
Writing Challenges Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"You've introduced a multiverse which basically destroys the very concept of stakes. And stakes are key to any writing endeavor."
"There are also some sentences which, you know, they can read fine when you're doing it in your head but when you read them out loud, they just sound super awkward."
"Writing is hard work, but it's not as hard as doing neither because then you're a mess, you're anxious and without purpose."
"Homer versus Dr. Hibbert on the issue of race was allegedly a tough nut to crack for the writers."
"Writing is hard... There's a self-motivation guide."
"Writing a good romance is incredibly hard, you need two very well developed characters and engaging chemistry between them."
"The most horrifying sight in the world is the blank page. All you can do is what makes the most sense to you."
"Writing a book is no easy thing. It's like an owner's manual for the mind."
"The hardest part about writing science fiction and fantasy is how to make the stuff the reader needs to know not boring."
"I went through, as you know, really, it's if you want to keep sanity, I can't recommend ever writing a book."
"Social media is a devil's bargain for writers."
"Writing is not a natural process even for people who are communicators like us, it's a very tough rigorous process."
"Writing is a hell of a lot harder than animation."
"Oh [ __ ] a dragon" – Abruptly broke off in the middle of a not particularly good essay.
"Sometimes when you're writing a story, your brain gets fixated on a specific point. If you try so hard to make it perfect, then you'll never make any progress." (Quoted as advice from a video game)
"Writing a memoir and putting your story out into the world is a nerve-racking act."
"Well, now I can't write a romance novel 'cause I'm feeling too inspired. This is stupid."
"Writing strong characters who are consistent might be one of the hardest parts of writing genre fiction."
"Writing a book is far more intense and introspective than you can possibly imagine."
"Writing's hard a lot of people don't understand that and the reason it's hard is because you have to take these things into consideration."
"That's what happens when you force towards an ending and you don't know how to write an ending."
"I love those creative writing challenges... commit fully to the lore or just have fun."
"A mute character adds both challenges and possibilities in terms of writing."
"It's a 572 page story of love found when it was least expected unfortunately for Zack the writing profession is a difficult landscape filled with disappointment hardship flops"
"Writing is a very, very high-risk entrepreneurial venture that almost everybody who tries it fails at."
"Writing is not easy, but nothing worthwhile is easy."
"Your writing is limited by what the audience knows. You must always assume that your audience will have an understanding of these and other elements."
"I wish you the best of luck... Writing a book is so challenging and it's so worth it."
"There's no such thing as writer's block. What that is is performance anxiety that you've imposed on yourself because your expectations are too high."
"First of all, it was very difficult writing the first one."
"I do think writing clean is more skillful because you actually have to find the magic in some scenario."
"Writing a book is a long and lonely process... there's going to be a lot of occasions when you feel like quitting or taking a break."
"So I start out with a really specific but vague sense of what I want the post to feel like and what I want it to read like. The problem with that is that it's sort of like looking at something out of your peripheral vision."
"The hardest thing about writing is putting your butt in that chair."
"There's no excuse, but like you know a book this comprehensive and that had to have been written so quickly is going to have some places that are not quite perfect."
"The ending can't actually be written because George RR Martin is too much of a modern cynic."
"I have to kind of write in situations where it's kind of antagonistic, where things are coming at me, and that's when I do my best writing."
"And there is no piece of punctuation more emblematic of my suffering than the semi-colon."
"I knew that this book was going to be hard. I knew that there were a ton of challenges."
"Writing in any language can be daunting, but if you are consistent, it will be easier for you in the future."
"Writing is misery, writing is hard labor."
"Good writing isn't easy, it's easy to criticize and easy to critique."
"Don't stop writing even if it's hard. Writing a book is a lot of work, but it's as rewarding as it is difficult."
"I am somebody who loves having written and finds the act of writing difficult."
"It's easy to write a good book, but it's not easy to write a book that is both good and original, and leaves you asking questions."
"Writer's block is just a lack of confidence."
"It's hard to write a good Batman and Joker scene, it truly is."
"If you're a writer, you're probably familiar with the constant struggle of failing to convey your heart and soul through words."
"Instead of giving up, I have had to look it straight in the face and say, okay book, you're giving me trouble, but I am going to conquer this."
"Writers are people for whom writing is especially hard."
"I think the beauty of this place is just too distracting."
"Writing is no joke; it's a huge challenge but that's kind of what keeps it exciting for me as well."
"It puts a lot of extra weight on your payoffs, and if you are not an amazing god-tier writer, it can really backfire."
"He considered it to be not only creatively really challenging but also the kind of writing that required real insight and deftness."
"When you write a book, it is one of the most soul-sucking experiences for an author."
"I never knew writing could be this hard. Nothing but respect for authors now."