
Movie Enjoyment Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"It's a surprisingly good popcorn flick if you just turn off the logic centers of your brain and let it lull you into a drooling comatose state."
"You can like the movie all you want, that's fine by me."
"I don't even think that you need to walk in wanting to watch a film about female empowerment to enjoy it."
"I guess I was in the camp of somebody who generally enjoyed the Disney sequels even though I consider myself very easy to please and I just really like Star Wars in a like a unconditional need to give back."
"Just because you realize it's a movie, doesn't mean you cannot enjoy the movie."
"Loved this movie so much, watched a second time, still loved."
"Was this film made specifically for me? Is this reality or am I living in a simulation that wants to please me by crafting a movie that will appeal to every one of my interests and sensibilities?"
"I think you'll still really like it even if you're not a hardcore fan."
"I'm secure enough in my own fandom to say I like this or didn't like it and I can enjoy it based on those merits."
"I enjoyed Thor love and Thunder by the end of the day when the movie was done and I had walked out I had had a smile on my face."
"As long as the movie is good in December, that's all we should really care about."
"Enjoy the movies. Buy the movies. Eat the movies. Touch the boobies."
"I really really liked that movie and I did not think I was going to like it."
"Every single time there's a Wolverine movie because that [ __ ] is awesome as [ __ ]!"
"Yeah, man, I [__] loved this movie. This was made for me."
"I loved this movie. It's predictable, who gives a [ __ ]. Doesn't matter as long as you get there."
"I challenge you to watch Scoob and not have at least a little fun."
"I could watch this movie a billion times and never feel bored... I'm just enjoying myself the entire time."
"I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from start to finish."
"This is a movie where you feel like absolutely anything could happen."
"The first time I was very spoiler free, and I really enjoyed the film."
"It's a movie that I enjoy from beginning to end because I care about the characters and there's great performances here."
"This movie was just an absolute blast and a half."
"I was able to enjoy the movie for what it was."
"It's a really, really fun movie with just the right amount of emotional Nuance."
"This whole movie never fails to put a smile on my face."
"I'm impressed by this movie though this was so good I enjoyed it and mom hands down thank you so much for watching this with us."
"You're confusing the movie being good with the sense of personal thrill you had from seeing a movie without being next to your parents for like one of the first few times in your life."
"That's got to be one of my favorite movies of 2023."
"That's what makes it the best part of the movie."
"I really liked the movie a lot I would say that I guess I I did love it because it's three hours and - for me it flew by."
"I watched Ponyo this weekend, I'm obsessed with it."
"Shazam brought it home all three acts fabulous, gave me tears, gave me laughs, gave me emotions."
"I really enjoyed it, is it a great movie no I don't think it's great I think it's good I think it's enjoyable."
"Your movie doesn't have to be good. I just have to enjoy myself. It can be fun bad."
"It's very much the same way I enjoy the Fast and the Furious movies... they make up for it with memorable characters, very quotable lines."
"It's been a while since I laughed that hard in the movie."
"Canon doesn't even matter, just enjoy the movie."
"I thoroughly enjoyed the heck out of this movie."
"It's a good geeky movie, it's a good fun geeky movie for the people that it's made to be for. You're gonna have a blast."
"Watching 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' was the most fun I've had at the movies in a long time."
"We laugh and joke all day. It's a fun movie."
"It's always a fun experience to be there in a theatre... with the movie playing on the big screen."
"I also really love when a movie is a totally different experience the second time you watch it and this is one of those movies that you're gonna want to watch twice."
"I adore this movie... gives me a new appreciation for it."
"Every scene in your favorite movie is a good scene."
"I was super excited for that movie... It's pretty great."
"The best stuff in the movie because I enjoyed Split a lot."
"Just because a movie doesn't do well at the box office or someone else doesn't like it shouldn't take away from your enjoyment of the movie."
"Although I loved the last Jedi I had loads of fun watching spider-man homecoming experiment homecoming way at the top of a lot of people's lists mine included."
"I really do want to see Wonder Woman 84. I'm excited to see it. I think it's gonna be a lot of fun."
"It's the wall of branded clocks. I had no clue they would do such a thing. This movie just got awesome."
