
Exhibition Quotes

There are 525 quotes

"I think it is about time for us to be putting together the grand Red Kangaroo exhibit of legend. It's gonna be absolutely amazing."
"The exhibition presents 150 years of fashion, culled almost exclusively from the Costume Institute's collection."
"Welcome to today's invitational event where some of the world's finest drivers will be treating us to a special exhibition of some of the sport's most iconic cars."
"Here I am, with a hit game, with our own booth at Tokyo Game Show."
"The longest-running North American auto show has reopened in Chicago, attendees happy to see old friends and take in the new car smell."
"It's like an art exhibit. Yeah, I could see this in the MoMA just being like permanently strapped to the wall."
"Jojo's has been featured at the Louvre in France."
"Atrocity exhibition [ __ ], yeah, great [ __ ] man."
"The third part of the Al Thani Collection is an exhibition of gold and enamelled objects and jewels; artefacts which demonstrate the highest levels of craftsmanship."
"Unfortunately, I was only allowed to take a picture of the display at the very beginning of the exhibit."
"Saint Petersburg exhibit displays Cartier items together with historical treasures."
"You are a masterpiece that's ready to be displayed and showcased to the world."
"From ancient pottery to modern innovations: a journey through time at the museum."
"It's an amazing opportunity to see so much historic material all in one place."
"We are fully dedicated to displaying artifacts from your adventure alone."
"The intrepid museum is so excited to announce that we currently have a full-scale model of nasa's perseverance rover and ingenuity helicopter."
"I wanted to have fun with my friends, kind of have an exhibition of what we do and what we are capable of."
"it's a wonderful place to be able to show your work"
"The largest Corliss steam engine ever built with this 14,400 horsepower engine was on display and generated all the energy used in the Machinery Hall during the 1876 exhibition."
"The Dallas car show has been absolutely great."
"We've got to get this to a show condition for April this year."
"Organic material does survive, and that is why in the exhibition, the organic material you're looking at is in virtual pristine condition."
"We have a nice little showcase that's going to be out front for those items."
"This form is incredibly potent and it really hypes up for the tournament because now they can finally show this off."
"It is a model museum in the sense that I love how the exhibits are set up."
"I guess at the end of the day I am honored to be at the Mopar Booth 2022 showing off two of the finest cars we've ever restored."
"...possibly one of the cars of the show."
"this room wipes the floor and easily wins the best of the show without a doubt"
"Horikoshi's art exhibition for My Hero Academia's anniversary featured hand-drawn original drafts and 3D sculptures of the characters."
"And the star exhibit, a Roman brooch."
"The government seized the opportunity to establish an alien exhibition Museum boosting local tourism."
"I think it's going to be really cool to showcase the talent in a place like that."
"Acting's a bit like getting paid to show off."
"Let's go to London for the Disney 100 exhibition, let's go."
"The interesting part about this exhibition is we wanted it to be less academic and a little more emotional."
"The 50th anniversary exhibit that we have here on display at the School of Cinematic Arts is an attempt to really bring together as many facets of the Planet of the Apes universe as we can."
"If you want to truly experience the magic of a professional car show, then you need to venture out to Pomona, California to the Grand National Roadster Show and check it out."
"...what really makes this exhibition stand out is this pseudo reliquary containing Galileo's thumb, index finger, middle finger, and tooth..."
"We're going back Joe Walser and Ken were displayed at the long weekend of 30th anniversary night these were created back in October of 2015."
"A freak show is an exhibition of biological rarities, referred to in popular culture as freaks of nature."
"For extended preservation and to give the art its due, a new exhibit was needed for the collection."
"The first exhibition was extremely cool. It was all about data and the metaverse."
"The night watch will be displayed in the familiar form that enchants millions of visitors."
"We just want to kind of showcase the media section here."
"What are we looking at here? About 45 to 50 cars and bikes of all euros, something for everyone here on display."
"An exhilarating exhibition of creativity."
"Rare Treasures found by chance in a grave in South Cumbria, England are set to be displayed at Furnace Abbey."
"Don't worry if yours isn't exhibit-worthy."
"The Fair itself was a monument to extravagance, building after building constructed to display to the world how far America had advanced."
"The majority of these outfits you're going to see here today if not all of them."
"We've got a lot of stuff to show you today."
"We love an exhibition here, don't we? There's a hundred images, wow!"
"Over the years, our plan right now is to have rotating exhibits every four to six months so there's always something new and exciting happening."
