
Generational Appeal Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"With Sonic the Hedgehog, they attempted to appeal to an older audience with someone who was more hip, cool, resonated with Gen X."
"Old games do not suck. Timeless experiences, when done right, can be played in any generation."
"The result was a busy, super energetic track that somehow just clicked with a new generation."
"My one-year-old granddaughter thinks you're the next best thing to Elmo."
"As years go on and we develop renewables, that mix is going to slowly shift towards renewables."
"Star Wars is now 42 year old franchise the original trilogy kids are now grandparents Star Wars is something they'd want to share with that next generation a proper Star Wars theme park would bring in the old the young and everyone in between."
"Their music was everywhere and it felt as though it crossed generations."
"Nobody's going to accuse me of being a Christian nationalist...I'm making these values cool again for the Next Generation."
"A great song breaks through to every decade every generation."
"It's always managed to stay modern which I think speaks to the series' longevity and why it continues to connect with so many new generations of players."
"Goofy rose to fame with a newfound popularity amongst a new generation."
"Children obviously relate to the young characters, but the series' grounded approach, everyday setting, and universal themes certainly resonate with adults as well."
"Old souls and you're very above your time, so it's like older people like you because you would definitely vibe with mature people and also you guys are old souls and you think very differently than people at your age."
"Tricks are for not just for kids, they're for us."
"Mary Poppins is one of the most celebrated fictional characters of all time, loved by generations around the world."
"It's a franchise expansion, giving it a breath of life for a brand new generation to enjoy."
"The Model 3 spans generations from millennials to boomers, it's the most satisfying car."
"Pixar just cracked the code on how to tell stories that children can engage with and understand but that have deep themes that connect with adults on a personal level. You did it. Congratulations."
"Generation after generation of modern students love these myths."
"Ferris Bueller's Day Off: A film that transcends generations, capturing the essence of youth, rebellion, and the pursuit of adventure."
"I want to introduce my Holy Spirit to your generation... that has been the cry of my heart."
"Why, how is SpongeBob SquarePants able to speak to the existential concerns of both recently potty trained toddlers and meme-obsessed 30-somethings?"
"I freaking love the '90s and I love this is '90s themed even though it's probably marketed more toward gen Z."
"Even now in 2022, there are 20-year-olds who love Nirvana."
"Pepsi is, in fact changing their logo for the new generation, and this iteration of the Pepsi logo is going to nail it."
"It plays perfectly with every single Pokémon player's nostalgia, whether you started in Gen 1, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 5, it hits the mark every time."
"Sophie has a special gift for relating to all generations."
"Monster High is not for everyone, but the fact that it's coming back for the next generation makes me very, very excited."
"It's not easy to let go of the Nostalgia and feelings associated with fond childhood memories, yet Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could be for a new generation what the '80s series was for many of us."
"All generations know and love... it's an undeniable modern classic."
"Viewers young and old can find value and entertainment in it."
"Certain songs have a vibration that no matter what age like you can [ __ ] with this [ __ ] kind of like boys to men like end of the road comes on people."
"This new generation proves the Pokemon franchise is still great more than two decades later."
"I hope they keep making movies even if they don't appeal to me, because at least it might get a younger generation interested in the Star Wars universe."
"The W Community is so new that they aren't dedicated to a platform like the old twitch frogs are."
"Lewig is for hip Zoomers that are down with the times."
"Everyone that I've heard just raving about Disney+ is my age."
"It spoke to a generation and continues to resonate with listeners today."
"An animated series... to a generation that essentially has missed it."
"I'm 38 and still haven't grown out of your content. The difference is now I make enough money to waste on these Transformers you review."
"I think that just like sex and City I think that that young people younger women will find it and they will love it the old stuff yeah I don't know about the going forward I think it's gonna be a more of a challenge."
"Dan's voice has been loved and imitated by many generations of fans."
"I really thought at this point we would maybe be here as a continent, but North American restaurant owners, if you implement the bing-bong, you are gonna have Millennials love your establishment."
"You're young, you're gonna attract the youngsters. Yeah, hopefully, I can attract The Young and the old. That's the goal."
"If we don't stand up to this kind of behavior, young people, old people, whoever..."
"I think it's the experience that really is captivating to people, and that experience hopefully will keep on going to newer generations."
"The youth, especially the millennials, especially what is it generation y or generation z, they are desperately wanting, they want to be challenged in their faith, they want to be given the true doctrine."
"Movies are back in a big way. Millennials, listen up! Movies are talking pictures."
"Bring back a genre of music that I believe the next generation and my generation deserve."
"Mass Effect is one of the greatest trilogies in all of sci-fi, so it's wonderful to see it brought back to life for another generation of gamers to fall in love with."
"These movies, these reboot movies are creating some new Star Trek fans out of different generations."
