
Nomenclature Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"The Permian Basin Superorganism (Immanis Colosseus, also known by the popular nomenclature of 'Mystery Flesh Pit') is a subterranean organism unique to modern biology, being the sole occupant of the Phylum Immanemqa."
"Christ is not Jesus's last name. Christ means 'anointed.'"
"The power of a word and the power of a name to identify things and distinguish between them."
"Tell W that's so SL. Yeah, you have such good names for all your products."
"You know, the names... Smart technology... It's gotta be smart. That's why they call it smart."
"What's in a name potentially a great deal." - University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson.
"Below could explain... in the states it's really common to call stepmoms by their first name."
"The megalodon meaning giant tooth is aptly named with teeth over three times the size of the great white shark."
"The New World Airport Commission sounded uncannily like the New World Order."
"Naming and giving an identity to a real world skill and applying the same name or identity to the mental version of that can enhance the mental training and visualization in significant ways."
"Even the name 'Orbital Drop Shock Trooper'—badass!"
"The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name." - Confucius
"Jeremejovite is a mineral that not only has a complicated name but also has a complicated makeup."
"When deep space exploration ramps up, it'll be the corporations that name everything."
"The name aptly matches with the center of galaxies where all the spiral arms come out."
"Had the airplane gone into production it would have been called the F-12."
"The project which would revive the naming Convention of Jaguar's Golden Era being christened the F-type."
"Given that its name comes from a six liter v12, 612 is probably more appropriate."
"Indosuchus lived in India at the end of the Cretaceous 66 million years ago. Its name means Indian crocodile."
"The legendary Titans monstrous Golems which by the way is a sick name for a trio the legendary Titans I mean what's the other ones Birds Genies okay Genies kind of goes a little bit hard to be honest but the other ones just aren't as cool as Titans that's a really sick name."
"When you have a single substituent on a ring parent chain, that's when you don't include the one."
"So, the part that doesn't have both oxygens has two carbons, so we're going to name that first."
"Five is associated with pentane, but we're going to replace 'ane' with 'yl,' so this is going to be called pentyl."
"And on the right, we have four carbons, and that has the two oxygen atoms, so it's going to have the 'oate,' so instead of saying butane, we're going to say butanoate."
"If you want to write the common name from the IUPAC name, if you see butanolate, you can replace it with butyrate. So, this is pentyl butyrate."
"So, let's separate into two parts. On the left, we have phenol. Phenol is basically a benzene ring as a substituent. Benzyl contains seven carbon atoms. It's the ring plus the carbon on the outside."
"So, instead of saying benzo, we're going to have to put the 'oate' part in it, so this is called phenol benzoate, and that's basically the name of this structure."
"So, it's your turn. Go ahead and work on this example. Let's say we have a CH3 attached to a carbonyl group and attached to a benzene ring. So, how can we name this particular example?"
"The intersection of paleontology and cultural mythology offers a playful yet interesting angle to scientific nomenclature."
"I understand the need for distinctive binomial nomenclature... but for the Layman and for the dinosaur fans, we really should just stop yelling at people for calling it brontosaurus."
"Naming complex substituents: two ways to name them, common names and systematic names."
"Naming complex substituents: know both common names and systematic names."
"Something may not be a city but we may call it a city just because we call any large collection of people that has a name a city even though it might not technically be that."
"...the victor 2 SSN project 671 RT sub... is named after a fish apparently... I thought you might find that interesting."
"The ancient Romans would usually have three names: the 'tria nomina'."
"It isn't every man who can give names, but only a name maker, and he it seems is a rule setter, the kind of craftsman most rarely found among human beings."
"Names are more than mere identifiers; they express the function of a thing, a person, or a deity."
"...a record class models a nominal tuple... and that is important because in Java most things have names and we're used to using names because they convey meaning."
"This is what gives Loa loa its name, the African eye worm."
"The name millipede means a thousand legs, however, there is no millipede species in the world that actually has a thousand legs."
