
Metrics Quotes

There are 558 quotes

"What I've told people about metrics is when you have...metrics are fine, but metrics do not measure value."
"If you don't measure a metric, you're not going to improve it."
"We define excellence internally, rather than thinking that it's defined by views or stats externally."
"When a metric becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure."
"It feels like you either have to achieve celebrity status or if you're not a celebrity you have to have a high number of subscribers while retaining a good subscriber to views ratio."
"Health snapshots take samples of multiple health metrics all at one time."
"The competition is yourself. Let them make their own metrics."
"The only thing we can really judge our success on are the numbers and if you really think about the numbers the numbers represent people."
"Be careful about what you measure, careful about the validity of those measurements."
"60 million followers equivalent to around 5 million followers per month."
"The mistake people make is judging success by vanity metrics."
"It's time to think less about this number and more about metrics that do matter."
"The critical number being that the interior volume of the command module is about six cubic meters."
"I kind of hate that that is the only metric that matters for that portion of my income."
"Accountability is an expectation tied to a measurement and the only thing that can amplify it is feedback."
"You get more of what you measure. If you were to measure the quality art based on how many likes you're getting, you would take away the wrong thing from that."
"It's not what my numbers show, it's how I feel."
"Once the score hits 80 or higher, now we're going into the realm of not only do does the community want more of that but they want exactly that."
"Frame rate or FPS is the number most people can relate to in games, but there's also frame times, one rate is derived from time, rate is an abstraction from the base metric of time, measured in milliseconds."
"Long-term and user-centric metrics versus short-term, operational, and more transactional metrics. You probably want to optimize on the first one more than anything else."
"What gets measured gets improved. Until you measure something, you're operating in somewhat of a black box."
"Numbers never lie, they're your tracking number."
"PRS are not growth, they're just a sign of growth. They're a sign that you're on the right track, they're not everything."
"It's often good to use multiple metrics because they help kind of you know fact check each other."
"Daily active, monthly active, percent logged in: the three things that matter for advertisers."
"My click-through rates are between five and eight percent."
"You can't place orders on it, you can't make money on it, it's a venerated metric that doesn't mean anything."
"But most importantly in terms of current pricing, this is my thought process: the market again is looking at 2023 numbers right now based on the wrong metrics, and it's valuing today's stock based on those wrong metrics."
"Mastering external metrics is an excellent recipe for growth, progress, and achievement."
"Subscribers are currency, views make you popular, and nothing matters more than watch time."
"People are really good at doing their job if you give them a metric to measure how good they're doing."
"They're indicating about a 45 percent Improvement..."
"Retention doesn't matter as much as people think it does... it's just viewer satisfaction, it can't just be retention, you know."
"Viewer satisfaction... one of their best indicators."
"Maximum approval is a status that you can achieve once you've hit some magic metrics."
"It's not about the number and I wish I could tell myself like four years ago ruby it's not about the number."
"Istio gives me all these metrics out of the box for free."
"Don't let the sexy damage numbers or the DPS chart be the reason you want to play the class."
"Free cash flow per share: a key metric for compounding machines."
"It's about the number of ounces that matter now."
"There's absolutely no connection between those vanity metrics and survivability and durability of the project as a whole."
"Numbers don't lie, check the scoreboard." - Charlemagne
"Pick and win rate are the two key metrics to determine how a champion is doing."
"Length of time means absolutely fucking nothing. Engagement percentage does."
"Yes, and it's important to have precision in your metrics or else you mismeasure and you lead to erroneous conclusions, right?"
"If it goes into the light green range on the chart I'm okay with that, it's perfectly fine in my opinion."
"Critical success factors should be supported through metrics, key performance indicators. So, critical success factor provides the insight towards what needs to be measured and when you measure, what should be the focus."
"It depends on the platform, it depends on how that view is counted."
"The best metrics highlight how the organization is doing and what decision makers should focus on."
"If you're really committed I would say get the data right let's figure out what your Baseline is according to all of those metrics that matter."
"If you don't have a clear guiding Northstar of a metric you are trying to get to, lots of people can do work that they feel is good for your company, and they can all be right, but they're not all aligned."
