
Collision Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"The cartwheel Galaxy's strange appearance, reminding us of a wooden carriage wheel with a circle in the center and diverging spokes, probably formed as a consequence of a high-speed collision between two galaxies over 400 million years ago."
"During any collision, momentum is conserved."
"NASA is intentionally crashing a spaceship into an asteroid for science."
"Your chance of a collision is much much much higher than right because your search space is extremely small."
"Fortunately, the results of one such collision were actually filmed back in 1914, and it's really dramatic stuff."
"The collision of some objects in this game is pretty funny."
"The worst ever mid-air collision happened near Indira Gandhi Airport, Delhi."
"What happens when two fates collide or when two people with the same fate or the same dreams get in each other's way?"
"I saw the chaos spreading across realities, universes colliding, endless incursions."
"You would expect a lot of things to kind of collide, some things to fly away and never return."
"It's a place of extremes, a place where icy polar air hits warm wet Southern winds in a violent collision."
"When worlds collide, you'll laugh so hard you'll swear you died."
"You're going in the same direction though, so that's good news, right? It's not like a head-on collision."
"Whenever we have a collision, especially on the y-axis, we want to make sure that we're resetting our y velocity equal to zero."
"Collisions are the way that you build planets. Without collisions, you don't have planets to begin with."
"I always looked at it like this: if the driver in the car wants to go left and you wanna go right, you're bound to crash."
"He did a flying leap and knocked right into her."
"A kilonova occurs when two neutron stars orbiting each other eventually converge and collide. This collision is so powerful that it distorts the very fabric of spacetime, emitting gravitational waves that vibrate through space."
"Looks like now we have four options with the fourth option being a direct collision at relatively high velocities."
"It's like an immovable object meeting an irresistible force in many ways."
"Chloe was fortunate to survive such a powerful collision."
"Two things that I love collide together."
"Witnessing these Two Worlds Collide felt like stepping through a Gateway which I have never returned through."
"It's like colliding the most dangerous thing with where I'm most zen."
"A photograph is almost like a collision between two worlds."
"The only way we can conceive of this battle is simply worlds colliding all the forces in the universe smashing together at once."
"One of the most monumental events predicted to occur in the Milky Way's future is its collision with the Andromeda galaxy."
"When those two things meet, when they collide, that is the definition of tragedy."
"They want us to bump into each other."
"All compacted together, it was inevitable there would be some form of contact."
"Every time you collide something with the world, you generate new surprise, new things to think about that you didn't know."
"Stellar collisions occur about every 10,000 years and are an incredible spectacle."
"Our entire Milky Way galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy."
"The powerful impact sandwiched the Elantra between the tractor trailer in front of it and the Avalon which had rear-ended it."
"When somebody bumps into me, I gotta say something."
"...if a person is crossing a river and an empty boat collides with their own, even though they may be bad tempered, they will not become very angry."
"We have been on a collision course with this ship."
"It's like having a head-on collision. It was jarring."
"In order to stay on YouTube we have a shopping run and the Shop's behind so we're working on collision stuff."
"The smaller asteroids struck the comet. Both were rebounded away like billiard balls just as both the astronomers hoped."
"Painting is like a thundering collision of different worlds."
"It's not just one carbon dioxide molecule or a second carbon dioxide molecule, it's hundreds and thousands of them slamming together at once."
"Hold onto your hats. For this next job, the world of nation state hacking is going to collide with the crazy world of social media marketing."
"It almost feels like when these two teams play and collide, it seems to just bring a storm with them."
"Nothing comes close to the collision between Prime Iron Mike and a wannabe gangster."
"One way of slowing it down and having it miss the earth in 20 or 30 years time is to simply run into it. Bam. If that doesn't work, do it again."
"The chance of a collision was small, but it was not entirely out of the question."
"...evasive steering assist which can actually aid you in steering to avoid a collision..."
"Just got up on the curb and got in his left rear."
