
Cases Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Don't forget, we're going to be covering some other very interesting cases."
"We're doing more testing than anybody else in the world so we have more cases because we're doing far more testing than anybody in the world."
"It's amazing to me how far budget cases have come."
"We are testing a lot, and thus we're finding a number of cases."
"What are some outrageous requests you've gotten calls in for to work a case?"
"Five more cases to open, $1 million in play."
"Please let me know if there's any more cases that I can do. I will leave the one about arranged marriage down below. That one is a beautiful love story that ended in tragedy."
"File this video under duh, but I get a lot of people asking questions about cases and stuff, and with there being so many different types of cases on the market, this was some food for thought I wanted to give you guys."
"To this day, all their cases remain open."
"This could be a beauty. So, when all your cases, but with somebody else's help, you win case after case. And then, afterwards, you have to go up to somebody and you have to say thank you."
"I've got cases in nine countries."
"Lightning did strike twice in the sense that there were two high-profile cases of missing women many years ago."
"It was like a very extreme case and if that case slipped by, then what does that say about the other cases?"
"We have recorded more cases in the last week than we have throughout the whole time of the coronavirus."
"Neurology is filled with unique and interesting cases that are ideal for those who are curious and don't mind the unknown."
"We started with 26 cases with 26 different amounts of money inside."
"The number that is inside the ball, the number that I have here, is the number of cases that will be holding one million dollars. And Adam, that number, is 12."
"I love that these cases are not super bulky but still very protective."
"The Amityville horror, I think without argument, this is the most infamous of their cases."
"For our second case, unfortunately, you'll probably notice the depressing similarities between the two cases pretty quickly."
"Sometimes we are fortunate enough to have some leading breakthroughs in some of these cases."
"ICJ cases had a huge effect on international relations."
"Antec has been killing it in the case Department lately."
"I love looking into the cases you guys suggest because they are often cases I haven't heard of or cases that need more coverage."
"I've been a big fan of these cases for a lot of years and I still do like them."
"They'd built a reputation on their ability to solve extremely difficult cases."
"We see the best cases in medicine or the most interesting cases."
"Viewers are always keen to know what happens to our cases."
"I've learned a lot and I've worked with a lot more cases."
"These are the kind of cases that will never go out of style."
"I can't say enough nice things about them; they make fantastic cases for Raspberry Pi's."
"And now your opinion is needed: What do you think of the present cases? Do you believe in reincarnation?"
"Frankfurt cases are compelling and they make my life as a compatibilist a lot easier."
"It's only day two so far, but I have had the opportunity to see some really interesting patient cases."
"Others, well, they don't end at all."
"This is definitely going to be one of my most top favorite protective cases."
"Specialization defines components as being special cases of other components."
"The Barbara Becker case gives me hope."
"If you had ever studied medicine," said Bartholomew, "you'd know that there's hardly any such thing as a typical case."
"As programmers, we should really protect all these situations and cover all these cases."
"We start looking for similar cases."
"There's no case that's absolutely without hope."
"These cases are going to give you over 11 feet of drop protection."
"These are cases that are just a little bit different, offbeat, sort of what you might call outliers with unique and really unusual elements."
"These cases show how truly global this phenomenon is."
"I always do enjoy reviewing these cases."
"Taurus makes great cases, they make some of my favorite cases."