"Visitors to this stupendous show of Italian portraiture, both in Berlin and here in New York, can't fail to be astonished by the quantity and quality of portrait images and all media from 15th-century Florence dominating the first four rooms of the exhibition."
"War memorial of Korea features detailed exhibitions covering wars fought across Korea's history."
"I hope everybody goes to the Peterson when it reopens because it is a beautiful exhibit."
"One of my favorite artifacts in the entire exhibition is this one here. At first glance, it just looks like a little piece of paper, but this is the message book on which the last message of the war was taken down."
"So if we run that when we run it again we'll go through it properly in the workshop and then we'll carefully display it at one of our future tank fest events."
"I feel like I was just like they've just blown these up onto the wall like but I also think even you know it might just be that you find exhibitions boring or you do whatever you don't like the crowds whatever it might be so I guess it's just a slightly more engaging way"
"Conjoined Twins, or Siamese Twins, as they were once commonly known, are a phenomenon once thought worthy of public exhibition."
"Welcome to the beginnings of the three-month run of our exhibition 'Wonder of the Age: Master Painters of India 1100-1900.'"
"Cezanne exhibited paintings in the first exhibition in 1863."
"...this year you could not miss loot Studios who had one of the largest and by far the brightest booths at the whole con."
"Look in the windows here, they have a house fly exhibit right there. I don't know that I've ever been to a zoo that had captive house flies on display, that's very interesting."
"Witchcraft is exposed, and it's exposed! After last week Sunday, what we do here is exhibit real Christianity. The apostles exhibited it, and people wanted it. That same Christianity is an imitation of the real one!"
"The best idea for an All-Star Game I've ever seen MLS versus Liga MX."
"It's just a great showcase for your league."
"Who knows? Hopefully, someone likes it enough to buy it at the gallery show."
"Here we’re looking at a painting by André Derain, 'Sailboats at Collioure,' and in fact this whole first gallery is devoted to Derain."
"Kind of like this one: one look inside Hershey's Chocolate World and instantly you understand that they left no stones unturned when it comes to showing off the entire Hershey collection."
"They're going to take this Bible and put it on exhibit, now thousands of people can read the story of Owen Edward Williams and his pal Owen John Owen."
"VHD was all ready to go at CES in 1982 with an impressive roster of manufacturers lined up."
"By organizing a show around his sketches and studies, we can present his career in the fullest way possible, from beginning to end, from private struggle to public triumph and back again."
"She has curated or co-curated numerous exhibitions including Egypt's Golden Age: A Divine Tour of Ancient Egypt, Ramses the Great: Pharaohs of the Sun, The Secrets of Tomb10a, and Ancient Nubian Now."
"He wrote to his sister and said, 'I have had a little exhibition at Durand-Ruel of 26 imaginary landscapes which has been rather successful.'"
"And there's just as much ambition from the nursery men and women who adorn the great pavilion with their botanical displays in glorious technicolor."
"This is a type of finish that I would put in a gallery, that I would exhibit."
"I'm thrilled that there are so many people here to hear the first lecture accompanying the exhibition Moroni: The Richness of Renaissance Portraiture."
"It's been fun. One of the exhibits actually, the Corsair, the propeller, um they, they had called and they said, 'Well we've got this propeller but we have to build an exhibit for it but we can't touch it so they needed to build mounts for it."
"I want to thank all of you who submitted art for the show. The response was phenomenal, and I hope to cover as many of your entries as possible today."
"It's kind of cool, this store is like a free museum. You can see a lot of her costumes."
"This immersive exhibition has enormous animatronic dinosaurs that come to life before your eyes."
"An immersive exhibition with enormous animatronic dinosaurs."
"One of his visions was to have a permanent place where the work of the Lego fan community could be exhibited."
"Next up is Shark Mystique, a great exhibition with over 100 sharks and stingrays."
"And in the exhibition, we are exhibiting it with Michelangelo's drawings."
"They need more subs, man, because what they're doing, the cars they've got, the toys they've got, it's just it needs to be shown and showcased to the world."
"The Eiffel Tower was originally built as an exhibit for the 1889 Paris World's Fair."
"Visitors gazed with pride on the exhibits of their home states."
"The main reason we were here today is that we could show you Mira's skills in tapping beer."
"Sachs's work has been exhibited widely in the US and abroad and has been collected by prestigious institutions."
"It's exhibited reasonably the designs are okay i like the details on top"
"Our booth is going to be bigger and it's going to be better than it's ever been before."
