
React JS Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"The React suspense boundary is an incredibly awesome but often misunderstood component."
"React actually recommends you'd always, but really always use controlled components."
"React under the hood will just update that particular component."
"According to Stack Overflow, React.js is now officially the most popular web framework/library surpassing jQuery."
"See, you see how easy it is to implement drag and drop in a React js applications."
"Not always best practices should be followed... the things that I believe are actually very valuable for you to start doing... will actually help you while you're coding your react applications."
"Dividing your project into different components is not only useful for making your project more organized but also it will have a direct impact on the performance of your react application."
"In every single situation you should be checking the types at least of your props."
"Mapped state to props allows us to share state throughout our components."
"Yay, we have 'Hello React' and it's centered."
"Super cool! Now why did I create a separate component for tweet?"
"This is what makes React super powerful and super fast because if we use state, it knows automatically all the small little changes that changed and it's only gonna re-render that part which makes it super fast."
"Using state, React explicitly knows that it only needs to change this little portion of information when you're using states."
"Doesn't that look like the good old React and React Query that you're used to?"
"React.js: your money pot, your absolute game changer."
"If you're looking to build an awesome React portfolio website, you've come to the perfect place."
"What I really like to talk about today is our mission with React."
"Another way we try to improve React is by focusing on performance."
"So here are the three problems that we have: reusing logic, giant components, and classes."
"Hooks represent our vision for the future of reactive."
"Hooks provide me with access to react features that I already know."
"Hooks provide a flat structure for accessing context, avoiding nested render prop APIs."
"Hooks have been hiding in plain sight for four years."
"If I had to start over now, after learning a strong foundation in vanilla JavaScript, I'd learn ReactJS."
"The Context API: an easy way to organize and manage states throughout your application."
"Context providers: components for better organization, separating logic from UI."
"Use state will return an array with two items in it for us."
"Creating a react weather application, step by step."
"React solves several problems... it allows to focus on describing the UI you want rather than sitting on the details that the UI actually gets inserted into the page."
"Welcome to my new course on working with Flask and React.js."
"Let's fetch our data from our Flask backend to the React.js frontend."
"Welcome to Flask and React.js full stack."
"The Google authentication is really neat in your React.js project."
"React Beautiful DND is a popular React library that enables drag and drop functionality in web applications."
"React was designed to make it easier for us to build interactive and dynamic web pages."
"In a couple days time, we'll introduce React, which will actually simplify a lot of this."
"Hey, what's up guys? In this video, I'm going to show you how to use Firebase Authentication version 9 and your very own React.js project."
"Probably one of the most popular animation libraries in React."
"It's quite impressive how the React reconciler is so flexible."
"I'm going to be showing you guys how to build and deploy a beginner React application."
"The logic behind building something like this can really teach a beginner all the basics of states in React."
"Learning stuff like State Management which is really important when you're learning React as a beginner."
"I'll also show you guys how to deploy this application so that anyone with the URL can actually access it."
"We will create the front end of our decentralized application and then connect our smart contract with our React.js code."
"We have successfully created our nav, and using React.js, we have made our nav responsive as well."
"That's why I would highly encourage you to check out the React project video where we do just that."
"This will start our React app on localhost 3000."
"React's one-way data flow, also called one-way data-binding, keeps everything modular and very fast."
"React makes this data flow explicit to make it easy to understand how your program works."
"React DOM is the bridge between the React engine and the browser DOM."
"React version 18 has been finally released for us as a stable release."
"You have learned how to build a feedback form with React using controlled components and custom validation to make sure users have a seamless experience."
"Context provides an alternative way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level."
"So you're looking to take your React skills to the next level and build blazingly fast sites."
"React does a great job of providing solutions to potential problems in your applications via contextual warnings as console errors."
"Controlled components are a set of components that offer a declarative API to enable full control of the state of form elements at any point in time using React state."
"The React state is made the single source of truth."
"React transforms your JSX into an internal tree of elements which are just JavaScript objects."
"That lightweight representation lets React update your UI in a predictable way."
"Component composition is so important."
"And how to effectively use and appreciate the children prop."
