
Organized Crime Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"The beauty of Putin's ever-deepening kinship with the mob was that it gave him a whole other set of levers with which to settle problems and to make problematic people go away."
"The core of Putin's power is an alliance between the intelligence officials, primarily the FSB, and organized crime."
"We have to take the power away from organized crime."
"Fear kept a lot of guys in line, but when the RICO Act came out, the fear of the life was transferred to the government."
"You often hear like the big three cities for drug gangsterism are London, Liverpool, and Manchester."
"Think of Don Corleone, 'The Godfather'. So, okay, yes, technically he is not the villain in 'The Godfather', but still he's the head of an organized crime family."
"Russia's long unholy alliance between organized crime and government."
"Fat Tony is portrayed as the ominous leader of the Springfield mob."
"If you're a made guy in that life and you die of old age and you die free, you've really accomplished something."
"Money in that life brings loyalty, it brings you a lot of stuff."
"We had structure, we had discipline, we had authority, and we had consequences for breaking our oath."
"Blanco's criminal Empire produced an incredible $80 million every month."
"Maria Licciardi, a force to be reckoned with amidst the violent feuds of the organized criminal Clans."
"Enedina Aralano Felix, breaking barriers as one of the only women to run a criminal organization."
"We're not dealing with an immigration issue, we are dealing with an organized crime issue."
"History would always raise questions about the outfits involvement in the Kennedy assassination which would also piss off Sam's boss Accardo."
"It's paced out where it Chronicles this entire career inside I guess what we'll call organized crime."
"Tug on a thread and it leads back to them. Clan Kelly and Albion included. People are getting snatched off the streets, we have to do something about it, right? That's what we do."
"Mary Kelly heads up the most powerful crime family in London, Clan Kelly."
"The woman single-handedly modernized organized crime in London."
"Intelligence agencies and organized crime in the U.S got in bed together and really that symbiosis um you know it was originally justified out of wartime necessity during World War II but it never stopped."
"The Vatican is a Global organized crime Institution."
"Organized crime, unscrupulous buyers, and a world market that seems to be hungry for these metals."
"The first few years of Batman's career are really focused on him dealing with the mob, dealing with organized crime in Gotham."
"Donald McKay's Legacy in the fight against organized crime."
"A grim reminder that shadowy societies willing to commit violence for the highest bidder remain prominent."
"When Triad members emerged from the woodwork to silence pro-Democracy protestors in 2019, it served as a grim reminder that shadowy societies willing to commit violence for the highest bidder remain prominent."
"The disappearances and the mass graves were linked and most likely the work of a single criminal enterprise."
"The CIA's first contact with the mob may well have been through Jimmy Hoffa."
"The heads of the New York families didn't have a single hope to get close to Michael."
"The Mafia operated as a surrogate state in the New York metropolitan area."
"The leaders of organized crime-- the most powerful, corrupt, violent offenders in this country could be brought into a courtroom and made to sit, made to listen to the evidence, and found guilty, and then sent to jail."
"It's very ironic because the police act like organized crime, not us."
"You help get the restriction from my communication lifted, so I can run in 1976 and I will give you information on organized crime and when I get into office, I will purge organized crime from the Teamsters."
"Capone's brutal methods were shrouded in a strange kind of respect among his subordinates."
"Each beating, each burn, each chilling use of the ice pick or baseball bat was a clear signal to anyone who dared to defy Capone's rule."
"I know this initially sounds ridiculous, like how the Olive Oil Mafia in Italy was a thing, but if you've seen that video, then you'll kind of know how serious and deadly these mafias and these types of activities actually become."
"Organized retail crime by professional crews is on the rise for one big reason: the ease of reselling stolen merchandise on online marketplaces."
"With a single spoken word we could tell each other infinite things."
"Supposedly Bill senior's father, Andre Cucha, had connections to the La Costa Nostra families..."
"The mob has only become, in my opinion, popular because of the romanticizing that Hollywood does."
"We have now proven in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt not only that there's a mafia but there's a commission that it runs the mafia."
