain decomposing plant matter."
"This is reducing my carbon footprint. Any time that you have soil covered with the root, you're sequestering carbon."
"We're developing at scale now to help to get Farmers to help us keep carbon in the soil."
"We can sequester carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis and lock that up in the soil."
"Lawns are good carbon sinks and underneath the grass there is a wonderful infrastructure of soil microorganisms and worms, so they are valuable."
"Kelp makes me a climate farmer; it soaks up five times the amount of carbon as land-based plants."
"We must regenerate the Earth's soil carbon sponge because only that water can enable this drawdown to operate."
"We have other ways to stabilize carbon in the soil that makes a lot of sense."
"Each large HDBF facility will be capable of capturing about 44,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year."
"We're replanting mangroves, and mangroves are four to five times more efficient at carbon sequestration even than forests."
"If we stopped emitting greenhouse gases, the Earth system will be so powerful in its natural processes that it will simply suck up the carbon and get the temperatures down."
"Fungi are perhaps hold up to one-third at least of the soil carbon in their mycelium, and they actually are natural carbon sinks."
"Forests of Hope are being planted; the highlands are to become Wilder again and store more carbon dioxide."
"Kelp absorbs nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon from the water as it grows, helping the environment around it."
"These habitats have done more than create a home for wildlife; they've also kept over a million tons of CO2 locked up in trees and out of our atmosphere."
"They're called climate superheroes because of their innate ability to sequester carbon."
"Grass is actually a really good sequester of carbon depending on how they're managed."
"North America's biggest biochar plant takes shape in Canada and will sequester 75,000 tons of carbon per year."
"We can sequester more carbon, we can increase nutrient levels through working this biological model."
"Photosynthesis by phytoplankton in the oceans absorb more than half the carbon that burning fossil fuels creates."
"Afforestation reduces the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and the trees then store the carbon in their biomass."
"Let's just plant more trees, yes, but once the trees fall down we need to make sure that carbon stays out of the environment, how do we do that? Something like biochar and locking it in and storing."
"These farms are carbon negative... they are sequestering more carbon into the soil than they are producing."
"What's the role of regenerative agriculture when it comes to understanding carbon markets and carbon credits, and ultimately carbon farming?"
"Yes, it is a climate solution, yes we can sequester carbon in the soil, and that carbon happens to make agricultural land more productive and healthier."
"A carbon that was laid down thousands of years ago is still there and has a long-lasting sustainable effect on soil productivity."
"The net amount of carbon stocking that we're providing in working forests provides tremendous potential."
"The most important thing that we can do on the New England landscape for the climate is to simply keep forests as forests."
"It's like a huge sponge pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere."
"Healthier soils sequester more carbon and can help with climate regulation."
"This is a great way to see what beneficial impacts you can have in terms of sequestering carbon."
"Essentially what we want to do is to create a carbon matrix so that the microbes and other beneficial life forms can inhabit."
"Microalgae have a natural ability to sequester large amounts of carbon for the photosynthetic process."
"Trees plus managed grazing is silvopasture, and that basically equals the best way to pull carbon out of the air and put it back into woody biomass and into the soil."
"Trees are our allies in fighting climate change."
"It shows empirically, that we can draw the carbon down into the earth soils, and that is big news."
"If we want to feed the world, and if we want companies to be profitable, we're gonna have to put the carbon in the soil."