
Signaling Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Neurons are designed to signal, and the frequency of their arrival at the end of this axon is what allows signaling to occur."
"Not all beauty signaling is about signaling attractiveness; sometimes, you want to signal underlying personality traits."
"The timing of the sacking of Bishop Strickland within a week of the conference of Catholic Bishops sends a very strong sign."
"Signal nobody gives a crap about signaling until it's time to signal."
"This whistle on a lanyard is for signaling purposes - always be prepared."
"Victim signaling is often really virtue signaling."
"Fly them like an enormous flag to signal your wokeness to the world. It's a good way to earn applause. It's just not a great way to earn money."
"Your observations are really good, just be careful like if there's no one around, there's no need to signal."
"Low Tech signaling is going to become more and more of a necessity as technology gets better."
"You should have some way of signaling with smoke; it's one of the only ways to signal to somebody who's very far away."
"Flares are a very useful tool; I wish they were more easily available to everyone."
"If you think of the really highly successful funding drives there's always an element of signaling your goodness by doing this and sometimes there's also an element of a positive incentive."
"We're keenly interested in this question and how the biophysical process might be interacting not only with the environment but how the process itself might be a signaling system."
"Turn signal option for safe driving."
"For you single guys, what this is signaling to all the other women present is that This guy has been approved by these women."
"The function of Education is not to make people more productive, it's a way of signaling."
"She stood up for an instant on the Terrace of turf that looks towards the slimy Lake and holding her flaming Lantern above her head she deliberately swung it three times to and fro as for a signal."
"Microglia are integral parts of brain circuitry, actively signaling with neurons, synapses, and other glial cells."
"A whistle is an ideal item to carry in your survival kit. They don't take up much space in your pack and they are a great way of attracting attention."
"Going to a fancy school is a signal. If you can go to a school that's widely known and well known, absolutely do it."
"There is a very complex signaling between the cells that arise from mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells."
"So this is our form of communication out to the other drivers on the road to let them know that we're coming through."
"Color changes are also used as a means of social and sexual signaling."
"The ubiquitin is the signal to send proteins to the proteasome."
"In the aviation realm, waving the arms signifies taxiing while bending one arm conveys the intention to turn. All maneuvers are executed when the engines are idle to prevent excessive thrust."
"One prolonged blast is really just a 'Hey, I'm here' signal."
"Is the prolonged blast like a foghorn?"
"We can position these domains in specific orientations relative to each other to engage cell surface receptors to induce signaling."
"We're creating that same alarm signal but it's creating dehydration instead of starvation, and that's activating the switch as well."
"Fire can provide warmth, protection from animals, and a way to signal for help."
"Driving an electric car has become a virtue signal."
"They're attracted to men who either have resources or signal the ability to garner resources in the future."
"Don't be that person that annoys others. Always use your signal."
"The microbes are secreting this signal that causes root hairs to elongate."
"It's really all about adaptation. The workout itself is just sending those signals."
"When driving on residential streets, it's a good idea to signal at least 500 ft before your lane change to let other drivers know your plans and keep traffic flowing safely."
"Always give signal, check your mirror and blind spot before changing lanes or turning."
"If firms initiate a dividend, it's a positive signal about future prospects."
"...if you make the wrong flag signal somehow if you get confused or mixed up and you accidentally hoist that and you mean something completely different then basically a screw up in your flag signaling could end up with you giving the wrong instruction..."
"To exit a highway safely, signal and look over your shoulder to check your blind spots."
"During a law enforcement stop, turn on your right turn signal to acknowledge the officer and move onto the right shoulder."
"Use your turn signals to let others know your intention to change lanes or turn."
"Signal mirrors: go for range over temporary relief, they can signal miles away."
"Color contrast, movement, and then auditory signals with that whistle we have a complete signaling kit."
"Three position signalling looks very confusing to the untrained eye, and it’s easy to overthink it."
"As with most types of signalling, three colours are used: green, yellow and red."