"There's sort of no real debate for me. I'm like, 'Yeah, you stay, Tarzan belongs here.'"
"I thought this was a really fun and enjoyable movie."
"I had a good time watching it. Why wasn't any of this in the trailers?"
"I loved it honestly I thought it was just such a good movie I want more sci-fi man I want more movies to do with aliens I'll be honest with you guys I love movies on aliens I don't know why this is some of my favorite stuff."
"The Stan Lee cameo in Avengers endgame was particularly joyous..."
"It's absolutely hilarious, you do not have to have seen the show to enjoy this movie you're not gonna know some of the relationships between the characters it doesn't matter."
"I have not had this much fun since watching the first screening of The Avengers."
"This movie is fun, doesn't take itself too seriously."
"My position is not that you’re not supposed to like it and that your reasons for liking it are invalid, but merely that my reasons for being unable to enjoy the movie are not invalid reasons."
"Oh my gosh man, that was almost as good as the first one."
"I just watched Pineapple Express the other day. I love Seth Rogen so much."
"The Captain Underpants movie doesn't feel like it's forcing you to laugh by gunpoint."
"I knew a movie was good when my dad didn't fall asleep in it."
"I like to watch movies and then they're good and they make sense on the first time that you watch them and I don't have to reflect on it but I want to because it was that good."
"I feel like I could just watch these two interact for the whole film and still be relatively satisfied."
"Guardians of the Galaxy's all about the characters and knowing those characters and liking these characters is just liking to spend two hours hanging out with them."
"You still want to be surprised when you watch a movie."
"Good movie, great movie... really liked it, very pleased."
"I walked in expecting a movie for 13-somethings and walked out feeling challenged and satisfied."
"It's a lot of fun with just enough heart to make it work."
"Did you like the new one? I did, I liked it a lot."
"It's nice to have a fun family-friendly film that doesn't try to get too political."
"This is just a good solid movie that is sure to please a pretty broad audience."
"I loved the first movie they did and I loved the rock and I love Kevin Hart and guess what guys I love Jack Black." - Wendy Lee
"To me, to have both of those scenes spoiled significantly diminishes the enjoyment of Marvel movies... they're literally like presents on Christmas morning..."
"I like Fast and Furious movies. I came to a realization a few years ago that they are just dumb fun."
"It's a fuller, more rounded fun movie than the Avengers."
"It's like 'Jurassic Park' for me: if there are dinosaurs and they're eating people, guys, it's great."
"It just made me really happy to watch it, and I hate being happy."
"This movie to me that could be a lot of fun and that's what I want to see in the movies."
"John Wick deserves every ounce of success it gets, it is such a fun time at the movies."
"It is good. It's real good. I was shocked how much I enjoyed that movie and how much I liked it."
"Jingle All the Way: every single year I will watch Jingle All the Way."
"Don't listen to other people's opinions who have nothing to gain or lose by whether or not you like a movie or not."
"This is the best universe launch movie I've had in a while, I feel like a new universe was born."
"I'm watching a Spider-Man movie, and yeah, oh my god!"
"I kind of like watching John Travolta in movies. I have no opinion about him as a person."
"It is a type of movie that I miss very dearly. It is so heartwarming and fun."
"We don't want you to think about the animation; we want you to enjoy the movie."
"Never apologize for a movie that you like. Movies send us in different ways."
"I swear to god if you said you didn't [enjoy Space Jam], you're lying to yourself and you need to go to therapy."
"The biggest thing that makes a movie any movie enjoyable, at least in my opinion, is heart."
"Life is short and we can die for any reason in the next 10 minutes so we should not be policing ourselves over an hour or two-hour movie."
"The first time I watched elf last year was June so I'm doing well."
"Crushed it like predicting every beat of the movie right on the money."
"I absolutely loved Spiderman: No Way Home... it was probably the funnest theater experience I've ever had."
"I love how crazy funny and dumb most Emmerich films are."
"This year is like reliving my childhood when it comes to movies."
"Movies are so good. Like, this is what movies can be."
"I just absolutely love that love when movies do that, love when this movie does it or did it."
