
Deadpool Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"I wanted to do Deadpool without a straight man or sidekick to bounce off of, so I simply internalized the chatter."
"Imagine if Deadpool breaks out an expertly crafted, single-use obsidian blade... it fractures into millions of shards of microscopic pieces of ultra-sharp glass that go and stay in the enemy and cause immense pain."
"Deadpool 3 is officially my most anticipated film of phase five."
"Encounters with Deadpool: It sometimes feels like everything in the Marvel Universe is connected through Wade Wilson."
"Deadpool comes out it's like this guy is the coolest superhero in the world."
"Deadpool did so well because of the marketing."
"Deadpool lived in development hell for years."
"Continuing its reign over the box office, the Merc with the mouth Deadpool was at number one again."
"I think anyone who loves Deadpool is gonna love the crap out of this movie."
"I'd like to see a crazy time traveling adventure with Cable and Deadpool across history, in the future, being ridiculous and fucking shit up."
"Deadpool practiced a clever marketing tactic."
"Deadpool ignores the wind advisory so that he could have his x-force moments leading to all their deaths."
"I had Deadpool describe himself as looking like a Sharpay crossed with Ryan Reynolds."
"Deadpool is spectacular, it's phenomenal, it really is a great movie."
"Deadpool is here to remind us that these are just stories and we're all just here to have fun."
"Deadpool can interact with someone right in front of him and then he can comment on what's happening to both of them at the same time."
"Deadpool is like Tony Stark, he's the guy with a very clear arc that we can all relate to."
"Deadpool officially names him the X-Force, saying he wanted a gender-neutral alternative to X-Men."
"What they should do is have Deadpool say he's been in the MCU all along by showing scenes from old MCU films with Deadpool edited into the background."
"Do we see deadpool three guaranteed in this phase it's I'm saying that's a lock."
"I love how Deadpool just become like that wacky neighbor that lives down the street or is just the guy that you need to have at your party if you want it to be a rager like it's just he's fun he adds fun to whatever he does."
"This Deadpool skin is really cool, chat. What do you guys think about the Deadpool skin?"
"Ryan Reynolds leaks his own hilarious Deadpool 3 set photos."
"Now slated for a 2024 release is Deadpool 3, which will officially see the Merc with the Mouth introduced to the MCU."
"Deadpool's cinematic makeover: from weaponized villain to lovable anti-hero, a refreshing change."
"Deadpool's popularity has risen through the roof these past few years with their two Deadpool movies and Ryan Reynolds just being the best."
"They are anti-football greedy people who just want to take money out of the game and destroy this football club."
"Deadpool three easy money baby it's gonna be incredible it's gonna make all the money in the world I'm so excited and I hope it has lots of great surprises if anybody understands how important Easter eggs are it's Mr Ryan Reynolds you saw um uh"
"There is no need to reboot this. He exists as a little pocket universe. He's meta. Deadpool is the honey badger of Marvel."
"I think breaking the fourth wall is genius in that we're going to have Fox's Deadpool in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"I don't think Disney has the balls to give us a proper Deadpool. I could be wrong. I just don't think they've got the balls to do it."
"Even if this movie was simply just Wolverine and Deadpool sitting in a car for two hours, it would still probably be one of the best things to ever come from the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"After the surprising success of the violent and fourth wall breaking superhero film Deadpool..."
"Why is Deadpool the only movie that knows how to make a good looking mask?"
"I trust Ryan Reynolds he's delivered two solid Deadpool movies."
"Kevin Feige also teased that they would have the raunchiest, most WTF Deadpool popcorn bucket ever, and that Deadpool himself will designed. It will explain in the context Deadpool, the fictional character, will have created it."
"This is kind of a tall task, you have to still be funny, you still have to be Deadpool, you bring back Wolverine."
"Deadpool is a character for people who don't like superhero movies. He appeals to a much broader audience just because he's quippy and he's witty."
"Deadpool is the most perfect portrayal of a comic book character that we've ever seen on a camera."
"Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool, the character that he created in this movie, like I just feel like it's even better than the comics."
"Deadpool is a better movie front to back."
"Deadpool's ability to break the fourth wall potentially makes him more powerful than anyone except the one person in the MCU who has shown proficiency in this already: She-Hulk."
