
Spiritual Light Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."
"You're the light of the world; a city set on a hill cannot be hidden."
"Let there be light in every dark place in our life."
"You are part of a chosen generation, called out of darkness into His marvelous light."
"Surrender to my goodness and love and mercy and grace, and you will see a light shining forth out of your life that not even the darkness of hell can quench."
"Jesus was the light that lit in darkness, and the darkness could not comprehend the light."
"Let your light shine for the world to see, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ."
"Jesus told them that the day was the moment for action. They could walk without stumbling while Jesus, the light of the world, was with them."
"There's more light on this planet now than there ever has been, there's more light accessible, more spiritual high dimensional light available to each of you now than there's ever been in a time in history."
"Love attracts love so know that you are protected at this time by showering yourself in this powerful light of cosmos."
"We release tonight light. We release light to doors, and those doors are starting to crack, those doors are crumbling by the light."
"May the blessing come to them, the light to break, to undo every curse word."
"Prayer releases a golden stream of spiritual light, life, and intelligence."
"Jesus is the light that drives out the darkness."
"Jesus is the light of the world and you're a light in this world, not by your own power but by the power of God's Holy Spirit."
"Mission can be as simple as just being wherever you're meant to be but holding light and holding space."
"When you seek God with all your heart, you become a shining light that brings His glory wherever you go."
"You are transforming darkness with a capital D."
"It's like the light of God is emanating out of you."
"When it's really dark, one Christian lit in love with God illuminates the whole place."
"You are of light, and it's going to attract so many different things to you, but you are for some of those things, you can only be the light."
"Through this fear and darkness, reveal to us your light."
"Our mission is to bring light to the world... the light of Jesus Christ."
"The light of the Lord will cause you to shine."
"In your own life, we all need the light of Jesus, so I encourage you this Christmas time to think about where you've experienced the light of Jesus and find ways to share that light with others."
"All you have to do is shine brightly and you will be helping the world and the universe."
"During this eclipse, many of you are going to be receiving infusion of high vibration divine light."
"The gospel is the only beam of light shining in this dark world."
"Jesus is the one true light that reveals everything in the darkness."
"When a light shines in the darkness, and it's the light of Jesus, the darkness cannot overcome it."
"The light of God's truth shines brightly in your life."
"What's the difference between you and sticks and stones? There's a light inside you."
"You are like this light from the higher dimensions here to spread your own energy which is joy, peace, feeling uplifted, creating happy relationships."
"Flashes of light in the name of Jesus. And every darkness around you will cease for good."
"Thank you for coming into my heart and forgiving me of my sin and trading with me the old for the new the darkness for the light."
"Thank you for sending us your son Jesus Christ to be the light of the world."
"You are bringing light into the world, doesn't get any better than that."
"Jesus is that light... He gives the kind of life that causes you to not be afraid of the dark."
"God's people must bear the light of God's presence and truth in the world through faithful living and speaking in the Spirit's power."
"May our willingness to turn the other cheek be a light in this world, pointing others to the transformative power of God's love."
"For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed. But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God."
"...we still have the mission to be a light to the nations and this is one way in which we could be shining a bright light in the midst of a lot of darkness."
"There was a bright light that shone behind my mom and dad."
"God is light, reality is light, and the human being is light."
"The way we become really the light of the world is to be the most like Jesus which is peace, joy, love."
"No man can annihilate tell, and there shines in each one of us the inextinguishable light of the Soul."
"The journey of the soul concerns the journey of that luminous light in this world."
"Allah has blessed us with this light."
"And the light of uprightness established forever before the Lord of Spirits."
"We strive to live as disciples of Jesus Christ every single day and to share His light."
"I ask please that all the information that comes through is straight from source, that it is of love and light."
"Jesus, I pray to You for the Pope. Illuminate him with Your light so that he can help us and show us the way to Heaven, which is our goal. Amen."
"You are a light of the world, a city on a hill. Let your good works so shine that the pagans see them and glorify your Father."
