
Geopolitical Consequences Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"If China takes Taiwan, China becomes a superpower."
"What we have seen in the case of both Russia and China is investment, big investment from Western countries and capitalism, which was meant to sow this seed of Western values and instead what has happened is it has engorged them and has enabled them to act effectively with impunity."
"Western Europe's ongoing reliance on Russian oil and gas has been a major factor in involving President Putin in the mistaken belief that he can invade his peaceful neighbor with relative impunity."
"We've got to impose some cost because if we don't do that they'll do this again."
"The country of Ukraine is destroyed, so in all likelihood, they're going to ask us to rebuild Ukraine."
"There's a human consequence to this in the short term, in the long term, there's a geopolitical consequence that could be felt for generations."
"It will cost the Russians dearly for generations to come by checkmating their Ambitions in the north."
"Any country interferes with us will in fact pay a price because they're affecting our sovereignty."
"That's exactly the unintended consequence of Putin's actions in Ukraine."
"Russia's actions will be met with severe consequences."
"If you had a war that looked like what we're seeing in Ukraine in Taiwan, it would set the world back eons."
"Our failure to behave diplomatically on the global stage bears some responsibility for what's happening here."
"If we withdraw support for Ukraine, we will have to stand at the sidelines and watch a genocide happen in Europe."
"There couldn’t really be a winner in a full-scale nuclear war, but some countries would fare better than others."
"It's important not to grow another authoritarian aggressor out of this war."
"This victory over Russia significantly concerned the Kremlin."
"As soon as you supply lethal arms to Russia in this war yeah shit's over it's done right."
"It's a bad look for the world government. It might convince countries that the world government isn't an entity that they should be a part of."
"The world is watching this war and its outcomes will transcend Ukraine and Russia."
"Billions of dollars of our weaponry is now in the hands of the Taliban."
"The disruption caused by targeting the hydroelectric power plant not only disrupts Russia's military capabilities but also reveals the cost of uncontrolled aggression."
"If Ukraine falls, then there's a chance that Poland will be next."
"The story of a borderless Europe is one where nobody wins."
"If Ukraine becomes a killing field, it would be a stain on the soul of the world."
"When China falls, everybody around the world will feel the tremors."
"We've burned the Kurds, we've betrayed the Afghans, and now we've betrayed the Ukrainians."
"If we just walk away from this, if we just let Putin have Ukraine, where does it stop?"
"Last thing about his video, but Churchill got his wish, and he was overjoyed with the deterioration in the Czech lands, which eventually led to the mass genocide of all Germans there at the end."
"If they fail in Ukraine... the prospects of them reasserting themselves over China and Asia do not exist."
"Stranded planes, bombed-out buildings and
unrecoverable debts - all brought about by
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could end up costing
investors billions of dollars."
"The expansion of NATO beyond the borders... the greatest diplomatic blunder."
"This defensive strike has taken out most of the air of India's arrogance and aggression."
"The consequences of flooding Ukraine with a billion dollars in American weapons are unpredictable and likely disastrous."
"Putin too believed the same thing, and nobody could have predicted the astonishing speed and severity of sanctions that followed Russia's invasion."
"The future of the Russian economy is a thoroughly grim one, unless Putin immediately reverses course and the world decides to forgive Russia overnight for their invasion of Ukraine."
"If we destabilize a government, there will be repercussions."
"I think the whole world, and the United States in particular, is paying a price for his policy."
"If America does somehow make the first move to cause a hot war, they will turn the entire world against them."
"The fall of the Soviet Union sent a bunch of countries into a spiral."
"Brexit was about to open the Pandora's box of independence from Europe."
"The economic Fallout from the war in their nation is already causing significant hardship for the Russian people."
"I think it's important to help Ukraine, but I do think that there will be unintended consequences with all these weapons pouring in."
"If Putin were to use chemical weapons, there would be severe consequences from the global community."
"When the history of this war is written, Putin's war on Ukraine will have left Russia weaker and the rest of the world stronger."
"Delays come at the cost of Ukrainian lives, increased risk of failure in Ukraine, and the erosion of the US's advantage over Russia."
"Millions in Ukraine will suffer and die if we allow Russia to defeat Ukraine. Eventually, that suffering will reach American shores." - Lev Paras
"People are willing to accept higher prices to punish Russia for these transgressions."
"Lil uzi vert is solidified as a legend certified."
"Now if you remove the Americans from the equation let the chips fall where they may you will get dozens of brushfire wars."
"If Russia wins this war... that will be the first big defeat of Cold War II for the West."
"If you use a nuclear weapon as an effort to turn around this war, you're not going to turn around the war in Ukraine, you're going to get into war with NATO."
"North Korea got off lightly, I'm not going to lie, because they killed two Americans and America didn't unleash on them, you know what I mean? 'Cause we've seen stories like when you mess with America, bro, it's... good night."
"The military battlefield will be littered with economic corpses."
"How much longer should Americans pay five dollars a gallon or potentially more to secure the integrity of eastern Ukraine?"
"Let's not talk about the end of the war, let's not talk about the ceasefire. The best thing we can do is to make sure that Ukraine wins the war, because if they don't, we all lose."
"The use of a nuclear weapon... will have very profound consequences for Russia."
"Russia has paid an enormous price for the war in Ukraine, not only has Russia suffered more military losses that in any time since World War II... it has also precipitated Finland and Sweden's membership in NATO."
"Killing Ukrainians is also killing Russia's future."