
States Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"Reality reasserts itself in the end, as it is reasserting itself in New York and California today."
"Joe biden flips the states of arizona wisconsin michigan pennsylvania north carolina georgia florida and nebraska's second district."
"Why Ohio is so important too because if you look at elections Ohio is one of those states that tip elections."
"Indiana is the state that people use to get to other states."
"There's a lot more states that could do more later this year there's a lot more states that could do more next year here as well."
"Pennsylvania then Michigan will go for Trump."
"1976 was the last time North Carolina went blue before Obama won it."
"Florida went blue by five, North Carolina did go blue by 11."
"Can you believe this? I think that's pretty cool. Like, I've never seen seven states on top of a mountain before."
"Our commitment is to make sure that our states and our schools have the best guidance."
"Maine is one of my favorite states. I love Maine."
"Georgia leads the race to become America's number one death destination."
"New York and California, we've got the eight presidential nested states, we've got those two additional major house states, several really key districts in New York and California."
"If all the different states got together in a hunger game style tournaments, who would their tributes be?"
"If your state didn't make the cut this year that doesn't mean it sucks... At least it's never too late to relocate to one of the top 10 best states to live in for 2021."
"Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes but Alaska has three million lakes."
"Life and death are simply different states of being."
"I've been to 21 countries, I've been to all 50 states."
"Tennessee, Georgia, so beautiful."
"Water can freeze and boil at the same time; this is called the triple point."
"Out of all 50 states of the United States of America not one of them contains the letter 'q'."
"...42 of 50 states in America prefer their coffee with cream and sugar."
"The chief cause of the loss of states is the contempt of the art of war."
"So now we have our current state and we have the state that we want and we have our old state."
"At any given point of time, your port would either be in block state or it would be in forwarding state."
"There's this ability of nervous systems to exist in almost a superposition of states."
"Leaving the state of Indiana and crossing into the great state of Illinois, also known as the land of Lincoln."
"This right here is known as back both Einstein condensates sometimes also referred to as the fifth state of matter because unlike solids liquids gas or plasma backs can also exist for a very long time in certain conditions."
"You have three states of consciousness: awake, sleeping, and dreaming."
"We are literally hitting five out of the 50 states starting on the very first day."
"All states have some offensive military capability."
"The greatest boon that the appearance of states provided to barbarians, however, was less as sites for predation that I've so far emphasized than as trading posts."
"...everybody's different in all these different states."
"The states that describe property in the same manner as North Carolina are the original 13 colonies."
"Handling loading, error, and success states is vital."
"The letter not included in any of the 50 US states is Q."
"In the quantum World subatomic particles are allowed to exist in any number of possible states of location velocity and spin or superpositions."
"State code is a unique identifier for a U.S. state."
"States are continually important in people's lives."
"You could summon what appeared to be Gods, but then I found that you could also summon what appeared affectional beings, so I realized all you were actually doing was creating very specific states of Consciousness."
"Each state independent and only focused on its own logic; self-contained."
"I want to know, like, all this crap about states, if you're from a state and you know a lot about it, you got quirky info, please send that into the mailbag."
"Virginia should be two states. It is two states. West Virginia, something."
"I'm licensed in three states: New York, North Carolina, and Connecticut."
"We normally go through this cycle each day from deep sleep to normal waking and these parts of the brain are active meditators by meditating they kick out on the Alpha and dowsers are in all four or all five states both hemispheres simultaneously."
"Here they are together, here's the nation and the states. That's what we are, we're states that compose a nation, and the Army is the perfect reflection and embodiment of that."
"Solid, liquid, and gas are the three main states of matter."
"Atoms are always in multiple states at the same time. That's called entanglement."
"The names of how many U.S states begin with the letter 'O'?"
"All states should be created equal."
"So we now have 11 states with adult use cannabis."
"Each state has three stages of development within it."
"But okay so they said Tennessee has no state taxes but Texas Texas doesn't it either."
"States here are your red states they're your green states and the reality of is is in a lot of states is just bad it's criminal."
"I hope that gives you an idea of what states can do and why they can be so helpful."
"That's matter exists in three states, solid and liquid are two, what is the third?"
"Transitions enable you to define the transition between two states of an element."
"Child marriage remains legal in 40 out of 50 states."
"The top five states that offer affordability, safety, culture, access to Health Care are..."
"India itself, a country with a history going back 5,000 years, was basically a patchwork of 700 princely states."
"The business of mirroring works and the quantum number describing whether a state is odd or even is a good quantum number."
"The brain systems that generate hedonic states are there but they're not operating at their fullest all the time."
"The origin of the names vary a lot depending on each state."
"...Virginia also happens to go farther west than West Virginia."
"Along the way, they laid the foundations of states that are still with us today."
"Why does the flag have 50 stars? It's for the 50 states."
"It was a compromise between the small states and the large states."
"Alchemy is about transforming a substance from one state to another."
"New York will be New England and Connecticut."
"We've got friends all over the place, we'd be happy to be adopted by any state."
"Every state has its own energy; every energy has its own state."
"The list is actually broken up in alphabetical order by state."
"What you are about to see is illegal in 47 states."
"We should cease to think in terms of different states or provinces; instead, we should think that we are Indians and should develop a sense of unity."
"A particle can exist simultaneously in several different states."
"Increasingly, we are preoccupied with fragile states and particularly failed states."
"A qubit to me is anything that has two states of being and some possibility or probability of those states."
"Any power that is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution as belonging to the federal government is therefore reserved to the state governments."
"Each of these states eventually developed their own separate identities."
