
Sacrament Quotes

There are 313 quotes

"When Christ instituted the sacrament... 'If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.'"
"The anointing of the sick is administered to bring spiritual healing and even physical strength during illness, especially near the time of death."
"Marriage is sacred and elevated to the level of a sacrament."
"Our understanding of the Eucharist and what it means for Jesus to be truly present in the Holy Communion, that's my favorite thing."
"Christ risen from the dead lives in us, he will now make sacramentally new his sacrifice on Calvary to nourish his life within us."
"Here's the thing everybody: the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life."
"Unless we eat His body and drink His blood, we do not have life within us."
"The liturgy is the Eucharist; it is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ, and it is the sacrifice that Christ offered for us men and for our salvation."
"The Eucharist is the source and the summit of the Christian Life."
"Jesus said, 'This is my body given for you.'"
"God is instituting this memorial in a sacramental so that it could assist us in our sanctification and our call to be holy."
"The sacrament of penance is always by its very nature a liturgical action and therefore an ecclesial and public action."
"When we partake of the sacrament worthily, we remember the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior."
"This do in remembrance of me, for as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till he come."
"The Last Supper becomes the origin of the Eucharist or the Holy Communion to Christians."
"...we have to believe as Catholics that every single particle of the Holy Eucharist contains the body blood soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ."
"When you confess your sins sacramentally, they cease to exist."
"The presentation of the ordinance of the sacrament is when we renew our covenants and reconfirm our love for the Savior and remember His sacrifice and His Atonement."
"Isn't this why one of the main reasons we take the sacrament is to remind ourselves of the greatness of God and our need for him and to make covenants with him?"
"Every Eucharist is consecrated to be consumed by a human heart."
"The church was birthed through wine."
"He's really serious that this is the body of Christ."
"The ordained priest is an icon of Christ, the true priest."
"In the Eucharist, Jesus makes his body and blood present to us in a real way."
"Baptists historically followed Calvin's view, viewing the Lord's Supper as a rich means of grace and a sacred communion with Christ."
"Wherever there is a valid Church, there is a potential for a valid Eucharist."
"The altar at the Mass is the marriage bed where the sacrament of the bridegroom and the bride is consummated."
"The Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ. Jesus is fully present, body, blood, soul, and Divinity in every particle of the consecrated host and in every drop of the consecrated wine."
"If it has the sacrifice of the Mass, the true presence, and creates saints, there's no question about the validity."
"Eucharist is not a reward but it's medicine for the sick."
"If this is true if you are actually present in the bread and the wine like the Eucharist and the wine like I want that."
"The sacrament of confession is one of the greatest gifts Christ has given us. He gives it to the apostles in John chapter 20 on the day of Resurrection, on Easter Sunday."
"Not only do you have the use of it as a religious sacrament for plumbing the depths of the mystery of existence, but you now also have it for creative action, for increasing sensory and aesthetic experience."
"Confession is just such a powerful Sacrament and so many people have turned away from it but um the healing and the power of the sacrament is yeah it's Indescribable actually."
"So, Jesus is alive and real in the bread and wine. So it is his body and blood but it still is also the bread and the wine."
"'Take eat, this is my body,' Jesus said as he broke the bread."
"'Drink of it all of you, for this is my blood of the Covenant,'" Jesus said as he gave them the chalice."
"The Sunday Eucharist is the foundation and confirmation of all Christian practice."
"Eucharistic amazement is what we're going to be doing on our website saintpaulcenter.com."
"The Eucharist is not just another thing, the Eucharist is everything, amen."
"At the heart of a priestly vocation is to be a sacrament of God's presence."
"If you walk away from the Eucharist, you're walking away from life itself."
"The divine eucharist is the defining characteristic of holy tradition."
"The Eucharist really is the body and blood of Jesus."
"Marriage is a mystery in the church."
"Christ is locally in heaven, but His real presence is made present shining in and through the bread."
"Nothing happens to the bread, there's no magical change, there's no mystical change in the bread, the substance of the bread remains."
"Most Protestant traditions have a very high view of the Eucharist."
"What we receive in Holy Communion is the actual body of Christ, the actual blood of Christ."
"The Eucharist is not a reward but a remedy for our fear of suffering."
"The Eucharist is the resurrected body of Christ coming to us, edible, communicable through the power of the Holy Spirit."
"The Eucharist that He institutes and Calvary that He endures are two sides of the same coin of the new covenant."