"I think this was the most exciting exhibition we've done here at the NEC in terms of new models announced and also new models on display, it's just awesome."
"The most grand exhibition that ever was witnessed in America."
"This is a once-in-a-generation chance to see in ideal gallery settings some of the greatest paintings in the Royal Collection and in fact some of the greatest paintings in the history of art."
"I just want everybody to see, you know what I'm saying, you know how you get something done, you just want to be like, I just want everybody to see."
"This exhibition has been made possible by the removal of the pictures from the Picture Gallery to prepare for the next phase of the Reservicing project."
"Tonight's program is offered in conjunction with a new exhibit we've recently opened at the Harest Truman Library in Independence. It's an exhibit entitled 'Americans in fear: spies, lies, and paranoia.'"
"It's essentially a space where people can come together. You could fly in all the best e-cyclists in the world to one exhibition venue. You can have a live audience, all the weigh-ins, control all the equipment. So, there cannot be any cheating."
"We want to have a PCG Booth with slab cards from corner to corner."
"35,000 people visit the exhibit upstairs which is virtually what we would get in a year in one month."
"Numerous museum exhibits around the world are showcasing artifacts from 1917 during this anniversary year."
"I got into the Royal Society of British Artists annual exhibition, I got in!"
"It was California's first World's Fair."
"Finally open to the public, Ingres's portrait of the Comtesse d'Haussonville goes on public view."
"To be rediscovered, re-examined, and put on display a hundred years after their first appearance."
"I just wanted it, right then, like I wanted to show everybody."
"I'm just doing the things that I love to do... and I just want to show y'all."
"These are amazing, they belong in a museum or a magazine."
"The best juicing exhibitor here at the show and it's actually the Kuvings booth."
"It's lovely you've got to stand here with all of the quilts and it's stunning to see the whole collection together."
"We want everyone to see themselves in this exhibit."
"This painting will come to New York for a wonderful show on Renaissance Italian portraits."
"This is the first time it's ever actually been here. Uh, and we're gonna take this thing to a freaking car show."
"...there's been a fantastic array of really impressive vehicles."
"...there's a certain type of car...that really does appeal at Pebble Beach...a car that has a certain indefinable presence when it's up there on the ramp."
"I tell you what, and I haven't been idle today, do you know that the Pem Museum is showing a collection of paintings on loan from the Italian government?"
"It's actually known as the Masterpiece Gallery and that's just right over there where we have the giant dinosaurs."
"This is a really cool display, the way the cars are here inside the showroom."
"So let's move on again, see some of the beautiful displays here."
"It's a museum piece because there are museums that display his work."
"The guys from thrash house drift club and dm motorsport made sure there were some cool things to see on the motor car."
"So I hope you enjoyed this one, this one here is ready for the art gallery, so is yours and I'll see you real soon."
"The dress code, because there is one, and the exhibit are all about fleeting Beauty."
"I'm so glad you could make it. We're just about to showcase some of our students' artwork."
"This is an incredible piece... so glad you brought it here today because we would never have seen it." - Tim Coleman
"I'm proud of it and I want people to see it. Hopefully, they will."
"The museum's first section is Timeline."
"Nobody never in a million years did we imagine it would be exhibited at all, let alone in Central Park."
"It felt very important to dedicate the end of the show to this, you know, this masterpiece and to give people a chance to sort of spend time with it."
"Thank you for watching this one's ready for a gallery so is yours and we'll see you next time."
"It's a showcase for people who enjoy cars of all types."
"The exhibition sheds light on the snaring problem and celebrates the beauty of Uganda's wildlife."
"The bridge is also the focus of another painting by Guardi that I'm showing you here, in the National Gallery of Art in Washington."
"This is one of the most systematic and quality displays you will ever see at a show."
"This hall is dedicated to minerals, some of the best minerals in the world on display."
"The whole point of the special exhibition is to show people stuff they can't come to museum to see."
"There is so much to see at this Expo."
"The salon retrospective has brought him to light."
"We finally made it to the brand new Ancient Oceans exhibit at Jurassic Quest."
"I'd like to begin by congratulating Leo for organizing this really terrific exhibit."
"The overall picture of Hopper that we gather from this impressive exhibit is one of Hopper the traveler."
"This is the most stunning coach at the show."
"Certainly is a stunning setting for a classic car show."
"The exhibition is people-centered and it's about creativity and about resilience."
"It's wonderful to be here to introduce this exhibition on late Imperial 19th century China."
