
Next.js Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"Before you know it, you'll be a pro at using Next.js 13."
"Next.js... will definitely take you from a mid-level front-end developer to a senior."
"With Next.js Analytics, you'll automatically receive actionable performance scoring."
"Next.js is going in such a cool direction right now."
"By the end of the course, you'll be able to confidently build fast and scalable applications with Next.js."
"To take this course, you don't need any prior knowledge of Next.js."
"Next.js is a comprehensive framework for building fast and search engine-friendly applications."
"One of the great new features of the Next.js app router is built-in support for improved ergonomics around layouts as well as supporting nested layouts."
"All of this is using the brand new features from Next.js 13.4."
"So let's move on to what I consider the most fascinating part of Next.js, particularly in 12 and 12.1, which is static site generation."
"This is designed for beginners who are new to React or Next.js, but if you've used React or maybe Next.js before, hopefully, you'll still pick up some new tips along the way too."
"The great thing about using Next.js is you can really customize this to exactly what you want."
"The great thing about bringing together a headless WordPress instance along with Next.js is we can really provide a lot of powerful options."
"Next.js automates image generation based on specified sizes."
"Next.js has educated millions of developers that have gone on to create amazing things."
"Next.js is not just about making Fast sites; it's about making sites that are personal experiences."
"I'm using NextAuth for this. I'm using Next.js so I have used the NextAuth authentication library. I'm not writing all of this myself."
"So, with no other configuration, it's always going to load something close to this, but Next.js image is going to look at the size of your viewport and load probably a smaller size than this full size."
"All right, so today we're going to be using Jest and Testing Library to test our Next.js app that we created using TypeScript."
"Next.js has great documentation for it."
"We are going to be taking a dive into React and Next.js, learning about things like server-side rendering, client-side routing, and we're going to be using pretty much all of the React hooks that come out of the box with React."
"Next.js is an open-source framework built on top of Node. It's specifically designed for use with React applications."
"Hello and welcome, I'm Dave. Today we will look at the new server actions in Next.js 13."
"Next.js server actions enable server-side data mutations, reduce client-side JavaScript, and finally, progressively enhanced forms."
"This Next.js video is not for beginners; for better understanding as a beginner, you should complete the Next.js course on my channel first."
"We're gonna learn how we can take our SEO up another level for single page React apps with Next.js."
"That's where Next.js comes in, where we're able to still wield the power of React but we're able to do things like static generation and server-side rendering."
"We have learned all about Next 13 and how it's server-side rendered, how we can use our folders as our routing and how we can even use our folders as organization."
"Most people that have this use case probably should just consider Next.js, which is a pretty good meta framework for React."
"Hello and welcome, I'm Dave. Today we will take a deep dive into revalidating data with Next.js and the incremental static regeneration process."
"Incremental static regeneration and how to apply revalidation to the blog or other similar projects without rebuilding the project every time a new blog article is added."
"I'm confident that at least one of these will help you integrate Next.js and Storybook better."
"We mainly talk about modern web dev topics like React and Next.js."
"If you export a function called getStaticProps from a page, Next.js will pre-render this page at build time using the props returned by getStaticProps."
"If you have been looking to master Next.js but are tired of staring at the docs and are tired of building a bunch of to-do applications, then this course will teach you Next.js in a comprehensive, easy-to-follow, and well-organized manner."
"Next.js provides a lot out of the box, so as a developer, you can focus on writing code and building seamless experiences for your users."
"Next.js does give you a lot out of the box, and that is why it is one of the most popular frameworks for React out there."
"Next.js does a lot of caching by default."
"This is how you create dynamic routes inside of Next.js."
"Let's go from scratch, let's use create next app, create a new next app."
"If you want to navigate between the pages, a simple thing that you can do is just import Link from Next.js."
"With zero configuration, we can deploy our Next app."
"With Next, all of our pages will be pre-rendered, which is generally better for performance."
"What's going on guys, in this video we're going to be looking at Next.js version 13 and all the new features."
"In this specific course, you will learn Next.js and the power that it provides us."
"Next.js gives us the ability to fetch data in different ways, so it also allows us to do client side rendering as well as server side rendering."
"Next.js also has a few special components that we can use that the fact that we use them means that we get additional performance benefits."
"This is how you would essentially implement caching inside of Next.js."
"I'm still new to Next.js, but I'm really loving it so far."
"Next.js is a React framework that gives us a lot of features out of the box to get us started and actually be able to build this application."
"Routing is included in the framework by using Next Router."
"Next.js is a hybrid framework... you don't have to choose any of the different data methods that I just talked about."
"Next.js works great for small projects and it scales up to really large projects."
"Create Next app is a good one; MPX is the way I do it."
"The goal here is to teach you how to set up and configure a Next.js project yourself using some of the best practices."
