
Game Ranking Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Bioshock one is the best, then Infinite, then Bioshock two. They're all great games."
"Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time... there can only be one ten in the series, and that's Ocarina of Time."
"Our community response to this was an avalanche with 68% of respondents giving it the S tier."
"Combat here is absolutely Top Notch and excluding Max Payne 3 which takes a substantially different approach I think Max Payne 2 might still be the best shooter I've personally ever played."
"System Shock 2, definitely one of my top 10 games of all time."
"When it all comes together, Sister Location Custom Night has to be one of the strongest gameplay loops."
"B rank contrary to the popular belief that this means bad is not bad. These are the good warframes. They are very solid warframes that are very playable in a wide variety of content."
"Is Capcom vs SNK 2 one of the greatest fighting games ever?"
"In this massive Royal Rumble of video game carnage, what is the worst and what is the undisputed best?"
"Anyone who's saying that this game is top three Halo is blinded by loyalty."
"Resident Evil 4... the scariest Resident Evil of all time."
"Lucina, a character who just doesn't lose, as you can probably tell by how I've not put an 'S' in top tier, even put 'Kapt. Roy' in high tier."
"sure skyward sword may not be one of the best 3d zelda games"
"Final Fantasy 6 is considered by so many to be the best in the series."
"Bowser’s Fury singlehandedly elevates this to A-tier, I think."
"Dead Effect 2... It's an S tier game and it's awesome."
"It is without a doubt one of the best games of the year."
"The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: arguably the best Zelda game."
"I like it when people are upset that their favorite creature isn't S tier. Simply just have a better opinion."
"It's definitely one of the best games on the Game Boy Advance."
"Platinum alone set generation four at the number one spot."
"The pacing of it all feels balanced well with this in mind, and the story significance is at an all-time high, easily earning him a spot in the top five."
"I stand by my thoughts, I think this game is the best of the trilogy."
"But I think it's safe to say that this is a strong subclass and an A ranking seems very fitting for it."
"Battlefront 2, now this will understandably be a lot of people's number one when it comes to Star Wars games from EA."
"Undertale went up against Ocarina of Time, Undertale won like 70 to 30, for example."
"Extra damage up front so I'm going to put it in the A tier."
"Morgot, the Omen King... I think this is an A or an S-tier fight, I do."
"Even more than that, I think it's earned a place in the series."
"It starts to become clear why Bloodborne isn't just the best Souls game but one of the best games of all time."
"Is Gita truly the strongest of the champion ranked trainers?"
"Call of Duty 4 is consistently rated by the fan base as the best Call of Duty so far."
"For me personally, yeah, I would be very surprised if it's not a top three contender for game of the year for me."
"Well the people's choice number 91 is grand austria hotel."
"Verizon Drac, my second favorite map of all time right behind Mob of the Dead."
"Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition remains the high point."
"Paper Mario Thousand Year Door may just be the best Mario RPG."
"Honestly I'd say 9 is probably my top 5 maps of all time. 10 out of 10 solid map would play again. I absolutely Gruman again, it's the flow."
"Is FANATIC 3 truly the most overrated FNAF fan game? Well, for me personally, it's definitely up there."
"Nova was an A+ and remains shocking literally [ __ ] nobody as an A+."
"Time splitters future perfect was the greatest FPS of all time."
"Black Ops 2 is literally one of the best COD games ever."
"Well, that pretty much covers all the advice I can give you guys on how to obtain the grenade launcher and how to get to the Fabled rank."
"This is a fair tier list, yeah. I'm okay with this."
"That's my tier list for the Tomb Kings let me know in the comments below what you think of it whether you agree or disagree."
"It completely supersedes all the other games."
"Silent Hill 4 deserves to stand proudly with the titles before as amazing pieces of survival horror goodness."
"Next to CD and Mania, I think I've found my new favorite."
"Resident Evil 4 isn't one of the best Resident Evil games it's one of the greatest games of all time."
"It's almost made my top ten, and I like it better than Terraforming Mars."
"Disco Elysium managed to beat Planescape: Torment for my favorite game of all time earlier this year." - Disco Elysium
"PvP in general... it's worth it just like the strangers but I would say the roles are better for ranking up in general."
"Ironically it's my game of the year so far, even though it's a remake."
"Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin is looked at as being one of the best in the series."
"Make Your Move deserves its spot in the top five."
"Vayne is sitting by herself in the top of our S Plus tier and she is by far the strongest ADC in the game right now."
"Drakari are quite possibly the single strongest 9th edition codex."
"Out of all the battle royale's on the market today one title has steadily risen to the top and is now producing some of the highest quality Esports content in the industry."
"Bad Batch is one of the best things that happened in 2021. Bad Batch is the second-best non-legendary team in the game."
"I think Hades is actually closer to the top of contention than the mid or the bottom for sure."
"I think I put it in S tier last time we're going to be putting it in S tier this time because it's just that damn good."
"Fallout New Vegas... S-tier, one of the best role-playing games I've played."
"The electro wizard way up here top end of A plus tier."
"Alright, so I know a lot of people consider Super Mario Galaxy to be the best Mario game of all time."
"Ultra Sun and Moon are among the top four or even three best Pokemon games in an objective standpoint."
"There isn't a bad COD game? Come on dude, modern warfare 3, ghosts, infinite warfare..."
"Ultimate Spider-Man... definitely in the upper tier of the series."
"It's a little grindy because I've actually been going more into trying to get this completely ranked up rather than spinning this stuff."
"I think ranked does make better players than what Arena did, just for all ranks, issues. It does have better players at the top, especially in solos."
"There's no game better than God's Unchained in crypto right now, in my personal opinion."