
Tactical Gaming Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"It rewarded patience, planning, and foresight."
"Bloodhound is the easiest of the tactile and information grabbing legends... get a lot of information for the team."
"If you treat Death Guard like any other army, it's at your peril."
"This is really good as an engage... but then after a short delay he goes back to the point that he started from again."
"I should be able to get behind them and AI would shoot into them and then it would reflect the bullets back."
"It's all about distraction. Flank plays are always about distraction."
"Everything is more spread out, everything is more tactical, everything takes longer to finish, everything is more realistic, and everything is much more customizable."
"The M10 is a pretty important vehicle to pick up here once you can find some spots to make it work, you'll definitely get some good results."
"I love games like Rainbow Six, where you have to work together but it's still tactical and strategic."
"Understanding the situations in which a pick works."
"I don't care if we lose my points taking out Darth Revan, that's a win in my book."
"Your pistol, the better gear... it's not going to substitute for the [__] skill."
"The game is almost tricking you into farming because as you mentioned another way of phrasing it the less valuable a jungle camp is the better it is to just gank all the time."
"Alright so now that guy's down the other guys distracted will sneak up from behind and try to interrogate them."
"One battering ram adjacent to the city means any melee units can attack."
"Surviving is generally very oftentimes going to be better than getting one kill and instantly dying."
"Remember that slow play style we spoke of? That's their thing, very methodical approach, very CS-esque."
"It feels so good, especially because it is a very active thing that you can do with your own resources."
"This might just be the matchup we're looking for."
"The higher lower rule dictates playing safe, wait for your teammates, and fight together."
"He's able to sense how his opponent feels going into a round, especially given the situation, and he's able to play in a way that is going to make them uncomfortable."
"Each nation has their own specific features, strengths, and weaknesses that offer a multitude of opportunities to devise your own tactics."
"Sniper fire can be legitimately quite threatening."
"If you can wipe out the threats and then jump onto the tower, you're free and clear to proceed as you want."
"This bow is not to be judged based on its DPS values; it's that Peak orientation going in and out of cover and landing large amounts of damage every single time you do so."
"I've got a good feeling about it... it provides kind of a branch of gameplay that you don't really see from any other title."
"I really like this way of fighting because it goes ahead and encourages better, I guess it goes ahead and promotes a dense formation."
"It's about using equipment and field modifications to your advantage to turn sniping into your favor."
"The light buy is the time to experiment think about what the enemy's pattern has been and what weapon would be the best fit to countering it within your budget pick up a little armor if you can and cross your fingers."
"It wouldn't be a true top 10 list without mentioning Riot Games' new free-to-play tactical shooter, that being Valorant."
"All he wants is to build a good game, a good tactical game. Join his Discord, support the guy."
"Smoke grenades are an incredibly important part of making pushes in this game and you should use them at all times."
"Hyper-aggressive Demon Prince gonna cast Diabolic Strength as we go into the second phase."
"Make sure that you always have your flight to get out of sticky situations and you're landing on high grounds to set up off angles to poke people from multiple sides of the map."
"Get in these positions just switch it up every time because they don't know where you are and they have to change the way they play."
"Sometimes the guy who's playing outside squeaky is also fighting heaven so it allows your Heaven guy a little bit more leverage to fight into the sight."
"The small crit soldiers... consistently some of the most dangerous robots in the game."
"Just put all of your infantry units in the front and your range right behind them."
"Don't be afraid to scout ahead or spread out during combat for strategic advantages."
"Congrats, you're done with the caretaker. It's very damage heavy so you have to be on your A-game here."
"I think Sisters are a strong book, if you get into medium range with Sisters, you're in trouble."
"Sam Fisher got upgraded to Ghost Recon Breakpoint. That's big."
"Be aggressive, sometimes your armor will work, sometimes your armor won't work."
"It's almost magical when you discover a weakness on a mech and exploit it."
"You want to save that for the single entities, man, like if you can, you can straight up delete the Gladlord or the Branch Wraith."
"Madnight switches in harmless since they stopped surfing."
"I need to get this warrior over here because apparently there's an opening right here by Geneva."
"The way he utilizes his charms the way he's forcing out summoner spells is making it very difficult for rogue to approach these fights."
"Killing may not be the order of the day now. I think survival and holding objectives is the answer."
"The range on the Mercy beam is enough that you still could have been behind the barrier."
"The Hemlock is my definitive choice for the best all-around weapon at all ranges."
