
Employment Statistics Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"850,000 jobs last month was a very large number."
"The unemployment rate is at 3.6 percent, that is under four percent for the longest stretch in 50 years."
"There are sometimes 30 times more job postings than there are people to fill them."
"The unemployment rate among African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans has reached record lows."
"Lowest unemployment in African-American history."
"Women unemployment, the best numbers in 71 years."
"The black unemployment rate fell by a net of 7.9 percent across 26 years of Democratic policies."
"The employment numbers are at a record. The African-American employment is the best that's ever been."
"We achieved record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women - almost everyone."
"Only four percent of the 49 million jobs created since 1989 occurred under Republican presidents."
"Under Obama, the black labor force participation rate hadn't been that low since they were keeping stats. Under Trump, black unemployment is at an all-time low."
"The president is building an economy from the bottom up and middle out with the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years."
"When Donald Trump became the president, black unemployment was at its lowest because of things that happened beforehand."
"African-American unemployment, Hispanic-American unemployment, Asian-American unemployment have reached the lowest levels in the history of our country."
"This is a crab in a bucket mentality, this is a Willie Lynch mentality where you put two blacks against each other."
"We've just hit the absolute lowest unemployment rate for African Americans in the history of our country."
"And unemployment has reached the lowest rate in 51 years."
"Bottom line: America is working. These are very strong numbers, these are happy numbers, these are sunny Friday numbers."
"Unemployment for African Americans is at the lowest level in history."
"Latino unemployment is now four point record-low four point seven percent it hit even in 2012 it was a ten percent that's why Democrats are are are absolutely petrified."
"Of all the new jobs created in 2019, 70 percent were secured by women, which is truly extraordinary."
"Black workers amongst black workers the unemployment rate remains stubbornly high at 7.1 percent more than twice what it is for white workers."
"Biden does have some momentum on his side with unemployment at a 50-year low."
"More Americans working now than ever before in history."
"Unemployment for black people is the lowest it's been in the history of the world."
"Unemployment today is 3.4 percent, it's a 60-year low. Unemployment is 3.4, 60-year low."
"Jobs are at an all-time high in the history of our country."
"Trump lowered his uh unemployment for Hispanics and Blacks lowest in history but it's only by a certain percentage."
"We're employing record numbers of people, unemployment is at record lows, and thanks to Brexit, wages are increasing faster than inflation."
"Almost one in five prime working age men in America between the ages of 21-30 has not worked in the last 12 months."
"We added 1.2 million leisure and hospitality jobs, 464,000 construction jobs, 424,000 education and healthcare jobs, 368,000 retail jobs..."
"Black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in 17 years."
"The lowest unemployment: African-American, Hispanic-American, and Asian-American unemployment rates have reached the lowest levels ever recorded. Think of that."
"Historically low unemployment for blacks, Asians, and Hispanics."
"We have 1.1 million more jobs than we had before."
"90% of jobs are secure through some form of formal or informal networking."
"The folks that get recommendations get jobs 99 to 1 against folks that just click apply."
"We have the lowest unemployment rate -- 2.4 percent. We have more Iowans working than any other time in our state history."
"Trucking is the most common job in 29 US states."
"Over 90% of women are in full-time employment, that's never again been reached by any other state."
"Black unemployment hit a record low for the second consecutive month in April."