
Data Manipulation Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"The subtle manipulation just through the data just through the algorithms is such an incredible weapon."
"It's like chain but backwards and we don't have to wrap and unwrap data explicitly."
"Classic marketing technique, cherry-picking data."
"Every image has pixel values... we turned them into first a grayscale and then we turned that grayscale into a numpy array."
"But wouldn't it be nice to just be able to manipulate the raw data, relatively simple though it is, to just answer questions about the data?"
"Numbers can be looked at differently, percentages can be manipulated based on circumstances."
"They're manipulating and twisting scientific data to fit the narrative and harming people in the process." - Unknown speaker
"Records allow deconstruction into constituent parts."
"It's just so easy to work with data using SQL."
"Probably Lisp's greatest strength is the capability to use data to generate code."
"Zip with is very powerful... we could also use filter... and there you can see that pop that back."
"So map is used for substituting each value in a series with another value."
"The beauty of Excel: if I change this bunch of numbers, the total is going to change automatically."
"Excel empowers users to manipulate and analyze data with unparalleled ease."
"Pivot tables: where data manipulation meets simplicity."
"Pivot tables make complex tasks simple with just a few clicks."
"Control is a good thing scientifically speaking, but it has come to mean something else I'm afraid, which is the ability to control the story, the ability to make the data set reflect something that it in fact shouldn't reflect."
"Action just is changing the data by acting upon the world."
"Functional languages apply functions to data rather than focus on state changes like most object-oriented languages."
"SQL is such a powerful skill to have... you can query the data, extract it, and do all sorts of things with it."
"The way awk works is it treats each CH a word as a field separated by a space by default."
"You can make any distribution look how you want it to look and that is the point of this video to share that knowledge and if you have trouble doing that please check out my other video."
"The way that people manipulate data to tell their story is deeply frustrating to me."
"Coding is all about data. Manipulating data to perform whatever you're trying to achieve."
"This is a good example of how interest groups on both the right and the left can use the same government data for their own agendas."
"Manipulating Firestore data becomes easier as you work with it."
"Now, over here we can drag our new measure down to the values."
"Most of programming jobs are really just taking data from Source A, doing some transformation, filtering, and sorting."
"A variable allows computers to store and manipulate data in a dynamic fashion."
"Super powerful function filter, so definitely learn it."
"Now another great trick in Power Query and M code is you can actually copy and paste this M code wherever you'd like."
"Percent sign symbolizes zero, one, or more characters."
"So, what we need to do here to ensure that it successfully updates in one go, I will use the function ShowColumns on my collection of grid data."
"So, I'm gonna go select that data in that cell. You go up to formula, gonna sum above. I click on OK, and you can see there's a new number in there."
"Excel formulas are the instructions you write to perform calculations or manipulate data. They start with an equal sign and can combine numbers, cell references, and operations."
"For example, you can separate a column of full names into separate first and last name columns."
"Flash fill can be used to break up your data or combine data together, a really useful little tool."
"An extremely quick and useful way to find specific items and replace them with something else all in one go."
"All the column names have been changed to the format that we wanted."
"I have a lot of flexibility. And one of the things you're going to see is it's not just storing this JSON. I don't have to do string manipulation to go and get elements from it. I'll actually be able to treat this just like an object."
"Pooling layer shrinks it down a little bit."
"Exploring more robust tools like SQL, Python, or R opens up a world of possibilities for Advanced Data manipulation, analysis, and visualization."
"You can also change this. This is SQL at this point. So you could do aggregations, you can do WHERE clauses, you can do GROUP BYs. All of that's available to you."
"You'll see that's the same array, but we've flipped it so that our columns and rows are flipped. This is the same as reshaping, so when you transpose, you're just doing a reshape."
"Now it's also worth noting that you can use flash fill not just to split up data but also combine data."
"Three different methods for invoking flash fill."
"As soon as you actually have to start using your own data, there's quite a bit of manipulation that you have to do."
"Text to column is one function, one technique which you must be aware of."
"They were pulling off a complicated trick, rerouting data across the globe, checking or changing it, and then sending it on so smoothly that it was initially going unnoticed."
"So there is an API call that allows you to directly update rows inside of a data set. You can actually post rows into the table, you can even create tables, you can modify your schema, you can do some pretty interesting things with the data set."
"Transposing is just a fancy word for rotating data from rows to columns or vice versa."
"What other things can you do with arrays? You could do cool array aggregation."
"I know it's the MNIST dataset but condensing it down to only nine values and still producing the input data, I think that's cool."
"Now I'm going to change the first six columns on the as50a tab outputs to be user outs."
"In short, this many things we'll actually try to do, we'll see how to drop columns, we'll see how to drop rows, then we'll see when when we are dropping rows, probably based on a null values, we'll try to drop a rose."
"What this does is it takes this python list and it attaches it, it appends it to your sheet."
"So, JOINs can be really useful for combining information from different tables into a single result."
"BigQuery allows you to do anything you want with the data."
"So, what find one and replace will do is it will take your data, change it in the database, and return to you the original data."
"Dynamically sized data won't get copied but moved."
"With select, you can add, remove, or rename elements and change the shape of your data."
"Filter array action allows us to filter the results based on specific criteria."
"Where statement becomes critical because it allows us to specify what rows we want to specifically affect from our queries."
"You are allowed to bend data to your will and do whatever you would like."
"If I wanna get rid of New York for example, I'm gonna use the data manipulation language command to remove data, which is delete."
"Arrays help avoid dealing with multiple columns or rows in complex datasets."
"Now the only one remaining is appending to an array variable."
