
Peace Negotiations Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"You have to negotiate with the other side that you want peace with."
"Peace in Afghanistan is non-negotiable for us...it's an existential issue for us."
"China, the monsters that they are, bring about peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran. What the hell are you doing over there bringing about peace in that region?"
"Himmler's intention was to negotiate a peace settlement with the Western powers."
"We all want to see a movement to meaningful negotiations leading to a settlement on a two-state solution."
"Without a peace agreement, renewed conflict can break out at any time."
"An off-ramp would look like a negotiated peace."
"I think that this is eventually going to drag out long enough and the sanctions are going to build up bad enough that the Russians will kind of be forced into a peace agreement where they leave Ukraine..."
"If Ukraine is ready to help facilitate the implementation of the Minsk agreements, we are ready to follow this path without any doubts."
"We will always leave the door open if they de-escalate."
"Why did the peace fail? And that's what I will turn to next."
"For Wilson, this was America's moment to force the old imperial powers to make peace on American terms."
"Any peace plan would necessarily involve painful Ukrainian concessions."
"Peace is very important, negotiations need to start as soon as possible." - Oleg Deripaska
"Jointly explore ways to bring lasting peace and security to Europe through dialogue."
"To make peace, we need to be two. But to make war is enough to be one."
"But rather than sabotaging peace talks in Vietnam that led to the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands while Kissinger."
"China's role in brokering peace agreements historically a role that would have been left for the U.S."
"Trump announces Israel and Morocco to normalize relations. He's bringing peace, yay, in the Middle East. This dude does not stop." - Carlin
"Russia was not a party to the conflict. Truce concerns only the forces on either side of the disengagement line."
"We want peace, but as I always said, Armenia says it wants peace, but we want the land back."
"Another potential option available to President Putin is to try to call some form of peace deal to actually ask Ukraine to come to the table and agree to sign up to some form of agreement."
"The only logical way out is through peace talks."
"Progress in peace talks has been pretty good." - Ukraine's president on recent developments amidst ongoing conflict.
"The viability of peace is slowly dawning on people. How do you get to something that will actually last?"
"All this talk of nuclear war in the United States is more likely to convince most Americans... that some kind of Peace negotiation should be started as soon as possible."
"Pornography is a form of control, a sophisticated form of control."
"And peace is possible only when both sides move beyond the past and make real concessions."
"There's never been an easier question ever presented right there: Do you want endless war or do you want historic peace?"
"There is no peace that doesn't include Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel."
"Peace cannot mean freezing the conflict and accepting a deal dictated by Russia."
"As president of the United States, I will help lead the world to do everything possible to resolve international conflict through negotiations, not war."
"This peace treaty in itself was something short of a final choice if this did not work then there would be no other options for Aaron to try and talk to people their politics and negotiations wouldn't be a possibility."
"It's time for Ukraine to start considering giving up territory for peace."
"It's impossible to build lasting peace without Russia's participation."
"We want peace and we'll talk anywhere else except a country which is attacking us."
"Peace built upon suppressing the memory, valor, and virtue of revered forebearers is not sound judgment."
"Putin will only pursue peace if it's threatened with losing ground again or by internal instability."
"Peace talks in an abandoned castle near here."
"It almost reminds you of Neville Chamberlain going to Hitler and saying peace in our time."
"To think that the big wigs of the world cannot agree to avoid mutually assured destruction sounds like madness on steroids."
"Villa saw this turn of events as his opportunity to come to a peace settlement with the new regime."
"We must demand immediate negotiation of a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine or end up in World War III."
"Western powers, including the United States, were disappointed by the recent debate in the U.N. Security General Assembly over Ukraine."
"Ukraine had no realistic alternative but to accept Russia's demands and sue for peace."
"One of the most successful peace negotiations involved the participation of women at the table."
"You cannot make peace with a dictator, you cannot make peace with someone who always wants to destroy you."
"We only make peace with our enemies, my lord. That's why it's called making peace."
"Securing peace between the humans and elves was the current goal."
"This is a major major announcement... to divide the land of Israel for a two-state solution."
"Peaceful times will require talks first and foremost for guarantees for Ukraine for its territorial integrity and its long-term security."
"The war could have ended on a mutually acceptable basis for Ukraine and Russia."
"Ukraine is prepared to discuss adopting a neutral status as part of the peace deal with Russia."
"It's really always the moment where both sides start to look also at their own contribution to the conflict."
"Both sides should sit for negotiations to avoid further atrocities."
"It's time to cut a deal now with the Russians and create a neutral Ukraine."
"There is no question of shin fain participating in any talks whatever unless there is a clear, credible, and unequivocal ceasefire."
"Peace needs to find its way, it just has to be on Ukraine's terms."
"The carefully negotiated peace was in tatters."
"Donald J. Trump: 'Demand the immediate negotiation of a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine or we will end up in World War III.'"
"Russia's desire to begin peace talks has likewise become the Apex of everything."
"The peace process becomes very important not only for Palestinians and Israelis but for all Americans because so long as the Israelis are fighting with the Arabs, especially Palestinians and Israelis, you will not have peace."
"The European Community placed pressure on the belligerence to open negotiations, leading to the Brione Agreement."
"In order to make peace deals in the Middle East, we had to do a lot of unconventional things."
"The most significant progress so far."
"Bargains struck to allocate and reallocate resources and alliances are potential spoilers for peace agreements."
"A negotiated agreement remains the only viable path to achieving lasting security and peace for all."