
Character Recognition Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"More children recognized Mario even than Mickey Mouse."
"Horizon Zero Dawn felt like a surprise hit so much so that Aloy has become a flagship character for PlayStation."
"If we're supposed to believe that's his family and that's his kid, shouldn't she have a bit of trouble recognizing him?"
"It's Miles Morales, it's animated, it is spectacular animation, I was floored."
"This is who they are. When they show you who they are, believe them."
"Holy [ __ ] that's Vito Scaletta that's the guy from the second game how cool is that."
"Can you believe it? Sniper Wolf found in only eight guesses!"
"Halo's Elites are such an iconic part of the franchise."
"Aang's name is spelled out on both the Fire Nation wanted poster and on the flyers he spreads through Ba Sing Se."
"Sam Fisher is like such a plain name uh but everyone knows who he is right like he's Associated very closely with Splinter Cell."
"The one thing that Fahad, you and I can all agree on is that the goat's last name starts with a J."
"It's funny looking back at Puffballs submission page here, referring to Henry as 'the guy'."
"Oz will always have my respect as a person for what he has done."
"One of the most iconic skins in the Modern Warfare series."
"You don't have to be an avid gamer to know who the true hero of Hyrule is, the guy in green, holder of the Triforce of courage, better known as Link."
"That's why I made an all-time tier because he's that good." - Recognizing greatness.
"The revelation of Joe King's prowess as a formidable Jewel Master became apparent."
"I'm dealing with a different type of nigga now, that's the goddamn real OG right there."
"When the young and old think of an Orc, they often think of Grimgor Ironhide."
"You can take any individual detail of a character and people will be able to recognize it."
"When you see Geralt on screen, you know it's Geralt. There's no stunt person for him."
"So come on let's get started okay for real of course Tommy Oliver is the first on this list how could he possibly not be."
"Noob Saibot started with a simple idea and became one of our coolest characters."
"Scorpion is visually the most recognizable character in the Mortal Kombat cast."
"Samus is a lady but I don't mind being named after such a badass lady."
"Oh my god, Luke Skywalker! Oh, who is in all of them?"
"They should have called it Harley Quinn because nobody knows what Birds of Prey is."
"Pinkman, with his stylish pink hat, is a reference to Breaking Bad's Jesse Pinkman."
"Do you kids even know about the McDonald's characters? They were weird. Dude with the hamburger head, Ronald McDonald, creepy clown you wouldn't want anywhere near your kids."
"Without a doubt, Rocket is one of the most iconic members of the Guardians, being one of only three member to never have quit."
"You know it's him, you see the hat, you see the glasses, you see the headphones, you see the pen, you see his sketchbook, you know exactly who it is, but that image tells an incredible story."
"We see people like Claire, so that leads me to my question: how could gumball and Darwin not have seen Claire before but they could see hot dog guy?"
"If you think about GTA, you remember Nico, you remember Claude, you remember visiting Vice City."
"When anybody, man or woman, shows you who they are, you have to believe them."
"I remember thinking, 'Is that an assist trophy? Is that an item?' and then he pops out and does like a down tilt into a forward smash, and you're like, 'Oh, that's a character!'"
"Reed Richards: Reed Richards probably the person you expected to top this list is far and away the smartest man on the planet."
"That voice... it's Kaneshiro. Is he watching us? That isn't something to be taken lightly."
"My name is Kvothe, that you may have heard of me."
"John Cena deserves some credit as well for letting those walls down for being the guy that a lot of people don't think he is."
"He underrated as hell, man, I don't mind playing her, she underrated, Eula does need more appreciation in general if you ask me."
"Rise and shine, Mr. Green. Rise and shine. Not that I dream to insinuate that you've been sleeping on watch. No one is more deserving of a break than you."
"Han Solo is one of the most recognizable characters of all time."
"Blue diamond manages to recognize Ruby and Sapphire as the gems who disrupted her court thousands of years ago." - Oscar Clocks
"Spiderman Spiderman that's Peter Parker guys did you know that this is in the Spider-Man universe."
"A satisfying reward. I do want to give Riddler some credit though because he's been able to keep a pulse on all the shady things going on within Arkham City."
"This is Ken from Barbie, oh my favorite actor Ken!"
"I love the fact that when uh the dragon is summoned he starts to go through his Spiel and then realizes it's it's Piccolo it's like oh it's you Piccolo yeah."
"I'm obsessed with her expression. This is the Claudine that I know."
"Crash Bandicoot deserves his own spot on the Mount Rushmore of gaming!"
"Yes, it is Yveltal, yup, and there he is, what a beast!"
"Perhaps you've got to grin. So you're a man from Doctor Who? Good God, yes!"
"All right, for number four, we have Ash's Charizard, yes, it was inevitable that this Pokemon will be on this list."
"Now whilst his name in the subtitles is only listed as smuggler, there is no mistaking that voice. That voice belongs to Vaas, the now iconic villain of Far Cry 3."
"Mii... they are one of Nintendo's most iconic mascots."
"Return of the Jedi is the first film to mention Boba Fett by name."
"Why can't people tell that Clark Kent is just Superman without his glasses on?"
"After TF2 Brotherhood of Arms fell through, Valve realized that giving classes different and more recognizable silhouettes could make gameplay situations easily readable."
"Everyone's looking at, well, that's Gollum, I'm not looking at CGI anymore."
"The textbook definition of an anti-hero is a hero that does not display typical heroic qualities which honestly is pretty ambiguous but it's one of those things where you know it when you see it."
"In saying that, I'm not gonna say he's an [__]. I'm gonna say that dude works super hard."
"Silhouette is important because it helps you at a quick glance know what an enemy is."
"I think Dolores will recognize the Man in Black as William, absolutely."
"That dude looked familiar, that is the Red Skull, but he's gone full Mafia Don now."
"...see themselves a bit or at least kind of recognize something familiar and deeply human in these characters."
"So inside that snow speeder we see Luke Skywalker and snow speeder outfit as well as Dak Ralter his famous accomplice."
"This little guy could actually be found in The Mandalorian with Cara Dune on season two."
"Well, well, if it isn't Puss in Boots himself."
"What I know about you is a reminder of what you know to be true about this person's set of behavior overall, even their character."
"I always feel like it's not super close, but everybody recognizes it when I do Cassielle from Supernatural."
"Sometimes having an audiobook really helps because the reader will identify the characters for you in their voice, so you don't need to remember all the names."
"I love that the Budokai announcer returns; he's been around the block, he's seen things."
"Don't you recognize me? It's a me, Mario!"
"This new Winston to me, it screams Ernie Hudson. There's no denying who this is."
"You must be Saka, Katara, and Toph."
"You know you're looking at Optimus Prime, and that's what I love so much about this character."
"It's Gru. Agnes will be so happy to see Gru."
"I know that you won't. I've gotten to know how gentle and kind you are."
"I just started One Piece, I know that character, that's Usopp."