"We've got a few different metrics we'll use for classification: precision, recall, and accuracy."
"Metrics are the only way actually to evaluate efficacy."
"The consumer really looks good on those metrics still."
"When you optimize for views, it prevents you from optimizing for engagement."
"Your value as a person goes Way Beyond and is completely independent of any metric."
"...and they had already had a big show with previous week from the Memphis group just to make sure and we did barely $25,000 which was probably about 2,000 people."
"This is our primary KPI, which was asked in our requirement."
"There's the basics as far as where you're going to look at page views."
"It's not about the views, Preston. It's about the watch time."
"Loyalty metrics allow businesses to assess and refine strategies to keep customers, boost sales, and save money."
"This is not how I want to live my life based on metrics."
"Track the right metrics for your business."
"Engagement is somebody liking the video, commenting, sharing it, or subscribing. Each one of these is important to ranking."
"The only metric you gotta always pick, an ODST star metric for your company that is aligned with long-term progress."
"Don't get misled by simplistic metrics of improvement."
"Know your numbers: cash flow, ROI, cap rate, DCR."
"Metrics like burndown charts, velocity, lead time, cycle time, and code quality are important in agile development."
"Don't rely on any one of these metrics, you need to know all four to determine if that investment is good for you."
"It's not like your CPA will stay at that $5 CPA mark that everyone loves to take screenshots of and send to each other. It simply will not."
"...if you focus on those leading indicators and make sure that you're doing it in a high quantity of high quality way then the score will take care of itself."
"A higher recall leads to less false negatives."
"And now, let's create a confusion matrix."
"The vanity metrics are meaningless."
"Just using this sort of simple metric and looking at one champion over time, we can tell compelling stories about the players who engaged with her over time."
"Breadth is simply how many players... Depth is how much those players engaged."
"Any metric that becomes a target loses its value as a metric."
"That is a formula for profitability and that is not my opinion that is an objective fact that if those metrics are in place that is a profitable trading approach so I'm not making any claims that are false here or misleading I'm just saying that is the objective truth."
"Numbers don't lie. You're right. Numbers don't lie. But popularity is a thing and so is talent."
"I was already tracking this as a side effect of tracking my much more useful metric."
"There's a lot to like about the metrics from these companies."
"There is no such thing as too many metrics when it comes to performance optimization."
"Quintiles are connected with beauty, pleasure, and the aesthetic perfection."
"Once you start saying I'm gonna rebalance you know once it meets this metric that I made up well you're you're in you're not always going to be biased there's those smart people who can do that but you're increasing the odds of injecting bias into that decision-making process."
"So as we talked about facts and dimensions, so we start with the fact table, this is really why you're creating the report, it's going to be the table that houses that aggregate or that metric value that you're looking to show, sales units, cost, transactions."
"The only metric we've ever had historically is like you've got your TV Nielsen ratings or whatever they are and you've got your movies your box office and how much they sell for and all that now we have the most granular data to break down what works and what doesn't work."
"We use this metrics a lot for the competition."
"Accuracy, precision, recall: metrics to measure how accurately the results are predicted."
"The reason why both of these metrics are important is because it tells you how persuasive your ad is to your ideal audience."
"Success on any program is measured by a combination of quantifiable metrics and qualitative measures, but most importantly, stakeholder and customer satisfaction."
"But let's get there. They have a metrics for that as well."
"I just think it would be fun to rank all 11 batting titles using a few key metrics."
"We're gonna see who gets to one million views the fastest."
"Having great metrics is like having great instruments in an aircraft."
"Pick four or five key metrics to track accurately, not 30 or 50."
"Include burn rate and Runway at the top of your investor updates."
"One of the most important metrics for all startups is retention."
"Net dollar retention above 100% means your cohorts are growing over time."
"The metrics that matter to me are spend, impressions, clicks, CTR, and CPC."
"Break Even Roas is the single most important metric that tells you whether or not you are profitable on the ad level."
"If you have some more dynamic driving, rather towards 7.5 liters in 100 kilometers like 30 MPG US, 40 MPG UK."
