
Flying Quotes

There are 798 quotes

"It's not like that cute little Cessna primer. This is a man's primer."
"Every person growing up has a dream that they want to fly. And for us, it's like we go into that dream that we are flying, and we're flying together."
"The best thing I like about flying is being disconnected. It's a luxury thing to be disconnected from the ground, and free up your mind."
"I receive a lot of email from the less fortunate people that they never flew on a plane before, or some people have fear of flying, so the next time, when I go to different countries, especially going to developing countries, I want to bring them together with me next time to fly together, so, I want them to have that lifetime experience of flying, at least once in their lifetime they flew."
"Boy that was a hairy approach with all the AI wasn't it, she just stuck to our approach but I was worried about that MD-80."
"That wasn't flying, that was falling with style."
"The cheapest days to fly are Tuesdays and Saturdays...since there are fewer businesspeople traveling on these days."
"I'm having the time of my life, I love to fly, I love a challenge. I'm learning so much."
"Flying among the clouds like a bird, how cool is that?"
"I've enjoyed flying jet planes with drug dealers."
"Flying is arguably one of the coolest things that humans do."
"Every time I fly, I want to do it better than the last time."
"Flying less is the most impactful action you can take to bring down your CO2 quota."
"The pressures of get-there-itis sparked a fatal series of mistakes."
"I have dreamt of this day since I first saw you soaring."
"Your next flight can be the best flight you've ever had."
"It was amazing being able to free fly for the first time."
"But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a market for those who want their trip above the clouds to be less of a shuttle and more of an airborne retreat."
"This isn't flying, this is falling with style."
"Flying is a wild concept, being thirty thousand feet in the air in a metal tube going 600 miles an hour."
"It was so interesting getting to just fly for a bit."
"Now I can shoot dragon's breath and I can fly like I'm wearing a lytra."
"There's no traffic jams when I get on an airplane and I hit my flight, let's fly together because ain't too many airplanes in the sky."
"That guy is majestically flying right now, that was Majestic."
"Aviophobia: afraid of flying or being in a plane that's flying in the sky."
"Sometimes you'll even feel like you're flying, dude that's sick."
"Airplanes flying all around the sky. Airplanes flying way up high. Airplanes, airplanes."
"For me, even just normal flying, I love the takeoff."
"You can quickly descend from the sky to the surface like this. It feels so good."
"I was flying around the sky with all the levels in the world and then in my dream I fell from the sky and died."
"Every time you get behind the controls of that aircraft there's definitely a lot of responsibility that goes with it, even if you're by yourself."
"We don't fly to make money, we fly for the joy and the pleasure of flying."
"Thank you for watching, and until next time, happy flying."
"In the very standardized world we live in, seaplane flying is one of the few small niches of freedom and adventure the pilots have left."
"It's going to be my first time flying; it's going to be awesome."
"You definitely should learn how to fly a helicopter."
"I actually didn't start flying until I was 26 years old."
"The old saying goes time flies when you're having fun and that was definitely the case for my first time ever Ever Getting to fly a helicopter so thank you Scott."
"It's so easy for me in this airplane, my brain almost turns off."
"There is nothing more gratifying than when you accomplish your first solo flight."
"Night time is still perhaps one of my favorite times to fly."
"If you had to think happy thoughts like Peter Pan to be able to fly, what would you think about?"
"It's about flying. I love to fly."
"As long as you're doing it safely, then there's no issue with it."
"It's pretty awesome, okay, so that's how that thing is flying, as expected, absolutely perfect."
"The whole build-up of flying is based around the fact that once I'm on that airplane, I am not getting off."
"Flying an aircraft is like being a solo violinist at Carnegie Hall; you've got to do your thing right then and there, and you've got to do it right."
"He probably put 500 or more hours on this aircraft and flew it all over this part of North Central Texas and up into Southern Oklahoma."
"If only I could shape-shift, then I could fly into the sky as a bird and accomplish my ultimate destiny."