"One movie down, quite a few movies more to go until we see Deadpool. I'm very excited for that."
"Deadpool's zany personality and tendency to break the fourth wall could make him a wildcard addition to The Avengers, despite concerns about his reliability."
"I think by the end of this movie Deadpool will be in a different place. They will establish him as a Nexus being."
"Deadpool: everything I could have wanted from a Deadpool movie."
"But for a brief moment, you could actually argue that Deadpool is the most powerful character in Marvel Comics."
"It is still very much a Deadpool movie."
"For everybody in this film, they went into the movie knowing it was a superhero movie and knowing that it was based in a comic book a lot of the characters in comics and in superhero movies take themselves very seriously and Deadpool is almost the opposite."
"Deadpool is the wise cracking fourth wall breaking profane violent MC with a mouth and hero with a heart and he just might be the savior of the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Wade Wilson is the Undisputed king of breaking the fourth wall."
"Deadpool did a fourth wall break inside a fourth wall break."
"Deadpool leaves no stone unturned and that's exactly what I'm here to talk about."
"Honestly, a lot of Marvel movies have done a great job of bringing comic costumes to the big screen, but when it comes to Deadpool, it's almost a whole another level."
"when we introduced footage of Deadpool for the first time at comic-con I was crazy we showed some 3 minutes of the movie and they went nuts"
"Deadpool's little remark aside, this is a great modern take on Brute Force, something a bit more tongue and cheek while also parodying real-life stuff happening."
"Look at that cover! Is that not one of the most beautiful covers ever? I also dig Deadpool's plaid socks."
"I hope you guys at least, you know, maybe you didn't buy a few hundred copies in 2016, I hope you bought a couple."
"Deadpool is most people's favorite comic assassin for a reason. He was already a comic favorite that was made even more popular when Ryan Reynolds brought him to the big screen."
"Deadpool is effectively immune to all forms of conventional damage and throughout his long storied career, he's been butchered to death with everything from katanas to puppies."
"He's also immune to telepathic attack and even though most powerful telepaths in the Marvel Universe admit they can't read his mind as soon as they try to, they can't make sense of what the [ __ ] going on inside of it."
"Oh, there's Deadpool, you know, like, what multiverse can we jump into, yeah, exactly, yeah."
"Deadpool's first appearance in New Mutants #98."
"I would say a lot of what people know about Deadpool came from this run."
"I love that Deadpool is also very sensitive about himself too. He treads this line of him not giving a damn, but if there's someone that's really important to him, he really does feel very sensitive about it."
"Deadpool is a master martial artist, seasoned assassin, and a raging sex machine."
"They took what worked in Deadpool 1 and made it even better."
"Deadpool's performances are just so much fun to watch."
"Deadpool's assemble and there you have it!"
"They call him Deadpool. He's hella fast, kinda murks the bad guys, and gets some ass."
"What's pushing Marvel forward? Deadpool is going to be that first one."
"Deadpool was more than I expected it to be. It was a ton of fun."
"Pulling off a level three hyper combo with Deadpool on my second day playing Marvel I feel like the coolest guy in the universe."
"Deadpool is hot [ __ ] in the best kind of ways."
"If somehow they were able to do like a Deadpool Korg show or Deadpool Korg movie or Deadpool movie where Korg is like the co-star, do you all know how good that movie would be?"
"I'm so stoked for Deadpool and Wolverine. Over or under 50%, there is a jab joke directed at Martin Scorsese for his constant bashing of Marvel and saying it's not Cinema in the movie."
"Double versus Mask animation then. I like the start of it. Deadpool just lampshading the lack of an explanation as to what's happening as a result of not having enough budget."
"Deadpool's ability to break the fourth wall tells us a lot more about the MCU than you might think."
"The ability to break the fourth wall is what really set Deadpool apart."
"Characters like Deadpool breaking the fourth wall could be them seeing the different layers of the simulation."
"Deadpool 1 and 2 were breaths of fresh air for the superhero genre."
"If I could play any character of all time I would play like a Deadpool. It's the most fun character I've ever seen in a movie."
"Deadpool's got to be in it, I think so."
"Dead uh you know Deadpool 3 and all the other so this is actually tying into other things supposedly."