"Playing retake is when the defenders have to take the objective back from the attackers."
"In an ideal theoretical world, you want to proactively use your non-cooldown abilities in ways that force the opponent to react to you with cooldowns, which you can counter with cooldowns of your own."
"Every single fight was simply a matter of they get a pick."
"You can absolutely trade back... if he goes into Q."
"They're winning on a micro level, they're winning in the Flex game level, and they're also winning on a macro level."
"Having a night fighting edge can mean the difference between victory and going home with your tail between your legs in Modern Warfare."
"I did a mixture of getting to objectives early so I can make sure I can control those choke points."
"They send VP back to the iron age. Because they know as much as we do, they have to come to us."
"The core of the build is just using your skills properly and getting a whole bunch of extra damage to enemies afflicted with burn, bleed, and ash."
"You know that one guy knew he didn't have fireball knew we did have a big spell to use and just beautiful just beautiful job there"
"I had a moment here where I was able to bait the bone dogs into the gate."
"She is becoming very fragile, very glass cannon, but as you can see how we use her I tend to try to keep her in the back as much as I can."
"Useful all these seams then we can consider 100% attack and defense which is very useful for modes like this while he's gonna be able to defend well he."
"Simply casting fly on your entire party and taking it to the air in combat can sometimes be one of the best ways to shut down high-level encounters."
"Utilizing allied minions to push towers is imperative in Wild Rift."
"Highest priority stacks to pick off if you can see them are the one-stack Muscovite army."
"Always try to aim your ultimate, try to line it up to hit many enemies."
"His suppression and his flashes breeze has a lot of open space inside of the bomb sites which allows ko to be liberal with where he throws his flashes."
"Flashbang before you run through the door, throw it at the liquor and then spray him to get rid of him."
"All the agnostic skills you get from having played other tactics games combined to make this something with a pretty high skill ceiling."
"Experiment with units while paying attention to what seems to counter what."
"Use your turret intelligently. Once his turret is dead, the enemy team has 10 seconds of free space to work with. Place it in spots that the enemy has to commit to to break it."
"Positioning is king, that's the most important thing you can even worry about when dealing damage."
"We're probably going to want to let them come to us."
"Isolating the unit absolutely terrifies them."
"It's the aggressive way to play Watson and often pairs well with the Watson shuffle."
"Remember to use cover and don't waste your shielding and tanking resources."
"Be patient, hold angles, and allow your enemies to make the move if the situation allows it."
"It doesn't matter what kind of armor the enemy team has right now, if we manage to get into this position, we've tracked the is-3 and he doesn't have the gun depression to shoot us, so we're simply taking him out of the game very quickly indeed."
"Their secondaries were also improved in the Nephilim update."
"Always moving or at least not standing still for more than a couple of seconds."
"It's only really the Terminators and the captains that are particularly outstanding in melee and even they can chip in a bit with their storm bolters at range."
"Magnus the red is pretty much a pivotal unit for the Thousand Sons right now."
"You need to let the first two bullets come out before you just drag down so it's shoot, duck, stand, shoot, duck, stand."
"So much of this game has been about finding picks hitting skill shots and then using those openings immediately to get more from your opponent."
"They legitimately seem better against xenos than other armies now."
"The Barb gorns have got good anti-infantry and can slow down enemy squads really quite potent to have at least one Squad in the Army."
"They're still good as ablative wounds for your characters."
"Okay boys, let's rush A, rush A. Surge destroyer works, you gain money and then you use that money to buy better weapons."
"The armor you want to be using at this stage of the game... it'll do a very good job of protecting you against scavs and players using bad rounds."
"Similarly, don't skimp on ammo. Hesitation can cost you."
"Watching this... you guys gave up map control way too easily."
"It is a strategy and tactics game that is really focused on coming up with a plan and then executing it."
"Since the phantom has a silencer on it the enemy won't see your bullet tracers this means sprain through smoke can be extremely effective as it's difficult for the enemy to locate you and fire back at the same time."
"Tactician is probably one of the most intriguing new subclasses to me because it is extremely powerful if used right."
"Fundamentally, he put himself in the best position to get a kill or two but also not become a liability."
"Really quite a massive damage punch if you do get to throw it at some point in the game."
"For Death Watch, I'd say it's the Proteus Kill Team..."
"A crazily competitive unit, definitely one that you can build an army around."
"If you want to build yourself up as a tactical player, you have to take care of the fundamentals."