"The ability to fly opens up so many creative avenues in D&D fifth edition."
"If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be? The power to fly."
"Sakira has been able to fly since she became a spirit."
"As we've been saying, Starships were meant to fly."
"FPV is as close as real flying as it can get."
"This isn't flying," Buzz replied, "This is falling with style."
"It's just left me speechless. It's bloody amazing to fly around."
"Doing flights like this are just as good. No schedule to meet or plans to stick to, just some solo pattern work on a wide-open grass runway under a wide-open blue sky. It seriously doesn't get any better than that."
"No, I do not. I just fly around on the regular airplanes."
"Ensure that you have good communication and rapport with your instructor because you're going to sit beside them in that cockpit for a long time."
"Every time you're not flying, you're getting rusty, so the faster you go, the faster you can get your private pilot's license."
"The biggest mistakes people make during their private pilot training include not choosing the right school or instructor, and not flying frequently enough."
"Now, you always experience a rush of exhilaration when you fly. It's dizzying."
"Every time I rhyme I be flying like your butterfly."
"We were all there for one purpose and that was the love of flying."
"I'm gonna be able to fly this thing."
"Gorgeous evening, it's a privilege to fly this plane."
"When you get the time to go back and then kind of get in something like this and fly you really rekindle that joy that you're like hey this is why I got into this."
"Getting back on an airplane is going to be... I'm so excited!"
"Conditions today are still excellent to fly."
"Flying is for Droids in the four course will be with you always."
"Speak to a flight attendant immediately if you ever feel you're in danger while flying."
"It was incredible flying solo just off the coast of California."
"I hate flying like I'm not afraid to fly I just hate being uncomfortable for four hours around 300 people that are also having a bad time."
"Flying is a metaphor. You know how when you dream about flying, how you feel? How do you feel when you dream about flying? What is that feeling that you get? Explain the feeling of flying in a dream. That's what flying is."
"Automated systems make flying more predictable and dependable."
"The ability to control the airplane and make it do what you want really makes airplanes like the 140 a joy to fly."
"It's probably the paperwork, to be honest. I mean, it's not the flying itself. The plane is just so forgiving."
"You just happy, and then you can feel that you, yeah, you are just flying."
"I like those wings. Look at those. That'd be so much fun to fly."
"Goku is soaring through the air on the flying Nimbus."
"Beetle basically told me like right before we took off she's terrified of flying she has to medicate before she goes on a flight but right before she passed out she said look on the bright side this thing goes down no one will know you were on it."
"Tactically, what a keki should be absolutely thrilled to have a flying Lorena Vias among their number."
"These little props will be flying all over the place, no pun intended."
"Wouldn't it be nice to be able to fly?"
"Your business is going to fly, it's going to fly."
"Getting the actual flying experience is the best representation of the physicality and whether it'll work for you or not."
"Practice what you want to do, and if what you want to do is fly acro, learn to fly acro."
"I've got the RadioMaster boxer at the field. I'm getting ready to fly that Edge 540 with it."
"FPV drones are actually really hard to fly the first time, and you're just gonna crash or lose your new drone and waste all your money."
"Flying seemed so natural to him," Tiffany said.
"I'm actually not [afraid of flying], it's just going over the ocean to a different country that's kind of scary."
"I absolutely love this viper, it truly is one of my favorite most predictable things to fly."
"Your first few flights you might have a little bit of anxiety, but that quickly goes away once you realize just how easy they are to control."
"There's nothing better than flying a new airplane."
"I flew as if my wings were possessed," Fathom recalled.
"I'm flying with twenty degrees of flaps and around 85 knots."
"It's very light with cream, almost flying away."
"Flying is overrated. It's the most wonderful thing in the world."
"It was really, really impressive flying."
"I mean the folks tell the story about when he flew underneath the Skyway Bridge and he was drunk."
"He said I'd only be flying for about an hour."