"When facing a potential collision, the ability to swiftly turn and steer to avoid an obstacle can often lead to quicker and safer outcomes compared to relying solely on braking to come to a stop."
"...I had to code exactly how I wanted the collision to work by myself."
"Don't look only at your feet while you walk; you may crash into another person."
"Two worlds collide, our hearts on the line."
"...there is a collision if there is an intersection between the bird and the pipe."
"Every once in a while there are these head-on collisions in our culture that explode and then there's a massive cultural debate"
"I'm looking for a collision to happen and then I want to see the iceberg detector kick in."
"There was a flash in the air from the collision of two energies, green and purple."
"We are in a collision course. Our supermassive black holes in the collision course with the Andromedy galaxies black hole."
"The train bashed into Thomas's newly mended buffer."
"When we collide with the Andromeda galaxy, there will be a one big whopping explosion, and that signal will go right out and will be detected by people living in the EON beyond ours. - Sir Roger Penrose"
"The universe moves about 100 miles closer to our neighbor Andromeda toward their collision and Union billions of years from now."
"Two worlds collide, the common denominator of viewers."
"At the end of the day, the two black holes collide and merge and create one bigger black hole that settles down and goes quiet."
"There is indeed a principle of justice but there's also a principle of mercy at times these two correct principles collide with each other."
"At lower temperatures, there is less kinetic energy and therefore you are less likely to have a successful collision between the enzyme and the substrate."
"Chris Griffiths plucked away on his acoustic, crash bang wallop, Oasis and the Real People collided."
"The Ultimate Universe actually ends. Like, seriously, the Ultimate Universe blows up. It literally collides with the 616 universe."
"The collision itself caused india to be under thrust underneath asia by approximately 2,000 kilometers."
"It's like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, you know?"
"Galaxy fist, a cataclysmic collision between conquerors hockey and the very sky itself."
"It's an extreme test that's equivalent to the worst scenario imaginable two cars colliding head-on whilst both traveling at 120 miles an hour."
"...very likely represent a bunch of reforming spiral arms that are slowly being developed after the collision."
"...sometimes when the orientation between colliding galaxies is just right one of the galaxies might end up shooting through the other Galaxy in such a way."
"The initial collision was between two Union cavalry brigades under Brigadier General John Buford and advanced elements of the Confederate infantry division."
"A planet almost as big as Mars collided with Earth, and the debris formed the only Moon we have today."
"When particles collide, that's the way to make new particles."
"It really felt like this sort of collision of two cultures, of two worlds."
"Well, I think when two continents collide over millions of years, the land gets all pushed up."
"Galaxies are in perpetual motion; they turn on themselves, move through space, and sometimes collide if they're too close to a neighboring galaxy."
"The Andromeda galaxy is currently on a collision course with us; it'll be here in like I don't know two billion years or something crazy like that."
"The total momentum before and after a collision is the same."
"Thankfully, it appeared that any sort of major collision was avoided."
"These are all areas where two elements collide and clash, forming a brand new ecosystem, and I think that's pretty fascinating."
"When two pieces of crust slam into each other, it will produce a lot of deformation, just like two very large cars crashing into each other head-on."
"The haunted house on film represents a place where the everyday and supernatural can collide."
"All of the little things you see here are galaxies, galaxies that are colliding, they're forming bigger galaxies, clusters of galaxies even colliding."
"The fission theory proposes that the moon was formed when an object collided with Earth, sending particles flying about."
"We've collided with another reality."
"Protect those occupants from those front collisions."
"Earth, air, water, and fire. In an instant, without warning, the forces collide."
"If two pixels that are not transparent are touching each other, then yes, we are colliding."
"When the two worlds collide, it's really interesting."
"Like two stars colliding in the sky."
"Buckle up your seat belts everyone because today we're going to look at what happens when strodes collide."
"Head on collision: the fronts of both cars hit each other, probably the most dangerous type of accident."
"When one universe is brought into contact with another Universe, it's called an incursion."
"The prevailing theory proposes that the moon was formed when an object collided with Earth, sending particles flying above."