"X lookup can rearrange columns dynamically."
"...Ctrl T we've already seen this and put my data into a table and I'm pretty much ready to go."
"The advantage that it will give us is we can quickly filter that array to know which columns have truly changed."
"The best benefit of it is being able to slice and pull data out without having to allocate anything."
"...how to read information from files...I'm actually going to show you multiple different ways...very useful anytime you need to manipulate tabular data..."
"Copy data instead of mutating it in place."
"You can see now that we've got a wrapper class, right? We have these nice objects that we can work with to loop through things easily, to grab data that we want."
"If you remember nothing else, remember to .toPandas because I have a feeling you'll find it pretty useful."
"For this video, we will use the employee dataset, which contains information about 1000 employees."
"Sometimes, for some reason, we would like to rename the columns."
"Adding one or multiple rows to a data frame is similar to concatenating two data frames."
"So I've taken those bytes, I've dumped into a file now."
"Map over all of them going to return a new kind of item in place of that array."
"They're out there now, embedded in the data stream, manipulating the transmissions."
"Let's look at how you can use hooks to modify a fetch response."
"Statistics are so often twisted and wildly extrapolated to suit a specific agenda."
"The real power of Qlik Sense lies in the fact that you can manipulate the data using the script editor."
"Code is just a special kind of data, and modifying code whilst it's running is just a special kind of data transformation."
"Pandas is a high-level tool for doing data manipulation and transformation that is primarily concerned with tabular data."
"Doing these data manipulations was just sort of magical for me."
"Intelligence is a particular way of manipulating data and reacting within an environment."
"If I want to delete that flight later, it's as simple as a F.delete."
"So we're doing some really awesome finagling of data here, all using custom functions, which is excruciatingly powerful."
"Transform streams are the center pipe pieces that can be used to transform data from readable stream before they are sent to the writable streams."
"Pandas allows you to store data in a data frame, and then use many different built-in pandas functions and methods to manipulate the data within that data frame."
"Pivot longer and pivot wider functions make more sense, easier to remember."
"We can combine them using a function called rbind."
"Our bind takes as input several data frames to combine via their rows."
"Power Query is such a powerful tool for many people editing data."
"We can change the hard-coded numbers, and the graph will update and keep everything aligned and everything helpful."
"Choosing how to prep and manipulating variables as you go is the entire fun."
"Action hooks add data or behavior. Filter hooks change or manipulate existing data."
"You can use indexing and slicing with data frames."
"Binary shifts are easy, it's literally shifting."
"Pandas provides powerful tools for manipulating data such as grouping, merging, and reshaping data."
"Manipulating data is a key skill, whether for display or for the sake of massaging data into the right format."
"Numpy provides us numerous different math functions, ways of working with linear algebra, and ways of manipulating data."
"Pandas is just going to provide us with additional ways of manipulating tabular data and it's built on top of Numpy."
"To be successful... we need to analyze the trends illustrated in the data, manipulate the evidence or the data, and make connections between different aspects of the data provided."
"We can make date/time objects really easily inside pandas."
"You want to use some of your expertise and knowledge to change the raw data in a way that makes learning possible, faster, and more accurate."
"Data professionals use data frames to structure, manipulate, and analyze data in pandas."
"Operations like indexing and slicing allow you to select, filter, and edit data quickly and efficiently."
"I sell snake oil and teach people to tell lies with data."
"Pandas is the library that you're going to be using in order to manipulate all the data to really glue together all the Excel files."
"If you accidentally set the index and want to reset it, then we can do that with the reset index method."
"The numpy array just lets you manipulate data numerically in whatever way you want in complete flexibility."
"I learned how to do all this stuff in R and then a lot of the data manipulation tasks just carried over to Python."
"The idea behind indexing is that it is very very handy to do things like subset our data."
"This is how you put information into a database, how you take it out, and how you just read what's in it."
"The calculations that do the job of messing up the data collection form the hash function."
"Once I learned how to use the jolt transform and got used to the syntax for jolt, it actually became one of my favorite ways to manipulate data."
"We could think of the word tweening to mean morphing or blending one object or data type into another version of itself."
"The whole deal with building a procedural system is how much access does the software give you that you can manipulate all kinds of data."
"In this tutorial, I'm gonna be explaining how to do Python joins and Python unions."
"Accumulation and unfolding allows you to do generalized data structure transformations."
"Whether you need to reorganize, categorize, sort, edit, filter, search by keyword, share your data, or collaborate on projects, you can do it all and more with JotForm Tables."
"A LinkedList... provides us methods to add or remove elements from both ends of a queue."
"But more specifically, in the context of SQL, this new language, our last, you have the ability to create data, select data, a.k.a. READ data, update or insert data, a.k.a. UPDATE, or delete or drop data, a.k.a. DELETE."
"SQL allows you to express yourself programmatically using a fairly small language, albeit new, that allows you to create temporary tables, just the results, just the result sets, so to speak, that you want, only those rows that you care about."
"You can use select statement not only to get columns which already exist but to define new columns based on calculations and logic."
"We know how to enter and manipulate data in it, create, delete, move, and resize its rows and columns, and navigate its vast ocean of cells like a seasoned explorer."
"Pandas is a popular library in Python that is used for data manipulation."
"It really allows you to do some pretty cool things with lists and just being able to pull out just enough data that you need to work with."
"What functions do I need to manipulate that data?"
"I can map a description over data and then access it with slicing and pull out columns, plot rows, pull out fields and just do all kinds of manipulations at a high level without thinking about writing for loops."
"It's not just a data frame; now we have access to many of the spatial operations."