"If I could fly, I don't know if I would like hover around all the time, but there would be times where I would just like post up."
"He flew the whole way, which surprised me. He sat up there and he flew the airplane the whole way."
"What if I told you there's a way to fly this for well under $11,000 actually closer to $500."
"The idea of flying to me is a presence, a total presence mixed. It's a beautiful dichotomy almost where incredible focus and presence in the moment and then absolute Liberation."
"There is an art, or rather a knack to Flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
"I just wanted to fly. I thought it'd be a big adventure, and it was."
"'Forgive me.' 'It's fine.' So many of these movies have a scene where the hero is learning to fly but can't quite get off the ground. What a perfect metaphor."
"Flying has turned the passengers' fears into freedom."
"One thing you're overlooking is the autopilot. It's highly sophisticated. With a little bit of teaching, I could have you flying the plane off the autopilot."
"A plane is a plane as a plane. If you can fly one, you can fundamentally fly them all with some additional training."
"'Oh no,' because Garp, I don't know if you guys know this, he can fly."
"Flying first class may not become her routine, she had to be practical, but she decided she'd no longer feel tied to the ground."
"In this case, I was the one that provided the entertainment because I was in the front seat flying when we ejected."
"It's very slippery, it's very efficient and it's very docile and easy to fly."
"It's easy to fall in love with that community and those people and the flying it's just you know it's it's sort of romantic just in and of itself."
"It's always disappointing when I wake up and realize I can't fly anymore."
"I'm completely ignorant to the flying process, but I'm super excited."
"The dream of flying, helping other people is something that is intoxicating."
"How does it feel with Bruce flying down the road? It's incredible. It's awesome."
"I've done a lot of flying in my life. I was born flying, not literally. I mean I wasn't born on an airplane, but my mother and father traveled. I don't remember my first flight because they just, we just always were going somewhere."
"I used to be frightened to flying too when I was a kid."
"It's a gorgeous view, it's a beautiful day to be out flying."
"It's super cool to be able to just like see instantly where I am when I'm flying."
"My situation has been so great that not only have I been able to fly for free essentially and own an airplane for free..."
"I love micros because you can fly them anywhere."
"...every time we fly it's a good thing."
"Whether I'm flying airplanes or FPV quads, I would absolutely, absolutely recommend the Zorro."
"Now everything's connected and you're ready to fly."
"So whether you're cruising at 35,000 ft with a major airline or navigating through the cloud Puffs in a smaller aircraft it's all about finding your groove in the sky."
"This drone is such a joy to fly. It feels like a real Phoebe because you don't worry much about the battery."
"I have so many great flying memories with it."
"Winter means indoor flying season is upon us and I'm always looking for the next thing that I can be using for the winter to stay flying and stay in the air."
"This is the stuff of dreams and honestly the closest you can get to Flying private commercially."
"I found the idea of getting into an inescapable flying box to be increasingly unappealing."
"Flying is like therapy for the soul."
"In this form of flying, you can hear the rush of a river and get an overview."
"The key is you must be able to fly free across this week too."
"I really love to fly... Yeah, I do miss the rotary flying. I'd love to have the money, time just to go on fly every day, you know, under a comfortable situation."
"I'm gonna fly a plane, yes you are."
"The U2, despite its ability to fly three miles higher than any other plane ever built to that point, was remarkably simple."
"I'll take flying over getting eaten any day. Nice meeting you."
"Black Adam is way way faster mean just as he's flying around he's able to fly from one country to another or fly up into the atmosphere in just seconds."
"Flying with Devon Brooks on a delivery flight of the McKenzie Valley. It won't be easy."
"Falling feels like flying till the bone crush."
"Flying was in your blood from the beginning."
"I'm glad that I managed to get the opportunity to fly what is a classic, classic military jet."
"Can you imagine flying this airplane?"
"This isn't flying, this is hovering."
"So much of flying is about the processing. It's about creating that, you know, the familiar patterns."
