
Inquisitiveness Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"If you say 'I don't know' just because you don't want to know, that's something there's no point."
"So, big picture stuff here. Don't just stop at the refrigerant leak. Start looking: why is there a crack in the line? What caused the crack?"
"Don't be afraid to ask people that have been doing this a long time questions, yeah, ask a lot of questions."
"There's nothing wrong with being, you know, diving into the weeds a little bit and being a little bit more critical and asking a few more questions."
"I'm interested in the complexity of the man."
"Humans are extremely adaptable and inquisitive these have been known to be our better traits that helped us rise to the top."
"There's a humility that comes with that but also inquisitiveness and the minute you beat you stop being inquisitive that's where you become like them yeah exactly well put."
"It's always a joyous occasion when Joyce asks a question."
"Ask questions and learn... Be willing to ask questions, be willing to learn and grow and open yourself up to especially the science."
"If you are going into a relationship with a Pisces, you better be ready to ask a lot of questions. They're not going to tell you everything that's on their mind."
"Be on one degree to the side of dedication, asking 'how' instead of 'should.'"
"It blows my mind that we're not like continue to ask these questions."
"Never stop asking questions about what is actually happening."
"Black people, we got to be the most question-asking people out there."
"Because I'm not where was this let me see if I can find this super quick."
"Don't be afraid to go deep through asking questions."
"Curiosity has just gotten the best of me."
"They're bred to run all day, they're very devoted to their families, they're highly inquisitive, strong herding instinct."
"They were looking for a reason, the questions didn't bother them."
"Ask more questions; so often times there's a question behind the question."
"An inquisitive mind... someone that comes up with their own ideas."
"Have the courage to ask questions until you are as clear as you can be."
"The energy of curiosity supports our intrinsic inquisitive nature, which is the necessary driving force behind any growth and evolution."
"Keep exposing the truth, stay curious."
"By asking questions, you look inquisitive."
"Humans are naturally inquisitive, curious creatures."
"An inquisitive mind is just trying to spark some theories."
"I always analyzed and asked 'Why?' Even when it was good."
"I'm really curious, really really curious."
"They may even travel just to learn more and see more; it's like they're so inquisitive about life."
"Curiosity took a hold of me, I was more curious than anything."
"Great leaders rarely talk about themselves; they're constantly asking you questions."
"It doesn't cost you anything to ask a question, but it might cost if you don't ask."
"Curiosity is our foundational motivation."
"Ask smart questions... that shows you take the initiative and you're trying to learn."
"Never stop asking questions if you have any slightest of naive questions you think you have."
"My head is full of questions; I have a very inquisitive mind."
"Don't be late for work, bust your ass all the time, ask a whole lot of questions."
"People that ask good questions that are down to go deeper."
"It's nothing wrong with asking questions, but trying to find an answer is real."
"The cure for boredom is curiosity, and there is no cure for curiosity."
"When you learn something, truly learn it. Ask yourself, why is that?"
"Why would you even ask me a question like that?"
"Ask questions. It shows that you are actively engaged and interested in this company."
"I'm just very curious; I'm a very curious person."
"A tongue that asked good questions and a heart that's present."
"The only bad question is the one you don't ask."
"Questions, questions, questions," he said. "Now I remember what you were like; I wonder if I haven't made a terrible mistake."
"She wanted to know what was going on behind those eyes."
"If things are different or they catch your eye, look them up."
"Radical curiosity inspires creativity."
"We human beings are naturally inquisitive creatures and can't help wondering about the world around us and our place in it."
"Gemini risings are very inquisitive people."