"Young people want Vision, a strong Vision, they want to be challenged, they want a crusade."
"Unlike Barbie, who has more of a timeless, professional look, Bratz were much more contemporary."
"That's what it's about, right? It's not about us who go in and go, 'Oh, it's not the perfect ride,' or 'It's silly,' or something. It's about the 10-year-old kid who thinks it's fantastic."
"Spider-Man is one of the most iconic characters ever—forget superheroes. Peter Parker as a character transcends generations. I mean, he's my son's favorite character and he's three."
"Pac-Man... he appeals to generations old and new."
"He's cooler than ever with a new generation."
"The series actually evolves because if you watched it once while you were a kid and you watched it later when you were older you would notice more things, understand more jokes, references, and little details but just in different ways."
"...yeah man yeah we have people in the chat talking about I was born in two in the 2000s and I love this movie yeah it's a very it has very cross-generational appeal man it's a hilarious film..."
"...I've actually been amazed by the fact that everyone from my stepsons friends here in their 20s to my friends and people in the generation above are reading the book and doing vision boards."
"There's something about the Buffy fans that they're so loyal and it spans so many generations."
"I appreciate that, it's something I could see younger people really loving."
"Little House has been generational, and it will continue."
"The potential to have some cross-generational appeal."
"I want to make music that can remind older generations of something they listened to when they were young and is something just new for a younger generation."
"It's been so tremendous, the global response and how it's resonated with different generations."
"Music from the 1970s might end up coming back and young people like the sound of it more than they did before."
"It spoke to the younger generation without feeling like it was speaking down to the younger generation."
"Everyone's crazy about them, old people are saying Jell-O puddings are fine, young people are saying Jell-O puddings are great."
"It's really cool to see something not die off, and see that like future generations are still really into this."
"It's really a nostalgia product for the over 40s, but well, there's nothing wrong with that, is there?"
"Timeless style, a beautiful tone that can be enjoyed for many generations."
"The theme I kept seeing over and over was everybody saying we need younger people to get involved with this."
"The Coe trucks continue to captivate and inspire generations of enthusiasts with their timeless appeal."
"It's nice to see them embracing something a little bit more appealing to our generation."
"We're not looking to throw tradition out the window, but at the same time, it has to appeal to everyone, not just a certain age group."
"Comic books do have a lot of cross-collectible appeal, meaning they appeal to more than one generation."
"It's a fabulous coming-of-age tale, a tale loved by generations of children, a classic tale of epic proportions."
"I miss these type of movies we grew up on where it's just like they kind of wanted to get kids into see it or they had crossover appeal but it's not really a kids movie."
"Peter Pan is very beloved by some of the older generation."
"Younger generations are drawn to brands that have a bigger idea than just commercialization."
"Pokemon may be hokey for adults but will be okey-dokey with the kids."
"If you were born in the 1970s or 1980s, you're gonna love this."
"It's catching fire with a new younger generation."
"How are we going to get the younger generation interested in cars?"
"I like Nostalgia that has a purpose, that is kind of an onboard to bring something new and it kind of is a happy medium for fans of all generations where we can all get some enjoyment out of it."
"If you are a child of the 80s and 90s, you will love it."
"It was at a period in '67 where it could speak to an older generation as well as the current generation."
"It's funny and it's also one of those shows that I feel like people of different ages can enjoy."
"Combining the talents of the legendary German electronic group Tangerine Dream with the billion dollar gaming franchise Grand Theft Auto might not seem like the best way to introduce a new generation to their music, but trust me, Rockstar Games knew exactly what they were doing."
"One of these reboots or remakes that I firmly believe both does its own thing for a new generation but at the same time it respects its humble beginnings and remembers its roots."
"I believe that the baby boomers are susceptible to these appeals; we clearly care about our own kids."
"Looking back now from the future, the show that set the formula that paved the way was the only one that could transcend the generations."
"It's so fabulous that people are still enjoying it, still loving it, their kids are loving it."
"The younger generation likes me more than the older generation, for sure."
"I know your kids of all ages will enjoy this as much as mine have."
"A hot and tasty meal at an appetizing price is how we feed the souls of Craver Generations everywhere."
"He's trying to tap into the Millennials and the Zoomers that are coming up right now."
"The way we advertised it was 'Ask Dad, he had one'."
"It's so cute to see how the younger generations also love Harry Potter!"
"I think they've really upped their game, I just feel like M&S have become a little bit more multigenerational."
"It's a show built for multiple generations or ages to be able to enjoy watching it together because there's comedy, there's emotion, there's fun cool fights."
"We play our comedy Bugs Bunny Style so that the adults can laugh at the jokes the kids don't get and vice versa."
"This has to satisfy fans who've loved Mario for 40 years but also bring in younger generations."