"Waking, dreaming, deep sleep, and all of it is the underlying one consciousness."
"The only state without a nickname is either Alaska, Texas, or California."
"Your showcase contains all of the prizes mentioned in our salute to one of the great states, Virginia."
"It's about time that the states protected their own citizenry."
"These three states that matter could make or break this upcoming election."
"Some states of the universe would be better than other states of the universe."
"...the United States is and has been for its entire history states and territories, i.e., an empire."
"Did you know that adultery is actually still illegal in 18 states?"
"The Articles of Confederation government can settle disputes between states."
"Because it's so bloody big, the US is divided into 50 states, all of which are united."
"Animation is the process of transitioning an object between two distinct states."
"The post-Westphalian world became the world of sovereign states, which have since been transformed into nation states."
"Each state in Mexico has its own unique culture, history, and traditions."
"This is what America needs, honestly, like a little friendly competition between the states."
"Because there is one star for each state."
"What the Full Faith and Credit Clause and the Privileges and Immunities Clause are designed to do is to facilitate transactions, to facilitate moving, to facilitate communications and commerce and trade and travel among the states."
"Not all states were created equal, and so while some have risen to become remarkable contributors to the country, a lot of states have been left behind."
"There's gross, subtle, and causal states of consciousness. Gross is in the body, subtle is in the consciousness, and causal is spiritual."
"Every state in the lower 48 has hunting opportunities for turkeys."
"Heaven and hell are inward states."
"You are not harmed at least by anything that happens in the waking, dreaming, or deep sleep."
"There's a state space, a set of all states in which one could potentially exist."
"Color it is the stage where I'm going to actually create those states."
"The quantum analog of that is a quantum bit. And the qubit can have, let's say, up or down states."
"The major goal for anybody is to be able to reach these states of consciousness with nothing in between you and these states of consciousness."
"The squeezing operator does wonderful things to our quantum states."
"As I increase in energy, I will get more and more states."
"We human beings can be in different states, and one of them is called the relaxed state."
"What's maybe most striking is how many red states are really leading the renewable transition."
"The water doesn't respect boundaries as it goes from one State to another."
"It's a useful thing to have in general when you get more states and more complex behaviors to be able to finish one state, wait for a little bit, and then go into another state."
"We're bringing the Dakotas together."
"Now what does Q1 do on the blank symbol? Ah, it comes over to the accept state."
"The Union was formed by the voluntary agreement of the states."
"The reason why I chose this example is because it was the example that really got me good at and helped me understand how states work in React."
"When you create something like a to-do list, states are extremely important."
"States and lists are extremely interesting because it is very common for you to use it."
"There are only two US states that have the letter F in their name: California and Florida."
"You are the consciousness of awareness in the three states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping."
"We need a two-state solution; we need a viable Palestinian state and a viable state of Israel, side by side."
"Android considers three startup states—cold, warm, and hot, which build upon one another."
"This show is amazing, a lot of people here came from different states."
"We just need one possible way to get from the initial state to a final state and then we will accept the string."
"Two states communicate if a state i is reachable from j and state j is reachable from i."
"You cannot talk about inequality without talking about war and failed states."
"You have states, you have transitions between states, you have events that go into that state machine that trigger those transitions, and then you've got actions and services."
"My favorite states to visit are Florida and Georgia."
"This is precisely where tensor product state spaces come in."
"Power should reside with the individual states."
"The state function only depends on the initial state and the final state."
"We have states and actions, states are the inputs, actions are the outputs."
"Which of the following states is not on the Gulf of Mexico? Georgia."
"Every state is like a country, right, and it's all different and it's so beautiful."
"In the waking and dream states, it is the person; in deep sleep and Turiya, it is the self."
"Are you wondering which states are best for retirement in the U.S.?"
"If you're thinking about retiring soon, these top 12 states are definitely worth investigating."
"The mind has a sort of periodic table as well, meaning there are finite and not a very large number of states."
"We're the United States of America, we're 50 strong and proud, here's the names of all our states and their capitals, sing loud."
"According to quantum mechanics, multiple states of existence for tiny particles are possible at the same time."
"It's a lovely, friendly country; it's got six states and two territories."
"I would move to Arizona 10 million times more than I would move to Florida."
"Everybody knows what a traffic light is, and there are only three states the traffic lights can be in: red, amber, or green."
"So the magnitude of these numbers tells us about how many states are thermally accessible, to molecules or to a whole system."
"No candidate has ever won both Florida and Ohio and lost."
"And finally, you're going to add a switching mechanism that tells the model how to transition from one state to the next."
"Pseudo classes and pseudo elements in CSS are used to style elements in specific states."
"A finite state machine consists of a finite number of states."
"The lifetime of the excited state is just a measure of how long the system stays in the excited state."
"Microtubule is neither metal, insulator, or semiconductor. Its density of states is in between metal and semiconductor and it switches back and forth."
"These are three states of the mind: waking, dreaming, deep sleep."
"Leaving Kansas, come again. Welcome to colorful Colorado."
"A quantum system can be in both states at the same time, and it can be in different mixtures of those states to different degrees at the same time."
"Every network has a desired state and an operational state; very rarely will they ever be the same."
"Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, and Arkansas share the Northern Mockingbird."
"Light bulbs represent two possible states: either the bulb is switched on or off."
"I've been to every state except for South Dakota and Alaska."
"Love you America, love you panel, love you Utah, love you South Carolina, love you Texas and Arizona."
"If every month we got a different box about a different state, how easy would it be to learn all of those details but in such a fun manner?"
"When we're working with computers, things are in two states: either on or off."