"Flying in Afghanistan was a challenge, but it was also probably the most amazing flying I ever did."
"I flew to get here. I don't know if anybody's been an airplane joke before."
"...he's essentially flying instrument-free right. You just basically put Brooks, he's a jet fighter..."
"This is just as easy to fly as most traditional trainer aircraft but it sure looks a lot cooler sure sounds a lot cooler it makes me feel a lot cooler when I'm flying it so be sure to check it out."
"The best flying practice is flying."
"It teaches you a sense of responsibility because you're flying those airplanes."
"So Captain stall airline pilot also an expert on why people are terrified of flying."
"It was a great airplane to fly, great at low level, like therefore, much nicer cockpit environment."
"The airplane was an absolute delight to fly."
"I'm not the easiest flyer either. I don't know why. The last 5 years haven't been an easy flyer."
"But what if I fly?" - Erin Hansen quote
"Joe flew the airplane very well indeed. As soon as he was high enough, he pressed the straight-on handle, and the shining airplane flew forward. The children leaned over the side to see what they were flying over."
"Honestly, I love flying, it's amazing in here."
"i always tell people it's not the 30 minutes in the sky that's the hard part it's the 23 and a half hours on the ground that are the hard part."
"I think I'd like to fly, because just miss the traffic, don't you?"
"You've got one where you can actually fly freely."
"...sometimes when I fly I feel like bob ross he just says you know we'll just put a little tree there and just kind of see what it does see what it does for us and then we'll go from there."
"We love flying these scale planes it's probably my favorite."
"The mountains of Pakistan really represent like the ultimate place to go flying. It's just the biggest steepest mountains in the world to fly around. Those big mountains, it's insanely, insanely beautiful and also intimidating. You just have to be cautious."
"It's funny that when you're able to fly it intuitively."
"Always check the weather before you fly - non-negotiable."
"Remember guys, there's never a better time than now to learn to fly."
"That's 50 percent takeoff flaps and Landing flaps, and you're like Brian how the heck did you do that with six Channel exactly how did I do that?"
"It's good to kind of have a mental image of the 3D flight path."
"As I got older in the flying game, I just realized how dangerous we must have been."
"You're flying." "No, I'm falling with style."
"It's beautiful up here flying around. I should have had my rooster here with me for the world to see. His name is Red, he has five wives, five hens."
"Enjoy being in the air, so going slower you fly longer, you build more hours you can look at it that way."
"Flying is always about being ahead of the airplane."
"When you have an airplane or a helicopter that flies itself too good, you're not flying."
"...as long as you're calibrated properly it'll get you're flying straight and true which is a great feature to have for just incase moments."
"Happy flying with analog goggles because analog isn't dead yet."
"I am so happy, I don't understand how you cannot enjoy flying if this is a big part of your life."
"When the drone turns this way, your controls are as if you're flying behind the drone up here in space."
"I never had to do a vmc demo, but I have been doing spins as long as I've been flying."
"That was probably the coolest approach I've ever done."
"Flying planes is the easy part of this job."
"I'm just going to fly around a little bit more and we'll come in for a landing."
"Bats thaw out, then when they wake up they fly out of this egg crate and they fly to their targets."
"No intimidation about flying, it is a straight up sail plane when it comes to flying with the wings out."
"We're literally flying above the water"
"It flies really, really well. It's really light on the controls."
"Welcome back to Junkyard Wars where the only thing flying is time."
"Here you are cruising along in a bt that's basic trainer to you and twisting your tail into a few acrobatics and loops and barrel rolls and snap rolls nice some fun huh."
"Cheerleading is probably the closest we've ever come to Flying if you ignore planes."
"It's just a big honor to be able to fly something like this."
"Then I want to get my PPL because my wife was interested in flying with me."
"It was awesome to finally get to fly together."
"Flying in the UK, or most of Europe, is just generally so different from the rest of the world."