"Let your light shine so that others will see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven."
"The one who does what is true comes toward the light."
"The city had no need of the sun or the moon to shine upon it, for the glory of the Lord illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb."
"Oh nobly born, those are called the lights of the four wisdoms united."
"I'm going to be so bright. I'm not going to be blue. I'm going to be shining with the light of Christ."
"Blessings of peace, love, and light to everyone."
"I am Hattan, I greet you my friends in the love and the light of the one infinite creator."
"Empower us to live counter-culturally, shining as beacons of your light in the darkness."
"The light in the heavens is spiritual and that light is divine truth."
"We're the light of the world because of Christ in us."
"May our light shine before men and women that they may see our good works and glorify you, our Father in Heaven."
"It gives us light, peace, and love."
"Just remember, we are love and we are the light."
"The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory."
"I am the light of the world; he that believeth in me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."
"A nation that walked in darkness saw a great light."
"Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, you've given us Yeshua our Messiah, who is the light of the world."
"Knowledge is a light that Allah casts into the heart of whom He wills."
"The Cross of Christ shines in its benevolent, self-sacrificing way."
"The commandments is a light unto your path."
"You are a beautiful spirit, your white shining light."
"The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who lived in the land where death cast its shadow, a light has shined."
"You're supposed to be the light of the world."
"It's the Savior's light I'm singing of; He is the light, the truth, and the love."
"...we are not left in the dark about the meaning of darkness; I am the light, I shine on darkness..."
"So must your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)
"Knowing God was all and was in charge of everything, I was just about letting my light shine every moment as a healer."
"Don't hide your light; let it shine brightly before others, so that the commendable things you do will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your father in heaven."
"Be the light of the Gospel wherever you are, if it's to two people or ten thousand, it is no difference."
"Let His light shine on you, and His countenance be upon you."
"The power of positivity truly does come from our relationship with God."
"That's a blessing for me because the Creator always shows me the light."
"Darkness has to go. And you're the light of the world."
"He lives in unapproachable light whom no man had seen or can see."
"Trust those who manifest God's light. That Light is my guide. That Light is my love. That Light is my wisdom. And He tells me how His virtue is winning, and shall ever win."
"The intense pleasure of the heat and light of Heaven cannot be expressed in words."
"The power of the Gospel brings people to Christ, but it is the light of our love that makes them love the Lord and each other as well."
"A little bit of the light of redemption was given to the Jewish people."
"The Father of lights, from whom all authority descends."
"John the author of The Gospel believed Jesus was the light of the world and the way of the truth and the life."
"Jesus has delivered us from that life of darkness and He's brought us into His marvelous light."
"Just beneath the shadows of this life is God’s wondrous Light."
"You are full of light, you are the expression of God."
"Buddha is the light in denial, Buddha is the light."
"Quran’s glory and splendour is the light of every Muslim’s soul; The moon may be the favourite of others, our dear is the Quran!"
"Let your light so shine that men would see your good works and glorify the Father which is in heaven."
"There is hope, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Awake, O sleeper, and rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light."
"The light of the Gospel shall extend to every soul upon the earth."
"You are the light and you will always shine, darkness trembles at the mention of your name."
"That heaven's gonna open and let the light in."
"Our Lord himself tells us that He is the way; He also says that He is the light."
"The mission of the two anointed ones is to communicate light and power to God's people."
"You brothers and sisters have the most beautiful light that exists; it is the light that Allah gives to the Muslim alone."
"May your light spread far and wide, in the heart space may all beings abide."
"In Jesus is life, and that life is the light... the light of Jesus shines in your dark tunnel, and the darkness has not, cannot, and will not overcome it."
"To become the leader, one's ember must be pure of light."
"What is light? Light is wisdom, light is life. So the light will guide you home."
"The light overtakes the darkness, the more you consciously remember and choose to be in the heart space, the peace, the love, the unity consciousness."
"They're flooded with so much more love and light."