
Woman Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Mother is a term that describes a woman's relationship to her children."
"It takes a very very very strong woman to look at the world for what it is and not be emotional about it and call it like truth."
"Woman is simply a word that describes anyone who identifies as a woman."
"What an amazing woman with an amazing family."
"The melanated woman is the most heaviest element on the planet in terms of representing the stock of species called quote-unquote human being."
"The most important thing about a woman is her soul."
"A real woman elevates a man to be into his true self."
"Over the years, I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it."
"Come healed, in whole and respectful, honoring a woman's heart or not at all."
"A woman's vagina is hers, it is sacred, it is divine, it is the best thing on earth."
"Who ultimately determines what happens to that body? She does."
"Girija is still my favorite woman in film ever."
"Elizabeth I... aside from her, there was a woman who would rise far above the expectations of her sex and time."
"This woman has so many tricks up her sleeves."
"A righteous woman understands how to be his peace."
"The woman in Revelation 12 is at war with the devil."
"A woman that can walk away from a man... probably has better options."
"...when a woman can walk away from a man and dismiss them like this, that makes the man want them more."
"Never underestimate a woman with a French manicure and a Harvard law degree."
"I love ambition in a woman, it's very important."
"Basically she's proved time and time again that she's a selfish greedy woman."
"There was a safety as crazy as it might sound being with a woman almost felt safer. The vices of men was part of your formation I mean honestly."
"The best part about being a woman is having the power to bring any man to his knees."
"The best part about being a woman is having the energy to cause an explosion anywhere I go."
"The best part of being a woman is being able to give you just enough to leave you begging for more."
"The best thing about being a woman is that I never had to pay the rent."
"The right woman has intangibles. The right woman has intangibles that you really can't pinpoint that mess with you, intangible things that you didn't even know that were important to you."
"A good woman will do all of the right things, but the right woman will bring all of the good out of you."
"A good woman comes in and out. The right woman is going to come in your life and she's gonna blow your world up."
"The right woman will make you better. She'll change you and she'll make you better."
"A woman who truly was years ahead of her time."
"Here is a woman who is modeled at her best when she's making others their best."
"She was a woman of intense emotional feeling, a possible Clytemnestra."
"You are just a woman that's dating."
"Whole lotta Rosie, a whole lotta woman, yeah!"
"Internalized misogyny is basically when a woman holds resentment and misogyny can be used towards other women or towards themselves as a woman."
"This is a real woman, that's nice."
"That's the type of woman who wears beige... flowers, happiness, sunshine in a bottle."
"Trust us it's a woman her name's not necessary sexist thing."
"Keep doing the hard work. You're an impressive, brave woman."
"Melody is the best woman that we know."
"Woman, you are not inferior to anybody."
"The most desired woman on planet Earth."
"No matter what the content is and what it entails, my goal is to encourage and empower you as a woman."
"The first thing that happened when he rose from the dead, there was somebody there to meet him, and it was a woman."
"A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."
"As a woman, we have forgotten that there are certain things that are just so magnetic about us."
"Here's a woman who had essentially maintained that improvement for the whole time for the last four years."
"Investing in yourself as a woman is also how to honor the divine feminine in order to bring in money."
"Being crazy about a woman like her is always the right thing to do."
"I felt very safe also as a woman walking around at night."
"A good woman can do that to you. She will change your life, she will change your personality, everything's different."
"I'm a very busy woman, I'm an independent woman."
"And every woman deserves a Cinderella moment."
"A woman being her own autonomous person who should be allowed to make her own choices."
"That woman just sounded like an oasis in a desert of hatred."
"Never forget she was a woman in a completely man-dominated time and place."
"You're the woman that a man must come prepare for."
"This is an amazing, strong woman who is fearless and powerful and feminine."
"I need a woman. And I need this woman."
"This woman was somewhat short, thin, and had long, kind of messy hair."
"Every single woman can wear this exact look. It's just perfection."
"A godsend to a man is a woman with a list. Give a woman a list, and let her go to God. You can have a happy woman."
"Nothing makes me more uncomfortable than being in the presence of a woman giving away her power."
"God, I hope I never see that woman again."
"Meeting this woman changed my life in college."
"By an ancient 39-year-old woman, turns the monsignor into such an unprecedented sensation."
"She was the kind of woman people noticed, with the elegance and body to carry it off."
"A woman is a man's greatest piece of jewelry. She makes you shine better, she makes you walk prouder."
"Know that everything God does he does well."
"But that's not what I came to talk about today. I have come to talk about a woman, a woman who had feelings just like you and I, but she lived in a cultural environment to where she had no voice, no voice."
"A good woman makes a man even better."
"If you can't Define a woman, you can't defend a woman."
"A woman is a woman who has been to music halls and seen routines."
"The healthiest version of this household, of our household, it needs to be the woman fulltime on the throne."
"The woman is a magic wand, brother. The woman is truly a gift from God."
"Never underestimate the power of a woman or the power of the press."
