
Movie Quality Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"The script is the most important element of any movie... The most brilliant actor in the world can't elevate a bad script beyond a certain degree."
"Is this even a good film at all, or is it simply a bad film that we’ve come to love?"
"Maybe not a great year for blockbusters, but a good year for movies in general."
"What a monstrous, horrible thing you've done."
"Guardians of the Galaxy was so good because it was world-building."
"There's such an intensity to this movie. There's a real tension. Well done."
"It's a good movie. Damn good. I'm damn proud of it."
"It is not a bomb artistically it is not a bomb in terms of just a good movie being out there for us to take in dissect and have fun with so I think that that's a win right."
"It's an embarrassment of riches. There are so many good scenes in this movie."
"It's the right move to make regardless of the quality of the movie."
"Movie sequels generally tend to never match their originals."
"Some of the best movies I saw were made for Netflix."
"It's a good example of a theatrical experience that's worth it."
"Finally, a good DC movie is great, and just everyone's loving the hell out of it."
"At the end of the day though, they could have cast real dwarfs in the movie as long as they actually had good writing."
"I'm kind of stunned about how good it looks... it's the kind of movie we just don't see anymore."
"The emergence event was great, it was really, really cool."
"Spider-verse wasn't just a good movie, it was a masterpiece."
"Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse is one of the best comic book movies in years."
"This is an excellent thriller even if it just feels maybe a little bit dated now."
"Make a movie where it just gets better, more life, it just starts out real bad."
"Critically the movie was widely praised for being extremely funny."
"This is the best comic book movie I've ever seen."
"If movies are consistently good enough, they'll consistently go to see them."
"Marvel movies with good plot are still great... as long as the plot isn't a mess the movie is good."
"This is a new fun kind of bad and it was something where it's like it was kind of in front of us the whole time."
"Often the simplest explanation is the most likely one: the reason why people don't go and see the movie is because it was awful."
"The Mandalorian is pulling off visuals that impress me. Movie quality, insane."
"In the end, it obviously wasn't the white man's fault that Oceans 8 got bad reviews; it was the movie's fault for being sucky." - Narrator
"I think if you can hit on a pair of actors and then another talent like Nora Ephron who can write movies that are in that genre but also solid really good well-written movies then I think you can see a return."
"Go back to knowing what the basics of storytelling are it's the story and the storytelling that makes great movies."
"The story is the most important part... if a story is garbage you have a garbage film."
"I mean, I would very much like to, just on the back of the movie, the one movie. But given the huge number of spin-offs you've mentioned, all of which are bad, then I don't hold out much hope for it."
"I'm so impressed because like that first shot play, I'm like whoa wait this is the actual movie."
"The chase at the end of the movie in my mind still holds up as one of the best in the entire genre."
"A hundred minute movie should be 100 minutes of value."
"The action for the most part is well staged and executed."
"I was more than a little pleasantly surprised by this movie, to be honest."
"They do a really good job with what they have, like there's a lot of cool stuff in this movie and cool sequence of the action is great."
"Turns out that in reality it isn't anything it by video game movie logic should have been it isn't terrible it isn't bad it isn't decent or even good but instead pretty freakin great."
"This movie has more spirits, soul, and heart in its opening than most of the Marvel movies have been able to achieve in the entire runtime since endgame."
"Not every movie has this level of terribleness and when I see a movie that particularly has this quality I can't help but get a little giddy about it."
"They put love care and attention into the individual movies."
"It was so everything about this is whether the movies are good or great there's nothing awful here."
"Making the best movie you can is what's important."
"The prestige is a brilliant movie. I can watch it all day."
"If he's in a movie, I bet that movie is going to be [ __ ] amazing."
"This movie's pretty good... I actually think this movie's pretty good."
"We don't get movies like LA Confidential anymore."
"Our fans deserve to have excellence put into these movies."
"The quality of CGI in movies like Pirates of the Caribbean looks 10 times better."
"Jumanji the next level... This film is just really good."
"I want to see a great anything movie. I just like great movies whether they're great movies about snails. If it's a great movie, it's a great movie."
"I think it's undeniable, this is the best looking movie ever."
"It's just a good standard, fun, entertaining, visually exciting movie and definitely worth your time."
"Superhero movies are only as good as their villain."
"This movie is better than it has any right being."
"Slapstick and joy and fun these aren't dirty words when they're done badly you get Thor uh love and thunder but when they're done right you get Deadpool."
"It's the characters we love, not the effects, and we owe it to ourselves to make sure that great characters and great stories in blockbusters don't go extinct."
"Nicholas Cage holds this film together. If he wasn't in it, then it would be garbo."
"Yes, Zack Snyder's Justice League is far better than whatever the hell we got when Whedon took over."
"Not every great movie needs a 200 million dollar budget."
"Movies are bad now, when in reality, there's a bit of perception bias because films from the past... were just trash, forgotten, lazily made, no personality, no soul."
"Luckily they had a Final Destination 5 come out which a lot of people would say is among the best if not the best of the franchise."
"The plot of this movie is golden."
"These movies are head and shoulders above the dead on arrival straight to DVD garbage action movies."
"Just because an actor is in a movie doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be good. So, I, you know, I agree with this as being a trend in that direction where like just because an actor's in a movie doesn't mean it's gonna sell. I think that's a good thing personally."
"I'd be shocked if this tanked, I mean it would have to be something else besides the quality of the movie. If this tanked, then that's it, there's nothing and then the MCU is truly broken."
"'Fight Club' on Blu-ray looks damn good."
"Sometimes your movie is only as good as its bad guy."
"These are just great movies, character development is good, not too much of it happens where it shouldn't."
"That's only one redeeming quality of this movie: the humor."
"The degree to which a movie is good is the degree to which it makes you not notice or not care how fake it is."
"Having a lot of generic humor but a poor story can't result in a good movie, but a good story and not much humor can result in a good movie."
"He picks really good movies to do."
"Never pay to see a bad movie again."
"It's rare that a movie turns out as well as the script, especially when the script is so complex and so well-written."
"The Practical effects of when the monster does show up is... it might be some of the best practical horror effects ever."
"Any movie with Denzel Washington is gonna be good."
"It's the rest of the movie's so good."
"It's always the best thing for movies when the movie is actually really good."
"This movie is so good, it makes you think, it makes you hate bad movies that are playing in theaters right now even more."
"If it's a Kevin Costner movie, you know it's going to be good."
"I agree that movie standards need to be higher than 'I don't hate you' but we need to reward any steps in the right direction."
"It's a great fun empowering movie that really holds up."
"Oh my God, we're getting consistently four-star movies out of this."