"So what constitutes engagement? Things like pull responses, sticker taps, likes, question box replies, and DM replies."
"A culture around the impact you had on customers as measured by qualitative feedback or as measured by deals that were closed or deals that weren't lost or other kinds of indicators that you did the right thing for customers is important."
"Metrics are important because they show whether your social media strategy is successful over time."
"Guardrail metrics can be very useful and are important to Choose Wisely."
"...I would much prefer to pick a more specific, more precise metric that may be only five percent of users reach, but know that those five percent of users will be with us for the Long Haul."
"Measuring the right metrics can help you understand whether your content is engaging or not."
"It's not always just about the number but about the profile, and also showing you how to get the number up."
"I think it's about now going into those core systems and understanding what are the metrics that matter."
"Conversions are goals you want your visitors to achieve."
"Burn up and burn down charts are some of the metrics that we use in the strong framework."
"Sometimes, the ROI is not revenue-based."
"...one of the things that he mentioned in the class that resonated with me on productivity was to focus on metrics that are going to push me forward in ways that matter to me..."
"The two most important things on all social media platforms are watch time and completion rate."
"If it's a piece of content, it needs to get like a million views or it's a failure."
"The male metric of success is how many girls can I attain, the female metric of success is can I get the best guy to retain me."
"The higher number is typically the better number."
"You think you affected our sub count, that's crazy, oh I got numbers got the numbers lost 10,000 that day."
"The number one metric that I can use that will tell me how many buyers in a market is how many days on market houses are sitting for."
"Buyers drive markets. The number of buyers in a market is the most important metric."
"Utilization metrics are part of it but more importantly the stories around how the customer was driving value in their business from our product became the actual primary way for them to make those calls."
"Looking at top of funnel metrics can be very misleading if we're not looking at the middle and the bottom of the funnel in terms of what you actually want to happen."
"Trying to have my real numbers, not the ball numbers. No, not 12 likes."
"If you do set a target ROAS or a target CPA and you see both your impressions drop and also your number of conversions, you may want to consider removing that or lowering that marker that you've set for your target ROAS."
"We care about impact, not meaningless metrics."
"That single metric can be the difference between $250k ARR and a million ARR or more."
"What ends up happening is they have all these amazing metrics... but you're not going to notice those things if you're so hyper-focused on the scale."
"When you're building an early stage company, it's too easy to focus on the numbers that don't matter."
"It's not a key result unless it has a number."
"the key results are the things that will ensure that you deliver on the objective"
"If you're going to talk metrics and KPIs, you're going to be talking about business outcomes."
"So, a sharp ratio kind of metric might not make sense."
"EV per ton of resource is a poor metric that you shouldn't really use. I think you can be smarter than that."
"I collect relationships with people. To me, that is my metric of success."
"The overall success of your email marketing campaign typically comes down to three different things."
"This is called the anomaly rate ribbon and indicates if the data that you're looking at was detected to be anomalous compared to what happened in the past for this particular dimension or metric."
"Relevancy is king, which is why the metrics for your videos no longer are solely based on views."
"The RDS enhanced monitoring provides access to over 50 CPU, memory, file system, and disk I/O metrics."
"Numbers are a real metric because feelings are subjective, numbers are not subjective."
"Money is usually the biggest metric on how well you're doing. But it can get blurred so easily."
"You need to set metrics as a real estate agent."
"As soon as you have our systems in place, where you are, all metrics, KPIs for every single team, individual, department, company level, and it just doesn't matter where people work."
"Improvements in human flourishing, human wellbeing can be measured: life, health, sustenance, prosperity, peace, freedom, safety, knowledge, leisure, happiness."
"This is not only based on the obvious metrics such as championships won and race victories."
"Success isn't just defined by a stock price or the check you take home."
"...the most valuable measure of success of our efforts to address climate change would be concentrations of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere."
"Understanding key metrics like dividend payout ratio and free cash flow is important."
"They wanted an excellent customer service experience and the new KPIs were a reflection of that."
"Likes are good, shares are better."
"Absence of a key metric is an alertable offense."
"You can't allow metrics to be this hand-rolled kind of thing."
"Cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI) values vary between zero and one."
"Even if it's growing only a small amount, I would just rather see solid steady growth with returning viewers. That's the metric that I would look at to see whether or not your channel is successful."
"Sometimes I want some reliable metrics for what I'm going to enjoy."
"Once you have an understanding of how to move the metric, your team may or may not be able to execute very well."
"Scour your Google Drive folder, your internal folder, and look for all of the documents that are about this quarter or this half's or next half's strategy. Understand the metrics and the funnel, the conversion funnel. Like, know it back and forward."
"Sticky growth is about delivering a good experience and measuring CLV and retention."
"Old age should never be measured by the metrics of youth."
"The metrics are skewing extremely old and it's not a surprise for Indiana Jones, what a shock that that's your core audience."
"Using the right visualization can make your key metrics stand out on a dashboard."
"Focus on metrics that matter, that track leads and sales."
"Accuracy, precision, and recall evaluate the final model."
"All e-commerce is basically CAC versus LTV. It's just what's the lifetime value of a customer compared to the cost of acquiring that customer."
"First of all is your growth rate at least 15% month-on-month growth in active users is the target."
"We can always tack on a loss function or a cost function that ties the metric of interest you have to think about it to some dollar amount or some hours spent by people on a particular problem."
"It's neat because it's a nice way of defining with on-chain metrics that this is a bearish phase and this is a bullish phase."
"A good BSR is something under one hundred thousand, one hundred thousand and even less than that. Let's say 70, 60, 50, 000, it's great."
"When you have a BSR under 50,000, it means that it's really profitable."
"Just like every time, we are usually riding at only 60, 50 kilowatts."
"There is no way you can grow and manage a small business without understanding your KPIs, which are Key Performance Indicators."
"So, let's look into using some automatically collected events to get additional metrics out of our BigQuery data."
"The most common operations to calculate similarity are cosine similarity, dot product, and Euclidean distance."
"It's about numbers and metrics, you guys. Quantify, quantify, and quantify your results."
"Quality Score is a score between 1 and 10 given to every keyword you've been on, based on expected click-through rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience."
"All these businesses, they'll go to brands and say, 'Yo, we've got three billion active users.' What does active users mean?"
"It's fantastic to have, if you wanna do some quick reports, quick metrics, all in one page."
"I'm hopeful that we're gonna actually add another dimension to our metrics which is natural capital."
"Everything in this real estate business is about the numbers."
"Production metrics and monitoring are more and more important as we move towards microservices."
"What is your 'aha' moment? Can you measure it? Is it correlated to your unique value proposition? Then you've got it."
"Metrics in sales coaching... I can use the numbers to diagnose it. I call that 'metrics Jeff'."
"If I don't get 500 people on a landing page, I usually kind of pass on the idea."
"the numbers don't lie with the views"
"Consequential metrics measure any negative consequences of improving the primary or key metrics."
"Patient safety is the true north metric for health systems and organizations."
"It is possible to re-accelerate your business. I think the most important metrics here are the growth rate."
"Wow, right? It stands for click-through rate."
"Do not focus on these vanity metrics."
"If it's not driving traffic, if it's not improving conversion, I wouldn't do it."
"Everything that you can look at with a company will boil down to one of these metrics."
"In the long run, everyone's going to be judged on the same metrics."
"Metrics for key process variables include percent defective, operation cost, elapsed time, backlog quantity, and documentation errors."
"There's going to be a need here to still achieve some sort of metric."
"We knew we were going to win because we had all the internal metrics showing that we were going ahead."
"Reports should involve meaningful metrics, reports should have as much information as necessary or as needed, but should not be a data overload."
"Now if you use a metric in which the mass fades out and you use that metric that is to say clocks defined by the particles then you will find a violation of the Einstein equations because it'll look as though the universe is contracting with no source to it."
"There is no room for that person anymore because we do not measure people by runs. But we measure them by strike rates."
"For a million a year, I need 25 presentations, 200 leads, and 5 sales a week."
"Many engineering jobs, not even at Nasa, involve metrics."
"Return on invested capital is one of the most important metrics to look at in a company."