"I think that we will have a tremendous impact on them... within five to ten years."
"It was just amazing to see this very powerful, well-dressed mafia boss down on his knees."
"If I'd also leave a legacy behind that pretty much set the template for the way modern organized crime conducts itself."
"Ivankov's case is a major case, because it demonstrated the ease with which members of Russian organized crime families have been able to infiltrate US communities."
"What is clear-- Vyacheslav Ivankov fled Russia and came to the United States with an agenda."
"By early 1992, Ivankov had entered the US and settled in the Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn, New York."
"The news of his arrival in Brighton Beach sent fear throughout the community."
"The advent of the modern telephone gave organized crime a valuable new tool."
"Joe the boss's real problems began when he started to meddle with other mafia families."
"Hi I'm Isa Crow musician vtuber and cool girl."
"British Android Rainey has now started their crowdfunding campaign."
"He was the mob's version of little Lord Fauntleroy."
"Paul made them an offer they could not refuse."
"John Gotti wanted to kill Paul because he said the Gambino family will be better off without him."
"The most effective way to destroy a violent and bloody mafia or any criminal organization is to force it to become legit through legalizing its product."
"The first rule of the mafia is loyalty. Break it and you pay the price."
"There's a name for the type of organization that tries to prevent people from leaving by threats of violence, by silencing, and by intimidation and it is the [ __ ] mafia."
"We were supposed to have access to the White House after we helped deliver the presidency to John F. Kennedy. But they totally screwed the mob. The mob was supposed to have access to the White House, instead, we got screwed." - Sam Giancana
"Cousin Ostra mafia is an alternative lifestyle in this country. It's a criminal lifestyle, but that doesn't mean that certain things that happened in that life can't apply to life today." - Michael Francis
"Organized crime is increasingly globalized... the change in geopolitics in one region can have a very big impact in others."
"Prohibition led to the rise of organized crime."
"It harkened back to the day when the mafia would stage a field position with coffins stacked to the hill with booze."
"The FBI crackdown on organized crime is working."
"John Gotti became a Gambino family associate around 1970. He impressed the boss in 1973 by killing a man who had kidnapped and murdered a relative of Carlos Gambino."
"Maya's boss is Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin who runs a lot of the organized crime in the city."
"His cooperation in this case was instrumental in breaking the back of an organized crime organization."
"Primarily operating in southern Italy, specifically the Calabria region, this organization grew enough during the late 18th and early 19th centuries that they were known globally by the 1950s."
"One of the most well-organized criminal organizations in the world, the Russian Mafia has a long legacy originating from the Imperial period of the 1720s."
"Dating back to the Edo period and with one of the strictest honor codes of any criminal gang, the Yakuza is one of the oldest crime syndicates."
"Lester Coke began recruiting thousands of members and had the largest arsenal of choppers Jamaica had ever seen."
"Whether they chose this life to escape poverty or out of pure entrepreneurial spirit, these ladies were as brutal and ruthless as their male counterparts."
"Members of the Sinaloa cartel, one of the most powerful cartels in North America, told The Daily Beast that it planned to infiltrate the legal pot market."
"Real gangsters don't talk about being gangsters." - Aster Dixon
"His impact on American organized crime might have been greater than any other person, and it is still evident today."
"According to Gannon, this wouldn't be the work of just one person but a gang of people who work together across the USA with the same MO."
"Cracking down on auto theft starts with going after organized crime."
"There's one thing that is the lifeblood, the heart of the mob, the thing that drives its existence, the thing that makes its blood course through its veins, the thing that makes its bosses smile."
"If I could go back, I don't regret my life prior to all of that. The violence and getting made into the mafia, those were the two things I would change."
"Drug crime is high-profit, serious crime. Driven by profit and defending their interests, criminal syndicates will take desperate risks - it's a struggle of life and death."
"This was an organized hit against American democracy."
"Cole executed a series of drug busts on the 66 Bridges."
"This is hardcore criminals. This is called mine hijacking."
