
Personal View Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"I gotta at least tell it like it is, from my perspective."
"Your portfolio should reflect your view. If it doesn't, change your portfolio. You change your portfolio by having your watchlist up-to-date."
"Bill Burr is not going, 'What is the most clever take about guns?' Bill Burr is saying how the [ __ ] he feels about guns."
"Marriage is like a contractual agreement with you, this person, and the government basically."
"This gun, to me, is synonymous with Texas." - Mei
"I'm excited to see and if not I'll be the first to be like look I didn't have it."
"I truly and honestly only know him as a really good man."
"It always seems additive. It's always like a charity. Yeah, it feels like an extra supplement. Yeah."
"Time is different for me than it is for you." - "On the concept of time."
"From my perspective, not necessarily a bushcrafting perspective."
"Teachers like government, especially when they're in unions. I like government too. I admire it but it's so often wrong."
"I saw myself as very much serving a public cause."
"One of the main reasons this place is always at the top of every all-inclusive list is the food."
"Once you kind of remove that dead weight you're gonna be like wow I can breathe again and you're gonna see yourself in such a better light than you have."
"When it comes down to the definition of art for me personally it definitely hits the requirements of skill and to be appreciated for their beauty."
"He's dominated his opponents... I like other near-perfect young athlete scale wasn't humbled."
"This book is making me like Charles a little bit more."
"The way I look at money is it's real good. I like it a lot."
"It's not that creepy to me, it doesn't seem odd at all."
"Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural." - Sid Roth
"I'm a firm believer that there's going to be an apocalypse."
"He's a better player in my opinion." - David Montgomery
"Overall, I think it really does stand out on its own."
"Look what they did to my presidency, they massacred my presidency."
"It just seems like quite a strange addition for me."
"This is to me one of the more you this is pretty unique stuff."
"From the time I was about five, I've always looked at the world around me through numbers."
"I couldn't be a bigger proponent of [masturbation]."
"Putin, he's a monster... destroying people, man."
"If this is what being canceled is, I love it."
"I still view the game as a competitive game."
"things are improving from my perspective considerably."
"Never a dull moment with your person. They are so much fun in my eyes."
"I'm not doing well with suburban women. I've saved the suburbs."
"Donald Trump's foreign policy was the best in my lifetime."
"From my point of view, my greatest ally has been Jeremy Corbyn."
"She wants us not freshly that does not make sense she's still calling binging overeating I don't know if that helps her ego or it's just part of the delusion."
"Marriage is not an institution; it's something beautiful."
"It's hard to explain... but it is beautiful."
"But I don't care. This thing to me, it is perfect in my eyes."
"I don't think going deer stalking with it is much about what you can be reading on a website it's a bit more about the feel of the gun and you know perhaps my opinion of the character the way it carries this that the other and the way it shoots off sticks and things like that."
"This is your view, and oh my gosh, I feel so Christmasy."
"People think that having a disability is a barrier--"
"Here is the thing: being famous is great. I mean, I wouldn't trade it for the world."
"Just my opinion, but I do think it does quite a bit."
"She was such a lovely person. She'd do anything for us. Which is great, I am really, really, fabulous."
"I don't mind my taxes being raised if the money is going towards stuff like education or healthcare."
"Elaine will finally get to see how eight different artists see her."
"All that matters is my interpretation."
"Kennedy had a clean slate with me."
"I did not then regard Communists as dangerous, and some of their declared objectives seemed to me desirable."
"That's not what writing is to me."
"My relationship with death is very different."
"It's entirely subjective, obviously. This is just my opinion."
"All opinions expressed are my own and nothing in this webinar should be construed as a trade recommendation."
"I'm really liking how things are looking."
"There are different times in my life where I have heard a family story that I hadn't heard before that impacted the way that I viewed my family experience as a whole."
"When you write a blog, it's writing it from your perspective for your target audience."
"It's like an experience that is unmatchable."
"It might be called the a7IV, but to me it's number 1."
"That was true love, in my opinion."
"Play better, play better. That's what sportsmanship is, in my personal opinion."
"This isn't financial advice; this is my personal opinion, and it's up to you whether you follow it or not."
"I looked at that project kind of like a piece of art, like a Picasso."
"If gay people marry, it takes nothing away from my heterosexual marriage."
"Life is too nuanced for that, for me in my perspective."
"Honestly, I never really saw him that way, for me he was just dad."
"This video has been graciously sponsored by my own personal opinion."
"So what is your personal definition for a battleship?"
"I view it as basically unstoppable."
"I always viewed weight loss as something that I knew I should do."
"Success isn't money to me... it just makes you comfy."
"It's not really what people see you as, it's how you see yourself."
"Remember, we're not professionals; this is just our opinion."
"Global pop music should sound like this, that's just my personal opinion."
"My country view is awesome, really cool view, very inspirational."
"This feels a little bit more realistic to me at least."
"I just think this is really freaking beautiful."
"This is what life's all about, yeah, to an extent for me anyway."
"To me, Joe DiMaggio just personified what being a baseball player was."
"Success and failure [are] relative."
