
Veterinary Care Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Scout's taken a turn for the worse. He's developed breathing problems."
"The fact is she's had some sort of crack or abscess, and it's worked its way right into her foot."
"With an increase in demand for pets and animals comes an increase in demand for their health, so if they can really capitalize on that market, which I think is pretty niche, there's a lot of opportunity."
"I just kept thinking all week like how cool is it that there are people in the world who went to school for years and years and years so that they could save my cat."
"I would not be fulfilling my obligation as an animal health care professional if I chose to ignore the scientific evidence."
"And she's going to be talking with us all about veterinary care for neonatal and special needs kittens."
"I have paid over five thousand dollars getting him healthy, but more important than the money is the simple fact that I love the furry little jerk."
"Wishing you the best for your vet surgery... hope everyone here is sending her Positive Vibes."
"We're the only profession who has a professional mandate to prevent animal suffering."
"A month after Scott's performed mouth and in surgery, rescue dog Wilbur has made a remarkable recovery."
"Veterinarians are unique because we rely on feelings of altruism in our clients."
"The importance of investing in a quality pet insurance program for your furry babies cannot be stressed enough."
"There's nothing more frustrating to a veterinarian than diagnosing a very manageable condition and being unable to proceed simply due to cost."
"If ever you have a cat with chronic kidney disease... find something they will eat."
"Adding color and life to the lobby, making vet visits a little brighter."
"What's it like living with the hoof GP? Good but hard at times."
"Pancreatitis should not be a life-ending problem for a cat. It's highly treatable."
"Dog loves being at the vet: for one pooch, going to the vet is the highlight of his week."
"If you rescue these bunnies like that like the first thing I would have done take him to the vet but obviously wipe those paws down."
"When you see someone who truly cares and they put their heart and their soul into trying to make someone else's day better, to save their pet's life... it's irrelevant to me. People are just always screaming at each other. There's no communication."
"It's really important when you have a farm too to have scheduled vet visits."
"The vets, and I know that there's some good ones out there, there's some bad ones as well. If you tell me that I have to pay $45,000 to save this dog, I'm doing it. I'm doing it. It could be the biggest racket out there and I'm like totally."
"ralph, are you ready to get your nuts cut, buddy?"
"Four thousand dollars later and we have the conclusion that he had a tummy ache."
"My sweet baby Diggy has tummy problems and a floating piece of vertebrae that was never meant to be attached to his spine."
"Even without doing anything clever, you have pulled an animal back from the brink of death into the living, breathing world."
"We'll go in there and we'll sponsor an entire clinic for like multiple days for like a hundred dogs so 100 dogs for free can just come in and get spayed and neutered."
"Fuzzy is a telehealth service for pet parents that offers 24/7 access to personalized pet care from veterinary professionals."
"There is a time and a place for a veterinarian. Veterinarians are very very important."
"Taking your pets to the vet is part of being a responsible, loving owner."
"He's so cute! We had a few first-time 's that were trying to prolapse and she was one."
"But if they're throwing up every day that's chronic vomiting that's something that your vet has to get involved in."
"So Corey's going to be running up there's a couple horses they may have strangles we are pretty doing a quarantine protocol."
"If you find that your dog is unable to calm down or remain relaxed even after the limited physical exercise and lots of mental exercise then you may need to call your vet."
"Very important to do screening for breeding animals for the patient's sake."
"It's a big lab and normally these big dogs don't have trouble having puppies, but she does."
"I just was able to work his magic, and we have a healthy puppy."
"If you've got any major concerns, don't DIY it by Google, go over and see an exotic vet."
"If you notice that your bearded dragon is having seizures or stargazing, anything that looks abnormal, please take them to the vet."
"Our goal is to decrease the frequency, severity, and duration of seizures to a level that does not compromise the quality of life of the pet and the family."
"You're gonna be developing a very close relationship with your vet. You're gonna be going there at least once a year for the entirety of your dog's life."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video, enjoyed like a little day in the life slash behind the scenes of taking the puppies to their vet."
"Gas colic can turn into other things if you leave it going."
"The vet team immediately set to work addressing the peculiar situation."
"Barvo is a word that strikes fear in the hearts of both puppy owners and veterinarians alike."
"In my opinion, for lymphoma in dogs and cats if you're not going to treat and there's no reason not to put your pet on steroids."
"The surgery went great. We successfully spayed our puppy patient; she will never have puppies herself, which is great."
"The dogs went to the vet yesterday, and they're having a very happy day today."
"It is amazing what some basic vet care and proper care like love and affection can do."
"You definitely want to keep a close eye on your dairy cows, especially if they are a high producing breed after they calve, because they can get milk fever."
"If a cow has milk fever and you catch it early, there's very very good chances of recovery and everything being fine."
"Always remember, a vet is the most qualified provider to diagnose the problem."
"She's doing better, she was really good with the vet tech today."
"It's amazing what the vets have done for him and given him a second chance at life."
"The test also includes a Dental Health Report, which is perhaps the most practically useful part of this report for most cats."
"Pet insurance plans out there cover a wide array of veterinary costs, from routine preventive care and diagnostic testing to prescription drugs."
"It's very important to make sure the vet that you choose is a reptile specialist."
"I'm also trying to expand Exotic Animal Care in Veterinary Care in Ontario."
"If your veterinarian is telling you something that just doesn't quite feel right, feel free to get a second opinion."
"We took Lexi to her first vet appointment together at this veterinarian clinic."
"If you have a rat that has a respiratory infection, take them to a vet, get them a course of antibiotics to really fight the infection."
"Please take them to a vet, to a professional that can see them in person, diagnose them, and treat them."
"I can't thank Andrew and Dr. Chris and the whole team enough for what they have done for Millie."
"Always consult your vet; they will know what's best."
"Currently this year we have an 86 percent save rate."
"When you can finish a day with this little guy, who wouldn't be alive otherwise, that's what makes it all worth it."
"You'd be surprised the animals that do have physiotherapy and acupuncture after the surgery; their recovery is a lot quicker than those that don't."
"She's definitely got some pain in her belly, and she's dehydrated."
"We need to get to the bottom of what's going on here."
"I'm really happy that Banu has come through the anesthetic initially, a little bit of a scare for us, but she's come through perfectly fine."
"There's no way of knowing exactly how much time we've managed to buy Small One through doing this procedure, but the fact is, without it, she was seriously on borrowed time."
"It's always a challenge working with big animals, but it's always a great thing to get out on the farm."
"If you notice anything weird happening, definitely consult with a vet."
"We got a call from the vet, Ollie's surgery is done, and he's good."
"The nice thing is there's no fear in their eyes."
"If the mass is the size of a pea, and been there a month, I would like you to go to your veterinarian for a simple aspirate."
"The veterinary bills fell by 82 percent."
"So it's a success, the rabbit's gonna be treated, we've identified the cause."
"I've improved my techniques, and the results are the animals heal and do fine after."
"It's the final sign-off, and Daisy hopefully won't be visiting the vets too much more."
"I'm so grateful to be able to collaborate on the Catology series and the Take Your Cat to the Vet campaign."
"I'm taking her to the vet again tomorrow, and hopefully a good report, but so far she has been fantastic."
"She really has come a long, long way and I honestly can't thank our entire veterinary team enough for really helping us get our girl back on track."
"The aerosol bandage is an absolute necessity if your horse gets little cuts, scrapes, nicks."
"It's always a relief when the vet says everything's fine."
"All of these puppies have really great weights."
"The whole vet office comes right to the house, it's absolutely amazing."
"When pets are poorly, wildlife gets wounded, or farm animals aren't feeling well, they need top vet help."