"What's really cool about the exhibit in here is all of these flowers are real."
"This piece that is showing upstairs is an example of something that I call generative art."
"Thanks so much for showing the collection here, this is great."
"This museum of alien life will be divided into two exhibits: life as we know it, and life as we don't know it."
"I think it should be shown because it is a remarkable piece of history."
"It's the specimens, the way that they're exhibited, the way that they're portrayed, that gives people inspiration and awe."
"The premise of the exhibition is that all of the material in here was either made in Australia, played within Australia, brought to Australia in use."
"It truly was the first blockbuster museum exhibition."
"We are using the shoe as the key to show the visitors different cultures of the world."
"The public attraction was strong and the New York Times reported a five-fold increase in the number of mint visitors during the exhibition."
"That's who we are and that's what we want everybody to see."
"The class of Photography that you see at the final exhibition is absolutely mind-bogglingly good."
"Fine art photography, big prints, that's exactly one of the reasons why you would do it."
"The exhibition New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape appeared in 1975 and crystallized a new view of the American West."
"I'm so excited for the L'Oreal fragrance exhibition today, this is right up my street."
"This year's Gala, a celebration of the Costume Institute's newest exhibit, Sleeping Beauties."
"One of the wonderful things about Festival of Speed is they're not racing, they're demonstrating, they're showing off."
"If you ever make it to Switzerland, I have some really cool exhibits still running there at the Swiss Science Museum."
"...the British Library's exhibition on fantasy objects include Gandalf's staff and Arya's needle, 100% worth a visit."
"Let me inspire you to build a layout to display to the public at a model railway exhibition."
"The larger gallery featured a show dedicated to celebrating music, the black-and-white photos of the exhibit were a nice contrast to the colorful explosions of the other room."
"I absolutely loved the Bloomsbury exhibition; it was really wonderfully curated."
"The Sinclair Oil 1964 World's Fair's World of Dinosaurs Moldorama dinosaur figures is one of the most famous exhibitions in the history of dinosaur exhibits."
"The exhibition was incredible at the V&A."
"It's the first UK exhibition dedicated to the work of Coco Chanel."
"Here's our big boy, we got our Tyrannosaurus Rex, you can see from the front, got the jaw wide open and that looks really good."
"It's the biggest show-and-tell in the world."
"The second annual Concourse d'Elegance will feature an exhibition of more than 250 unique cars from around the world."
"The National Gallery has thrust itself into the 21st century with this internationally awarded permanent exhibition."
"Well, hopefully it's going to go in a gallery."
"There's some marvelous stuff on show."
"This is definitely a really cool piece and if you want to see it in person, it will be on display in my lobby here at TFS in Las Vegas."
"It's a fair price for the dino, I hope it's going to be shown to the public."
"Welcome to the BMW Welt, the BMW world here."
"It will put into context works on view in the San Diego Museum of Art."
"The whole point is making a showpiece, bringing everybody's attention to it."
"Your eyes do not deceive you, my friends, we are mounted on top of a tank."
"It was a real exhibition, spectacular seeing the way he was riding."
"There are some amazing vehicles here today."
"It looks like an exhibit at the Museum of Natural Science."
"These are the creation of glasswork artist Alison Lowry, who designed the ankle-breaking blocks as part of an exhibition focused on the hidden battles women face in society."
"It's always the same, no matter which show, hall five is where the magic is."
"It's very important and nice as an artist to be able to have a space to showcase your artwork that is not social media."
"The treasures will now be a part of a very important exhibition."
"That's what we're trying to do in this exhibition, Luxury and Power: Persia To Greece."
"It is amazing to see all this original Corbin displayed the way they did."
"The exposition covered more than 600 acres featuring nearly 200 new buildings, canals, and lagoons, and people and cultures from around the world."
"We went back, we went to Tina's spot, so beautiful booth, beautiful colors."
"Being the exhibitor at the Southampton Boat Show on the Bavaria stand in 2015, she is crammed with unrivaled extras."
"The treasures of Tutankhamen have been exhibited all over the world and seen by millions of people."
"Combined, the museum's two locations will consist of 700,000 square feet of exhibition space plus two IMAX theaters, a planetarium, and observatory."
"As you all know, we're working on opening Frick Madison very soon, our new temporary home of The Frick Collection on Madison Avenue, where all of the highlights of our collection will be on view."
"This is great, this is our Fatty Arbuckle exhibit. Never seen one of those anywhere."