"It's important to note that the term ‘proceed’ applies to any aspect other than Stop."
"So now we know what the three colours mean, we need to look at the other piece of the puzzle."
"When the signal is at Stop, both lights are red."
"Green over Red is ‘Clear Normal Speed.’"
"Yellow over Red is ‘Normal Speed Warning.’"
"Red over Green is ‘Clear Medium Speed’."
"Red over Yellow is ‘Medium Speed Warning.’"
"A lot of people overthink this by always thinking of each aspect as a combination of two colours."
"It all becomes a lot simpler if you think of Clear Normal Speed as ‘Top Green,’ or Medium Speed Warning as ‘Bottom Yellow.’"
"An important thing to note, is that some signals operate automatically, while others are controlled manually by a human Signaller."
"These amazing little lights right here give other people the opportunity to let you to let them know your intentions."
"So many people have been rescued just with a whistle."
"Use a mirror or reflective object to flash sunlight and attract attention if you need to signal to an aircraft for help."
"Phosphorylation is the bread and butter of cellular signaling."
"Having understood the basics of signaling here, let's consider a movement that's a little bit more complicated."
"Semaphore is a system of signalling using flags."
"Stretch your fingers to send a signal to the rest of the arms and the upper body to also stretch."
"The turn signal is actually animated."
"To which interface should my signaling go to and to which interface should the media paths follow."
"When exiting private property onto a public street, signal your intent with your blinker and yield right of way to any vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians on the street."
"For our signaling kit, we have a compass we can use the siding mirror as a signaling mirror."
"Fruits are red or yellow when they ripen as a kind of signal to the animals who are going to disperse their seeds."
"Fleets of laser beacons could be used to sweep the entire galaxy, like alien lighthouses in a cosmic sea."
"The body builds the muscle for you; you just send the signal."
"Plants can actually communicate in terms of their level of danger or damage."
"The diploma isn't valuable to them because of the knowledge they gained but rather as a signal of their ability."
"Ketones have a signaling agent; they act by talking to your body by communicating like a hormone does."
"This tree sends a message to this tree and this tree, and the message is, 'Hey dude, I'm getting eaten by a deer, raise the tannin levels in your leaves, make your leaves super bitter, or you're going to get eaten.'"
"Having some bright paracord is not a bad thing; you can use this to help signal for help in a lot of different ways."
"One touch turn signal... it's either going to be one flash, three, five, or seven when you go left or right."
"When I think about mitochondria, mitochondrial dysfunction, there has to be signaling of some kind."
"They're going to light up a 5000 Kelvin white and then they're going to turn to amber when you hit your turn signal."
"Last Fit really has knocked it out of the park with these built-in resistor turn signals."
"The first evidence for plumage color patterns in a feathered non-avian dinosaur suggests that selection for signaling function may be important in the early evolution of feathers."
"Very helpful for me to signal if I'm in a crisis situation and I need to signal for help."
"Check out that sign on the right, an old Southern Railway Whistle Post; the markings represent the rule 14L long, long, short, long crossing sequence used since the 1930s."
"If you're crossing the street and you're not completely confident, one thing you can do is just wave your hand, hold your hand down a little bit, and just wave it a little, just like that, a gentle wave."
"Communicate in traffic: horn, lights, signals."
"When you have a strong M&E system, this sends the right signals to potential donors."
"Beacons will occur in bursts as lighthouses do."
"The beacon would act in a series of bursts, perhaps at a thousand potshots per second."
"Cells receive signals or information from the rest of the body in a variety of ways."
"Using turn signals to signify you are about to turn or switch lanes."
"It's quite convenient that the system automatically does that for us by detecting the blinker signals."
"It tells everyone in the casino that you're winning, it's actually quite clever."
"The producer waits on a full buffer, the consumer signals saying I created some empty space for you."
"Signaling with a mirror is one of the most effective ways to signal in the daytime."