"No more Mr. Nice Deadpool. Time for some age-appropriate violence."
"Miller who played weasel in the first two Deadpool movies was upset that Reynolds insulted both him and his character telling him he wasn't as funny as Reynolds himself and believed that the former Green Lantern actor hated him."
"Deadpool will break the fourth wall and make a joke."
"Deadpool has a special something which makes them recognizable."
"There's no conceivable way to really kill Deadpool."
"Deadpool somehow possesses a unique awareness of whatever medium he's in."
"Deadpool is famous for breaking his chains and escaping the confines of his fictional universe."
"One thing about this Deadpool though is that is the only weapon storage that he has is just going to be the swords in the sheath."
"Plus I may be a little bit Deadpool biased."
"For me, hands down, no contest, not even close, Deadpool 1. To me, Deadpool 2 was not anywhere near as good as the first one. But I'm guessing a lot of people are going to disagree."
"Deadpool gained the power Cosmic and even got involved in a love triangle involving death."
"Deadpool may be effective as a wise-cracking MC, but when he gets serious, he becomes unstoppable."
"I think Deadpool's the most important movie Marvel has had since Infinity War."
"I was a Deadpool mark the second I saw this image."
"I'm sorry, who's Deadpool in the future? Because right now, he's Wade Wilson."
"Deadpool is one of the best hand-to-hand fighters in the universe."
"Deadpool would be funny, I guess he's the funniest superhero canonically."
"Deadpool is really funny, he's my favorite."
"Everyone loves Deadpool, the Merc with the Mouth, and I love him too."
"Deadpool is one of the very few comic-book characters that is aware that they're just fictional characters."
"Wade Wilson isn't insane, he's just on another plane of existence."
"Deadpool always ends up doing the righteous thing in the end."
"Deadpool is far from the selfish a-hole everyone makes him out to be."
"Wade Wilson remains as the one and only Merc with a mouth."
"Panda pool is quite possibly the greatest version of Deadpool to ever exist."
"There's really no other way to describe this story... it is probably one of the most well-written Deadpool stories."
"Hi, my name is Wade Wilson, I go by Deadpool."
"This book is when Deadpool as a personality starts to take shape; this is really the Deadpool we all know."
"The best bet is just to wait and watch all the X-Men movies right before Deadpool 3."
"The Deadpool movie was a cinematic paradox in that it was a monstrous runaway success."
"Artificially engineered, Deadpool's superhuman healing factor allows him to survive seemingly fatal wounds and regenerate missing appendages."
"A master marksman and swordsman, Deadpool wields various blades and guns."
"The Merc with a mouth is a meta mystery: hero, villain, sociopath."
"Deadpool went from New Mutants Fame and X-Force Fame to the Phenom that he is now."
"I love the fact that Deadpool the film is self-aware and critical of its own inner workings."
"Load up them chimichangas, folks, because I'm ready to talk Deadpool three."
"Deadpool... the body may be weak but the healing factor is strong."
"This movie marks Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool making his grand entrance into the MCU."
"Deadpool doing what he does best: breaking the fourth wall with his trademark humor."
"Deadpool the video game... it's one of the funniest and entertaining games of the 360 era."
"Deadpool is now a cornerstone of comic book culture."
"What was originally just a Deathstroke copy quickly grew into the lovable and obnoxious Merc with a mouth."
"Deadpool's insane and we all love it."
"The Deadpool suit is indicative of how successful the whole movie is."
"Deadpool works because it's made by people who want to make that movie."
"Ryan Reynolds is the force behind Deadpool."
"Deadpool represents full freedom."
"It's really important to me that the reason that I love Deadpool stays intact."
"Deadpool's just a big romantic at heart."
"Deadpool does actually have a daughter, her name is Ellie."
"Deadpool could be the one to help us fully grasp this concept of the Multiverse and what it means."
"He may have a potty mouth, but Deadpool knows a thing or two about love; he's quite the romantic partner as seen in his first two movies."
"The first appearance of Deadpool, Rob Liefeld goodness."
"Dreadpool becomes cosmically aware that he is a character in a comic book and uses this knowledge to defeat everyone."
"Deadpool is truly saving the MCU one quip at a time."