"The mass is everything, and the Eucharist is the source and summit of our life."
He says the words, "This is My Body" and it becomes the Body of Jesus Christ.
"The sacrament is not only a picture drawn but a breast drawn. It gives us a taste of Christ as well as a sight."
"In the Eucharist, we receive the unbound Reed Body of Christ."
"Confirmation is really, it's like Catholic graduation, you know, pedagogically it is, because most of your confirmations are happening then, and that's it."
"To have the proper disposition to receive the Holy Eucharist, if you receive that presence of Christ, you're not going anywhere."
"Exorcism prepares one for the grace of the sacrament."
"Marriage has a twofold nature: the natural law structure and the sacrament."
"...it is God's favorable disposition towards us as a sign of grace, then a sacrament is by definition an announcement of that favorable disposition."
"You gave me the sacrament of marriage you gave me this grace I call upon that grace right now because I can't do this right and I need you to kick in with the grace that you promised to give me to fulfill this vow that I took in your presence."
"For Zwingli, the sacrament was essentially a memorial, a remembrance of what Christ had done."
"Jesus was the one who ordained those two practices for the church: communion and baptism."
"The Eucharist is the greatest gift for it is God himself."
"The Eucharistic presence of Jesus is in the scriptures and it's in the fathers and it isn't a figure of speech or a metaphor; it's real."
"Next time a priest in your ward has to begin the sacrament prayers again next time he has to start over just remember that is what the sacrament is all about that is what the atonement is all about the continuous atonement."
"Take this, all of you, and eat it. This is my body."
"The Eucharist is the New Testament."
"We Catholics have the blood, and he gives the body and blood to us because it is the medicine of immortality."
"If the Eucharist is just a meal, then Calvary is just an execution."
"Thank God for that sacrament, brothers. Take advantage of it. You're more than a monkey, brothers. You're a son. You were born for this."
"Jesus said, 'Do it oftenly. Don't do it once a month or once a year. Do it as often as you can.'"
"The Eucharist is the real presence, the presence of Jesus under the forms of bread and wine."
"The sacrament of God's infinite mercy."
"So, Mass, you know, we refer to the Eucharist as the source and Summit of our faith because it contains our Lord Jesus Christ not just sacramentally but also substantially so we're talking about something that's very, very worthy, right, that's very, very good."
"We all still say the sign of the cross. I think the sign of the cross is probably the most common sacramental in the Catholic world."
"Sacramental worship is essential to pentecostal spirituality."
"The New Testament is not a book. The New Testament is the Eucharist."
"For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup ye do show the Lord's death till he come. And what a powerful description of what the sacrament is supposed to do."
"What makes this so incredible is that just 21 years before in 1947, Pope Pius XII had declared infallibly the form and matter for the sacrament of holy orders."
"We talk about the sacrament of reconciliation or confession, where it's Christ comes to heal, it's a sacrament of healing, it's like that reality of things that Christ gives us, he gives us his church to bring us into communion, it's all ordered toward communion..."
"During times of physical, mental, or emotional distress, people may seek this sacrament from ministers. This sacrament opens a way for healing in whatever form it comes."
"It's not just showing you the pattern of reality abstractly but calling you to be baptized to be chrismated and to enter into the kingdom in a very explicit practical way as well."
"Eucharist is not what the church does, it's what the church is."
"The spoon carries the body of Our Lord, which has been sanctified, and to this day works miracles and is treasured by the church."
"Baptism is objectively tied to forgiveness of sins."
"Baptism is a meeting place for grace and faith."
"Yes, I would say that forgiveness of sins is objectively tied to the rite of baptism."
"Jesus inaugurates the Lord's Supper during what's called The Last Supper."
"The Eucharist is not just a symbol."
"A sacrament then refers to a tool or spell that is employed against heretics and other spiritual beings like demons and vampires."
"To receive in faith the gift of the Eucharist is to receive the Lord himself."
"Perhaps the most important word associated with the sacrament is to remember."
"... sexual union is also, in its own profound way, a very real sacrament of the highest order, a union not only of a man and a woman but very much the union of that man and woman with God."
"The Eucharist is essential to the New Covenant."
"Someone who doesn't get the Eucharist doesn't get the New Covenant."
"...the importance of what is in the Catholic Church, if you're already in, is really important. That Jesus is present on the altar."