"The Yakuza aren't this big angry, breach, mug-you, kill-you organization that a lot of us perceive it to be."
"The Yakuza are so careful about their public image."
"A lot of people aren't sure if Japan would be better off without them or with them because they have such a weird symbiotic relationship."
"For literally decades J Edgar Hoover had insisted there was no such thing as an organized crime syndicate."
"The sheer expanse of Giancana territory gave him instant respect, a power Kennedy was counting on."
"The Russian economy is a gas station run by the mafia."
"In his death, he actually accomplished what he had been trying to do, which was take down the Mafia in Cleveland."
"The Cleveland Mafia was suddenly unstable and vulnerable. It was time to strike."
"Danny Greene and the Cleveland Mafia were locked in a vicious battle for control of the city's criminal underworld."
"He devoted every fiber of his being to destroying the Cleveland Mafia."
"I just want to get rid of organized crime, it's my only aim."
"Strong-arming Mafia racket of every business around the world."
"The Chin approached by the Colombo family, signed off on his murder, even after assuring the 36-year-old gangster that he was safe."
"By the late 1980s the inroads made by the police had shown that there was a hierarchy to the gang at its heart led a group of powerful men."
"Luciano and his allies formed the commission, the governing body of the American Mafia."
"If we sit here and watch our government being stolen from us, our healthcare being stolen from us, SNL scandals, anything you can think of, you can watch it being taken away from you by this private money."
"He candidly talked about his life as a mobster, still passionate about the mafia."
"Pope tells Sicily's Mafia you cannot believe in God and be mafioso."
"Real estate, it's like the mafia. You don't get out until you die."
"Their method now is Rishi said hunt wait when they die lie and so uh uh counselor I'm thinking about this North Belt crime suppression team they organized gangs now uh federal and local uh they do these task forces that's their hunting crew."
"In my opinion, in 20 years from now, Cosa Nostra is hardly going to exist in New York."
"In just 10 years, Al Capone built an empire through these underground tunnels and speakeasies."
"This has never been done before in North America. This is the removal laterally of an entire not only entire generation of organized criminals."
"It was also done by very highly organized criminals."
"What Paulie and the organization does is offer protection for people who can't go to the cops. That's it, that's all it is. They're like the police department for wise guys."
"The cartels are becoming filthy rich, and countries are benefiting themselves from drug money."
"The mafia knew several people who killed people."
"Is this network of black non-commissioned Military Officers still active today? Oh yes, I would say so. This is black organized crime, yes, yes, in a nutshell that's exactly what it is."
"The state Division of Gaming Enforcement charged that Local 54's connections to organized crime should disqualify it from representing its fourteen thousand members."
"Is organized crime for the American ruling class that is what they do that is the function that they serve."
"Some of these gangs are still active today, and while Prohibition has been over for nearly a century, it is clear that organized crime in America is here to stay."
"Colombian drug lords began consolidating their businesses into partnerships known as cartels."
"How involved did the Mafia get in all of this, kind of the bookmaking and all that?"
"Capone expanded operations to encompass illegal breweries, transportation, and legitimate businesses."
"We just had someone who was actively involved in organized crime and the boxing profession, he indicated it will make very little difference as long as the money is there."
"There was a guy named Andrew Russo who was a captain in the Colombo family who has some sort of tie to a veto and a few mo."
"The Craze controlled a large area of the East End, where every business, be it legitimate or illegal, paid its dues to the twins."
"The Westies were the only outside group that, to my knowledge, we ever worked with. There was some trust there, and they were tough guys."
"Based on your knowledge and experience, does the mafia control the narcotics business in Italy?"
"There has been a targeting of journalists by organized crime in Ecuador, which has resulted in absolutely a chilling effect of fear on the investigative reporters upon which Ecuador relies to really understand what's happening in the country."
"La Casa Nostra runs a profitable and Bloody Business there, gambling alone sharking and extortion rackets."
"The ultimate goal is to destroy the Philadelphia family as a crime problem."