"Where there's smoke, there's a woman telling the truth."
"Suddenly a woman's voice sounded."
"I have kissed a woman in that car."
"That power in you, they call it strength of a woman."
"The figure of a woman in a Victorian era dress has been spied gazing from windows at passersby."
"In Kenya, we met a woman called Hope Susan."
"I think that whatever happens in the next election I don't think it matters where you come from the fact that you will be a woman that belongs to the world and it'll be the first time is good enough to get us into that position."
"Nigeria deserves a woman deserves a leader that can take a hundred and eighty million people to a place where they should be and that I can say yes I know my Nigeria is the number one country in the world."
"Give a woman the best product that you can make, market it in a perfect bottle... and you will witness the birth of a business the size of which the world has never seen before."
"That's a part of what I think I do is a woman who comes to see different characters they're often embedded in this one side of themselves and what I try to do is bring up the fullness"
"They respect me not just as a woman but as a person in this industry."
"Alexis Jones might be the strongest woman alive."
"I mean, she's an amazing, highly intelligent woman that knows exactly what she wants."
"I think of like a woman who has her life together, she has her full-time job, she's living in her penthouse suite, that's exactly what I smell like or that's exactly what I think of when I smell this."
"The woman in me is a brave and astonishing moving story about Freedom, Fame, motherhood, survival, Faith, and Hope."
"I actually felt incredibly vulnerable as a woman and that's not something I feel like I've felt very often in my life."
"I'm a great woman for a good man."
"These are just things that through the years I've learned as being a Catholic woman."
"She was the most famous woman on Earth."
"Being a woman in a Southern family means always being ready for the bottom to drop out."
"Being that independent woman is hard work."
"No one can really nurture you like a woman."
"Are you ready to discover the woman behind the legend?"
"The love of a good woman does a body good, does the body of a man good like milk, honey."
"What it means for a woman to gain her voice in the world."
"A woman determines her own value."
"What an incredibly brave woman she is."
"Who can find a virtuous woman? Her price is far above rubies."
"A strong woman is a prize you don't deserve."
"Love for a woman embodies everything."
"Some people believe the woman may have had a medical emergency."
"She was a stunning, extraordinary woman in human history."
"Sarah is probably the most important woman in history."
"The woman needs her kingdom, the house is her kingdom."
"I have always been a hard-working woman."
"It's writing from the perspective of a woman, definitely from a closeness with my mother."
"She's a very brave, strong woman."
"She's the most famous woman in the world."
"Being bold as a woman is not a weakness, it's a strength."
"You want a confident woman, you want an outspoken woman."
"I'm a woman and on top of that I'm a black woman."
"I like the fiercely independent woman."
"A woman is like water falling drop by drop on a day it's raining."
"She was a truly remarkable woman."
"You can tell a lot about a woman by the contents of her purse."
"I am inspired by one virtuous woman."
"You really are an incredible woman."
"A woman's eyes are the window to her soul."
"For a good woman, things are limitless."
"She was a strong woman, very independent."
"Here's to you, the best woman in the world."
"Every wise woman buildeth her house."
"I am a woman, I am a black woman."
"She is the strongest woman I know."
"Femininity is the essence of every woman."
"You are a very inspirational woman."
"Just some [things] you leave out, you leave out out of respect for her as a woman."
"I'm hoping we'll raise a very capable woman."
"All the words combined together bring the thought of an elect woman."
"There's nothing deadlier than a mature woman."
"The foundation of the house is the woman."
"A clever woman that's blessing in ours, she runs the show."
"You are a strong woman, you already know what you must do, you knew the entire time."
"As a woman, you have every right to do what you want to do."
"You are a very strong woman, you know that."
"You're unlike any other woman I've ever met before."
"As a woman, I'm allowed to change my mind too."
"She's got to be the most amazing woman."
"It all begins with a woman who is running in fear."
"It's a great time to be a woman, it's a great time to be a minority."
"My ideal woman is above all things beautiful."
"You're just a special kind of woman."
"She is a tremendous talent and she's a tremendous woman."
"You really are a remarkable woman."
"Truly an amazing woman. Very impressive, very impressive young lady."
"He was saved by the woman who would change his life forever."
"She shall be called woman because she was taken out of a man."
"She's a very strong woman, she's a very kind-hearted and caring woman as well."
"The rib which the Lord had taken from man, made He a woman."
"She is a woman that never victimized herself no matter what circumstances for life threw at her."
"Your loyalty is what makes you the most special woman."
"The best thing in this world is a righteous woman."
"It's a blessing to just be in the presence of a woman."
"If you want the best from a woman, make her feel safe."
"You're a strong woman, I'll tell you that."
"You are literally everything that I want in a woman."
"She's really an outstanding woman."
"You are an amazing woman and I'm so incredibly proud of you."
"I used to see her in the village, she's such a wonderful woman."
"I think a woman plays a multiple role in life, and I think I've played many a multiple roles."
"We are all here because of a woman."
"An independent woman has been described in many ways."