"The validly conferred sacrament needs to be nurtured and those graces need to become alive in an appropriate way as they get older."
"The real question that matters is, 'Is this thing that I receive in my mouth the body of Jesus given for me for the forgiveness of sins?'"
"It's the heart of creativity: 'This is my body.' And all of a sudden, everything springs into being."
"Marriage is one of the sacraments... this is a vow, this is a sacrament of the church that you're making before God."
"My use of peyote these days is literally an act of prayer and mindfulness that doesn't involve anything like what people consider getting messed up on a drug is."
"If you go to confession and you receive Holy Communion, you shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment."
"We don't ever baptize infants. They need to know what they're doing. The idea of a sacrament was an outward sign of inward grace."
"Communion is not just a ritual. It's an altar call to repent and confess, to receive grace and strength."
"If you receive a cracker in the name of a cracker, what are you going to get? But if you receive the blood of Jesus shed for the remission of sins, if you receive the body of Christ... communion is sacramental."
"The Eucharist is Jesus. It's a someone, not just a something."
"The Eucharist is the sign of God's love for the world."
"Sacraments of initiation start with baptism, it's completed in confirmation."
"May this Sacramento to be a source of all your blessings Graces and conditions so that each and every one of those who own them and use them they always experience the tangible a tangible presence of your love your protection your guidance and all that they need."
"Baptism leaves an indelible spiritual mark that you belong to Christ. Your baptism cannot be renounced, it cannot be taken away."
"In the Eucharist, the cup of blessing which we bless is it not a communion in the blood of Christ?"
"For this is my body which will be given up for you." - Institution of the Eucharist
"Baptism is a divine sacrament, founded by Jesus Christ himself."
"You can't redo baptism. If you repeat it, you are re-crucifying Jesus Christ."
"This is no drug. This is holy. This is a sacrament."
"Marriage is a sacrament. It is not a reward for being a heterosexual. And any church that refuses to honor the sacrament of marriage does not deserve to call itself Christian."
"The Eucharist is the flesh and blood of Christ given to Christians after baptism for their spiritual healing and for forgiveness of sin."
"The farther you move away from the church as the center of the Christian life, the weaker and weaker the doctrine of the Eucharist becomes."
"Forgiveness is the sacrament of confession."
"...the Eucharist of course you have link it's really linked."
"We have the Eucharist, we can receive body, soul, and divinity of our Lord Jesus."
"The Lord's Supper is a feast that celebrates God's compassion towards us."
"The best medicine is the Eucharist. Surrender yourself."
"Jesus Himself forgives our sins through the priest."
"The most important thing for us is to worship and thank God and receive Jesus in Holy Communion every Sunday."
"Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist; that's why Jesus performed some miracles to show that He is present in what looks like a piece of bread."
"You must believe in the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, which means that the bread and wine become the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus."
"Just as we have to feed our body with food, we also have to feed our souls with the Eucharist."
"Confirmation is such an important Sacrament that the oil used for it is specially blessed by the bishop."
"Christ's body and blood for the Roman Catholics is truly present on the altar."
"Jesus established this ceremony through the Passover and proclaimed it as a New Covenant."
"God came to this earth and gave us eternal life through the Passover."
"Jesus is hidden in the Eucharist."
"Sex really does become a kind of sacrament because when you're having sex, you actually are remembering all that."
"the Lord Jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread when he had given thanks he broke in and said taking eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me."
"Baptism is the historical moment when that spiritual thing takes place; it's a physical act, but at that moment we know by faith that His blood washes away our sins."
"The Lord's Table doesn't save but it declares that God will save by His work on the cross, all who repent and believe."
"Baptism is necessary to enter the kingdom of God."
"The sacrament is meant to help us remember, to renew, to reenact. It's reminding us of all these promises we've made."
"You could use weed as a religious sacrament."
"Those who eat and drink in a worthy manner partake of Christ's body and blood not physically but spiritually."
"The ministry in which Christ's emissaries do and give by God's grace what they cannot do and give by their own powers is called a Sacrament by the church's tradition."
"...because of God's grace through the sacrament of holy orders, when I say that I'm not speaking as Mike Schmitz, I'm speaking in the person of Jesus Christ in Persona Christie Capatis, in the person of Christ the head."
"The sacrament of reconciliation is such a blessing for us Catholics to be able to sit down with a priest and talk about our sins."