"He possessed the cunning of a fox, navigating the treacherous world of organized crime."
"The Sopranos follows the exploits of New Jersey mafia boss Tony Soprano who leads his glorified crew into the 21st century and all the problems that come with it."
"Tony must navigate life as mob boss attempting to stay out of the Long Reach of the law avoiding being murdered by Rivals and keeping his actual family from falling apart."
"Organized crime has found gambling enterprises to be extremely profitable."
"American mobsters are as famous as the movie stars who play them."
"The prosecution's star witness, Gotti underboss Salvatore 'Sammy the Bull' Gravano, took the stand today."
"If you are part of an organized crime family in this city, I am declaring war on you."
"Russian organized crime has evolved dramatically, shaped by the state, from old-school gangsters to new-school business gangsters."
"The rise of the Mexican drug cartels on the other side of the law."
"The mafia treats mental health with a bullet."
"Vinny had one of the biggest video poker routes in the Bronx. And number locations, I would say, anywhere from maybe 40 to maybe eighty thousand dollars a month. Wow."
"I went to the Gambinos, I said, 'I'm killing this kid.' They were like, 'No, no, no, you're not doing that. His father is a wise guy.' I said, 'I [ __ ] you.' I went to the other side, I went to the BS, and they're like, 'Yeah, get them.'"
"The mob's influence is not a relic of the past but an ongoing reality even in today's age of Digital streaming and corporate Mega Studios."
"Luciano and Meyer Lansky had this idea of almost, you know, making organized crime like a corporation. I mean, they wanted to stop the violence."
"Your mission is going to be very simple: focus on the assets and profits of organized crime, and attack the profits of organized crime, therefore create an air of decapitation off the underworld."
"Prohibition was really the jumping-off point in America for a lot of organized crime and gangsters in general."
"Arnold Rothstein transformed organized crime from a thuggish activity practiced by hoodlums into a big business run like a corporation."
"With Calabrese's testimony, the feds had the ammunition to take down some of Chicago's biggest mob players."
"Absolutely. Saying that does the mafia still exist in 2019? The mob still exists and I don't believe it'll go away in my lifetime. Um, these guys are very resourceful."
"The Scarfo bus came in March of '87, and these documents say by April of '87, by May of '87, Chickie and Joey are going around to a number of bookies, loan sharks, drug dealers, telling them that the city is theirs now."
"Paul Castellano and Tommy Bilotti lay outside the car, each shot by six bullets. According to Gravano, Gotti eased the car into the street and passed the bodies sprawled on the pavement. He had to be sure Castellano was dead."
"The mafia's involvement in criminal activities continues to evolve, adapting to new opportunities and challenges."
"These events underscore the enduring and adaptive nature of organized crime groups like the mafia."
"The mafia's primary activities include protection racketeering, resolving disputes among criminals, and overseeing illegal agreements and transactions."
"Spider-Man begins to focus on taking down organized crime, beginning with the Kingpin's empire."
"The bug provided like a four-month window into the operations of the de facto headquarters and nerve center of the mafia in America."
"John Gotti talks to him he brings them into the club he talks to him about business and about old time things that you've heard about in this case."
"The gang operation has changed. They're more driven by fraud, identity theft, human trafficking. That's a money maker for them."
"Freeman was a person who people looked up to. They respected. He was like a godfather of organized crime in Sydney."
"A former superstar in the WWF reportedly ran afoul of organized crime syndicates."
"Professional boxing will always hold a major interest for members of organized crime."
"Rizzuto's son Vito known as mid-30s Works closely alongside his father as a crucial element of the family."
"The Rizzuto Clan stayed more intact and stable."
"The Sicilians to this day are running it in a different way. Maybe not as powerful, but they're running it the way they need to run it. They're making a ton of money. You never see headlines."
"In a single meeting, the American Mafia was born."
"Frank Lino would head off to prison in the late '90s, and his crew would be given to Daniel Mongelli, who was essentially a protege of Frank Lino."
"It wasn't one thing that took down the mob it was multiple things going back decades before John."