"The first one of the franchise to do that, and the film is spectacular. It's so much fun."
"I kind of want to rewind and watch it again."
"It's just so great to be able to go to the movies and love the movies again. We've got a packed October, and it's going to feel like we're getting back into the habit of going back to the movie theaters again."
"By the time the credits rolled, I had a big smile on my face."
"Movies should be fun and not some grim death march."
"this movie has a lot of rewatch ability I could watch it over and over and over again"
"Frankly, one's enjoyment of this movie almost entirely depends on whether or not Palpatine's return works for you."
"It honestly like I really do enjoy these movies, the acting was great."
"I knew I was going to like these movies but they are I am liking them more than I thought I was going to definitely."
"I still have a good time with this movie to this day, even after multiple viewings."
"The movie, when it's on, it's like, 'Oh nice, hell yes!'"
"I shouldn't have to turn off my brain to enjoy a movie."
"...not until when the stop motion enters the scene...that's when the movie begins to be enjoyable."
"Stitch's actual transformation, like his evolution through this movie, was my favorite part for sure."
"Are you going to the movie to critique the actor's performance or are you going to enjoy the story? I enjoy the story."
"Each and every film is hand-selected by an actual human being out there that watched the movie and enjoyed the movie and thinks you should watch the movie"
"I really just had such a pep in my step after watching this movie; it satisfied me on so many different levels."
"I'm convinced the only way to watch these movies and have a great time is you gotta have at least a couple other people with you."
"By the third and fourth times, I'm like, you know what, it's vintage Costner. I really enjoy some of the beats in this movie."
"It's a fabulous movie, go see it in theaters."
"Most people like this movie; they were into it."
"I had fun during this movie; I enjoyed the action, I really enjoyed the comedy, and I really enjoyed the characters."
"I like the movie, I thought it's fun, I actually thought the tone was even sometimes more consistent than the first one was."
"It's fun, it's an entertaining flick."
"I feel so happy, I love a movie, it's a classic."
"I really, really enjoyed this movie."
"I really enjoyed both of these movies, I think they're great family adventure films."
"Laughter and action... those are what end up making a good bad movie."
"So many little Easter eggs and I love it."
"We need to find more movies similar to this to watch because we enjoyed the vibe so much."
"I love when I fall in love with the movie. It was just really, really enjoyable, man."
"Just watch them and enjoy them, and don't worry too much."
"But I still think it's pretty fun and enjoyable to watch."
"I did have fun with this movie, and like you said, this movie's better because of what we get after it."
"I can't believe how much I like that movie. I haven't said that about a movie in a long time."
"There's nothing like being able to sit down in front of your favorite movie, just eat and not worry about doing anything else after that."
"I love this movie; it was just, I don't know, action-packed."
"Enjoy Star Trek Into Darkness, had to be done, good night."
"There's a lot of good jokes in this movie."
"I love going into a movie where you don't know what the plot's going to be."
"I really enjoyed the movie, wasn't bad, pleasant surprise."
"We just watched Thor on Disney Plus, which I love. Thor is my favorite Avengers movie."
"It was the most simple sit down enjoy a movie fun I've had at the theater in a while."
"We love watching movies as a family."
"I really enjoy the movies and I thought this one was really really good."
"I like good time travel movies and shows."
"If you're gonna work on a VCR, you got to pick a movie that you really like; you're gonna be watching sections of it over and over again."
"Having all of this customization, all of these features, it just allows you to tailor your movie experience exactly how you want."
"We're even more cheery watching because we're not squirming in our chairs as much."
"I love watching movies. I'm such an audience member."
"This is a movie that literally everyone, eight-year-old kid to your grandmother, could enjoy."
"I thoroughly enjoyed Star Trek Beyond; I really did."
"I could go watch Con Air right now. Cyrus the Virus to me is a very likable villain."
"I really enjoyed Endgame and I am not surprised that it's breaking records."
"It's actually never been a Star Wars movie I didn't like."
"I don't hate this movie; there is quite a bit to enjoy about it."
"I loved Loki and I really liked Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness."
"I loved the appearance by Dr. Xavier and Captain Carter."