"The Catholic sacrament of baptism given to us by Jesus Christ is water and the Spirit, and that's how we're born again."
"Baptism is the sacrament by which we are reborn to God, cleansed from original sin and personal sins, and made a member of the church."
"Unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you will have no life in you."
"...love is a Sacrament that should be taken kneeling."
"...the sacrament is a way for men and women and children to come to an ordinance, to enter into that order of receiving the blessings of the priesthood, the power of God manifest in our lives every week."
"A Sacrament is not primarily some ritual that we do for God. It's primarily a mystery that he does for us."
"baptism is truly a sacrament when the content and action of baptism happens with the commitment to a holy Covenant"
"Anointing is not only last sacraments if you're dying, but it's a healing of the soul and a healing of the body."
"You have healing sacraments, the anointing is a healing sacrament, confession is a healing sacrament, Communion is a healing sacrament."
"The Eucharist is the highway to Heaven."
"The Holy Eucharist is amazing. Catholics believe that the Holy Eucharist, so at Mass, the priest will consecrate the bread, so he will take bread and it will turn into Jesus. We truly believe that that is Jesus Christ."
"The sacramental nature of matrimony is incredibly Catholic."
"Baptism includes the resurrection and the redemption."
"Receiving the Eucharist is receiving a person, not just a thing."
"75% of the Christians in the world believe that the Eucharist is a sacrifice, a sacrament, and the real presence of Jesus Christ."
"Baptism is a powerful sealing and means of grace."
"The important part is that it's the body and blood of Christ."
"Communion is not common bread and drink; it is the communion of the body and blood of Christ."
"The Eucharist is food for our soul and without it, our soul is starved."
"Take, eat; this is my body which is broken for you; for the remission of sins."
"Drink of this, all of you, for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins."
"The Eucharist holds the key for unlocking the mystery of the gospel at so many levels."
"This chalice is the blood of the Covenant, the blood of the new covenant, poured out for many for the remission of sins."
"Jesus is truly present to us in the bread and in the wine by the power of God's Holy Spirit."
"The bread of the face has now been given to them; His presence will remain with them forever in the Holy Eucharist."
"God's graces are present, the sacrament, people's sins are being forgiven, but the transformation that's supposed to be taking place isn't happening."
"The sacrament of confession is not doing what it's supposed to do, which is yes, obliterating sin, forgiving sin, but it's not creating the transformation that's supposed to happen."
"The sacrament of reconciliation and penance is meant to be truly transformative, not just liberating."
"This is my body, which was given for you; do this in remembrance of me."
"The power of the sacrament is that the power of God comes upon me."
"The sacrament of baptism is a sign from God to his people."
"We believe in one baptism; you're baptized once in your life."
"The sacramental understanding of life helps us to accept humbly God's grace through the medium of things and happenings."
"Marriage is a sacrament that means that it cannot be what it's supposed to be without God."
"God preserves faith and He preserves it through the means of word and sacrament."
"Lord, I truly believe you are present here in the sacrament of your body and blood. I adore you with profound reverence."
"The grace of the sacrament of matrimony is intended to perfect the couple's love and to strengthen their indissoluble unity."
"Take this all of you and eat of it, this is my body... this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant."
"The touch of their hands is their only Sacrament."
"We must offer them a taste of the sacramental life of the living body of Christ."
"Confession is not a sacrament of judgment; it's a sacrament of healing."
"The sacrament of holy communion is to be taken according to the command of Jesus, not just one kind, but of both bread and wine."
"A sacrament is a visible sign instituted by Christ to give an inward grace."
"The whole universe is a sacramental universe."
"The true sacraments in the sense that Christ founded them are to be found only in the Orthodox Church."
"In the sacrament of reconciliation, we aren't just forgiven; we are healed and strengthened."
"Why would we not go and receive such a gift? We gain everything and we lose nothing in this beautiful sacrament."
"The Eucharist is the greatest of the seven sacraments because in it we are receiving not just the grace of Jesus Christ, but Jesus Christ Himself."
"Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to heaven."
"The Holy Eucharist is the summit and the source of the Christian life."
"Confession and Divine Mercy are so intricately connected."
"Receiving the Eucharist is primarily a gift for the person receiving it, but you can offer your Eucharist up for a soul."
"Sacraments are efficacious meaning they do something; they're not just symbols, they are symbols that accomplish something."
"Jesus has remained with us in the Eucharist."