"When two stars collide, there's an almighty explosion."
"The chance of another star colliding with the sun is astronomically unlikely."
"Energy is not conserved in a totally inelastic collision."
"This is what it sounds like when worlds collide."
"When an irresistible subject like Patricia Highsmith collides with an immovable object like the fine art of biography, something's got to give."
"The Milky Way and Andromeda are expected to collide in roughly 4.5 billion years."
"The moon was formed when an object collided with Earth, sending particles flying about."
"There is literally nothing preventing the client from... oh, there's a wall that I can't pass through? Oh no, well, I'm just going to click on the part and then I'll just set can Collide to false."
"It's like when a tornado meets a volcano."
"Our universe is on track to collide with the Andromeda galaxy in about four billion years, almost certainly destroying all life forms in our galaxy."
"We've successfully handled player movement and collisions."
"The most maddening worlds collide in an epic and violent fantasy."
"I'm colliding all right with destiny."
"Imagine that universes are giant bubbles, and one day two of these bubbles collided."
"The Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way are approaching each other and will collide in around 4.5 billion years."
"Once Collision got off the ground, it was clear immediately that Ricky Starks was a centerpiece of that show."
"The Kessler Syndrome refers to a theoretical scenario in which the density of objects in low Earth orbit becomes so high that collisions between objects could lead to a cascade effect of further collisions."
"In every collision, no matter what, momentum is conserved; the energy may or may not be."
"The Galaxy seems to be warped quite dramatically, with the warp itself very likely being caused by a dramatic collision with another galaxy billions of years ago."
"...one day we're going to have one of the major collisions in the history of the Milky Way, the collision with the Andromeda and the Triangular galaxies."
"The Andromeda galaxy's black hole will impact the Milky Way in about four and a half billion years."
"It's like two trains, both come forward, and the impact is simply going to be double."
"That's right, happens when worlds collide."
"When air molecules collide with the walls of the container, they experience a rebound with the same momentum but in the opposite direction."
"Imagine if all the nuclei already had a large average kinetic energy and collided with one another frequently."
"He was so shrouded in melancholy that he didn't even see the person he walked into."
"The weird shape of the Cartwheel Galaxy was made in a head-on collision."
"During a collision between objects, conservation of momentum holds. The total momentum of the system before and after the collision is the same."
"They're people from completely different worlds, worlds that are about to collide."
"If our universe had been hit by another universe, the impact would send ripples going through the cosmic microwave background radiation."
"Maybe it's like two insane things collide and it becomes sane."
"We're perfectly pixel perfect collided with the surface."
"In about four billion years time, they'll actually collide."
"The bevels don't explode, they actually will collide with themselves and create these really, really nice bevels that go all the way to the edge."
"This was the largest collision in the solar system for which we still have a semi complete record."
"Haumea, a small planet that has suffered an even more catastrophic collision than Pluto underwent."
"The Andromeda Milky Way collision is a galactic collision predicted to occur in 4.5 billion years."
"Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg collided at turn four and took each other out of the race."
"Galaxy collisions are common; they are spectacular."
"In elastic collision, this is the type of collision where after collision, two objects are going to move separately."
"What we could be seeing as the hot dense phase in our history... could have been a collision between two of these sheets."
"We've shown that the kinetic energy before is equal to the kinetic energy after, therefore the collision is elastic."
"The debris from the collision goes showering out and that gives us information about elementary particles at the most fundamental level."
"We need a collision box here, we need to actually define where the edges of the player are when he's walking."
"In the center-of-mass frame, remember, momentum is zero. So you're in the center of mass. One particle comes to you and the other comes to you. They get stuck together because it's a completely inelastic collision."
"We're not falling through the world, which means we are hitting and being blocked correctly."
"By observing their behavior, scientists can figure out how many binary black holes that are about to collide exist in the universe."
"This time it will become a straight-up head-on collision."
"Sometimes two worlds collide and they make magic."
"The Milky Way galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy in about five billion years."