
Leaks Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Anything that is reported by a leaker or a scooper should be taken with a massive grain of salt."
"The leaks of 2019 will dwarf anything they've ever done before."
"The most interesting details of this leak aren't the plot details that were in Mass Effect 3; it's the content that was cut."
"Rumors and leaks are either what keeps the excitement rolling or what kills it immediately."
"The mother of all video game leaks landed... teasing source code for GTA 5 and GTA 6."
"The sources of the dressing room leaks have now left the club, that is sensational."
"Straight from the Lab Leaks: compilation of leaked Eminem songs."
"Having sensitive intelligence leaked is always a damaging and embarrassing experience."
"How did it leak? It's not like they snuck in and stole the secret documents."
"As far as Silent Hill goes though, I mean that's been leaking like a broken faucet."
"Consumers who are eagerly awaiting the second generation like we've had so many leaks on this."
"The Edward Snowden leaks revealed a global mass surveillance program of foreign and domestic nationals."
"New leaks came out further stating that Gorilla has a multiplayer Horizon game in development."
"I think everyone who leaks stuff needs to take a chill pill and realize no one is maliciously stealing your info."
"Making matters even more interesting, there have been leaks about it on Twitter since early this year."
"It's just remarkable how much information related to Insomniac games and their future got out."
"Was never what guys what I hacked Nintendo servers and they're doing Splatoon four."
"Snoop Dogg leaked Dre's new album. It's been in production for so long, one of the most anticipated albums in history."
"The Geekbench scores for the Apple 11 processors have been leaked... which is just crazy!"
"This just reeks of Sony seeing that the reception of the leaks is negative and attacking people."
"Demo leak: glimpses into the game's unfinished content."
"Every time there's a leak, you know, these boring ones that actually in some way are more telling because they uncover the underbelly, the nuts and bolts, the reality of what goes on behind closed doors."
"People's minds will go crazy about who leaks information to us, and the coolest thing for me is that we have so many varied sources."
"The leaks were considered prima facie criminal."
"Everyone's seen these leaks for the past like 24 hours or more, and nobody's still found anything."
"This type of leak always makes you wonder how accidental it truly is."
"Google leaks stuff all the time... mostly in the world of pixel."
"It's always gonna be a leak. You ain't gonna do one thing and 30 people know and don't nobody say nothing. Everybody gotta ask the ground with you."
"That's the problem with leaks, it can set up for unrealistic expectations of a game that is already offering more content than any Capcom fighting game in history."
"It's always better late than never when the games don't leak an entire month early."
"This looks a lot like a hacking leak that we learned from the 2016 Wikileaks approach."
"It's not very likely; however, maybe it could possibly leak someday."
"What costs us the most money is a water leak."
"...new photos of the upcoming Futura Nike SB dunk low recently leaked..."
"For the developers working hard on this game, on this vision, whether it's a vision you agree with or not, this really sucks."
"Video game leaks can be extremely damaging to the morale of developers and the success of their product."
"Leaks can actually be beneficial. A leak is used in the government's context that is the only thing that allows the system to operate in a context where one year before I came forward we had the NSA saying this kind of stuff didn't happen."
"Make sure the automatic is not leaking like Niagara Falls and just enjoy as is."
"Damaging and oftentimes erroneous leaks seeking to undermine or delegitimize the duly elected president have been published."
"Leakers compromise and disrupt the critical interagency work to collect, assess, and mitigate threats."
"To those government officials who betray the trust of the people of the United States by leaking classified information, your actions endanger our national security."
"We will not be able to get a consensus on this intelligence because of what was leaked to the New York Times."
"In a world where secrets are currency and truths are rare gems this leak has sent shock waves through the industry."
"I think in my personal opinion that these leaks were never true... I think that these were fake leaks that were put out there to generate outrage..."
"Just because it's leaking doesn't mean the seal is bad."
"There was a lot of credibility going into this leak because they got so many of these right."
"Everybody gets leaks. Sometimes leaks just happen. The most important thing is to never leave a leak."
"Rear main seal and the intermediate bearing cover plate seal also tend to leak."
"3LW was facing a bigger issue: songs from their new album were leaked online and the label considered dropping them altogether."
"You don't want water dripping out of it."
"Songs from the 1629 project began to leak online, leading to its eventual cancellation."
"Moisture causes acid, moisture causes copper plating, moisture causes refrigerant leaks, so we want to get that moisture out."
"A leak is a small hole in a pipe. You can see here this pipe definitely has a leak."
"If you have a leak, you definitely don't want it in your garage or in your house."
"You never want this pressed up to the tile you always want this recessed from the tile otherwise you're gonna get leaks."
"These leaks are pretty interesting. Shout out to Tom for really breaking this story. Obviously, there was a lot of people that followed up and confirmed that these documents went out, but he was definitely the first on it. So congrats to him."
"This is one of the bigger leaks I've seen for a major artist at one time."
"I feel like Nintendo for the most part is usually spared from having as many game-ruining leaks as other game companies."
"But it was always a nice surprise when through all of the misinformation and predictions, some real leaks came out."
"Even if stuff leak, you always Marvel still always get you with that one thing nobody saw coming."
"Pixel 9 leaks are already starting to come. Google is just completely incapable of hiding a product."
"He's against leaks but in effect, that means being against whistleblowers."
"I know, and there's so many leaks. Like, I love how everything just goes public immediately."
"Stuff was leaked... everyone thought they knew what was going to happen, but some things were a surprise."
"Over the years, leaks, rumors, and interviews have painted a picture of what Agent could have been."
"You definitely don't want to have any leaks."
"We're looking for very small leaks here."
"If it's a big leak, the smoke comes right out; it's the little ones that'll kill you."
"Unauthorized disclosures from Wikileaks have directly endangered Americans and American interests."
"That's why things like this can leak out without potentially proper context."