
Scrum Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"The seventh reason I think as programmers we often hate Scrum is when the burn-down chart is used to punish people instead of to learn."
"If there's no desire or budget to actually change the project and release the work at the end of the sprint, the backlog actually hurts you more than it helps you."
"Your scrum backlog may actually be an indication that you should be using a waterfall project."
"Estimates and acceptance criteria on all the user stories."
"Measure the impact of the sprint's features you just released before you start building onto them."
"Remove features that aren't turning out to be as valuable as people hoped."
"Scrum methodology divides work into smaller cycles known as sprints, ensuring continuous improvement."
"Scrum remains the most widely used agile framework."
"Scrum ban is a development methodology that is a combination of scrum and kanban."
"Respect is kind of a 360 view: we respect ourselves, others, and the concepts that we are using as part of Scrum."
"Scrum master needs to be facilitator a guide a mentor etc this helps the team have increased involvement and empowerment."
"The values of scrum: commitment, focus, openness, respect, courage."
"Scrum is better suited for longer projects, while with Kanban, projects that can be completed in a shorter period of time are better."
"Scrum Master ensures the team follows scrum values, principles, and practices, removes blockages that may hamper the progress of the project, and protects the team from being distracted, ensuring the team delivers value during every Sprint."
"Scrum Masters are servant leaders."
"Scrum is popular for many reasons: it has clear roles and responsibilities while continuously emphasizing the power of the team as a whole."
"Product backlog is the first step of the Scrum framework. It is a set list of tasks to successfully achieve the goals of the stakeholders."
"...when you're coding, when you're building software developing it whether you're designing it scrum can come in handy..."
"Using these tools is essential to any high-performing scrum team. They are powerful means to achieve execution predictability."
"The daily scrum, or stand-up, is a time for the scrum team to synchronize and prioritize activities for the day, reinforcing focus on the sprint backlog and sprint goal."
"The next big challenge you might encounter relates to an incomplete implementation of scrum."
"Scrum is empirical, meaning that we learn and we adapt and we organize as a team."
"The daily scrum is a 15-minute time box."
"Let's make the daily scrum about a conversation."
"We've got the sprint review on the outside, not kind of the way this is drawn here."
"It's not a demo, it's a conversation which will include seeing the delivery, the product."
"It's an opportunity to inspect that increment, make sure we're delivering what we thought we were going to deliver, make sure our stakeholders see what we're delivering, and gather feedback."
"Scrum is all about embracing an iterative and flexible approach."
"Maximizing the amount of work not done is essential."
"A well-defined Sprint goal is the heart of every successful scrum iteration."
"A Sprint is an amount of time that the team commits to completing their work and delivering a working product by the end of it."
"Artifacts in Scrum: The product backlog, the Sprint backlog, and the release backlog."
"Scrum is a lightweight framework that enables rapid feedback, continuous improvement, and quick response to change."
"The Sprint retrospective is a vital part of continuous improvement."
"Scrum is a simple framework used by teams to establish a hypothesis, try it out, reflect on the experience, and adjust."
"A scrum Master ensures that the team understands and follows the scrum practices and removes any obstacles that hinder progress."
"The role of a scrum Master encompasses a wide range of responsibilities all aimed at facilitating the successful implementation of scrum framework."
"By fulfilling these roles, the scrum Master empowers the team to work efficiently, overcome challenges, and deliver high quality products."
"Networking is a crucial aspect of professional growth as a scrum Master."
"Scrum framework involves sprint planning, daily scrums, sprint review, sprint retrospective, and product increment delivery, ensuring transparency and understanding of the work."
"Scrum provides incremental builds delivered to the customer every two to four weeks, making it better suited for projects subject to rapid change."
"Scrum teams are self-organizing and cross-functional, addressing issues internally and enabling frequent deliveries for user feedback."
"Scrum is an incremental way of providing value to the end user in a timely manner."
"Scrum master is often referred to as the servant leader of the scrum team."
"Communication skills are very essential for a scrum master."
"The Scrum framework as outlined herein is immutable; while implementing only parts of Scrum is possible, the result is not Scrum. Scrum exists only in its entirety and functions well as a container for other techniques, methodologies, and practices."
"Scrum is built upon the collective intelligence of the people using it; rather than provide people with detailed instructions, the rules of Scrum guide their relationships and interactions."
"Scrum teams are cross-functional, meaning the members have all the skills necessary to create value; each sprint, they are also self-managing, meaning they internally decide who does what, when, and how."
"Scrum makes visible the relative efficacy of current management, environment, and work techniques so that improvements can be made."
"Scrum teams are expected to adapt the moment they learn anything new through inspection."
"Scrum master is the guardian of the entire project, providing regular feedback and guiding the team in the right direction."
"He just used to pick up off the back of the scrum, full length."
"Scrum on the other hand is a really powerful framework for teams."
"Once you have that level of refinement with your Product Backlog items, we would typically call it Sprint ready."
"The product owner plays a very critical role in the scrum team since they represent the customer on the project and are the ones responsible for understanding the customer needs, requirements, and prioritizing the product backlog."
"The scrum master is responsible for leading the team to implement the scrum process and acting as a servant leader to help remove any roadblocks that the development team is experiencing."
"Scrum divides the development process into a series of short iterations called sprints, with each sprint delivering a potentially shippable product increment."
"Adopting agile means breaking dependencies, not just applying scrum or other practices."
"Scrum master is responsible for the delivery of the software within a short period of time."
"Scrum is lightweight, simple to understand but difficult to master."
"There are three pillars to Scrum: transparency, inspection, and adaptation."
"The ideal team size for a Scrum team is really between three and nine people."
"The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that the team understands and enacts Scrum."
"What could the Scrum team do in the next sprint to improve?"
"A backlog is a collection of user stories, requirements, bugs, and everything that a team raises to a particular Scrum team or the project."
"One day equals one story point is actually very popular when you're helping to kick start a new scrum team."
"Scrum has the potential to deliver ROI more quickly than any other strategy."
"One of the most critical parts of scrum is clear communication."
"Scrum is designed to help teams work better together."
"Scrum is all about responding to the requirement change."
"Scrum is easy to understand but difficult to master."
"It takes a lot of continuous practical intentional effort to be really successful with Scrum."
"Scrum project management is growing in popularity, and the tools that we have available to us to make it work in our different organizations is also changing."
"Scrum is a framework for developing complex products and systems."
"The scrum master is a facilitator, helping the team to work together and focus on the work."
"I was really impressed with the scrum part."
"One of the really great things about Scrum is, it gets all of the news visible, whether it's good or bad."
"Scrum is probably a collection of best ideas of what a number of people in our profession have come up with over the years."
"Agile methodologies... led to the introduction of Scrum, Rapid Application Development, Extreme Programming, DSDM, Feature Driven Development, and Pragmatic Program."
"Scrum doesn't actually provide you with a lot of answers for everything that you should do; it actually exposes a lot of questions that you need to answer."
"Scrum is a team-based project management style; it's arguably the fastest and leanest way to manage teams in a company of any size."
"Agile and Scrum... help you a lot with getting projects on track, focusing on delivering value, helping teams actually focus as opposed to be multitasking."
"We decided that agile matters more than scrum, and agile principles matter more than any specific practices."