"Killer whales or orcas, as they're also known, named for Orcus, the Roman god of death and the underworld."
"Father is the Christian name for God."
The name Torosaurus means "perforated lizard", deriving from the Greek τορέω (toreo, "to perforate") referring to its characteristic parietal fenestrae.
"Why do we have so many modes? This phenomenon comes mainly from the technological evolution and non-standard nomenclature."
"That's why we call it a failed star, because it actually fails to do the thing that stars do."
"Every single snowflake has its own shape; then they need their own name."
"Great name, that means excavator digger."
"The name Chandrayaan means moon craft in the Sanskrit language."
"The UPAC nomenclature is used to make it easier to identify millions of organic chemicals."
"The prefix of a chemical name indicates other functional groups apart from the main functional group."
"The suffix of a chemical name indicates the most important functional group."
"The stem of the name refers to the longest carbon chain."
"Carboxylic acids have a suffix 'oic acid' in their names."
"Aldehydes are named with the suffix 'al'."
"Ketones are named with the suffix 'one'."
"Meet the Wolverine, its scientific name means 'glutton'."
"This system is useful because it helps us to distinguish different stereoisomers and give them different names."
"This Vapor hitherto unknown I call by a new name gas."
"The name of the wine is called Somnium, which means dream in Latin."
"The names don't change the reality of something, it really doesn't, no matter what you end up calling it."
"A name can shape how we think about a building, interact with it, or care for it."
"The Grand Canyon... once had a different name: Kaibab, which means 'the mountain lying down'."
"Fruit desserts win the prize for the most charming names: cobbler, pandowdy, charlotte, slump, grunt, and of course buckle."
"Haley's Comet is named after an English astronomer."
"Deuterium is sometimes called heavy hydrogen."
"The official name of North Korea is Democratic People's Republic of Korea."
"Venezuela takes its name from a European city where many people live near the water."
"The botanical name of the poinsettia is Euphorbia pulcherrima."
"The use of the dreadnought name kind of fell away in the late 1910s early 1920s."
"What your enemies called you is not what you use for your own name."
"The redwood trees... used to be called the Wellingtons."
"Whoever named the Kaleidoscope, the Kaleidoscope, that's a cool name."
"Drugs have a chemical name, an official name, a generic name, and trade names."
"The beginning of wisdom is to call something by its proper name."
"The guy who was trying to study this named this thing after himself and called it Pascal's Triangle."
"I don't care about normal things, but I also wonder how they name scientific names for stuff."
"Their scientific name, Ophiophagus hannah, partially translates to 'snake eater'."
"This point is known as Sagittarius A* or Sagittarius A star, with the star itself just being the way that we pronounce that asterisk."
"The Mauk Starling is sometimes called the mysterious Starling because of all the confusion a simple transcription mistake caused."
"Diseases don't really exist how we think they are; we give a name to a set of symptoms that we call a disease."
"The real and true name of our planet, you can rest assured, might easily be 'Ocean'."
"VR stands for Victoria Regina, Queen Victoria in Latin."
"Names come last, things are named last."
"It's very crucial to get the names of things right and to be accurate about the natural world."
"The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry system is used for the naming of organic compounds."
"Just because somebody calls something justice doesn't mean it is justice."
"It gives us a way of naming the elements of a symmetric group on the set of n elements."
"Binomial nomenclature is a fancy way of saying that it has two parts to its name."
"What a perfect name though for a creature, orangutan, it's one of the best names for an animal."
"The honeybee became Apis mellifera—oh, what a relief!"
"Many scientific names are named for people."
"Alcohols have an OH functional group and they end in 'ol'."
"The camel horse as it is known, Camelo Pardus, is the scientific name."
"This class is misnamed. When I say corporate finance, what comes to mind? This class should really be called business finance."
"The name of the cation always comes before the name of the anion."
"That's why we sometimes call temperate rainforest 'Atlantic Forest'."
"It's a very simple thing with an overly complicated name."
"And that Joy Boy was the first person to be called a pirate!"