
Historical Investigation Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"As with any historical investigation, we may never know with absolute certainty. And so, perhaps belief in the Exodus will always require a measure of faith. But facts and faith need not conflict, as recent discoveries suggest, for history and archaeology have now uncovered compelling reasons to reconsider the extraordinary claims of the Exodus story."
"Ballard succeeded in locating it and confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ship had, in fact, broken into before sinking."
"It is an archaeological mystery to be sure, but then again it is but one of a growing number of archaeological mysteries."
"Sleeman's investigation led to the capture of a Thuggy named Syed Amir Ali, who was persuaded to become an informant for the crown."
"Naked Science is on the trail of Plato's lost city of Atlantis."
"The F.B.I. suspected Jimmy Hoffa’s estranged adopted son 'Chuckie' O’Brien as one of the men in the car that carried Jimmy Hoffa to his execution. He had a fish story of an alibi."
"But I wanted to set out to find out the truth to find out the truth about the Rothschilds because like them or hate them there's gotta be something you can learn from the world's most powerful banking Dynasty."
"Could a murder conspiracy exist at the highest level? The only way we'll ever know is if records from the FBI or some other governmental agency suddenly turn up."
"The most impressive part to me is that Emily was able to piece every single thing together from some things dating back as far as 2013."
"What intrigues me about those two is their targeting of scientists and their financial fixing in the '90s."
"From forbidden archives to sacred scams, it's time to grab your flashlights as we explore some dark secrets of the Vatican that the pope would rather stay hidden."
"What started for me as a mystery of a single symbol, the Hooked X, has turned into so much more, including a search for new clues that we're finding right here in their humble church."
"No gatehouse at all, no gatehouse, no road, no boundary ditch, none of what Stuart thought was going to be here..."
"Understanding how he died is the key to unlocking the secrets of his life."
"This is just one of the puzzles that faced The Mummy investigation team."
"We've got a difficult job ahead because we could be looking for any number of different types of furnaces."
"That's exactly what the landowners, the Irishes, would like us to find."
"Let's hope we can solve the mystery for them."
"The hunt for the Nazi doctor moves into high gear."
"Now let's look at all of the evidence here at this Mount Sinai, which is known again as Jabal Makla."
"But measurements were taken before sending and it was determined that the bones could belong to a woman of Amelia Earhart's size."
"The arrow in the bag is big news, not just because it could explain how Otzi died, but because it suggests the possibility of murder."
"Who was the zodiac in the decades following his murders over 2,500 suspects have been investigated yet none of them have ever been arrested or charged with anything."
"Shaler's investigation hadn't found Joan but he had busted one of France's most intriguing myths."
"From Plato's writings to satellite images: Tracing the possible location of Atlantis."
"Obama White House involved in Clinton email cover-up."
"It's just a theory, but looking at the evidence that we still have and considering the contradictions inherent in the orthodox story, maybe it's a theory that is worthy of some further investigation."
"The mummy investigation team can conclude the mystery man was almost certainly the victim of a brutal murder."
"What saddens me most is that if the BBC had properly investigated the complaints and concerns first raised in 1995, my mother would have known that she had been deceived."
"I'm tempted to just make a video on like actually exploring the history of Project Zack and Sicily in particular."
"According to archaeologists, the skeletons were once victims of a mass execution, but who exactly they were, why they were executed, and why they were given such a unique burial, well, that remains something of a mystery."
"You should read the memoirs of the people who did the collectivization, who actually arrived on their horses and ripped open the sacks of grain to see if." - Christopher Hitchens
"It's important for us to find the truth about what happened on January 6, an assault on our Constitution, our Congress, and our capital."
"Our mission Upon Our channel is to compile and present enough evidence of the existence of a past highly capable technologically advanced ancient civilization."
"Discovering who created them, how and why, uncovers an amazingly advanced civilization."
"I just encourage people to dig into some of this evidence... there's a lot you can spend hours and hours..."
"This extraordinary case is reaching a conclusion using the modern arsenal of forensic science and historical detective work."
"The team is hoping to test the idea that Repton really was the location of the legendary Viking winter camp."
"Investigations have revealed that the tunnels formed self-contained settlements with all the features of a sophisticated society."
"Welcome to Shipwreck Sunday where we investigate disasters at Sea and the impact that they have on the world today."
"The face that has emerged from this work has ended up looking like not like Anastasia but very like one of her sisters."
"The system to investigate the past does need to change to provide better outcomes for victims and survivors."
"Brink Burn Priory was a great place to investigate because essentially here we had a location with two very different buildings."
"It's high time someone went to take a closer look at it because some archaeologists believe it may contain even bigger ancient secrets."
"Just because they're 30,000 years old doesn't mean that we can't apply modern forensics and come up with good answers."
"However, it is not entirely impossible to uncover the truth in such instances, even decades later."
"It is fascinating to see how much info can come out from seemingly dead-ended mysteries with time."
"To uncover the reasons why this place is so holy... we need to dig into the past."