"The gangster disciples have chapters and affiliates in over 150 cities from Topeka, Kansas to Orlando, Florida. They're many, many times larger than the mafia. They are the new mafia, they are the mafia of the future."
"Bobby Borriello would ultimately become a made member of the Gambino crime family."
"There are a lot of families within a family, and today we're going to talk about one of those families, one of the most powerful groups between the 80s, 90s, and 2000s—the Gambino crime family."
"After the new acting boss gets indicted, the genevas and Gambino family they step in they turn to John stampa to put together the family and return it to stability."
"Wanting to avoid a repeat of the Voruso fiasco, Lepke entrusted the job to two of his top men, ace assassin Harry 'Happy' Mayone, who assembled a three-man hit squad."
"The professional underworld was very much dominated by the old family gangs loose associations of criminals held together really by their family or ethnic backgrounds."
"The days of focusing exclusively on a single drug trafficking organization or national Mafia in the hope of dismantling the cocaine trade are long gone."
"While European and Latin governments struggle to contain COVID-19 and the economic carnage it's leaving in its wake, organized crime sees new opportunities."
"The story of Lucero Guadalupe Sanchez is a stark reminder of the corrupting influence of organized crime and its ability to penetrate the political sphere."
"If there's demand, there will always be mafias and cartels, and it seems that they're always willing to up the ante where violence is concerned."
"If you had it compared to, I would say the mafia in Italy and the drug cartels in Mexico and South America, they're huge."
"It's not easy to walk away in the mafia, in the situation I was in, and it exploded all around the world."
"The seeds of organized crime were sown and the Gambino family would emerge as a dominant force in the criminal underworld."
"In recent years, the Gambino family has faced significant challenges from law enforcement."
"Their control over various illicit activities from gambling to drug trafficking has shaped the criminal underworld for decades."
"The banano era under the leadership of Joseph bonano, the bonano crime family rose to prominence and became one of the most powerful and influential mafia families in New York City."
"The genovesi crime family reached new heights of power and influence with Luciano and genoves at the helm."
"The cartels are no longer just investing in drugs and guns but they're investing in stocks and real estate and mining and politicians."
"Salerno was the head of the commission at one point in the early 80s in New York."
"You know, jimmy one of the things, though, uh, the bath avenue crew, no one was a made guy, you guys were all associates, right? So being associates wouldn't, sometimes the made guys use you for the more dangerous jobs and use you for things that maybe they didn't want to do."
"The generation before me, maybe two generations before me, I would say, someone like Samuel Bu or Carlo Gambino, maybe he would send you guys coffee."
"That is, again, one of the most sickening things ever done by anyone associated with the mob."
"And over the years made more money than anyone ever associated with the American Mafia."
"The Commission would oversee decisions that would affect all of the Five Families of the New York City Mafia."
"If you thought that the assassination of a chancellor and the a bloody feud war weren’t crazy enough, you won’t believe some of the crimes the Five Families committed."
"With such enormous wealth in daily transit, London's Heathrow Airport has always been a magnet for serious organized crime."
"I wanted our government to take a stronger position to rid the nation of organized crime and the criminal element."
"Developing strategies to prevent Vietnamese gangs from becoming new lords of organized crime may take some time. After all, the mafia flourished virtually untouched for seven decades in America before law enforcers finally began to win the battle."
"One of the things that he utilized was this perceived family connection between himself and the mob."
"The complex dynamics of Kennedy's involvement with organized crime underscore the intricate intersections between power, influence, and historical events."
"'For the government, this is a must-win case. They said it before but this time the feds say they've really got the goods to lock the reputed godfather away for life.'"
"It's only smart for the mafia to have a waste management company and a butcher shop."
"We're going to get into another very interesting organized crime topic."
"He had uncovered, he said, an organized criminal element in the system."
"Luciano is considered the father of modern organized crime in the United States."
"A made man is somebody who's been formally initiated into our crime family."
"Organized criminal organizations have added cybercrime as an integral part of their operations."