"I really want to just first show you guys how to create a Next.js application because there have been some changes in the creation process."
"Routing is probably one of the biggest changes, and I actually really enjoyed the way that routing is done in Next.js 13."
"I'm really enjoying Next.js so far."
"I'm happy to be making Next.js content because I will be releasing a Next.js course for beginners."
"We want to use the image tag of Next.js to optimize the image for us."
"We now have a stable app router in Next.js, React server components, and server actions."
"Incremental static regeneration is really, really common to use."
"There are a lot of benefits of using Next.js; it mixes the benefits of having server-side rendering with the benefits of having frameworks so easy like React."
"Next.js has a built-in system for routes or pages in your application that basically makes your whole application run around this."
"Get server-side props is really useful for situations where you need to make to render the data at request time."
"Next.js has introduced two new functions that we can use for static site generation."
"So guys, this complete application we are going to build with the help of Next.js 13, the app router, and the Tailwind CSS Clerk, Hygraph, GraphQL, and a lot of different things."
"We have Next.js, you got to use TypeScript of course."
"Next.js is actually a React framework, so you're going to need to know a bit of React to get started here."
"Next.js solves that issue upfront."
"We're going to be exploring the framework; we'll cover most of these features here."
"We're creating web APIs... it's going to allow Next.js to basically collect data from the Django database."
"Next.js is pretty much like React but it offers some other kind of tools."
"So just very quickly what's happening here then is that this page is being wrapped up nicely."
"The first thing we'll do is use NPX to create a new Next.js app."
"Next.js comes with a lot of amazing things out of the box."
"Next.js has the ability to say, okay, when a person visits a website on first visit, generate the page, on second visit, show the generated page."
"Next.js is built on top of React, so you have access to all of the React libraries."
"You're going to learn how cookies work, how to make network requests from a React application, and some basic Next.js routing."
"I would build it with Strappy and Next.js, I think that is a fantastic stack."
"You'll learn how to set up a MongoDB Atlas database and seamlessly connect it to your Next.js app using the Mongoose library."
"Sass ships out of the box as well with Next.js, you just need to install the Sass package and you are done."
"With Next.js, you can fetch data at different times... This is useful if you have pages that are just static and they won't change."
"Next Auth is just very easy to add authentication."
"NextJS is designed to make it easier to create a server-side React application with a focus on developer productivity, performance, and SEO."
"NextJS offers something called SSR, or server-side rendering, which can improve the page reload time and SEO."
"NextJS supports static site generation, which is great for content-heavy websites and can offer even better performance and SEO benefits."
"Link is a component provided by Next.js that allows you to create a link to navigate between pages in your application."
"Dynamic routes in Next.js refer to a feature that allows you to create a web page with variable or dynamic parts in the URL."
"This is how we are going to be creating a dynamic route in Next.js."
"This notation indicates that you are using a catch-all route which allows you to capture multiple URL segments."
"We created a brand new Next.js application, we made our very first request to our GraphQL endpoint using GraphQL request client."
"We're going to source that inside of Next.js, which is a React-based framework that allows us to build powerful web applications."
"Hello and welcome, I'm Dave. Today we're learning how to apply static site generation, server-side rendering, and the incremental static regeneration strategy to our Next.js server components."
"You're really seeing the power of Next.js when you understand how this strategy is applied."
"Next.js is one of the best React frameworks for web applications."
"What's truly amazing about Next.js is that we can build full-stack applications without leaving our project."
"Let's begin our Next.js journey by building a small app and in the process, we're going to cover all of the major building blocks of Next.js."
"In there you'll find tons of useful explanations, references, and most importantly, challenges which will allow you to test your new Next.js knowledge right away."
"Let's start discussing the image component in Next.js."
"This has me very excited about adding this to all of my next.js applications."
"Welcome back to Mastering Next.js."
"Next.js is already taking care of everything; it's a folder-based routing."
"We're going to cover everything there is to learn about Next.js, all the way from the basics to the more advanced stuff."
"It's a very valuable knowledge if you plan to work with Next.js and React throughout your career."
"Next.js 13 is the latest version with improved features and an app directory which completely changes the way Next.js works."
"That is how you can set up Apollo with Next.js."
"Building next generation applications with Next.js and MongoDB."
"Next.js is a minimalistic framework used to render server-side React applications."
"This is a fully deployed Next.js app, working very, very easy to get this thing running up and in production."
"We're going to look at how we can test our Next.js application, specifically unit testing as well as E2E testing."
"SEO optimization stands for search engine optimization, and Next.js supports that."
"By default, Next.js pre-renders every page."
"You've done it, you've created your own Next.js app using Prisma and PlanetScale."
"Next.js helps you with going through production really fast but also with developer experience."