
Problem Analysis Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"90% of the drug problem is prohibition related, not use related."
"What is the root of this problem? Why is the solution so difficult?"
"There can be different scenarios; let's try to understand each category by its own by some of the key points that are associated with that category."
"We're not taking the time to appreciate why this is happening."
"You're giving oxygen to something that's a symptom of a far broader problem."
"If we made it pretty clear that firearms are not causing the problem, what is causing the problem?"
"Tell me a manager that's you're basically bringing the same problem in."
"There is a consensus on the need for change, but not on how to understand exactly what is wrong with the economy."
"It's a commitment problem, not a capacity problem."
"How did this happen? That's what we all thought."
"If the dollar loses its supremacy it is much more likely to be a symptom of our problem than a cause of our problems."
"If people stabbed, would we say knives were the issue?"
"Who do you think's a bigger problem? We're talking about roughly ninety percent versus ten percent."
"There are several reasons why this is the case, but ultimately there is one main reason."
"Spending adequate time to understand the problem, and not just reacting to a feature request, results in better overall software quality."
"There is a fundamental problem at the heart of aviation safety."
"Every problem you have is a person, not a tactic."
"You gotta find the why, you can't just start replacing parts."
"We haven't seen a situation where the holder of the office causes problems conceptually or theologically."
"The reality is the problem lies with the United States."
"How does something like this happen in the first place?"
"We live in a complicated world where solutions to overwhelming problems often focus on effects and not the causes."
"Let's look at the solutions, let's look at exactly what's happening, let's inform ourselves."
"We want to try to get a better understanding if there might have been some kind of mechanical problem based on what they were perceiving."
"There's a difference between a symptom and a cause."
"The only thing all of your problems have in common is you."
"It's usually not just one thing, if you pull on the thread usually there are several other things that you can say."
"Why is that happening? Why, a year and a half on from the problems that happened?"
"I never suspected sparkles, that's the problem."
"A lot of it comes down to the fact that we are seeing the same mistakes being repeated over and over and over again."
"The microchip is part of the problem and not the problem itself."
"However, this is where we run into some problems."
"I ask like I already know that there's a solution now allow my consciousness to be able to formulate that solution based on all of the integers that I know so far."
"This is the biggest reason why we are in this problem right now because Riot did not communicate properly about something."
"He knew exactly what was going wrong, how it was happening, and how it could be prevented."
"If you ask them that your swings over the top don't just try and fix the over the top. Look at the club face."
"Watching this will give you insight into how such different looking problems are actually the same one in disguise."
"What's interesting about this problem is that it is simpler than you think."
"Structure thinking is the process of recognizing the current problem or situation, organizing available information, revealing gaps and opportunities, and identifying the options."
"Another very important design goal has been to help speed up the time it takes to start the process of problem analysis, thereby cutting the overall time for issue resolution."
"Critical thinking skills are essential, asking: Are we actually solving the right problem here? What are the possible solutions to this problem?"
"Whenever you have a problem, wherever you want to understand where a problem is, you need to measure it and understand it better."
"We have atomized the issues and we need to show exactly how the dots are connected."
"Every time you do a problem, you should pause and take some time to analyze possible pitfalls."
"Understanding exactly what the problem is, and then once you understand it, hopefully you do find the root cause, then you can change it."
"SonarQube will give you what is a problem, why this problem has been made, who has introduced it, and how to fix it."