"Cussing to me personally, it's not that big of a deal, it's really how other people feel and react about it."
"I am in favor of a mixed economy."
"My exhibitions display how I think about the medium of photography, but my books reveal how I think about my photographs."
"My flaws don't look so bad at all; what was I so afraid of?"
"There's nothing like seeing it in person; in my opinion, it's quite spectacular."
"For me, this island is a paradise."
"I've never been a big anniversary guy."
"He was the best fighter I ever saw."
"I actually regard it as a privilege, to be honest."
"I'm not a politician, I'm not involved with politics at all, I do not care about politics, I just simply show in a transparent way how I feel here in China."
"It looks a million times more magical, in my opinion."
"There are a million ways of telling the story of music; this is mine."
"I never really understood people that run for fun. There's nothing fun about running, ever."
"Your self-perception does not determine the reality or how other people see you in the world."
"I think personally this is going to be one of the most intriguing stories that I've told."
"It's her version... everything in life is about perspective."
"She paints a very different picture of Charles as a dad to two toddlers."
"Significance is in the eye of the beholder."
"Significance, like importance, comes from a very personal perspective."
"I still treat it exactly as I did back then, purely a hobby that I do for fun."
"It's pretty meaningful to create happiness, my personal opinion."
"For me personally, the blues is a language."
"It's always a good day, at least it is for me."
"It's the same or better than money in the bank."
"I like to think of fashion as art."
"For me, this is a calm and gentle forest green, which was a shock actually."
"I consider my marriage a massive success."
"I personally love it, so I'm just going to talk through everything that it includes and just my personal experience and my review of this gorgeous pram."
"Success to me isn't viewership numbers, it's quality over quantity."
"They are his own personal opinions informed by nearly two decades of experience as a litigator."
"I wouldn't say his enemies were evil, but to him, they were, and that's all that counts."
"What you consider happiness is up to the individual, right?"
"It was overall a good learning method, at least that's how I see it."
"I'm actually not a huge fan of North Korea."
"To me at least, it's an absolute thing of beauty."
"I'm wearing one, and I don't hate it, to be totally honest."
"To me, color is anything. I am as much in awe of a stupid dumb raw sienna as I am with radioactive magenta."
"If you have the ability to come see these for yourself, go ahead and do it."
"The concept of an altered consciousness gives me what I like to refer to as a stereoscopic view of reality."
"It really is a reflection of where my country's ended up."
"I think masturbation is self-care."
"The cabin was actually pretty fancy for a cabin, but it was in some of the most beautiful country in the Ozarks, in Journey's opinion."
"Personally, I hate diets. They just don't work for me."
"That's what happiness looks like to me."
"Be genuinely nice... doing that turns them into nines and tens to me."
"That's my opinion, and I'm not working for a studio."
"I'm not a big fan of rules generally, but you know, I accept them."
"It is so beautiful, it kind of looks like a gemstone in my personal opinion."
"Definitely a masterpiece in my eyes, man."
"I think being married, having kids, it's kind of beneficial towards me."
"This is a different story, however, because Emotiva is crazy."
"It's your perspective that matters."
"I think motherhood is a very sexy thing."
"I just think they're good people."
"I hate social media, but when you think of social media, what comes to your head? Like what is social media to you today?"
"It makes me look unreal. I think I'm allowed to say that about myself."
"The Robin's comfort is, in my opinion, outstanding."
"I love the United States, but I feel we're very generic here."
"That is my humble opinion on the characters of Glee."
"She is very sweet and beautiful. Well, at least I think so."
"I'm really happy with how it's looking; it looks a lot better in person."
"It's the world according to Jeff Goldblum."
"I see him as a respectable or responsible man."
"Happiness is extremely subjective and it really does depend on the person."
"In my eyes, today was the best day of surfing history."
"Believers are in a stand up, and I love it personally."
"That's the way I see it because my eyes see reality."
"I think Shaq is the best center of all time, in my opinion."
"Everything is relative, and it's only relative to what you think and how you see it."
"I could be wildly wrong to some of you, but to those people, I say I tried."
"I'm going to be there having fun, showing off all these products but through my eyes."
"Nothing beats experience; this is my personal opinion."
"I think this year is by far the best they've ever done."
"The most mind-blowing and scary idea to me personally is the theory that reincarnation is true."
"To me, it is now officially fall, and anybody who says otherwise is, I think, technically correct, but in my mind, it's fall."
"That's a very good result in my opinion."
"I don't know about you, but for me, this is exciting."
"The upsides here way outweigh the downsides in my book."
"It simultaneously makes all the sense and no sense, which is how I see my life."
"But this is kind of like what I see what it should have been."
"It's the perfect Saturday morning in my personal opinion."
"It's an interesting ending to a story, I think personally."
"For me personally, what I consider a true multi-chrome is one that shifts more than two shades and has a black base."
"I love how it turned out, it looks even prettier in person."
"Books for me are the best way of seeing your work from my point of view."
"If there was gonna be a perfect foundation in the world, that's exactly how I would personally describe it."
"True health really has very little to do with what we're taught or what we're sold as far as a healthy lifestyle."