"Containment refers to the fact that some components don't know their children ahead of time."
"Specialization defines components as being special cases of other components."
"We're going to use AuthXero to quickly add a full-featured login system to a React app."
"React.js came along and lets you define the DOM as a function of the state."
"Microsoft has accepted the current trend and adopted React.js as the main framework for front end."
"When you get the hang of React, it really makes your life much easier to work with."
"So much of React is just vanilla JavaScript, you can use these things as tools to do a lot of what your imagination could come up with."
"This application is like a full website where React is known for creating amazing single page applications."
"You're going to learn how cookies work, how to make network requests from a React application, and some basic Next.js routing."
"I'm gonna make sure that my React app is served from my Express app."
"That's all about CRUD operation in React.js, if you have still any question regarding this, you can comment, so I'll try to answer you in the best way."
"Let's get started with CRUD API integration in React.js using Axios library."
"Let's make all the elements draggable using React hooks."
"We'll use the excellent React useGesture library that makes using mouse and touch events very intuitive and easy."
"First, let's add a state that will store the X and Y coordinates of the logo once it's being dragged."
"This hook returns a function we'll call it bindLogoPosition, and we're going to take this function and add it as an attribute to our container div."
"Let's make an improvement to our code; instead of using useState, we're going to use the React Spring library."
"Thanks for watching, please don't forget to leave this video a like and subscribe to receive updates about new videos about React that I'm going to upload."
"Epic React is going to be so epic, I'm so excited about this."
"What if I told you, you could use React to create your very own CodePen?"
"You know how to work dynamically with React.js using the map method."
"Because that is the beauty of React, it just makes it a lot easier and less code."
"It's really useful especially for maintaining performance inside of your React projects."
"Next JS is the superpower of ReactJS."
"Learn to be a pro React developer and use all the professional React libraries and technologies in one single project."
"So this Apollo client briefly is going to be available throughout all the components inside of this app component."
"States in React are extremely important, and I cannot emphasize enough how I believe you need to have a very strong foundation."
"This is a super powerful library for animation specifically in React."
"This is the good way to use React.js: you create components and we can reuse it many times."
"This course covers everything about routing with React using React Router."
"React will just give you the best chance of being hireable."
"You're going to learn how to implement React hot toast notifications."
"We're adding the 'R' to the MERN stack with React."
"By the end, you'll have a solid foundation on React so you can start building your own projects from scratch."
"That's the power of JSX in a nutshell; it lets us easily add dynamic things and handle events and such inline."
"Every time I save a component, my React app refreshes and I lose my login state."
"React does the view, and that's all it does."
"Whether you know it or not, you've almost certainly used it if you've ever used React."
"I want to have a library of everything you might want to learn about React inside of my channel."
"We have completed the project here, we have the cloud management application here, we designed it React.js using Tailwind CSS, we wrote zero custom CSS, you guys, how powerful is that?"
"Now it's time to integrate the Firebase in our React.js application."
"One of the cool things about Gatsby is it's built using this framework called React.js, which allows us to make our websites really interactive."
"Let me show you the true power of React."
"Trust me, if you go through everything, you will come out the other end confident with React."
"React is designed around the concept of reusable components."
"This is the type of project that can make you stand out and get you hired as a React developer."
"React had this revolutionary idea of 'Let me handle the DOM updates because I know the best way to do them.'"
"The name React is simply saying 'Hey, based on whatever the state or data of the app is, I'm just going to react to it.'"
"This idea of unidirectional data flow is the restriction and because of this restriction, it's easier for us to understand how our app works."
"A framework is kind of like a whole kitchen... React said, 'Hey, I only care about this whole idea of components and virtual DOM.'"
"First things we need to do is install some new things such as React Router."
"If everything loaded properly, this should show us the React logo spinning."
"React is a powerful and relatively easy solution for interactive web or mobile UIs."
"React is an amazing tool for building user interfaces."
"MobX is an application state manager which can be used with React."
"React is a solid platform; it's amazing technology."
"React.js is incredibly important and a lot of you, we're all in this room because we believe in it."
"React.js has been spectacularly successful as a JavaScript framework."